/* * Copyright 2014-2016 James Geboski * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "facebook-api.h" #include "facebook-http.h" #include "facebook-json.h" #include "facebook-marshal.h" #include "facebook-thrift.h" #include "facebook-util.h" typedef struct _FbApiData FbApiData; typedef struct _FbApiPreloginData FbApiPreloginData; enum { PROP_0, PROP_CID, PROP_DID, PROP_MID, PROP_STOKEN, PROP_TOKEN, PROP_UID, PROP_TWEAK, PROP_WORK, PROP_N }; struct _FbApiPrivate { FbHttp *http; FbMqtt *mqtt; GHashTable *data; gboolean retrying; FbId uid; gint64 sid; guint64 mid; gchar *cid; gchar *did; gchar *stoken; gchar *token; GQueue *msgs; gboolean invisible; guint unread; FbId lastmid; gchar *contacts_delta; int tweak; gboolean is_work; gboolean need_work_switch; gchar *sso_verifier; FbId work_community_id; }; struct _FbApiData { gpointer data; GDestroyNotify func; }; struct _FbApiPreloginData { FbApi *api; gchar *user; gchar *pass; }; static void fb_api_attach(FbApi *api, FbId aid, const gchar *msgid, FbApiMessage *msg); static void fb_api_contacts_after(FbApi *api, const gchar *cursor); static void fb_api_message_send(FbApi *api, FbApiMessage *msg); static void fb_api_sticker(FbApi *api, FbId sid, FbApiMessage *msg); void fb_api_contacts_delta(FbApi *api, const gchar *delta_cursor); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(FbApi, fb_api, G_TYPE_OBJECT); static const gchar *agents[] = { FB_API_AGENT, FB_API_AGENT_BASE " " "[FBAN/Orca-Android;FBAV/;FBPN/com.facebook.orca;FBLC/en_US;FBBV/26040814]", FB_API_AGENT_BASE " " "[FBAN/Orca-Android;FBAV/;FBBV/52182662]", FB_API_AGENT_BASE " " "[FBAN/Orca-Android;FBAV/;FBPN/com.facebook.orca;FBLC/en_US;FBBV/52182662]", NULL, }; static const gchar * fb_api_get_agent_string(int tweak, gboolean mqtt) { gboolean http_only = tweak & 4; gboolean mqtt_only = tweak & 8; if (tweak <= 0 || tweak > 15 || (http_only && mqtt) || (mqtt_only && !mqtt)) { return agents[0]; } return agents[tweak & 3]; } static void fb_api_set_property(GObject *obj, guint prop, const GValue *val, GParamSpec *pspec) { FbApiPrivate *priv = FB_API(obj)->priv; switch (prop) { case PROP_CID: g_free(priv->cid); priv->cid = g_value_dup_string(val); break; case PROP_DID: g_free(priv->did); priv->did = g_value_dup_string(val); break; case PROP_MID: priv->mid = g_value_get_uint64(val); break; case PROP_STOKEN: g_free(priv->stoken); priv->stoken = g_value_dup_string(val); break; case PROP_TOKEN: g_free(priv->token); priv->token = g_value_dup_string(val); break; case PROP_UID: priv->uid = g_value_get_int64(val); break; case PROP_TWEAK: priv->tweak = g_value_get_int(val); fb_http_set_agent(priv->http, fb_api_get_agent_string(priv->tweak, 0)); break; case PROP_WORK: priv->is_work = g_value_get_boolean(val); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (obj, prop, pspec); break; } } static void fb_api_get_property(GObject *obj, guint prop, GValue *val, GParamSpec *pspec) { FbApiPrivate *priv = FB_API(obj)->priv; switch (prop) { case PROP_CID: g_value_set_string(val, priv->cid); break; case PROP_DID: g_value_set_string(val, priv->did); break; case PROP_MID: g_value_set_uint64(val, priv->mid); break; case PROP_STOKEN: g_value_set_string(val, priv->stoken); break; case PROP_TOKEN: g_value_set_string(val, priv->token); break; case PROP_UID: g_value_set_int64(val, priv->uid); break; case PROP_TWEAK: g_value_set_int(val, priv->tweak); break; case PROP_WORK: g_value_set_boolean(val, priv->is_work); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (obj, prop, pspec); break; } } static void fb_api_dispose(GObject *obj) { FbApiData *fata; FbApiPrivate *priv = FB_API(obj)->priv; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, priv->data); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer) &fata)) { fata->func(fata->data); g_free(fata); } g_object_unref(priv->http); g_object_unref(priv->mqtt); g_hash_table_destroy(priv->data); g_queue_free_full(priv->msgs, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_message_free); g_free(priv->cid); g_free(priv->did); g_free(priv->stoken); g_free(priv->token); g_free(priv->contacts_delta); g_free(priv->sso_verifier); } static void fb_api_class_init(FbApiClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gklass = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); GParamSpec *props[PROP_N] = {NULL}; gklass->set_property = fb_api_set_property; gklass->get_property = fb_api_get_property; gklass->dispose = fb_api_dispose; /** * FbApi:cid: * * The client identifier for MQTT. This value should be saved * and loaded for persistence. */ props[PROP_CID] = g_param_spec_string( "cid", "Client ID", "Client identifier for MQTT", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE); /** * FbApi:did: * * The device identifier for the MQTT message queue. This value * should be saved and loaded for persistence. */ props[PROP_DID] = g_param_spec_string( "did", "Device ID", "Device identifier for the MQTT message queue", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE); /** * FbApi:mid: * * The MQTT identifier. This value should be saved and loaded * for persistence. */ props[PROP_MID] = g_param_spec_uint64( "mid", "MQTT ID", "MQTT identifier", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); /** * FbApi:stoken: * * The synchronization token for the MQTT message queue. This * value should be saved and loaded for persistence. */ props[PROP_STOKEN] = g_param_spec_string( "stoken", "Sync Token", "Synchronization token for the MQTT message queue", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE); /** * FbApi:token: * * The access token for authentication. This value should be * saved and loaded for persistence. */ props[PROP_TOKEN] = g_param_spec_string( "token", "Access Token", "Access token for authentication", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE); /** * FbApi:uid: * * The #FbId of the user of the #FbApi. */ props[PROP_UID] = g_param_spec_int64( "uid", "User ID", "User identifier", 0, G_MAXINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); /** * FbApi:tweak: */ props[PROP_TWEAK] = g_param_spec_int( "tweak", "Tweak", "", 0, G_MAXINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); /** * FbApi:work: */ props[PROP_WORK] = g_param_spec_boolean( "work", "Work", "", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_properties(gklass, PROP_N, props); /** * FbApi::auth: * @api: The #FbApi. * * Emitted upon the successful completion of the authentication * process. This is emitted as a result of #fb_api_auth(). */ g_signal_new("auth", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /** * FbApi::connect: * @api: The #FbApi. * * Emitted upon the successful completion of the connection * process. This is emitted as a result of #fb_api_connect(). */ g_signal_new("connect", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /** * FbApi::contact: * @api: The #FbApi. * @user: The #FbApiUser. * * Emitted upon the successful reply of a contact request. This * is emitted as a result of #fb_api_contact(). */ g_signal_new("contact", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::contacts: * @api: The #FbApi. * @users: The #GSList of #FbApiUser's. * @complete: #TRUE if the list is fetched, otherwise #FALSE. * * Emitted upon the successful reply of a contacts request. * This is emitted as a result of #fb_api_contacts(). This can * be emitted multiple times before the entire contacts list * has been fetched. Use @complete for detecting the completion * status of the list fetch. */ g_signal_new("contacts", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); /** * FbApi::contacts-delta: * @api: The #FbApi. * @added: The #GSList of added #FbApiUser's. * @removed: The #GSList of strings with removed user ids. * * Like 'contacts', but only the deltas. */ g_signal_new("contacts-delta", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::error: * @api: The #FbApi. * @error: The #GError. * * Emitted whenever an error is hit within the #FbApi. This * should disconnect the #FbApi with #fb_api_disconnect(). */ g_signal_new("error", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::events: * @api: The #FbApi. * @events: The #GSList of #FbApiEvent's. * * Emitted upon incoming events from the stream. */ g_signal_new("events", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::messages: * @api: The #FbApi. * @msgs: The #GSList of #FbApiMessage's. * * Emitted upon incoming messages from the stream. */ g_signal_new("messages", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::presences: * @api: The #FbApi. * @press: The #GSList of #FbApiPresence's. * * Emitted upon incoming presences from the stream. */ g_signal_new("presences", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::thread: * @api: The #FbApi. * @thrd: The #FbApiThread. * * Emitted upon the successful reply of a thread request. This * is emitted as a result of #fb_api_thread(). */ g_signal_new("thread", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::thread-create: * @api: The #FbApi. * @tid: The thread #FbId. * * Emitted upon the successful reply of a thread creation * request. This is emitted as a result of * #fb_api_thread_create(). */ g_signal_new("thread-create", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__INT64, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, FB_TYPE_ID); /** * FbApi::thread-kicked: * @api: The #FbApi. * @thrd: The #FbApiThread. * * Emitted upon the reply of a thread request when the user is no longer * part of that thread. This is emitted as a result of #fb_api_thread(). */ g_signal_new("thread-kicked", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::threads: * @api: The #FbApi. * @thrds: The #GSList of #FbApiThread's. * * Emitted