diff options
authorOnderwaater <>2015-12-16 17:34:28 +0100
committerOnderwaater <>2015-12-16 17:34:28 +0100
commit2afa9aceabcd5a74b8290a7dc67bd3fb6a5ad70c (patch)
parent57ba0334ac5c139f6e960ac1ca56672721f78d36 (diff)
first commit of io7
3 files changed, 385 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/binoculars/backends/ b/binoculars/backends/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e9a19a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binoculars/backends/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+ This file is part of the binoculars project.
+ The BINoculars library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ The BINoculars library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with the hkl library. If not, see <>.
+ Copyright (C) 2012-2015 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+ Grenoble, France
+ Authors: Willem Onderwaater <>
+ Jonathan Rawle
+import sys
+import os
+import itertools
+import numpy
+import time
+import tables
+import math
+import json
+from scipy.misc import imread
+import scisoftpy as dnp
+from scisoftpy import sin,cos
+from .. import backend, errors, util
+PY3 = sys.version_info > (3,)
+if PY3:
+ from functools import reduce
+ from itertools import izip as zip
+class HKLProjection(backend.ProjectionBase):
+ # scalars: mu, theta, [chi, phi, "omitted"] delta, gamR, gamT, ty, wavelength
+ # 3x3 matrix: UB
+ def project(self, energy, UB, pixels, gamma, delta, omega, alpha):
+ # put the detector at the right position
+ nu = 0
+ dx,dy,dz = pixels
+ # convert angles to radians
+ gamma, delta, alpha, omega, nu = numpy.radians((gamma, delta, alpha, omega, nu))
+ RGam = numpy.matrix([[1,0,0],[0,cos(gamma),-sin(gamma)],[0,sin(gamma),cos(gamma)]])
+ RDel = (numpy.matrix([[cos(delta),-sin(delta),0],[sin(delta),cos(delta),0],[0,0,1]])).getI()
+ RNu = numpy.matrix([[cos(nu),0,sin(nu)],[0,1,0],[-sin(nu),0,cos(nu)]])
+ # calculate Cartesian coordinates for each pixel using clever matrix stuff
+ M = numpy.mat(numpy.concatenate((dx.flatten(0), dy.flatten(0), dz.flatten(0))).reshape(3,dx.shape[0]*dx.shape[1]))
+ XYZp = RGam * RDel * RNu * M
+ xp = dnp.array(XYZp[0]).reshape(dx.shape)
+ yp = dnp.array(XYZp[1]).reshape(dy.shape)
+ zp = dnp.array(XYZp[2]).reshape(dz.shape)
+ # don't bother with the part about slits...
+ # Calculate effective gamma and delta for each pixel
+ d_ds = dnp.sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2 + zp**2)
+ Gam = dnp.arctan2(zp, yp)
+ Del = -1 * dnp.arcsin(-xp/d_ds)
+ # wavenumber
+ k = 2 * math.pi / 12.398 * energy
+ # Define the needed matrices. The notation follows the article by Bunk &
+ # Nielsen. J.Appl.Cryst. (2004) 37, 216-222.
+ M1 = k * numpy.matrix(cos(omega) * sin(Del) - sin(omega) * (cos(alpha) * (cos(Gam) * cos(Del)-1) + sin(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del)))
+ M2 = k * numpy.matrix(sin(omega) * sin(Del) + cos(omega) * (cos(alpha) * (cos(Gam) * cos(Del)-1) + sin(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del)))
+ M3 = k * numpy.matrix(-sin(alpha) * (cos(Gam) * cos(Del)-1) + cos(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del))
+ # invert UB matrix
+ UBi = numpy.matrix(UB).getI()
+ # calculate HKL
+ H = UBi[0,0]*M1 + UBi[0,1]*M2 + UBi[0,2]*M3
+ K = UBi[1,0]*M1 + UBi[1,1]*M2 + UBi[1,2]*M3
+ L = UBi[2,0]*M1 + UBi[2,1]*M2 + UBi[2,2]*M3
+ return (H, K, L)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'H', 'K', 'L'
+class GammaDelta(HKLProjection): # just passing on the coordinates, makes it easy to accurately test the theta correction
+ def project(self, beamenergy, UB, gamma, delta, omega, alpha):
+ delta, gamma = numpy.meshgrid(delta, gamma)
+ return (gamma, delta)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'Gamma', 'Delta'
+class pixels(backend.ProjectionBase):
+ def project(self, beamenergy, UB, gamma, delta, omega, alpha):
+ y, x = numpy.mgrid[slice(None, gamma.shape[0]), slice(None, delta.shape[0])]
+ return (y, x)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'y', 'x'
+class IO7Input(backend.InputBase):
+ dbg_scanno = None
+ dbg_pointno = None
+ def generate_jobs(self, command):
+ scans = util.parse_multi_range(','.join(command).replace(' ', ','))
