path: root/
diff options
authorOnderwaater <>2015-11-25 14:39:29 +0100
committerOnderwaater <>2015-11-25 14:39:29 +0100
commit1138f18a3a14ff4309588a1fe07e6d84e92ff862 (patch)
treee6d01a9e3f11160992f18a478fea440c72c241e7 /
parent2e072ce50ecffd6faebf4a597da7795409543228 (diff)
Revert "sixs backend commit"
This reverts commit 2e072ce50ecffd6faebf4a597da7795409543228.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..865d83e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+binoculars gui for data processing
+Created on 2015-06-04
+author: Remy Nencib (remy.nencib@esrf.r)
+import sys
+import os
+import glob
+import traceback
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, Qt
+import sys,os
+import itertools
+import inspect
+import glob
+import binoculars.util, binoculars.main
+import time
+#--------------------------------------------CREATE MAIN WINDOW----------------------------------------
+class Window(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Window, self).__init__()
+ self.initUI()
+ self.tab_widget = QtGui.QTabWidget(self)
+ self.setCentralWidget(self.tab_widget)
+ #add the close button for tabs
+ close = self.tab_widget.setTabsClosable(True)
+ self.tab_widget.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.close_tab)
+ #method for close tabs
+ def close_tab(self, tab):
+ self.tab_widget.removeTab(tab)
+ def initUI(self):
+ #we create the menu bar
+ openFile = QtGui.QAction('Open', self)
+ openFile.setShortcut('Ctrl+O')
+ openFile.setStatusTip('Open new File')
+ openFile.triggered.connect(self.ShowFile)
+ saveFile = QtGui.QAction('Save', self)
+ saveFile.setShortcut('Ctrl+S')
+ saveFile.setStatusTip('Save File')
+ saveFile.triggered.connect(self.Save)
+ Create = QtGui.QAction('Create', self)
+ Create.setStatusTip('Create Configfile')
+ Create.triggered.connect(self.New_Config)
+ menubar = self.menuBar()
+ fileMenu = menubar.addMenu('&File')
+ fileMenu.addAction(openFile)
+ fileMenu.addAction(saveFile)
+ fileMenu = menubar.addMenu('&New Configfile')
+ fileMenu.addAction(Create)
+ #we configue the main windows
+ palette = QtGui.QPalette()
+ palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Background,QtCore.Qt.gray)
+ self.setPalette(palette)
+ self.setGeometry(50, 100,700,700)
+ self.setWindowTitle('Binoculars processgui')
+ self.ListCommand = QtGui.QTableWidget(1, 2, self)
+ self.ListCommand.verticalHeader().setVisible(True)
+ self.ListCommand.horizontalHeader().setVisible(False)
+ self.ListCommand.horizontalHeader().stretchSectionCount()
+ self.ListCommand.setColumnWidth(0, 80)
+ self.ListCommand.setColumnWidth(1, 80)
+ self.ListCommand.setRowCount(0)
+ self.buttonDelete = QtGui.QPushButton('Delete',self)
+ self.connect(self.buttonDelete, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.removeConf)
+ self.process = QtGui.QPushButton('run',self)
+ self.process.setStyleSheet("background-color: darkred")
+ self.connect(self.process, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),
+ self.wid = QtGui.QWidget()
+ self.CommandLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+ self.CommandLayout.addWidget(self.ListCommand)
+ self.CommandLayout.addWidget(self.process)
+ self.CommandLayout.addWidget(self.buttonDelete)
+ self.wid.setLayout(self.CommandLayout)
+ self.Dock = QtGui.QDockWidget()
+ self.Dock.setAllowedAreas( QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea)
+ self.Dock.setFeatures(QtGui.QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures)
+ self.Dock.setWidget(self.wid)
+ self.Dock.setMaximumWidth(200)
+ self.Dock.setMinimumWidth(200)
+ self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.DockWidgetArea(1),self.Dock)
+ def removeConf(self):
+ self.ListCommand.removeRow(self.ListCommand.currentRow())