upon the successful reply of a threads request. This * is emitted as a result of #fb_api_threads(). */ g_signal_new("threads", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::typing: * @api: The #FbApi. * @typg: The #FbApiTyping. * * Emitted upon an incoming typing state from the stream. */ g_signal_new("typing", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** * FbApi::work-sso-login: * @api: The #FbApi. * * Emitted when user interaction is required to continue SAML SSO login */ g_signal_new("work-sso-login", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_ACTION, 0, NULL, NULL, fb_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } static void fb_api_init(FbApi *api) { FbApiPrivate *priv; priv = fb_api_get_instance_private(api); api->priv = priv; priv->http = fb_http_new(FB_API_AGENT); priv->mqtt = fb_mqtt_new(); priv->msgs = g_queue_new(); priv->data = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, NULL); } GQuark fb_api_error_quark(void) { static GQuark q = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(q == 0)) { q = g_quark_from_static_string("fb-api-error-quark"); } return q; } static void fb_api_data_set(FbApi *api, gpointer handle, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify func) { FbApiData *fata; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; fata = g_new0(FbApiData, 1); fata->data = data; fata->func = func; g_hash_table_replace(priv->data, handle, fata); } static gpointer fb_api_data_take(FbApi *api, gconstpointer handle) { FbApiData *fata; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; gpointer data; fata = g_hash_table_lookup(priv->data, handle); if (fata == NULL) { return NULL; } data = fata->data; g_hash_table_remove(priv->data, handle); g_free(fata); return data; } static gboolean fb_api_json_chk(FbApi *api, gconstpointer data, gssize size, JsonNode **node) { const gchar *str; FbApiError errc = FB_API_ERROR_GENERAL; FbApiPrivate *priv; FbJsonValues *values; gboolean success = TRUE; gchar *msg; GError *err = NULL; gint64 code; guint i; JsonNode *root; static const gchar *exprs[] = { "$.error.message", "$.error.summary", "$.error_msg", "$.errorCode", "$.failedSend.errorMessage", }; g_return_val_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api), FALSE); priv = api->priv; if (G_UNLIKELY(size == 0)) { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_GENERAL, "Empty JSON data"); return FALSE; } fb_util_debug_info("Parsing JSON: %.*s", (gint) size, (const gchar *) data); root = fb_json_node_new(data, size, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, return FALSE); values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.error_code"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.error.type"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.errorCode"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return FALSE ); code = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if ((g_strcmp0(str, "OAuthException") == 0) || (code == 401)) { errc = FB_API_ERROR_AUTH; success = FALSE; g_free(priv->stoken); priv->stoken = NULL; g_free(priv->token); priv->token = NULL; } /* 509 is used for "invalid attachment id" */ if (code == 509) { errc = FB_API_ERROR_NONFATAL; success = FALSE; } str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if ((g_strcmp0(str, "ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(str, "ERROR_QUEUE_LOST") == 0)) { errc = FB_API_ERROR_QUEUE; success = FALSE; g_free(priv->stoken); priv->stoken = NULL; } g_object_unref(values); for (msg = NULL, i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(exprs); i++) { msg = fb_json_node_get_str(root, exprs[i], NULL); if (msg != NULL) { success = FALSE; break; } } if (!success && (msg == NULL)) { msg = g_strdup("Unknown error"); } if (msg != NULL) { fb_api_error(api, errc, "%s", msg); json_node_free(root); g_free(msg); return FALSE; } if (node != NULL) { *node = root; } else { json_node_free(root); } return TRUE; } static gboolean fb_api_http_chk(FbApi *api, FbHttpRequest *req, JsonNode **root) { const gchar *data; GError *err; gsize size; data = fb_http_request_get_data(req, &size); err = fb_http_request_take_error(req); if ((err == NULL) && (root == NULL)) { return TRUE; } /* Rudimentary check to prevent wrongful error parsing */ if ((size < 2) || (data[0] != '{') || (data[size - 1] != '}')) { FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, return FALSE); } if (!fb_api_json_chk(api, data, size, root)) { if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_error_free(err); } return FALSE; } FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, return FALSE); return TRUE; } static FbHttpRequest * fb_api_http_req(FbApi *api, const gchar *url, const gchar *name, const gchar *method, FbHttpValues *values, FbHttpFunc func) { const gchar *key; const gchar *val; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbHttpRequest *req; FbHttpValues *hdrs; FbHttpValues *prms; gchar *data; GList *keys; GList *l; GString *gstr; fb_http_values_set_str(values, "api_key", priv->is_work ? FB_WORK_API_KEY : FB_API_KEY); fb_http_values_set_str(values, "device_id", priv->did); fb_http_values_set_str(values, "fb_api_req_friendly_name", name); fb_http_values_set_str(values, "format", "json"); fb_http_values_set_str(values, "method", method); data = fb_util_get_locale(); fb_http_values_set_str(values, "locale", data); g_free(data); req = fb_http_request_new(priv->http, url, TRUE, func, api); fb_http_values_remove(values, "sig"); gstr = g_string_new(NULL); keys = fb_http_values_get_keys(values); keys = g_list_sort(keys, (GCompareFunc) g_ascii_strcasecmp); for (l = keys; l != NULL; l = l->next) { key = l->data; val = fb_http_values_get_str(values, key, NULL); g_string_append_printf(gstr, "%s=%s", key, val); } g_string_append(gstr, priv->is_work ? FB_WORK_API_SECRET : FB_API_SECRET); data = g_compute_checksum_for_string(G_CHECKSUM_MD5, gstr->str, gstr->len); fb_http_values_set_str(values, "sig", data); g_string_free(gstr, TRUE); g_list_free(keys); g_free(data); if (priv->token != NULL) { hdrs = fb_http_request_get_headers(req); fb_http_values_set_strf(hdrs, "Authorization", "OAuth %s", priv->token); } prms = fb_http_request_get_params(req); fb_http_values_consume(prms, values); fb_http_request_send(req); return req; } static FbHttpRequest * fb_api_http_query(FbApi *api, gint64 query, JsonBuilder *builder, FbHttpFunc func) { const gchar *name; FbHttpValues *prms; gchar *json; switch (query) { case FB_API_QUERY_CONTACT: name = "UsersQuery"; break; case FB_API_QUERY_CONTACTS: name = "FetchContactsFullQuery"; break; case FB_API_QUERY_CONTACTS_AFTER: name = "FetchContactsFullWithAfterQuery"; break; case FB_API_QUERY_CONTACTS_DELTA: name = "FetchContactsDeltaQuery"; break; case FB_API_QUERY_STICKER: name = "FetchStickersWithPreviewsQuery"; break; case FB_API_QUERY_THREAD: name = "ThreadQuery"; break; case FB_API_QUERY_SEQ_ID: case FB_API_QUERY_THREADS: name = "ThreadListQuery"; break; case FB_API_QUERY_XMA: name = "XMAQuery"; break; default: g_return_val_if_reached(NULL); return NULL; } prms = fb_http_values_new(); json = fb_json_bldr_close(builder, JSON_NODE_OBJECT, NULL); fb_http_values_set_strf(prms, "query_id", "%" G_GINT64_FORMAT, query); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "query_params", json); g_free(json); return fb_api_http_req(api, FB_API_URL_GQL, name, "get", prms, func); } static void fb_api_cb_http_bool(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { const gchar *hata; FbApi *api = data; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, NULL)) { return; } hata = fb_http_request_get_data(req, NULL); if (G_UNLIKELY(hata == NULL)) { hata = "false"; } if (!bool2int((gchar *) hata)) { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR, "Failed generic API operation"); } } static void fb_api_cb_mqtt_error(FbMqtt *mqtt, GError *error, gpointer data) { FbApi *api = data; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; if (!priv->retrying) { priv->retrying = TRUE; fb_util_debug_info("Attempting to reconnect the MQTT stream..."); fb_api_connect(api, priv->invisible); } else { g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "error", error); } } static void fb_api_cb_mqtt_open(FbMqtt *mqtt, gpointer data) { const GByteArray *bytes; FbApi *api = data; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbThrift *thft; GByteArray *cytes; GError *err = NULL; static guint8 flags = FB_MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_USER | FB_MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_PASS | FB_MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_CLR; thft = fb_thrift_new(NULL, 0); /* Write the client identifier */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRING, 1, 0); fb_thrift_write_str(thft, priv->cid); fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRUCT, 4, 1); /* Write the user identifier */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64, 1, 0); fb_thrift_write_i64(thft, priv->uid); /* Write the information string */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRING, 2, 1); fb_thrift_write_str(thft, (priv->tweak != 0) ? fb_api_get_agent_string(priv->tweak, 1) : FB_API_MQTT_AGENT); /* Write the client capabilities */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64, 3, 2); fb_thrift_write_i64(thft, FB_CP_ACKNOWLEDGED_DELIVERY | FB_CP_PROCESSING_LASTACTIVE_PRESENCEINFO | FB_CP_EXACT_KEEPALIVE | FB_CP_DELTA_SENT_MESSAGE_ENABLED); /* Write the endpoint capabilitites */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64, 4, 3); fb_thrift_write_i64(thft, 26); /* Write the publish payload format (deflate) */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I32, 