path: root/binoculars
diff options
authorOnderwaater <>2015-11-27 10:19:13 +0100
committerOnderwaater <>2015-11-27 10:19:13 +0100
commitc149a4eb66ef270c41624f1af34b1d7a7ddf12f6 (patch)
tree423b495d6faf72c317fd266717c124aef1d353fa /binoculars
parenta3fbcef3388687cd6d95c2a2ed27aaf9d7b2ac10 (diff)
first commit of bm32 backend
Diffstat (limited to 'binoculars')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binoculars/backends/ b/binoculars/backends/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdbf973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binoculars/backends/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import itertools
+import glob
+import numpy
+import time
+ from PyMca import specfilewrapper, EdfFile, SixCircle, specfile
+except ImportError:
+ from PyMca5.PyMca import specfilewrapper, EdfFile, SixCircle, specfile
+from .. import backend, errors, util
+class pixels(backend.ProjectionBase):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ y,x = numpy.mgrid[slice(None,gamma.shape[0]), slice(None,delta.shape[0])]
+ return (y, x)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'y','x'
+class HKLProjection(backend.ProjectionBase):
+ # arrays: gamma, delta
+ # scalars: theta, mu, chi, phi
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ R = SixCircle.getHKL(wavelength, UB, gamma=gamma, delta=delta, theta=theta, mu=mu, chi=chi, phi=phi)
+ shape = gamma.size, delta.size
+ H = R[0,:].reshape(shape)
+ K = R[1,:].reshape(shape)
+ L = R[2,:].reshape(shape)
+ return (H, K, L)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'H', 'K', 'L'
+class HKProjection(HKLProjection):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ H, K, L = super(HKProjection, self).project(wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi)
+ return (H, K)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'H', 'K'
+class specularangles(backend.ProjectionBase):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ delta,gamma = numpy.meshgrid(delta,gamma)
+ mu *= numpy.pi/180
+ delta *= numpy.pi/180
+ gamma *= numpy.pi/180
+ chi *= numpy.pi/180
+ phi *= numpy.pi/180
+ theta *= numpy.pi/180
+ def mat(u, th):
+ ux, uy, uz = u[0], u[1], u[2]
+ sint = numpy.sin(th)
+ cost = numpy.cos(th)
+ mcost = (1 - numpy.cos(th))
+ return numpy.matrix([[cost + ux**2 * mcost, ux * uy * mcost - uz * sint, ux * uz * mcost + uy * sint],
+ [uy * ux * mcost + uz * sint, cost + uy**2 * mcost, uy * uz - ux * sint],
+ [uz * ux * mcost - uy * sint, uz * uy * mcost + ux * sint, cost + uz**2 * mcost]])
+ def rot(vx, vy, vz, u, th):
+ R = mat(u, th)
+ return R[0,0] * vx + R[0,1] * vy + R[0,2] * vz, R[1,0] * vx + R[1,1] * vy + R[1,2] * vz, R[2,0] * vx + R[2,1] * vy + R[2,2] * vz
+ #what are the angles of kin and kout in the sample frame?
