/********* * * This file is part of BibleTime's source code, http://www.bibletime.info/. * * Copyright 1999-2009 by the BibleTime developers. * The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. * **********/ #include "cdisplaysettings.h" #include "backend/config/cbtconfig.h" #include "backend/rendering/cdisplayrendering.h" #include "backend/managers/cdisplaytemplatemgr.h" #include "util/cresmgr.h" #include "util/ctoolclass.h" #include "util/cpointers.h" #include #include #include #include #include // *********************** // Container for QWebView to control its size class CWebViewerWidget : public QWidget { public: CWebViewerWidget(QWidget* parent = 0); ~CWebViewerWidget(); virtual QSize sizeHint () const; }; CWebViewerWidget::CWebViewerWidget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { } CWebViewerWidget::~CWebViewerWidget() { } QSize CWebViewerWidget::sizeHint () const { return QSize(100, 100); } // ************************ /** Initializes the startup section of the OD. */ CDisplaySettingsPage::CDisplaySettingsPage(QWidget* /*parent*/) : BtConfigPage() { QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); { //startup logo m_showLogoCheck = new QCheckBox(this); m_showLogoCheck->setText(tr("Show startup logo")); m_showLogoCheck->setToolTip(tr("Show the BibleTime logo on startup")); m_showLogoCheck->setChecked(CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::logo)); layout->addWidget(m_showLogoCheck); } layout->addSpacing(20); layout->addWidget( CToolClass::explanationLabel( this, tr("Display templates"), tr("Display templates define how text is displayed.") ) ); QHBoxLayout* hboxlayout = new QHBoxLayout(); m_styleChooserCombo = new QComboBox( this ); //create first to enable buddy for label connect( m_styleChooserCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateStylePreview() ) ); QLabel* availableLabel = new QLabel(tr("Available display styles:"), this); availableLabel->setBuddy(m_styleChooserCombo); hboxlayout->addWidget(availableLabel); hboxlayout->addWidget( m_styleChooserCombo ); hboxlayout->addStretch(); layout->addLayout( hboxlayout ); QWidget* webViewWidget = new CWebViewerWidget(this); QLayout* webViewLayout = new QVBoxLayout(webViewWidget); m_stylePreviewViewer = new QWebView(webViewWidget); QLabel* previewLabel = new QLabel(tr("Style preview"), webViewWidget); previewLabel->setBuddy(m_stylePreviewViewer); webViewLayout->addWidget(previewLabel); webViewLayout->addWidget(m_stylePreviewViewer); webViewWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding); layout->addWidget(webViewWidget); m_styleChooserCombo->addItems( CPointers::displayTemplateManager()->availableTemplates() ); for (int i = 0; i < m_styleChooserCombo->count(); ++i) { if ( m_styleChooserCombo->itemText(i) == CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::displayStyle) ) { m_styleChooserCombo->setCurrentIndex( i ); break; } } updateStylePreview(); //render it } void CDisplaySettingsPage::updateStylePreview() { //update the style preview widget qDebug("CDisplaySettingsPage::updateStylePreview"); using namespace Rendering; const QString styleName = m_styleChooserCombo->currentText(); qDebug() << "style name: " << styleName; CTextRendering::KeyTree tree; CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings; settings.highlight = false; tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem( QString("\n16%1") .arg(tr("For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.")), settings)); settings.highlight = true; tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem( QString("\n17%1") .arg(tr("For God didn't send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him.")), settings)); settings.highlight = false; tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem( QString("\n18%1") .arg(tr("He who believes in him is not judged. He who doesn't believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.")), settings) ); tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem( QString("\n19%1") .arg(tr("This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil.")), settings)); tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem( QString("\n20%1
") .arg(tr("For everyone who does evil hates the light, and doesn't come to the light, lest his works would be exposed.")), settings)); tree.append( new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem( QString("\n21%1") .arg(tr("But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God.")), settings)); const QString oldStyleName = CBTConfig::get (CBTConfig::displayStyle); //qDebug() << "old style name: " << oldStyleName; CBTConfig::set (CBTConfig::displayStyle, styleName); //qDebug() << "new style name: " << CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::displayStyle); CDisplayRendering render; m_stylePreviewViewer->setHtml( render.renderKeyTree(tree)); CBTConfig::set (CBTConfig::displayStyle, oldStyleName); qDebug("CDisplaySettingsPage::updateStylePreview end"); } void CDisplaySettingsPage::save() { CBTConfig::set ( CBTConfig::logo, m_showLogoCheck->isChecked() ); CBTConfig::set ( CBTConfig::displayStyle, m_styleChooserCombo->currentText() ); } // implement the BtConfigPage methods QString CDisplaySettingsPage::iconName() { return CResMgr::settings::startup::icon; } QString CDisplaySettingsPage::label() { //: Empty string, don't translate return tr(""); } QString CDisplaySettingsPage::header() { return tr("Display"); }