5, 4); fb_thrift_write_i32(thft, 1); /* Write the noAutomaticForeground flag */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_BOOL, 6, 5); fb_thrift_write_bool(thft, TRUE); /* Write the visibility state (makeUserAvailableInForeground flag) */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_BOOL, 7, 6); fb_thrift_write_bool(thft, !priv->invisible); /* Write the device identifier */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRING, 8, 7); fb_thrift_write_str(thft, priv->did); /* Write the isInitiallyForeground flag */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_BOOL, 9, 8); fb_thrift_write_bool(thft, TRUE); /* Write the network type (WIFI) */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I32, 10, 9); fb_thrift_write_i32(thft, 1); /* Write the network subtype (none) */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I32, 11, 10); fb_thrift_write_i32(thft, 0); /* Write the MQTT identifier */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64, 12, 11); fb_thrift_write_i64(thft, priv->mid); /* Write the list of topics to subscribe */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_LIST, 14, 12); fb_thrift_write_list(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I32, 0); /* Write the STOP for the struct */ fb_thrift_write_stop(thft); /* Write the token */ fb_thrift_write_field(thft, FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRING, 5, 4); fb_thrift_write_str(thft, priv->token); /* Write the STOP for the message */ fb_thrift_write_stop(thft); bytes = fb_thrift_get_bytes(thft); cytes = fb_util_zlib_deflate(bytes, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(thft); return; ); fb_util_debug_hexdump(FB_UTIL_DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO, bytes, "Writing connect"); fb_mqtt_connect(mqtt, flags, cytes); g_byte_array_free(cytes, TRUE); g_object_unref(thft); } static void fb_api_connect_queue(FbApi *api) { FbApiMessage *msg; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; gchar *json; JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "delta_batch_size", 125); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "max_deltas_able_to_process", 1250); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "sync_api_version", 3); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "encoding", "JSON"); if (priv->stoken == NULL) { fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "initial_titan_sequence_id", priv->sid); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "device_id", priv->did); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "entity_fbid", priv->uid); fb_json_bldr_obj_begin(bldr, "queue_params"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "buzz_on_deltas_enabled", "false"); fb_json_bldr_obj_begin(bldr, "graphql_query_hashes"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "xma_query_id", G_STRINGIFY(FB_API_QUERY_XMA)); fb_json_bldr_obj_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_obj_begin(bldr, "graphql_query_params"); fb_json_bldr_obj_begin(bldr, G_STRINGIFY(FB_API_QUERY_XMA)); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "xma_id", ""); fb_json_bldr_obj_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_obj_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_obj_end(bldr); json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_OBJECT, NULL); fb_api_publish(api, "/messenger_sync_create_queue", "%s", json); g_free(json); return; } fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "last_seq_id", priv->sid); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "sync_token", priv->stoken); json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_OBJECT, NULL); fb_api_publish(api, "/messenger_sync_get_diffs", "%s", json); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "connect"); g_free(json); if (!g_queue_is_empty(priv->msgs)) { msg = g_queue_peek_head(priv->msgs); fb_api_message_send(api, msg); } if (priv->retrying) { priv->retrying = FALSE; fb_util_debug_info("Reconnected the MQTT stream"); } } static void fb_api_cb_seqid(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { const gchar *str; FbApi *api = data; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.viewer.message_threads.sync_sequence_id"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, TRUE, "$.viewer.message_threads.unread_count"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); priv->sid = g_ascii_strtoll(str, NULL, 10); priv->unread = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); fb_api_connect_queue(api); g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } static void fb_api_cb_mqtt_connect(FbMqtt *mqtt, gpointer data) { FbApi *api = data; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; gchar *json; JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_bool(bldr, "foreground", TRUE); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "keepalive_timeout", FB_MQTT_KA); json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_OBJECT, NULL); fb_api_publish(api, "/foreground_state", "%s", json); g_free(json); fb_mqtt_subscribe(mqtt, "/inbox", 0, "/mercury", 0, "/messaging_events", 0, "/orca_presence", 0, "/orca_typing_notifications", 0, "/pp", 0, "/t_ms", 0, "/t_p", 0, "/t_rtc", 0, "/webrtc", 0, "/webrtc_response", 0, NULL ); /* Notifications seem to lead to some sort of sending rate limit */ fb_mqtt_unsubscribe(mqtt, "/orca_message_notifications", NULL); if (priv->sid == 0) { bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "1", "0"); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_SEQ_ID, bldr, fb_api_cb_seqid); } else { fb_api_connect_queue(api); } } static void fb_api_cb_publish_mark(FbApi *api, GByteArray *pload) { FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_json_chk(api, pload->data, pload->len, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_BOOL, FALSE, "$.succeeded"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); if (!fb_json_values_next_bool(values, TRUE)) { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_GENERAL, "Failed to mark thread as read"); } g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } static GSList * fb_api_event_parse(FbApi *api, FbApiEvent *event, GSList *events, JsonNode *root, GError **error) { const gchar *str; FbApiEvent *devent; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; guint i; static const struct { FbApiEventType type; const gchar *expr; } evtypes[] = { { FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_USER_ADDED, "$.log_message_data.added_participants" }, { FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_USER_REMOVED, "$.log_message_data.removed_participants" } }; values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.log_message_type"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.author"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.log_message_data.name"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); g_object_unref(values); return events; } str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (g_strcmp0(str, "log:thread-name") == 0) { str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, ""); str = strrchr(str, ':'); if (str != NULL) { devent = fb_api_event_dup(event, FALSE); devent->type = FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_TOPIC; devent->uid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str + 1); devent->text = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); events = g_slist_prepend(events, devent); } } g_object_unref(values); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(evtypes); i++) { values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$"); fb_json_values_set_array(values, FALSE, evtypes[i].expr); while (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, ""); str = strrchr(str, ':'); if (str != NULL) { devent = fb_api_event_dup(event, FALSE); devent->type = evtypes[i].type; devent->uid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str + 1); events = g_slist_prepend(events, devent); } } g_object_unref(values); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); break; } } return events; } static void fb_api_cb_publish_mercury(FbApi *api, GByteArray *pload) { const gchar *str; FbApiEvent event; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; GSList *events = NULL; JsonNode *root; JsonNode *node; if (!fb_api_json_chk(api, pload->data, pload->len, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.thread_fbid"); fb_json_values_set_array(values, FALSE, "$.actions"); while (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { fb_api_event_reset(&event, FALSE); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); event.tid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); node = fb_json_values_get_root(values); events = fb_api_event_parse(api, &event, events, node, &err); } if (G_LIKELY(err == NULL)) { events = g_slist_reverse(events); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "events", events); } else { fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } g_slist_free_full(events, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_event_free); g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } static void fb_api_cb_publish_typing(FbApi *api, GByteArray *pload) { const gchar *str; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbApiTyping typg; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_json_chk(api, pload->data, pload->len, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.type"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, TRUE, "$.sender_fbid"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, TRUE, "$.state"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(str, "typ") == 0) { typg.uid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); if (typg.uid != priv->uid) { typg.state = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "typing", &typg); } } g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } static void fb_api_cb_publish_ms_r(FbApi *api, GByteArray *pload) { FbApiMessage *msg; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_json_chk(api, pload->data, pload->len, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_BOOL, TRUE, "$.succeeded"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); if (fb_json_values_next_bool(values, TRUE)) { /* Pop and free the successful message */ msg = g_queue_pop_head(priv->msgs); fb_api_message_free(msg); if (!g_queue_is_empty(priv->msgs)) { msg = g_queue_peek_head(priv->msgs); fb_api_message_send(api, msg); } } else { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_GENERAL, "Failed to send message"); } g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } static gchar * fb_api_xma_parse(FbApi *api, const gchar *body, JsonNode *root, GError **error) { const gchar *str; const gchar *url; FbHttpValues *prms; FbJsonValues *values; gchar *text; GError *err = NULL; values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.story_attachment.target.