+ #angles in the hexapod frame
+ koutx, kouty, koutz = numpy.sin(- numpy.pi / 2 + gamma) * numpy.cos(delta), numpy.sin(- numpy.pi / 2 + gamma) * numpy.sin(delta), numpy.cos(- numpy.pi / 2 + gamma)
+ kinx, kiny, kinz = numpy.sin(numpy.pi / 2 - mu), 0 , numpy.cos(numpy.pi / 2 - mu)
+ #now we rotate the frame around hexapod rotation th
+ xaxis = numpy.array(rot(1,0,0, numpy.array([0,0,1]), theta))
+ yaxis = numpy.array(rot(0,1,0, numpy.array([0,0,1]), theta))
+ #first we rotate the sample around the xaxis
+ koutx, kouty, koutz = rot(koutx, kouty, koutz, xaxis, chi)
+ kinx, kiny, kinz = rot(kinx, kiny, kinz, xaxis, chi)
+ yaxis = numpy.array(rot(yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2], xaxis, chi))# we also have to rotate the yaxis
+ #then we rotate the sample around the yaxis
+ koutx, kouty, koutz = rot(koutx, kouty, koutz, yaxis, phi)
+ kinx, kiny, kinz = rot(kinx, kiny, kinz, yaxis, phi)
+ #to calculate the equivalent gamma, delta and mu in the sample frame we rotate the frame around the sample z which is 0,0,1
+ back = numpy.arctan2(kiny, kinx)
+ koutx, kouty, koutz = rot(koutx, kouty, koutz, numpy.array([0,0,1]) , -back)
+ kinx, kiny, kinz = rot(kinx, kiny, kinz, numpy.array([0,0,1]) , -back)
+ mu = numpy.arctan2(kinz, kinx) * numpy.ones_like(delta)
+ delta = numpy.pi - numpy.arctan2(kouty, koutx)
+ gamma = numpy.pi - numpy.arctan2(koutz, koutx)
+ delta[delta > numpy.pi] -= 2 * numpy.pi
+ gamma[gamma > numpy.pi] -= 2 * numpy.pi
+ mu *= 1 / numpy.pi * 180
+ delta *= 1 / numpy.pi * 180
+ gamma *= 1 / numpy.pi * 180
+ return (gamma - mu , gamma + mu , delta)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'g-m','g+m','delta'
+class ThetaLProjection(backend.ProjectionBase):
+ # arrays: gamma, delta
+ # scalars: theta, mu, chi, phi
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ R = SixCircle.getHKL(wavelength, UB, gamma=gamma, delta=delta, theta=theta, mu=mu, chi=chi, phi=phi)
+ shape = gamma.size, delta.size
+ L = R[2,:].reshape(shape)
+ theta_array = numpy.ones_like(L) * theta
+ return (theta_array,L)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'Theta', 'L'
+class QProjection(backend.ProjectionBase):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ shape = gamma.size, delta.size
+ sixc = SixCircle.SixCircle()
+ sixc.setLambda(wavelength)
+ sixc.setUB(UB)
+ R = sixc.getQSurface(gamma=gamma, delta=delta, theta=theta, mu=mu, chi=chi, phi=phi)
+ qz = R[0,:].reshape(shape)
+ qy = R[1,:].reshape(shape)
+ qx = R[2,:].reshape(shape)
+ return (qz, qy, qx)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'qx', 'qy', 'qz'
+class SphericalQProjection(QProjection):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ qz, qy, qx = super(SphericalQProjection, self).project(wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi)
+ q = numpy.sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2 + qz**2)
+ theta = numpy.arccos(qz / q)
+ phi = numpy.arctan2(qy, qx)
+ return (q, theta, phi)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'Q', 'Theta', 'Phi'
+class CylindricalQProjection(QProjection):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ qz, qy, qx = super(CylindricalQProjection, self).project(wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi)
+ qpar = numpy.sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2)
+ phi = numpy.arctan2(qy, qx)
+ return (qpar, qz, phi)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'qpar', 'qz', 'Phi'
+class nrQProjection(backend.ProjectionBase):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ k0 = 2 * numpy.pi / wavelength
+ delta, gamma = numpy.meshgrid(delta, gamma)
+ mu *= numpy.pi/180
+ delta *= numpy.pi/180
+ gamma *= numpy.pi/180
+ qy = k0 * (numpy.cos(gamma) * numpy.cos(delta) - numpy.cos(mu)) ## definition of qx, and qy same as spec at theta = 0
+ qx = k0 * (numpy.cos(gamma) * numpy.sin(delta))
+ qz = k0 * (numpy.sin(gamma) + numpy.sin(mu))
+ return (qx, qy, qz)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'qx', 'qy', 'qz'
+class TwoThetaProjection(SphericalQProjection):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ q, theta, phi = super(TwoThetaProjection, self).project(wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi)
+ return 2 * numpy.arcsin(q * wavelength / (4 * numpy.pi)) / numpy.pi * 180, # note: we need to return a 1-tuple?