+ def Add_To_Liste(self,(command, cfg)):
+ row = self.ListCommand.rowCount()
+ index = self.tab_widget.currentIndex()
+ filename = self.tab_widget.tabText(index)
+ self.ListCommand.insertRow(self.ListCommand.rowCount())
+ dic = {filename:cfg}
+ self.item1 = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(command))
+ self.item1.command = command
+ self.item2 = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(filename))
+ self.item2.cfg = dic[filename]
+ self.ListCommand.setItem(row, 0, self.item1)
+ self.ListCommand.setItem(row, 1, self.item2)
+ #We run the script and create a hdf5 file
+ def run(self):
+ maximum = self.ListCommand.rowCount()
+ pd = QtGui.QProgressDialog('running', 'Cancel', 0, maximum, self)
+ pd.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal)
+ def progress(cfg, command):
+ if pd.wasCanceled():
+ raise KeyboardInterrupt
+ QtGui.QApplication.processEvents()
+ return binoculars.main.Main.from_object(cfg, command)
+ try:
+ for index in range(self.ListCommand.rowCount()):
+ pd.setValue(index)
+ cfg = self.ListCommand.item(index,1).cfg
+ command = self.ListCommand.item(index,0).command
+ print cfg
+ progress(cfg, command)
+ self.ListCommand.clear()
+ self.ListCommand.setRowCount(0)
+ except BaseException, e:
+ #cfg = self.ListCommand.item(index,1).cfg
+ #print cfg
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self,"Error","There was an error processing one of the scans: {0}".format(e))
+ finally:
+ pd.close()
+ #we call the load function
+ def ShowFile(self):
+ filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File', '')
+ confwidget = Conf_Tab(self)
+ confwidget.read_data(str(filename))
+ newIndex = self.tab_widget.addTab(confwidget, os.path.basename(str(filename)))
+ QtCore.QObject.connect(confwidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("command"),self.Add_To_Liste)
+ self.tab_widget.setCurrentIndex(newIndex)
+ #we call the save function
+ def Save(self):
+ filename = QtGui.QFileDialog().getSaveFileName(self, 'Save', '', '*.txt')
+ widget = self.tab_widget.currentWidget()
+ #we call the new tab conf
+ def New_Config(self):
+ widget = Conf_Tab(self)
+ self.tab_widget.addTab(widget,'New configfile')
+ QtCore.QObject.connect(widget, QtCore.SIGNAL("command"),self.Add_To_Liste)
+#-----------------------------------------CREATE TABLE-----------------------------------------------
+class Table(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def __init__(self, label, parent = None):
+ super(Table, self).__init__()
+ # create a QTableWidget
+ self.table = QtGui.QTableWidget(1, 2, self)
+ self.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Parameter', 'Value','Comment'])
+ self.table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
+ self.table.verticalHeader().setVisible(False)
+ self.table.setTextElideMode(QtCore.Qt.ElideLeft)
+ #create combobox
+ self.combobox = QtGui.QComboBox()
+ #add items
+ self.cell = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(QtCore.QString("type"))
+ self.table.setItem(0, 0,self.cell)
+ self.table.setCellWidget(0, 1, self.combobox)
+ #we create pushbuttons and we call the method when we clic on
+ self.btn_add_row = QtGui.QPushButton('+', self)
+ self.connect(self.btn_add_row, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.add_row)
+ self.buttonRemove = QtGui.QPushButton('-',self)
+ self.connect(self.buttonRemove, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.remove)
+ #the dispositon of the table and the butttons
+ vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+ hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ hbox.addWidget(self.btn_add_row)
+ hbox.addWidget(self.buttonRemove)
+ vbox.addWidget(label)
+ vbox.addLayout(hbox)