__type__.name"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.story_attachment.url"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); g_object_unref(values); return NULL; } str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); url = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if ((str == NULL) || (url == NULL)) { text = g_strdup(""); g_object_unref(values); return text; } if (g_strcmp0(str, "ExternalUrl") == 0) { prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_parse(prms, url, TRUE); if (g_str_has_prefix(url, FB_API_FBRPC_PREFIX)) { text = fb_http_values_dup_str(prms, "target_url", NULL); } else { text = fb_http_values_dup_str(prms, "u", NULL); } fb_http_values_free(prms); } else { text = g_strdup(url); } if (fb_http_urlcmp(body, text, FALSE)) { g_free(text); g_object_unref(values); return NULL; } g_object_unref(values); return text; } static GSList * fb_api_message_parse_attach(FbApi *api, const gchar *mid, FbApiMessage *msg, GSList *msgs, const gchar *body, JsonNode *root, GError **error) { const gchar *str; FbApiMessage *dmsg; FbId id; FbJsonValues *values; gchar *xma; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *node; JsonNode *xode; values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.xmaGraphQL"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.fbid"); fb_json_values_set_array(values, FALSE, "$.attachments"); while (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (str == NULL) { id = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); dmsg = fb_api_message_dup(msg, FALSE); fb_api_attach(api, id, mid, dmsg); continue; } node = fb_json_node_new(str, -1, &err); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { break; } xode = fb_json_node_get_nth(node, 0); xma = fb_api_xma_parse(api, body, xode, &err); if (xma != NULL) { dmsg = fb_api_message_dup(msg, FALSE); dmsg->text = xma; msgs = g_slist_prepend(msgs, dmsg); } json_node_free(node); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { break; } } if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); } g_object_unref(values); return msgs; } static GSList * fb_api_cb_publish_ms_new_message(FbApi *api, JsonNode *root, GSList *msgs, GError **error); static GSList * fb_api_cb_publish_ms_event(FbApi *api, JsonNode *root, GSList *events, FbApiEventType type, GError **error); static void fb_api_cb_publish_mst(FbThrift *thft, GError **error) { if (fb_thrift_read_isstop(thft)) { FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_stop(thft)); } else { FbThriftType type; gint16 id; FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_field(thft, &type, &id, 0)); FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRING); fb_util_debug_info("fb_api_cb_publish_mst() id: %d", id); FB_API_TCHK(id == 1 || id == 2); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_str(thft, NULL)); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_stop(thft)); } return; } static void fb_api_cb_publish_ms(FbApi *api, GByteArray *pload) { const gchar *data; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbJsonValues *values; FbThrift *thft; gchar *stoken; GError *err = NULL; GList *elms, *l; GSList *msgs = NULL; GSList *events = NULL; guint size; JsonNode *root; JsonNode *node; JsonArray *arr; static const struct { const gchar *member; FbApiEventType type; gboolean is_message; } event_types[] = { {"deltaNewMessage", 0, 1}, {"deltaThreadName", FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_TOPIC, 0}, {"deltaParticipantsAddedToGroupThread", FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_USER_ADDED, 0}, {"deltaParticipantLeftGroupThread", FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_USER_REMOVED, 0}, }; /* Read identifier string (for Facebook employees) */ thft = fb_thrift_new(pload, 0); fb_api_cb_publish_mst(thft, &err); size = fb_thrift_get_pos(thft); g_object_unref(thft); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, return; ); g_return_if_fail(size < pload->len); data = (gchar *) pload->data + size; size = pload->len - size; if (!fb_api_json_chk(api, data, size, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.lastIssuedSeqId"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.syncToken"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); priv->sid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); stoken = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); g_object_unref(values); if (G_UNLIKELY(stoken != NULL)) { g_free(priv->stoken); priv->stoken = stoken; g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "connect"); json_node_free(root); return; } arr = fb_json_node_get_arr(root, "$.deltas", NULL); elms = json_array_get_elements(arr); for (l = elms; l != NULL; l = l->next) { guint i = 0; JsonObject *o = json_node_get_object(l->data); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(event_types); i++) { if ((node = json_object_get_member(o, event_types[i].member))) { if (event_types[i].is_message) { msgs = fb_api_cb_publish_ms_new_message( api, node, msgs, &err ); } else { events = fb_api_cb_publish_ms_event( api, node, events, event_types[i].type, &err ); } } } if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { break; } } g_list_free(elms); json_array_unref(arr); if (G_LIKELY(err == NULL)) { if (msgs) { msgs = g_slist_reverse(msgs); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "messages", msgs); } if (events) { events = g_slist_reverse(events); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "events", events); } } else { fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } g_slist_free_full(msgs, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_message_free); g_slist_free_full(events, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_event_free); json_node_free(root); } static GSList * fb_api_cb_publish_ms_new_message(FbApi *api, JsonNode *root, GSList *msgs, GError **error) { const gchar *body; const gchar *str; GError *err = NULL; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbApiMessage *dmsg; FbApiMessage msg; FbId id; FbId oid; FbJsonValues *values; JsonNode *node; values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata.offlineThreadingId"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata.actorFbId"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata" ".threadKey.otherUserFbId"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata" ".threadKey.threadFbId"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata.timestamp"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.body"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.stickerId"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata.messageId"); if (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { id = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); /* Ignore everything but new messages */ if (id == 0) { goto beach; } /* Ignore sequential duplicates */ if (id == priv->lastmid) { fb_util_debug_info("Ignoring duplicate %" FB_ID_FORMAT, id); goto beach; } priv->lastmid = id; fb_api_message_reset(&msg, FALSE); msg.uid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); oid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); msg.tid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); msg.tstamp = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); if (msg.uid == priv->uid) { msg.flags |= FB_API_MESSAGE_FLAG_SELF; if (msg.tid == 0) { msg.uid = oid; } } body = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (body != NULL) { dmsg = fb_api_message_dup(&msg, FALSE); dmsg->text = g_strdup(body); msgs = g_slist_prepend(msgs, dmsg); } id = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); if (id != 0) { dmsg = fb_api_message_dup(&msg, FALSE); fb_api_sticker(api, id, dmsg); } str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (str == NULL) { goto beach; } node = fb_json_values_get_root(values); msgs = fb_api_message_parse_attach(api, str, &msg, msgs, body, node, &err); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); goto beach; } } beach: g_object_unref(values); return msgs; } static GSList * fb_api_cb_publish_ms_event(FbApi *api, JsonNode *root, GSList *events, FbApiEventType type, GError **error) { FbApiEvent *event; FbJsonValues *values = NULL; FbJsonValues *values_inner = NULL; GError *err = NULL; values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata.threadKey.threadFbId"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata.actorFbId"); switch (type) { case FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_TOPIC: fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.name"); break; case FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_USER_ADDED: values_inner = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values_inner, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.userFbId"); /* use the text field for the full name */ fb_json_values_add(values_inner, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.fullName"); fb_json_values_set_array(values_inner, FALSE, "$.addedParticipants"); break; case FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_USER_REMOVED: fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, FALSE, "$.leftParticipantFbId"); /* use the text field for the kick message */ fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.messageMetadata.adminText"); break; } fb_json_values_update(values, &err); event = fb_api_event_dup(NULL, FALSE); event->type = type; event->tid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); event->uid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); if (type == FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_TOPIC) { event->text = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); } else if (type == FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_USER_REMOVED) { /* overwrite actor with subject */ event->uid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); event->text = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); } else if (type == FB_API_EVENT_TYPE_THREAD_USER_ADDED) { while (fb_json_values_update(values_inner, &err)) { FbApiEvent *devent = fb_api_event_dup(event, FALSE); devent->uid = fb_json_values_next_int(values_inner, 0); devent->text = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values_inner, NULL); events = g_slist_prepend(events, devent); } fb_api_event_free(event); event = NULL; g_object_unref(values_inner); } g_object_unref(values); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); } else if (event) { events = g_slist_prepend(events, event); } return events; } static void fb_api_cb_publish_pt(FbThrift *thft, GSList **press, GError **error) { FbApiPresence *pres; FbThriftType type; gint16 id; gint32 i32; gint64 i64; guint i; guint size = 0; /* Read identifier string (for Facebook employees) */ FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_str(thft, NULL)); /* Read the full list boolean field */ FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_field(thft, &type, &id, 0)); FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_BOOL); FB_API_TCHK(id == 1); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_bool(thft, NULL)); /* Read the list field */ FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_field(thft, &type, &id, id)); FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_LIST); FB_API_TCHK(id == 2); /* Read the list */ FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_list(thft, &type, &size)); FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRUCT); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { /* Read the user identifier field */ FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_field(thft, &type, &id, 0)); FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64); FB_API_TCHK(id == 1); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_i64(thft, &i64)); /* Read the active field */ FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_field(thft, &type, &id, id)); FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I32); FB_API_TCHK(id == 2); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_i32(thft, &i32)); pres = fb_api_presence_dup(NULL); pres->uid = i64; pres->active = i32 != 0; *press = g_slist_prepend(*press, pres); fb_util_debug_info("Presence: %" FB_ID_FORMAT " (%d) id: %d", i64, i32 != 0, id); while (id <= 6) { if (fb_thrift_read_isstop(thft)) { break; } FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_field(thft, &type, &id, id)); switch (id) { case 3: /* Read the last active timestamp field */ FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_i64(thft, NULL)); break; case 4: /* Read the active client bits field */ FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I16); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_i16(thft, NULL)); break; case 5: /* Read the VoIP compatibility bits field */ FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_i64(thft, NULL)); break; case 6: /* Unknown new field */ FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_i64(thft, NULL)); break; default: /* Try to read unknown fields as varint */ FB_API_TCHK(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I16 || type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I32 || type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64); FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_i64(thft, NULL)); break; } } /* Read the field stop */ FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_stop(thft)); } /* Read the field stop */ if (fb_thrift_read_isstop(thft)) { FB_API_TCHK(fb_thrift_read_stop(thft)); } } static void fb_api_cb_publish_p(FbApi *api, GByteArray *pload) { FbThrift *thft; GError *err = NULL; GSList *press = NULL; thft = fb_thrift_new(pload, 0); fb_api_cb_publish_pt(thft, &press, &err); g_object_unref(thft); if (G_LIKELY(err == NULL)) { g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "presences", press); } else { fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } g_slist_free_full(press, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_presence_free); } static void fb_api_cb_mqtt_publish(FbMqtt *mqtt, const gchar *topic, GByteArray *pload, gpointer data) { FbApi *api = data; gboolean comp; GByteArray *bytes; GError *err = NULL; guint i; static const struct { const gchar *topic; void (*func) (FbApi *api, GByteArray *pload); } parsers[] = { {"/mark_thread_response", fb_api_cb_publish_mark}, {"/mercury", fb_api_cb_publish_mercury}, {"/orca_typing_notifications", fb_api_cb_publish_typing}, {"/send_message_response", fb_api_cb_publish_ms_r}, {"/t_ms", fb_api_cb_publish_ms}, {"/t_p", fb_api_cb_publish_p} }; comp = fb_util_zlib_test(pload); if (G_LIKELY(comp)) { bytes = fb_util_zlib_inflate(pload, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, return); } else { bytes = (GByteArray *) pload; } fb_util_debug_hexdump(FB_UTIL_DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO, bytes, "Reading message (topic: %s)", topic); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(parsers); i++) { if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(topic, parsers[i].topic) == 0) { parsers[i].func(api, bytes); break; } } if (G_LIKELY(comp)) { g_byte_array_free(bytes, TRUE); } } FbApi * fb_api_new(void) { FbApi *api; FbApiPrivate *priv; api = g_object_new(FB_TYPE_API, NULL); priv = api->priv; g_signal_connect(priv->mqtt, "connect", G_CALLBACK(fb_api_cb_mqtt_connect), api); g_signal_connect(priv->mqtt, "error", G_CALLBACK(fb_api_cb_mqtt_error), api); g_signal_connect(priv->mqtt, "open", G_CALLBACK(fb_api_cb_mqtt_open), api); g_signal_connect(priv->mqtt, "publish", G_CALLBACK(fb_api_cb_mqtt_publish), api); return api; } void fb_api_rehash(FbApi *api) { FbApiPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); priv = api->priv; if (priv->cid == NULL) { priv->cid = fb_util_rand_alnum(32); } if (priv->did == NULL) { priv->did = fb_util_rand_uuid(); } if (priv->mid == 0) { priv->mid = g_random_int(); } if (strlen(priv->cid) > 20) { priv->cid = g_realloc_n(priv->cid , 21, sizeof *priv->cid); priv->cid[20] = 0; } } gboolean fb_api_is_invisible(FbApi *api) { FbApiPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api), FALSE); priv = api->priv; return priv->invisible; } void fb_api_error(FbApi *api, FbApiError error, const gchar *format, ...) { GError *err; va_list ap; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); va_start(ap, format); err = g_error_new_valist(FB_API_ERROR, error, format, ap); va_end(ap); fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } void fb_api_error_emit(FbApi *api, GError *error) { g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); g_return_if_fail(error != NULL); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "error", error); g_error_free(error); } static void fb_api_cb_attach(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { const gchar *str; FbApi *api = data; FbApiMessage *msg; FbJsonValues *values; gchar *name; GError *err = NULL; GSList *msgs = NULL; guint i; JsonNode *root; static const gchar *imgexts[] = {".jpg", ".png", ".gif"}; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.filename"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.redirect_uri"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); msg = fb_api_data_take(api, req); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); name = g_ascii_strdown(str, -1); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(imgexts); i++) { if (g_str_has_suffix(name, imgexts[i])) { msg->flags |= FB_API_MESSAGE_FLAG_IMAGE; break; } } g_free(name); msg->text = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); msgs = g_slist_prepend(msgs, msg); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "messages", msgs); g_slist_free_full(msgs, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_message_free); g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } static void fb_api_attach(FbApi *api, FbId aid, const gchar *msgid, FbApiMessage *msg) { FbHttpRequest *req; FbHttpValues *prms; prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "mid", msgid); fb_http_values_set_strf(prms, "aid", "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, aid); req = fb_api_http_req(api, FB_API_URL_ATTACH, "getAttachment", "messaging.getAttachment", prms, fb_api_cb_attach); fb_api_data_set(api, req, msg, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_message_free); } static void fb_api_cb_work_peek(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { FbApi *api = data; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *root; gchar *community = NULL; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } /* The work_users[0] explicitly only handles the first user. * If more than one user is ever needed, this is what you want to change, * but as far as I know this feature (linked work accounts) is deprecated * and most users can detach their work accounts from their personal * accounts by assigning a password to the work account. */ community = fb_json_node_get_str(root, "$.data.viewer.work_users[0].community.login_identifier", &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_free(community); json_node_free(root); return; ); priv->work_community_id = FB_ID_FROM_STR(community); fb_api_auth(api, "X", "X", "personal_to_work_switch"); g_free(community); json_node_free(root); } static FbHttpRequest * fb_api_work_peek(FbApi *api) { FbHttpValues *prms; prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_set_int(prms, "doc_id", FB_API_WORK_COMMUNITY_PEEK); return fb_api_http_req(api, FB_API_URL_GQL, "WorkCommunityPeekQuery", "post", prms, fb_api_cb_work_peek); } static void fb_api_cb_auth(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { FbApi *api = data; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.access_token"); /* extremely silly difference */ if (priv->is_work) { fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.uid"); } else { fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, TRUE, "$.uid"); } fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); g_free(priv->token); priv->token = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); if (priv->is_work) { priv->uid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0")); } else { priv->uid = fb_json_values_next_int(values, 0); } if (priv->need_work_switch) { fb_api_work_peek(api); priv->need_work_switch = FALSE; } else { g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "auth"); } g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } void fb_api_auth(FbApi *api, const gchar *user, const gchar *pass, const gchar *credentials_type) { FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbHttpValues *prms; prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "email", user); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "password", pass); if (credentials_type) { fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "credentials_type", credentials_type); } if (priv->sso_verifier) { fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "code_verifier", priv->sso_verifier); g_free(priv->sso_verifier); priv->sso_verifier = NULL; } if (priv->work_community_id) { fb_http_values_set_int(prms, "community_id", priv->work_community_id); } if (priv->is_work && priv->token) { fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "access_token", priv->token); } fb_api_http_req(api, FB_API_URL_AUTH, "authenticate", "auth.login", prms, fb_api_cb_auth); } static void fb_api_cb_work_prelogin(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { FbApiPreloginData *pata = data; FbApi *api = pata->api; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *root; gchar *status; gchar *user = pata->user; gchar *pass = pata->pass; g_free(pata); if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } status = fb_json_node_get_str(root, "$.status", &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, json_node_free(root); return; ); if (g_strcmp0(status, "can_login_password") == 0) { fb_api_auth(api, user, pass, "work_account_password"); } else if (g_strcmp0(status, "can_login_via_linked_account") == 0) { fb_api_auth(api, user, pass, "personal_account_password_with_work_username"); priv->need_work_switch = TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(status, "can_login_sso") == 0) { g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "work-sso-login"); } else if (g_strcmp0(status, "cannot_login") == 0) { char *reason = fb_json_node_get_str(root, "$.cannot_login_reason", NULL); if (g_strcmp0(reason, "non_business_email") == 0) { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_AUTH, "Cannot login with non-business email. " "Change the 'username' setting or disable 'work'"); } else { char *title = fb_json_node_get_str(root, "$.error_title", NULL); char *body = fb_json_node_get_str(root, "$.error_body", NULL); fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_AUTH, "Work prelogin failed (%s - %s)", title, body); g_free(title); g_free(body); } g_free(reason); } else if (g_strcmp0(status, "can_self_invite") == 0) { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_AUTH, "Unknown email. " "Change the 'username' setting or disable 'work'"); } g_free(status); json_node_free(root); } void fb_api_work_login(FbApi *api, gchar *user, gchar *pass) { FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbHttpRequest *req; FbHttpValues *prms, *hdrs; FbApiPreloginData *pata = g_new0(FbApiPreloginData, 1); pata->api = api; pata->user = user; pata->pass = pass; priv->is_work = TRUE; req = fb_http_request_new(priv->http, FB_API_URL_WORK_PRELOGIN, TRUE, fb_api_cb_work_prelogin, pata); hdrs = fb_http_request_get_headers(req); fb_http_values_set_str(hdrs, "Authorization", "OAuth null"); prms = fb_http_request_get_params(req); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "email", user); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "access_token", FB_WORK_API_KEY "|" FB_WORK_API_SECRET); fb_http_request_send(req); } gchar * fb_api_work_gen_sso_url(FbApi *api, const gchar *user) { FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; gchar *challenge, *verifier, *req_id, *email; gchar *ret; fb_util_gen_sso_verifier(&challenge, &verifier, &req_id); email = g_uri_escape_string(user, NULL, FALSE); ret = g_strdup_printf(FB_API_SSO_URL, req_id, challenge, email); g_free(req_id); g_free(challenge); g_free(email); g_free(priv->sso_verifier); priv->sso_verifier = verifier; return ret; } void fb_api_work_got_nonce(FbApi *api, const gchar *url) { gchar **split; gchar *uid = NULL; gchar *nonce = NULL; int i; if (!g_str_has_prefix(url, "fb-workchat-sso://sso/?")) { return; } split = g_strsplit(strchr(url, '?'), "&", -1); for (i = 0; split[i]; i++) { gchar *eq = strchr(split[i], '='); if (g_str_has_prefix(split[i], "uid=")) { uid = g_strstrip(eq + 1); } else if (g_str_has_prefix(split[i], "nonce=")) { nonce = g_strstrip(eq + 1); } } if (uid && nonce) { fb_api_auth(api, uid, nonce, "work_sso_nonce"); } g_strfreev(split); } static gchar * fb_api_user_icon_checksum(gchar *icon) { gchar *csum; FbHttpValues *prms; if (G_UNLIKELY(icon == NULL)) { return NULL; } prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_parse(prms, icon, TRUE); csum = fb_http_values_dup_str(prms, "oh", NULL); fb_http_values_free(prms); if (G_UNLIKELY(csum == NULL)) { /* Revert to the icon URL as the unique checksum */ csum = g_strdup(icon); } return csum; } static void fb_api_cb_contact(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { const gchar *str; FbApi *api = data; FbApiUser user; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *node; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } node = fb_json_node_get_nth(root, 0); if (node == NULL) { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_GENERAL, "Failed to obtain contact information"); json_node_free(root); return; } values = fb_json_values_new(node); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.id"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.name"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.profile_pic_large.uri"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); fb_api_user_reset(&user, FALSE); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); user.uid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); user.name = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); user.icon = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); user.csum = fb_api_user_icon_checksum(user.icon); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "contact", &user); fb_api_user_reset(&user, TRUE); g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } void fb_api_contact(FbApi *api, FbId uid) { JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_arr_begin(bldr, "0"); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, NULL, "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, uid); fb_json_bldr_arr_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "1", "true"); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_CONTACT, bldr, fb_api_cb_contact); } static GSList * fb_api_cb_contacts_nodes(FbApi *api, JsonNode *root, GSList *users) { const gchar *str; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbApiUser *user; FbId uid; FbJsonValues *values; gboolean is_array; GError *err = NULL; values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.represented_profile.id"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.represented_profile.friendship_status"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_BOOL, FALSE, "$.is_on_viewer_contact_list"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.structured_name.text"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.hugePictureUrl.uri"); is_array = (JSON_NODE_TYPE(root) == JSON_NODE_ARRAY); if (is_array) { fb_json_values_set_array(values, FALSE, "$"); } while (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { gboolean