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'TwoTheta'
+class Qpp(nrQProjection):
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ qx, qy, qz = super(Qpp, self).project(wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi)
+ qpar = numpy.sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2)
+ qpar[numpy.sign(qx) == -1] *= -1
+ return (qpar, qz)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'Qpar', 'Qz'
+class GammaDeltaTheta(HKLProjection):#just passing on the coordinates, makes it easy to accurately test the theta correction
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ delta,gamma = numpy.meshgrid(delta,gamma)
+ theta = theta * numpy.ones_like(delta)
+ return (gamma, delta, theta)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'Gamma','Delta','Theta'
+class GammaDelta(HKLProjection):#just passing on the coordinates, makes it easy to accurately test the theta correction
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ delta,gamma = numpy.meshgrid(delta,gamma)
+ return (gamma, delta)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'Gamma','Delta'
+class GammaDeltaMu(HKLProjection):#just passing on the coordinates, makes it easy to accurately test the theta correction
+ def project(self, wavelength, UB, gamma, delta, theta, mu, chi, phi):
+ delta,gamma = numpy.meshgrid(delta,gamma)
+ mu = mu * numpy.ones_like(delta)
+ return (gamma, delta, mu)
+ def get_axis_labels(self):
+ return 'Gamma','Delta','Mu'
+class BM32Input(backend.InputBase):
+ dbg_scanno = None
+ dbg_pointno = None
+ def generate_jobs(self, command):
+ scans = util.parse_multi_range(','.join(command).replace(' ', ','))
+ if not len(scans):
+ sys.stderr.write('error: no scans selected, nothing to do\n')
+ for scanno in scans:
+ util.status('processing scan {0}...'.format(scanno))
+ scan = self.get_scan(scanno)
+ if
+ pointcount =[1] -[0] + 1
+ start =[0]
+ else:
+ start = 0
+ try:
+ pointcount = scan.lines()
+ except specfile.error: # no points
+ continue
+ next(self.get_images(scan, 0, pointcount-1, dry_run=True))# dryrun
+ if pointcount > self.config.target_weight * 1.4:
+ for s in util.chunk_slicer(pointcount, self.config.target_weight):
+ yield backend.Job(scan=scanno, firstpoint=start+s.start, lastpoint=start+s.stop-1, weight=s.stop-s.start)
+ else:
+ yield backend.Job(scan=scanno, firstpoint=start, lastpoint=start+pointcount-1, weight=pointcount)
+ def process_job(self, job):
+ super(BM32Input, self).process_job(job)
+ scan = self.get_scan(job.scan)
+ self.metadict = dict()
+ try:
+ scanparams = self.get_scan_params(scan) # wavelength, UB
+ pointparams = self.get_point_params(scan, job.firstpoint, job.lastpoint) # 2D array of diffractometer angles + mon + transm
+ images = self.get_images(scan, job.firstpoint, job.lastpoint) # iterator!
+ for pp, image in itertools.izip(pointparams, images):
+ yield self.process_image(scanparams, pp, image)
+ util.statuseol()
+ except Exception as exc:
+ #exc.args = errors.addmessage(exc.args, ', An error occured for scan {0} at point {1}. See above for more information'.format(self.dbg_scanno, self.dbg_pointno))
+ raise
+ self.metadata.add_section('id03_backend', self.metadict)
+ def parse_config(self, config):
+ super(BM32Input, self).parse_config(config)
+ self.config.xmask = util.parse_multi_range(config.pop('xmask', None))#Optional, select a subset of the image range in the x direction. all by default
+ self.config.ymask = util.parse_multi_range(config.pop('ymask', None))#Optional, select a subset of the image range in the y direction. all by default
+ self.config.specfile = config.pop('specfile')#Location of the specfile