+ vbox.addWidget(self.table)
+ self.setLayout(vbox)
+ def add_row(self):
+ self.table.insertRow(self.table.rowCount())
+ def remove(self):
+ self.table.removeRow(self.table.currentRow())
+ def get_keys(self):
+ return list(str(self.table.item(index,0).text()) for index in range(self.table.rowCount()))
+ #Here we take all values from tables
+ def getParam(self):
+ for index in range(self.table.rowCount()):
+ if not self.table.item == None:
+ key = str(self.table.item(index,0).text())
+ comment = str(self.table.item(index,0).toolTip())
+ if index == 0:
+ yield key, str(self.table.cellWidget(index, 1).currentText()), comment
+ elif self.table.item(index,1):
+ if len(str(self.table.item(index,1).text())) != 0 and self.table.item(index,0).textColor() == QtGui.QColor('black'):
+ yield key, str(self.table.item(index, 1).text()), comment
+ #Here we put all values in tables
+ def addData(self, cfg):
+ for item in cfg:
+ if item == 'type':
+ box = self.table.cellWidget(0,1)
+ value = cfg[item].split(':')
+ if len(value) > 1 :
+ box.setCurrentIndex(box.findText(value[1], QtCore.Qt.MatchFixedString))
+ else:
+ box.setCurrentIndex(box.findText(cfg[item], QtCore.Qt.MatchFixedString))
+ elif item not in self.get_keys():
+ self.add_row()
+ row = self.table.rowCount()
+ for col in range(self.table.columnCount()):
+ if col == 0:
+ newitem = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item)
+ self.table.setItem(row -1, col, newitem)
+ if col == 1:
+ newitem2 = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(cfg[item])
+ self.table.setItem(row -1, col, newitem2)
+ else:
+ index = self.get_keys().index(item)
+ self.table.item(index, 1).setText(cfg[item])
+ def addDataConf(self, options):
+ keys = self.get_keys()
+ newconfigs = dict((option[0], '') for option in options if option[0] not in keys)
+ self.addData(newconfigs)
+ names = list(option[0] for option in options)
+ for index, key in enumerate(self.get_keys()):
+ if str(key) in names:
+ self.table.item(index, 0).setTextColor(QtGui.QColor('black'))
+ self.table.item(index, 0).setToolTip(options[names.index(key)][1])
+ elif str(key) == 'type':
+ self.table.item(index, 0).setTextColor(QtGui.QColor('black'))
+ else:
+ self.table.item(index, 0).setTextColor(QtGui.QColor('gray'))
+ def add_to_combo(self, items):
+ self.combobox.clear()
+ self.combobox.addItems(items)
+#-----------------------------------------CREATE CONFIG----------------------------------------------
+class Conf_Tab(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def __init__(self, parent = None):
+ super(Conf_Tab,self).__init__()
+ #we create 3 tables
+ self.Dis = Table(QtGui.QLabel('<strong>Dispatcher :</strong>'))
+ self.Inp = Table(QtGui.QLabel('<strong>Input :</strong>'))
+ self.Pro = Table(QtGui.QLabel('<strong>Projection :<strong>'))
+ = QtGui.QComboBox()
+ backends = list(backend.lower() for backend in binoculars.util.get_backends())
+ #we add the list of different backends on the select combobox
+ self.add = QtGui.QPushButton('add')
+ self.connect(self.add, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.AddCommand)
+ self.scan = QtGui.QLineEdit()
+ self.scan.setToolTip('scan selection example: 820 824')
+ vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+ hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ splitter = QtGui.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
+ splitter.addWidget(self.Dis)
+ splitter.addWidget(self.Inp)
+ splitter.addWidget(self.Pro)
+ hbox.addWidget(splitter)
+ commandbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ commandbox.addWidget(self.add)
+ commandbox.addWidget(self.scan)
+ vbox.addWidget(
+ vbox.addLayout(hbox)
+ vbox.addLayout(commandbox)
+ #the dispositon of all elements of the gui