+ if not len(scans):
+ sys.stderr.write('error: no scans selected, nothing to do\n')
+ for scanno in scans:
+ util.status('processing scan {0}...'.format(scanno))
+ if
+ pointcount =[1] -[0] + 1
+ start =[0]
+ else:
+ scan = self.get_scan(scanno)
+ pointcount = len(scan.file)
+ start = 0
+ if pointcount > self.config.target_weight * 1.4:
+ for s in util.chunk_slicer(pointcount, self.config.target_weight):
+ yield backend.Job(scan=scanno, firstpoint=start+s.start, lastpoint=start+s.stop-1, weight=s.stop-s.start)
+ else:
+ yield backend.Job(scan=scanno, firstpoint=start, lastpoint=start+pointcount-1, weight=pointcount)
+ def process_job(self, job):
+ super(IO7Input, self).process_job(job)
+ scan = self.get_scan(job.scan)
+ self.metadict = dict()
+ try:
+ scanparams = self.get_scan_params(scan) # wavelength, UB
+ pointparams = self.get_point_params(scan, job.firstpoint, job.lastpoint) # 2D array of diffractometer angles + mon + transm
+ images = self.get_images(scan, job.firstpoint, job.lastpoint) # iterator!
+ for pp, image in zip(pointparams, images):
+ yield self.process_image(scan, scanparams, pp, image)
+ util.statuseol()
+ except Exception as exc:
+ exc.args = errors.addmessage(exc.args, ', An error occured for scan {0} at point {1}. See above for more information'.format(self.dbg_scanno, self.dbg_pointno))
+ raise
+ self.metadata.add_section('id7_backend', self.metadict)
+ def get_scan_params(self, scan):
+ energy = scan.metadata.dcm1energy
+ UB = numpy.array(json.loads(scan.metadata.diffcalc_ub))
+ self.metadict['UB'] = UB
+ self.metadict['energy'] = energy
+ return energy, UB
+ def get_point_params(self, scan, first, last):
+ sl = slice(first, last+1)
+ GAM, DEL, OMG, CHI, PHI, ALF, MON, TRANSM = list(range(8))
+ params = numpy.zeros((last - first + 1, 8)) # gamma delta theta chi phi mu mon transm
+ params[:, CHI] = 0
+ params[:, PHI] = 0
+ params[:, OMG] = scan['omega'][sl]
+ params[:, GAM] = scan['gamma'][sl]
+ params[:, DEL] = scan['delta'][sl]
+ params[:, ALF] = scan['alpha'][sl]
+ return params
+ def get_images(self, scan, first, last, dry_run=False):
+ sl = slice(first, last+1)
+ for fn in scan.file[sl]:
+ yield imread(self.get_imagefilename(fn))
+ def get_imagefilename(self, filename):
+ if self.config.imagefolder is None:
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ return filename
+ else:
+ raise errors.ConfigError("image filename specified in the datafile does not exist '{0}'".format(filename))
+ else:
+ head, tail = os.path.split(filename)
+ folders = head.split('/')
+ try:
+ imagefolder = self.config.imagefolder.format(folders=folders, rfolders=list(reversed(folders)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise errors.ConfigError("invalid 'imagefolder' specification '{0}': {1}".format(self.config.imagefolder, e))
+ else:
+ if not os.path.exists(imagefolder):
+ raise errors.ConfigError("invalid 'imagefolder' specification '{0}'. Path {1} does not exist".format(self.config.imagefolder, imagefolder))
+ fn = os.path.join(imagefolder, tail)
+ if os.path.exists(fn):
+ return fn
+ else:
+ raise errors.ConfigError("image filename does not exist '{0}', either imagefolder is wrongly specified or image file does not exist".format(filename))
+ def parse_config(self, config):
+ super(IO7Input, self).parse_config(config)
+ self.config.xmask = util.parse_multi_range(config.pop('xmask', None))#Optional, select a subset of the image range in the x direction. all by default
+ self.config.ymask = util.parse_multi_range(config.pop('ymask', None))#Optional, select a subset of the image range in the y direction. all by default
+ self.config.datafilefolder = config.pop('datafilefolder')#Folder with the datafiles
+ self.config.imagefolder = config.pop('imagefolder', None) # Optional, takes datafile folder tag by default
+ = config.pop('pr', None) #Optional, all range by default
+ if self.config.xmask is None:
+ self.config.xmask = slice(None)
+ if self.config.ymask is None:
+ self.config.ymask = slice(None)
+ if
+ = util.parse_tuple(, length=2, type=int)
+ self.config.sdd = config.pop('sdd', None)#Optional sample to detector distance (mm)
+ if self.config.sdd is not None:
+ self.config.sdd = float(self.config.sdd)
