/********* * * This file is part of BibleTime's source code, http://www.bibletime.info/. * * Copyright 1999-2008 by the BibleTime developers. * The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. * **********/ #include "util/cresmgr.h" #include namespace CResMgr { namespace mainWindow { const QString icon = "bibletime.svg"; } // mainWindow namespace modules { namespace bible { const QString icon_unlocked = "bible.svg"; const QString icon_locked = "bible_locked.svg"; const QString icon_add = "bible_add.svg"; } //bible namespace commentary { const QString icon_unlocked = "commentary.svg"; const QString icon_locked = "commentary_locked.svg"; const QString icon_add = "commentary_add.svg"; } //commentary namespace lexicon { const QString icon_unlocked = "lexicon.svg"; const QString icon_locked = "lexicon_locked.svg"; const QString icon_add = "lexicon_add.svg"; }//lexicon namespace book { const QString icon_unlocked = "book.svg"; const QString icon_locked = "book_locked.svg"; const QString icon_add = "book_add.svg"; }//book }//modules namespace categories { namespace bibles { const QString icon = "bible.svg"; } namespace commentaries { const QString icon = "commentary.svg"; } namespace lexicons { const QString icon = "lexicon.svg"; } namespace dailydevotional { const QString icon = "calendar.svg"; } namespace books { const QString icon = "books.svg"; } namespace glossary { const QString icon = "dictionary.svg"; } namespace images { const QString icon = "map.svg"; } namespace cults { const QString icon = "questionable.svg"; } }//categories namespace mainMenu { //Main menu namespace view { //Main menu->View namespace showMainIndex { const QString icon = "view_index.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::Key_F9); const char* actionName = "viewMainIndex_action"; } namespace showInfoDisplay { const QString icon = "view_mag.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::Key_F8); const char* actionName = "viewInfoDisplay_action"; } }//mainMenu::view namespace mainIndex { namespace search { const QString icon = "find.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_O); const char* actionName = "mainindex_search_action"; } namespace searchdefaultbible { const QString icon = "find.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_F); const char* actionName = "mainindex_searchdefaultbible_action"; } }//mainMenu::mainIndex namespace window { //mainMenu::window namespace loadProfile { const QString icon = "view_profile.svg"; const char* actionName = "windowLoadProfile_action"; } namespace saveProfile { const QString icon = "view_profile.svg"; const char* actionName = "windowSaveProfile_action"; } namespace saveToNewProfile { const QString icon = "view_profile.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_S); const char* actionName = "windowSaveToNewProfile_action"; } namespace deleteProfile { const QString icon = "view_profile.svg"; const char* actionName = "windowDeleteProfile_action"; } namespace showFullscreen { const QString icon = "window_fullscreen.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::Key_F5); const char* actionName = "windowFullscreen_action"; } namespace arrangementMode { const QString icon = "cascade_auto.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "windowArrangementMode_action"; namespace manual { const QString icon = "tile.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_M); const char* actionName = "windowArrangementManual_action"; } namespace autoTileHorizontal { const QString icon = "tile_horiz.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_H); const char* actionName = "windowAutoTileHorizontal_action"; } namespace autoTileVertical { const QString icon = "tile_vert.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_G); const char* actionName = "windowAutoTileVertical_action"; } namespace autoTile { const QString icon = "tile_auto.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_I); const char* actionName = "windowAutoTile_action"; } namespace autoCascade { const QString icon = "cascade_auto.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_J); const char* actionName = "windowAutoCascade_action"; } } namespace tileHorizontal { const QString icon = "tile_horiz.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_H); const char* actionName = "windowTileHorizontal_action"; } namespace tileVertical { const QString icon = "tile_vert.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_G); const char* actionName = "windowTileVertical_action"; } namespace tile { const QString icon = "tile.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_I); const char* actionName = "windowTile_action"; } namespace cascade { const QString icon = "cascade.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_J); const char* actionName = "windowCascade_action"; } namespace close { const QString icon = "fileclose.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_W); const char* actionName = "windowClose_action"; } namespace closeAll { const QString icon = "fileclose.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_W); const char* actionName = "windowCloseAll_action"; } }//mainMenu::window namespace settings { //Main menu->Settings namespace swordSetupDialog { const QString icon = "swordconfig.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::Key_F4); const char* actionName = "options_sword_setup"; } }//mainMenu::settings namespace help { //Main menu->Help namespace handbook { const QString icon = "contents2.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::Key_F1); const char* actionName = "helpHandbook_action"; } namespace bibleStudyHowTo { const QString icon = "contents2.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::Key_F2); const char* actionName = "helpHowTo_action"; } }//mainMenu::help } //end of mainMenu namespace searchdialog { const QString icon = "find.svg"; const QString close_icon = "stop.svg"; const QString help_icon = "questionmark"; const QString chooseworks_icon = "checkbox"; const QString setupscope_icon = "configure"; namespace result { namespace moduleList { namespace copyMenu { const QString icon = "edit_copy.svg"; } namespace saveMenu { const QString icon = "file_save.svg"; } namespace printMenu { const QString icon = "print.svg"; } } namespace foundItems { namespace copyMenu { const QString icon = "edit_copy.svg"; } namespace saveMenu { const QString icon = "file_save.svg"; } namespace printMenu { const QString icon = "print.svg"; } } } } //searchDialog namespace displaywindows { /* namespace transliteration { const QString icon = "bt_displaytranslit"; }*/ namespace displaySettings { const QString icon = "displayconfig.svg"; } namespace general { const QString removemoduleicon = "fileclose"; const QString addmoduleicon = "plus"; const QString replacemoduleicon = "checkbox"; namespace search { const QString icon = "find.