+ self.config.imagefolder = config.pop('imagefolder', None) #Optional, takes specfile folder tag by default
+ = util.parse_tuple(config.pop('pr', None), length=2, type=int) #Optional, all range by default
+ self.config.background = config.pop('background', None) #Optional, if supplied a space of this image is constructed
+ if self.config.xmask is None:
+ self.config.xmask = slice(None)
+ if self.config.ymask is None:
+ self.config.ymask = slice(None)
+ self.config.maskmatrix = load_matrix(config.pop('maskmatrix', None)) #Optional, if supplied pixels where the mask is 0 will be removed
+ self.config.sdd = config.pop('sdd', None)# sample to detector distance (mm)
+ if self.config.sdd is not None:
+ self.config.sdd = float(self.config.sdd)
+ self.config.pixelsize = util.parse_tuple(config.pop('pixelsize', None), length=2, type=float)# pixel size x/y (mm) (same dimension as sdd)
+ def get_destination_options(self, command):
+ if not command:
+ return False
+ command = ','.join(command).replace(' ', ',')
+ scans = util.parse_multi_range(command)
+ return dict(first=min(scans), last=max(scans), range=','.join(str(scan) for scan in scans))
+ _spec = None
+ def get_scan(self, scannumber):
+ if self._spec is None:
+ self._spec = specfilewrapper.Specfile(self.config.specfile)
+ return'{0}.1'.format(scannumber))
+ def find_edfs(self, pattern):
+ files = glob.glob(pattern)
+ ret = {}
+ for file in files:
+ try:
+ filename = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0]
+ imno = int(filename.split('-')[-1])
+ ret[imno] = file
+ except ValueError:
+ continue
+ return ret
+ @staticmethod
+ def apply_mask(data, xmask, ymask):
+ roi = data[ymask, :]
+ return roi[:, xmask]
+ def get_scan_params(self, scan):
+ self.dbg_scanno = scan.number()
+ UB = numpy.array(scan.header('G')[2].split(' ')[-9:],dtype=numpy.float)
+ wavelength = float(scan.header('G')[1].split(' ')[-1])
+ self.metadict['UB'] = UB
+ self.metadict['wavelength'] = wavelength
+ return wavelength, UB
+ def get_images(self, scan, first, last, dry_run=False):
+ imagenos = numpy.array(scan.datacol('img')[slice(first, last + 1)], dtype = + 1##error in spec?!
+ if self.config.background:
+ if not os.path.exists(self.config.background):
+ raise errors.FileError('could not find background file {0}'.format(self.config.background))
+ if dry_run:
+ yield
+ else:
+ edf = EdfFile.EdfFile(self.config.background)
+ for i in range(first, last+1):
+ self.dbg_pointno = i
+ yield edf
+ else:
+ try:
+ uccdtagline = scan.header('M')[0].split()[-1]
+ UCCD = os.path.dirname(uccdtagline).split(os.sep)
+ except:
+ print 'warning: UCCD tag not found, use imagefolder for proper file specification'
+ UCCD = []
+ pattern = self._get_pattern(UCCD)
+ matches = self.find_edfs(pattern)
+ if not set(imagenos).issubset(set(matches.keys())):
+ raise errors.FileError("incorrect number of matches for scan {0} using pattern {1}".format(scan.number(), pattern))
+ if dry_run:
+ yield
+ else:
+ for i in imagenos:
+ self.dbg_pointno = i
+ edf = EdfFile.EdfFile(matches[i])
+ yield edf
+ def _get_pattern(self,UCCD):
+ imagefolder = self.config.imagefolder
+ if imagefolder:
+ try:
+ imagefolder = imagefolder.format(UCCD=UCCD, rUCCD=list(reversed(UCCD)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise errors.ConfigError("invalid 'imagefolder' specification '{0}': {1}".format(self.config.imagefolder, e))
+ else:
+ if not os.path.exists(imagefolder):
+ raise errors.ConfigError("invalid 'imagefolder' specification '{0}'. Path {1} does not exist".format(self.config.imagefolder, imagefolder))
+ else:
+ imagefolder = os.path.join(*UCCD)
+ if not os.path.exists(imagefolder):