+ self.config.centralpixel = util.parse_tuple(config.pop('centralpixel'), length=2, type=int) #x,y
+ self.config.maskmatrix = config.pop('maskmatrix', None)#Optional, if supplied pixels where the mask is 0 will be removed
+ self.config.pixelsize = util.parse_tuple(config.pop('pixelsize'), length=2, type=float) # pixel size x/y (mm) (same dimension as sdd)
+ def get_destination_options(self, command):
+ if not command:
+ return False
+ command = ','.join(command).replace(' ', ',')
+ scans = util.parse_multi_range(command)
+ return dict(first=min(scans), last=max(scans), range=','.join(str(scan) for scan in scans))
+ def get_scan(self, scanno):
+ filename = os.path.join(self.config.datafilefolder, str(scanno) + '.dat')
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ raise errors.ConfigError('datafile filename does not exist: {0}'.format(filename))
+ return
+ @staticmethod
+ def apply_mask(data, xmask, ymask):
+ roi = data[ymask, :]
+ return roi[:, xmask]
+ def process_image(self, scan, scanparams, pointparams, image):
+ gamma, delta, omega, chi, phi, alpha, mon, transm = pointparams#GAM, DEL, OMG, CHI, PHI, ALF, MON, TRANSM
+ energy, UB = scanparams
+ weights = numpy.ones_like(image)
+ util.status('{4}| gamma: {0}, delta: {1}, omega: {2}, mu: {3}'.format(gamma, delta, omega, alpha, time.ctime(time.time())))
+ # pixels to angles
+ pixelsize = numpy.array(self.config.pixelsize)
+ if self.config.sdd is None:
+ sdd = scan.metadata.diff1detdist
+ else:
+ sdd = self.config.sdd
+ app = numpy.arctan(pixelsize / sdd) * 180 / numpy.pi
+ centralpixel = self.config.centralpixel # (column, row) = (delta, gamma)
+ dz = (numpy.indices(image.shape)[1] - centralpixel[1]) * pixelsize[1]
+ dx = (numpy.indices(image.shape)[0] - centralpixel[0]) * pixelsize[0]
+ dy = numpy.ones(image.shape) * sdd
+ # masking
+ if self.config.maskmatrix is not None:
+ if self.config.maskmatrix.shape != data.shape:
+ raise errors.BackendError('The mask matrix does not have the same shape as the images')
+ weights *= self.config.maskmatrix
+ intensity = self.apply_mask(image, self.config.xmask, self.config.ymask)
+ weights = self.apply_mask(weights, self.config.xmask, self.config.ymask)
+ dx = self.apply_mask(dx, self.config.xmask, self.config.ymask)
+ dy = self.apply_mask(dy, self.config.xmask, self.config.ymask)
+ dz = self.apply_mask(dz, self.config.xmask, self.config.ymask)
+ #X,Y = numpy.meshgrid(x,y)
+ #Z = numpy.ones(X.shape) * sdd
+ pixels = dx,dy,dz
+ return intensity, weights, (energy, UB, pixels, gamma, delta, omega, alpha)
+def load_matrix(filename):
+ if filename == None:
+ return None
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1]
+ if ext == '.txt':
+ return numpy.array(numpy.loadtxt(filename), dtype = numpy.bool)
+ elif ext == '.npy':
+ return numpy.array(numpy.load(filename), dtype = numpy.bool)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('unknown extension {0}, unable to load matrix!\n'.format(ext))
+ else:
+ raise IOError('filename: {0} does not exist. Can not load matrix'.format(filename))
diff --git a/binoculars/backends/ b/binoculars/backends/
index 4e47166..3c3d0b9 100644
--- a/binoculars/backends/
+++ b/binoculars/backends/
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ from networkx import DiGraph, dijkstra_path
from .. import backend, errors, util
+PY3 = sys.version_info > (3,)
if PY3:
from functools import reduce
diff --git a/scripts/binoculars-fitaid b/scripts/binoculars-fitaid
index 01e8b6a..69f15b0 100755
--- a/scripts/binoculars-fitaid
+++ b/scripts/binoculars-fitaid
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Window(QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.tab_widget = QtGui.QTabWidget(self)
- QtCore.QObject.connect(self.tab_widget, QtCore.SIGNAL("tabCloseRequested(int)"), self.tab_widget.removeTab)
+ self.tab_widget.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.tab_widget.removeTab)
@@ -153,10 +153,12 @@ class TopWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
self.fitwidget = FitWidget(self.database)
self.integratewidget = IntegrateWidget(self.database)
self.plotwidget = OverviewWidget(self.database)
+ self.peakwidget = PeakWidget(self.database)
self.tab_widget.addTab(self.fitwidget, 'Fit')