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_N); const char* actionName = "window_search_action"; } namespace backInHistory { const QString icon = "back.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Left); const char* actionName = "window_history_back_action"; } namespace forwardInHistory { const QString icon = "forward.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Right); const char* actionName = "window_history_forward_action"; } namespace findStrongs { const QString icon = "bt_findstrongs.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "window_find_strongs_action"; } } namespace bibleWindow { namespace nextBook { const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Y); } namespace previousBook { const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Y); } namespace nextChapter { const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_X); } namespace previousChapter { const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_X); } namespace nextVerse { const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_V); } namespace previousVerse { const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_V); } namespace copyMenu { const QString icon = "edit_copy.svg"; } namespace saveMenu { const QString icon = "file_save.svg"; } namespace printMenu { const QString icon = "print.svg"; } } namespace commentaryWindow { namespace syncWindow { const QString icon = "sync.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "commentary_syncWindow"; } } namespace lexiconWindow { namespace entryList { QString tooltip; } namespace nextEntry { const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_V); } namespace previousEntry { const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_V); } namespace copyMenu { const QString icon = "edit_copy.svg"; } namespace saveMenu { const QString icon = "file_save.svg"; } namespace printMenu { const QString icon = "print.svg"; } } namespace bookWindow { namespace toggleTree { const QString icon = "view_sidetree.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; } } namespace writeWindow { namespace saveText { const QString icon = "file_save"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_saveText"; } namespace restoreText { const QString icon = "import.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_restoreText"; } namespace deleteEntry { const QString icon = "edit_delete.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_deleteEntry"; } //formatting buttons namespace boldText { const QString icon = "text_bold.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_boldText"; } namespace italicText { const QString icon = "text_italic.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_italicText"; } namespace underlinedText { const QString icon = "text_under.svg"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_underlineText"; } namespace alignLeft { const QString icon = "text_leftalign"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_alignLeft"; } namespace alignCenter { const QString icon = "text_center"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_alignCenter"; } namespace alignRight { const QString icon = "text_rightalign"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_alignRight"; } namespace alignJustify { const QString icon = "text_justify"; const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_alignJustify"; } namespace fontFamily { const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_fontFamily"; } namespace fontSize { const QKeySequence accel; const char* actionName = "writeWindow_fontSize"; } } }//displayWindows namespace settings { namespace startup { const QString icon = "startconfig.svg"; } namespace fonts { const QString icon = "fonts.svg"; } namespace profiles { const QString icon = "view_profile.svg"; } namespace sword { const QString icon = "swordconfig.svg"; } namespace keys { const QString icon = "key_bindings.svg"; } }//settings namespace mainIndex { // Bookshelf view namespace search { const QString icon = "find.svg"; const QKeySequence accel(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_M); const char* actionName = "GMsearch_action"; } namespace newFolder { const QString icon = "folder_new.svg"; } namespace changeFolder { const QString icon = "folder.svg"; } namespace openedFolder { const QString icon = "folder_open.svg"; } namespace closedFolder { const QString icon = "folder.svg"; } namespace bookmark { const QString icon = "bookmark.svg"; } namespace changeBookmark { const QString icon = "bookmark.svg"; } namespace importBookmarks { const QString icon = "import.svg"; } namespace exportBookmarks { const QString icon = "export.svg"; } namespace printBookmarks { const QString icon = "print.svg"; } namespace deleteItems { const QString icon = "edit_delete.svg"; } namespace editModuleMenu { const QString icon = "pencil.svg"; } namespace editModulePlain { const QString icon = "pencil.svg"; } namespace editModuleHTML { const QString icon = "pencil.svg"; } namespace unlockModule { const QString icon = "unlock.svg"; } namespace aboutModule { const QString icon = "info.svg"; } namespace grouping { const QString icon = "view-tree.svg"; } }//mainIndex namespace bookshelfmgr { namespace installpage { const QString icon = "bible_add"; const QString refresh_icon = "refresh"; const QString delete_icon = "trash"; const QString add_icon = "plus"; const QString install_icon = "bible_add"; const QString path_icon = "configure"; } namespace removepage { const QString icon = "bible_remove"; const QString remove_icon = "trash"; } namespace indexpage { const QString icon = "document_magnifier"; const QString create_icon = "folder_new"; const QString delete_icon = "trash"; } namespace paths { const QString add_icon = "plus"; const QString edit_icon = "pencil"; const QString remove_icon = "trash"; } } } namespace CResMgr { void init_tr() { } //init_tr() } //CResMgr