+ raise errors.ConfigError("invalid UCCD tag '{0}'. The UCCD tag in the specfile does not point to an existing folder. Specify the imagefolder in the configuration file.".format(imagefolder))
+ return os.path.join(imagefolder, '*')
+class EH1(BM32Input):
+ def parse_config(self, config):
+ super(EH1, self).parse_config(config)
+ self.config.centralpixel = util.parse_tuple(config.pop('centralpixel', None), length=2, type=int)
+ self.config.UB = util.parse_tuple(config.pop('ub', None), length=9, type=float)
+ def process_image(self, scanparams, pointparams, edf):
+ delta, omega, alfa, beta, chi, phi, mon, transm = pointparams
+ wavelength, UB = scanparams
+ image = edf.GetData(0)
+ header = edf.GetHeader(0)
+ if not self.config.centralpixel:
+ self.config.centralpixel = (int(header['x_beam']), int(header['y_beam']))
+ if not self.config.sdd:
+ self.config.sdd = float(header['det_sample_dist'])
+ if self.config.background:
+ data = image / mon
+ else:
+ data = image / mon / transm
+ if mon == 0:
+ raise errors.BackendError('Monitor is zero, this results in empty output. Scannumber = {0}, pointnumber = {1}. Did you forget to open the shutter?'.format(self.dbg_scanno, self.dbg_pointno))
+ util.status('{4}| beta: {0:.3f}, delta: {1:.3f}, omega: {2:.3f}, alfa: {3:.3f}'.format(beta, delta, omega, alfa, time.ctime(time.time())))
+ # pixels to angles
+ pixelsize = numpy.array(self.config.pixelsize)
+ sdd = self.config.sdd
+ app = numpy.arctan(pixelsize / sdd) * 180 / numpy.pi
+ centralpixel = self.config.centralpixel # (column, row) = (delta, gamma)
+ beta_range= -app[1] * (numpy.arange(data.shape[1]) - centralpixel[1]) + beta
+ delta_range= app[0] * (numpy.arange(data.shape[0]) - centralpixel[0]) + delta
+ # masking
+ if self.config.maskmatrix is not None:
+ if self.config.maskmatrix.shape != data.shape:
+ raise errors.BackendError('The mask matrix does not have the same shape as the images')
+ data =, mask = ~self.config.maskmatrix)
+ delta_range = delta_range[self.config.ymask]
+ beta_range = beta_range[self.config.xmask]
+ intensity = self.apply_mask(data, self.config.xmask, self.config.ymask)
+ intensity = numpy.rot90(intensity)
+ intensity = numpy.fliplr(intensity)
+ #polarisation correction
+ delta_grid, beta_grid = numpy.meshgrid(delta_range, beta_range)
+ Pver = 1 - numpy.sin(delta_grid * numpy.pi / 180.)**2 * numpy.cos(beta_grid * numpy.pi / 180.)**2
+ #intensity /= Pver
+ return intensity, (wavelength, UB, beta_range, delta_range, omega, alfa, chi, phi)
+ def get_point_params(self, scan, first, last):
+ sl = slice(first, last+1)
+ DEL, OME, ALF, BET, CHI, PHI, MON, TRANSM = range(8)
+ params = numpy.zeros((last - first + 1, 8)) # gamma delta theta chi phi mu mon transm
+ params[:, CHI] = 0#scan.motorpos('CHI')
+ params[:, PHI] = 0#scan.motorpos('PHI')
+ params[:, OME] = scan.datacol('omecnt')[sl]
+ params[:, BET] = scan.datacol('betcnt')[sl]
+ params[:, DEL] = scan.datacol('delcnt')[sl]
+ params[:, MON] = scan.datacol('Monitor')[sl]
+ #params[:, TRANSM] = scan.datacol('transm')[sl]
+ params[:, TRANSM] = 1
+ params[:, ALF] = scan.datacol('alfcnt')[sl]
+ return params
+def load_matrix(filename):
+ if filename == None:
+ return None
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1]
+ if ext == '.txt':
+ return numpy.array(numpy.loadtxt(filename), dtype = numpy.bool)
+ elif ext == '.npy':
+ return numpy.array(numpy.load(filename), dtype = numpy.bool)
+ elif ext == '.edf':
+ return numpy.array(EdfFile.EdfFile(filename).getData(0),dtype = numpy.bool)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('unknown extension {0}, unable to load matrix!\n'.format(ext))
+ else:
+ raise IOError('filename: {0} does not exist. Can not load matrix'.format(filename))