self.tab_widget.addTab(self.integratewidget, 'Integrate')
self.tab_widget.addTab(self.plotwidget, 'plot')
+ self.tab_widget.addTab(self.peakwidget, 'Peaktracker')
self.emptywidget = QtGui.QWidget()
@@ -223,7 +225,9 @@ class TopWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
rodkey, axis, resolution = self.table.currentkey()
newdatabase = RodData(self.database.filename, rodkey, axis, resolution)
self.integratewidget.database = newdatabase
+ self.peakwidget.database = newdatabase
+ self.peakwidget.set_axis()
self.fitwidget.database = newdatabase
index = newdatabase.load('index')
@@ -639,6 +643,12 @@ class RodData(FitData):
for i, value in enumerate(loc):
self.save_sliceattr(index, 'guessloc{0}'.format(i), value)
+ def save_segments(self, index, loc):
+ db[self.rodkey][self.slicekey].create_dataset('segments', data.shape, dtype=data.dtype, compression='gzip').write_direct(data)
+ def load_segments(self, index, loc):
+ return db[self.rodkey][self.slicekey]['segments']
def __iter__(self):
for index in range(self.rodlength()):
yield self.space_from_index(index)
@@ -778,12 +788,12 @@ class IntegrateWidget(QtGui.QWidget): = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox()
self.bottom = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox()
- QtCore.QObject.connect(self.hsize, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.send)
- QtCore.QObject.connect(self.vsize, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.send)
- QtCore.QObject.connect(self.left, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.send)
- QtCore.QObject.connect(self.right, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.send)
- QtCore.QObject.connect(, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.send)
- QtCore.QObject.connect(self.bottom, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.send)
+ self.hsize.valueChanged.connect(self.send)
+ self.vsize.valueChanged.connect(self.send)
+ self.left.valueChanged.connect(self.send)
+ self.right.valueChanged.connect(self.send)
+ self.bottom.valueChanged.connect(self.send)
@@ -1213,6 +1223,73 @@ class OverviewWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
+class PeakWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def __init__(self, database, parent=None):
+ super(PeakWidget, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.database = database
+ # create a QTableWidget
+ self.table = QtGui.QTableWidget(1, 3, self)
+ self.table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
+ self.table.verticalHeader().setVisible(False)
+ self.btn_add_row = QtGui.QPushButton('+', self)
+ self.btn_add_row.clicked.connect(self.add_row)
+ self.buttonRemove = QtGui.QPushButton('-', self)
+ self.buttonRemove.clicked.connect(self.remove)
+ vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+ hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ hbox.addWidget(self.btn_add_row)
+ hbox.addWidget(self.buttonRemove)
+ vbox.addLayout(hbox)
+ vbox.addWidget(self.table)
+ self.setLayout(vbox)
+ def set_axis(self):
+ self.axes = self.database.paxes()
+ self.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['{0}'.format(self.database.axis), '{0}'.format(self.axes[0].label), '{0}'.format(self.axes[1].label)])
+ def add_row(self):
+ self.table.insertRow(self.table.rowCount())
+ def remove(self):
+ self.table.removeRow(self.table.currentRow())
+ def axis_coords(self):
+ return numpy.vstack( numpy.array([float(self.table.item(index, 0)), float(self.table.item(index, 1)), float(self.table.item(index, 2))]) for index in range(self.table.rowCount()))
+ def get_coords(self, x):
+ coords = self.axis_coords()
+ if coords.shape[0] == 1:
+ return coords[0,1:]
+ args = numpy.argsort(coords[:,0])
+ x0 = coords[args,0]
+ x1 = coords[args,1]
+ x2 = coords[args,2]
+ if x < x0.min():
+ first = 0
+ last = 1
+ elif x > x0.max():
+ first = -2
+ last = -1
+ else:
+ first = numpy.searchsorted(x, x0) - 1
+ last = numpy.searchsorted(x, x0)
+ a1 = (x1[last] - x1[first]) / (x0[last] - x0[first])
+ b1 = x1[first] - a * x0[first]
+ a2 = (x2[last] - x2[first]) / (x0[last] - x0[first])
+ b2 = x2[first] - a * x0[first]
+ return numpy.array([a1 * x + b1, a2 * x + b2])
def interpolate(space):
data = space.get_masked()
mask = data.mask