in_contact_list; str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); uid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); in_contact_list = fb_json_values_next_bool(values, FALSE); if ((!in_contact_list && (g_strcmp0(str, "ARE_FRIENDS") != 0) && (uid != priv->uid)) || (uid == 0)) { if (!is_array) { break; } continue; } user = fb_api_user_dup(NULL, FALSE); user->uid = uid; user->name = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); user->icon = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); user->csum = fb_api_user_icon_checksum(user->icon); users = g_slist_prepend(users, user); if (!is_array) { break; } } g_object_unref(values); return users; } /* base64(contact:::) */ static GSList * fb_api_cb_contacts_parse_removed(FbApi *api, JsonNode *node, GSList *users) { gsize len; char **split; char *decoded = (char *) g_base64_decode(json_node_get_string(node), &len); g_return_val_if_fail(decoded[len] == '\0', users); g_return_val_if_fail(len == strlen(decoded), users); g_return_val_if_fail(g_str_has_prefix(decoded, "contact:"), users); split = g_strsplit_set(decoded, ":", 4); g_return_val_if_fail(g_strv_length(split) == 4, users); users = g_slist_prepend(users, g_strdup(split[2])); g_strfreev(split); g_free(decoded); return users; } static void fb_api_cb_contacts(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { const gchar *cursor; const gchar *delta_cursor; FbApi *api = data; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbJsonValues *values; gboolean complete; gboolean is_delta; GError *err = NULL; GList *l; GSList *users = NULL; JsonNode *root; JsonNode *croot; JsonNode *node; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } croot = fb_json_node_get(root, "$.viewer.messenger_contacts.deltas", NULL); is_delta = (croot != NULL); if (!is_delta) { croot = fb_json_node_get(root, "$.viewer.messenger_contacts", NULL); node = fb_json_node_get(croot, "$.nodes", NULL); users = fb_api_cb_contacts_nodes(api, node, users); json_node_free(node); } else { GSList *added = NULL; GSList *removed = NULL; JsonArray *arr = fb_json_node_get_arr(croot, "$.nodes", NULL); GList *elms = json_array_get_elements(arr); for (l = elms; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if ((node = fb_json_node_get(l->data, "$.added", NULL))) { added = fb_api_cb_contacts_nodes(api, node, added); json_node_free(node); } if ((node = fb_json_node_get(l->data, "$.removed", NULL))) { removed = fb_api_cb_contacts_parse_removed(api, node, removed); json_node_free(node); } } g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "contacts-delta", added, removed); g_slist_free_full(added, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_user_free); g_slist_free_full(removed, (GDestroyNotify) g_free); g_list_free(elms); json_array_unref(arr); } values = fb_json_values_new(croot); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_BOOL, FALSE, "$.page_info.has_next_page"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.page_info.delta_cursor"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.page_info.end_cursor"); fb_json_values_update(values, NULL); complete = !fb_json_values_next_bool(values, FALSE); delta_cursor = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); cursor = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (G_UNLIKELY(err == NULL)) { if (is_delta || complete) { g_free(priv->contacts_delta); priv->contacts_delta = g_strdup(is_delta ? cursor : delta_cursor); } if (users || (complete && !is_delta)) { g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "contacts", users, complete); } if (!complete) { fb_api_contacts_after(api, cursor); } } else { fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } g_slist_free_full(users, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_user_free); g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(croot); json_node_free(root); } void fb_api_contacts(FbApi *api) { FbApiPrivate *priv; JsonBuilder *bldr; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); priv = api->priv; if (priv->contacts_delta) { fb_api_contacts_delta(api, priv->contacts_delta); return; } bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_arr_begin(bldr, "0"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, NULL, "user"); fb_json_bldr_arr_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "1", G_STRINGIFY(FB_API_CONTACTS_COUNT)); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_CONTACTS, bldr, fb_api_cb_contacts); } static void fb_api_contacts_after(FbApi *api, const gchar *cursor) { JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_arr_begin(bldr, "0"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, NULL, "user"); fb_json_bldr_arr_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "1", cursor); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "2", G_STRINGIFY(FB_API_CONTACTS_COUNT)); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_CONTACTS_AFTER, bldr, fb_api_cb_contacts); } void fb_api_contacts_delta(FbApi *api, const gchar *delta_cursor) { JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "0", delta_cursor); fb_json_bldr_arr_begin(bldr, "1"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, NULL, "user"); fb_json_bldr_arr_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "2", G_STRINGIFY(FB_API_CONTACTS_COUNT)); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_CONTACTS_DELTA, bldr, fb_api_cb_contacts); } void fb_api_connect(FbApi *api, gboolean invisible) { FbApiPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); priv = api->priv; priv->invisible = invisible; fb_mqtt_open(priv->mqtt, FB_MQTT_HOST, FB_MQTT_PORT); } void fb_api_disconnect(FbApi *api) { FbApiPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); priv = api->priv; fb_mqtt_disconnect(priv->mqtt); } static void fb_api_message_send(FbApi *api, FbApiMessage *msg) { const gchar *tpfx; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbId id; FbId mid; gchar *json; JsonBuilder *bldr; mid = FB_API_MSGID(g_get_real_time() / 1000, g_random_int()); priv->lastmid = mid; if (msg->tid != 0) { tpfx = "tfbid_"; id = msg->tid; } else { tpfx = ""; id = msg->uid; } bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "body", msg->text); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, "msgid", "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, mid); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, "sender_fbid", "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, priv->uid); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, "to", "%s%" FB_ID_FORMAT, tpfx, id); json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_OBJECT, NULL); fb_api_publish(api, "/send_message2", "%s", json); g_free(json); } static gboolean fb_api_is_message_not_empty(const gchar *text) { while (*text && *text == ' ') { text++; } return *text != '\0'; } void fb_api_message(FbApi *api, FbId id, gboolean thread, const gchar *text) { FbApiMessage *msg; FbApiPrivate *priv; gboolean empty; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); g_return_if_fail(text != NULL); g_return_if_fail(fb_api_is_message_not_empty(text)); priv = api->priv; msg = fb_api_message_dup(NULL, FALSE); msg->text = g_strdup(text); if (thread) { msg->tid = id; } else { msg->uid = id; } empty = g_queue_is_empty(priv->msgs); g_queue_push_tail(priv->msgs, msg); if (empty && fb_mqtt_connected(priv->mqtt, FALSE)) { fb_api_message_send(api, msg); } } void fb_api_publish(FbApi *api, const gchar *topic, const gchar *format, ...) { FbApiPrivate *priv; GByteArray *bytes; GByteArray *cytes; gchar *msg; GError *err = NULL; va_list ap; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); g_return_if_fail(topic != NULL); g_return_if_fail(format != NULL); priv = api->priv; va_start(ap, format); msg = g_strdup_vprintf(format, ap); va_end(ap); bytes = g_byte_array_new_take((guint8 *) msg, strlen(msg)); cytes = fb_util_zlib_deflate(bytes, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_byte_array_free(bytes, TRUE); return; ); fb_util_debug_hexdump(FB_UTIL_DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO, bytes, "Writing message (topic: %s)", topic); fb_mqtt_publish(priv->mqtt, topic, cytes); g_byte_array_free(cytes, TRUE); g_byte_array_free(bytes, TRUE); } void fb_api_read(FbApi *api, FbId id, gboolean thread) { const gchar *key; FbApiPrivate *priv; gchar *json; JsonBuilder *bldr; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); priv = api->priv; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_bool(bldr, "state", TRUE); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "syncSeqId", priv->sid); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "mark", "read"); key = thread ? "threadFbId" : "otherUserFbId"; fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, key, "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, id); json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_OBJECT, NULL); fb_api_publish(api, "/mark_thread", "%s", json); g_free(json); } static GSList * fb_api_cb_unread_parse_attach(FbApi *api, const gchar *mid, FbApiMessage *msg, GSList *msgs, JsonNode *root, GError **error) { const gchar *str; FbApiMessage *dmsg; FbId id; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.attachment_fbid"); fb_json_values_set_array(values, FALSE, "$.blob_attachments"); while (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); id = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); dmsg = fb_api_message_dup(msg, FALSE); fb_api_attach(api, id, mid, dmsg); } if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); } g_object_unref(values); return msgs; } static void fb_api_cb_unread_msgs(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { const gchar *body; const gchar *str; FbApi *api = data; FbApiMessage *dmsg; FbApiMessage