+ #Layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+ #Layout.addWidget(label1,1,1,1,2)
+ #Layout.addWidget(label2,1,0,1,2)
+ #Layout.addWidget(label3,1,2,1,2)
+ #Layout.addWidget(,0,0)
+ #Layout.addWidget(self.Dis,2,1)
+ #Layout.addWidget(self.Inp,2,0)
+ #Layout.addWidget(self.Pro,2,2)
+ #Layout.addWidget(self.add,3,0)
+ #Layout.addWidget(self.scan,3,1)
+ self.setLayout(vbox)
+ #Here we call all methods for selected an ellement on differents combobox
+ self.Dis.add_to_combo(QtCore.QStringList(binoculars.util.get_dispatchers()))
+ self.Inp.combobox.activated.connect(self.DataTableInp)
+ self.Pro.combobox.activated.connect(self.DataTableInpPro)
+ self.Dis.combobox.activated.connect(self.DataTableInpDis)
+ def DataCombo(self,text):
+ self.Inp.add_to_combo(QtCore.QStringList(binoculars.util.get_inputs(str(text))))
+ self.Pro.add_to_combo(QtCore.QStringList(binoculars.util.get_projections(str(text))))
+ self.DataTableInp()
+ self.DataTableInpPro()
+ self.DataTableInpDis()
+ def DataTableInp(self):
+ backend = str(
+ inp = binoculars.util.get_input_configkeys(backend, str(self.Inp.combobox.currentText()))
+ self.Inp.addDataConf(inp)
+ def DataTableInpPro(self):
+ backend = str(
+ proj = binoculars.util.get_projection_configkeys(backend, str(self.Pro.combobox.currentText()))
+ self.Pro.addDataConf(proj)
+ def DataTableInpDis(self):
+ backend = str(
+ disp = binoculars.util.get_dispatcher_configkeys(str(self.Dis.combobox.currentText()))
+ self.Dis.addDataConf(disp)
+ #The save method we take all ellements on tables and we put them in this format {0} = {1} #{2}
+ def save(self, filename):
+ with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
+ fp.write('[dispatcher]\n')
+ # cycles over the iterator object
+ for key, value, comment in self.Dis.getParam():
+ fp.write('{0} = {1} #{2}\n'.format(key, value, comment))
+ fp.write('[input]\n')
+ for key, value, comment in self.Inp.getParam():
+ if key == 'type':
+ value = '{0}:{1}'.format(,value)
+ fp.write('{0} = {1} #{2}\n'.format(key, value, comment))
+ fp.write('[projection]\n')
+ for key, value, comment in self.Pro.getParam():
+ if key == 'type':
+ value = '{0}:{1}'.format(,value)
+ fp.write('{0} = {1} #{2}\n'.format(key, value, comment))
+ #This method take the name of objects and values for run the script
+ def get_configobj(self):
+ inInp = {}
+ inDis = {}
+ inPro = {}
+ inDis = dict((key, value) for key, value, comment in self.Dis.getParam())
+ for key, value, comment in self.Inp.getParam():
+ if key == 'type':
+ value = '{0}:{1}'.format(str(,value)
+ inInp[key] = value
+ for key, value, comment in self.Pro.getParam():
+ if key == 'type':
+ value = '{0}:{1}'.format(str(,value)
+ inPro[key] = value
+ cfg = binoculars.util.ConfigFile('processgui {0}'.format(time.strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())))
+ setattr(cfg, 'input', inInp)
+ setattr(cfg, 'dispatcher', inDis)
+ setattr(cfg, 'projection', inPro)
+ return cfg
+ #This method take elements on a text file or the binocular script and put them on tables
+ def read_data(self, filename):
+ cfg = binoculars.util.ConfigFile.fromtxtfile(str(filename))
+ input_type = cfg.input['type']
+ backend, value = input_type.strip(' ').split(':')
+, QtCore.Qt.MatchFixedString))
+ self.DataCombo(backend)
+ self.Dis.addData(cfg.dispatcher)
+ self.Inp.addData(cfg.input)
+ self.Pro.addData(cfg.projection)
+ #we add command on the DockWidget
+ def AddCommand(self):
+ scan = [str(self.scan.text())]
+ cfg = self.get_configobj()
+ commandconfig = (scan , cfg)
+ self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('command'), commandconfig)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
+ main = Window()
+ sys.exit(app.exec_())