msg; FbId id; FbId tid; FbJsonValues *values; gchar *xma; GError *err = NULL; GSList *msgs = NULL; JsonNode *node; JsonNode *root; JsonNode *xode; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } node = fb_json_node_get_nth(root, 0); if (node == NULL) { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_GENERAL, "Failed to obtain unread messages"); json_node_free(root); return; } values = fb_json_values_new(node); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.thread_key.thread_fbid"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); return; ); fb_api_message_reset(&msg, FALSE); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); tid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); g_object_unref(values); values = fb_json_values_new(node); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_BOOL, TRUE, "$.unread"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.message_sender.messaging_actor.id"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.message.text"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.timestamp_precise"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.sticker.id"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.message_id"); fb_json_values_set_array(values, FALSE, "$.messages.nodes"); while (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { if (!fb_json_values_next_bool(values, FALSE)) { continue; } str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); body = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); fb_api_message_reset(&msg, FALSE); msg.uid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); msg.tid = tid; str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); msg.tstamp = g_ascii_strtoll(str, NULL, 10); if (body != NULL) { dmsg = fb_api_message_dup(&msg, FALSE); dmsg->text = g_strdup(body); msgs = g_slist_prepend(msgs, dmsg); } str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (str != NULL) { dmsg = fb_api_message_dup(&msg, FALSE); id = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); fb_api_sticker(api, id, dmsg); } node = fb_json_values_get_root(values); xode = fb_json_node_get(node, "$.extensible_attachment", NULL); if (xode != NULL) { xma = fb_api_xma_parse(api, body, xode, &err); if (xma != NULL) { dmsg = fb_api_message_dup(&msg, FALSE); dmsg->text = xma; msgs = g_slist_prepend(msgs, dmsg); } json_node_free(xode); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { break; } } str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (str == NULL) { continue; } msgs = fb_api_cb_unread_parse_attach(api, str, &msg, msgs, node, &err); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { break; } } if (G_UNLIKELY(err == NULL)) { msgs = g_slist_reverse(msgs); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "messages", msgs); } else { fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } g_slist_free_full(msgs, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_message_free); g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } static void fb_api_cb_unread(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { const gchar *id; FbApi *api = data; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; gint64 count; JsonBuilder *bldr; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_INT, TRUE, "$.unread_count"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.thread_key.other_user_id"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.thread_key.thread_fbid"); fb_json_values_set_array(values, FALSE, "$.viewer.message_threads.nodes"); while (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { count = fb_json_values_next_int(values, -5); if (count < 1) { continue; } id = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (id == NULL) { id = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); } bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_arr_begin(bldr, "0"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, NULL, id); fb_json_bldr_arr_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "10", "true"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "11", "true"); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "12", count); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "13", "false"); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_THREAD, bldr, fb_api_cb_unread_msgs); } if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } void fb_api_unread(FbApi *api) { FbApiPrivate *priv; JsonBuilder *bldr; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); priv = api->priv; if (priv->unread < 1) { return; } bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "2", "true"); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "1", priv->unread); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "12", "true"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "13", "false"); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_THREADS, bldr, fb_api_cb_unread); } static void fb_api_cb_sticker(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { FbApi *api = data; FbApiMessage *msg; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; GSList *msgs = NULL; JsonNode *node; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } node = fb_json_node_get_nth(root, 0); values = fb_json_values_new(node); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.thread_image.uri"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); msg = fb_api_data_take(api, req); msg->flags |= FB_API_MESSAGE_FLAG_IMAGE; msg->text = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); msgs = g_slist_prepend(msgs, msg); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "messages", msgs); g_slist_free_full(msgs, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_message_free); g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } static void fb_api_sticker(FbApi *api, FbId sid, FbApiMessage *msg) { JsonBuilder *bldr; FbHttpRequest *req; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_arr_begin(bldr, "0"); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, NULL, "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, sid); fb_json_bldr_arr_end(bldr); req = fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_STICKER, bldr, fb_api_cb_sticker); fb_api_data_set(api, req, msg, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_message_free); } static gboolean fb_api_thread_parse(FbApi *api, FbApiThread *thrd, JsonNode *root, GError **error) { const gchar *str; FbApiPrivate *priv = api->priv; FbApiUser *user; FbId uid; FbJsonValues *values; gboolean haself = FALSE; guint num_users = 0; GError *err = NULL; values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.thread_key.thread_fbid"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, FALSE, "$.name"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); g_object_unref(values); return FALSE; } str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, NULL); if (str == NULL) { g_object_unref(values); return FALSE; } thrd->tid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); thrd->topic = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); g_object_unref(values); values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.messaging_actor.id"); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.messaging_actor.name"); fb_json_values_set_array(values, TRUE, "$.all_participants.nodes"); while (fb_json_values_update(values, &err)) { str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); uid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); num_users++; if (uid != priv->uid) { user = fb_api_user_dup(NULL, FALSE); user->uid = uid; user->name = fb_json_values_next_str_dup(values, NULL); thrd->users = g_slist_prepend(thrd->users, user); } else { haself = TRUE; } } if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); fb_api_thread_reset(thrd, TRUE); g_object_unref(values); return FALSE; } if (num_users < 2 || !haself) { g_object_unref(values); return FALSE; } g_object_unref(values); return TRUE; } static void fb_api_cb_thread(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { FbApi *api = data; FbApiThread thrd; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *node; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } node = fb_json_node_get_nth(root, 0); if (node == NULL) { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_GENERAL, "Failed to obtain thread information"); json_node_free(root); return; } fb_api_thread_reset(&thrd, FALSE); if (!fb_api_thread_parse(api, &thrd, node, &err)) { if (G_LIKELY(err == NULL)) { if (thrd.tid) { g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "thread-kicked", &thrd); } else { fb_api_error(api, FB_API_ERROR_GENERAL, "Failed to parse thread information"); } } else { fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } } else { g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "thread", &thrd); } fb_api_thread_reset(&thrd, TRUE); json_node_free(root); } void fb_api_thread(FbApi *api, FbId tid) { JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_arr_begin(bldr, "0"); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, NULL, "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, tid); fb_json_bldr_arr_end(bldr); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "10", "false"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "11", "false"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "13", "false"); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_THREAD, bldr, fb_api_cb_thread); } static void fb_api_cb_thread_create(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { const gchar *str; FbApi *api = data; FbId tid; FbJsonValues *values; GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } values = fb_json_values_new(root); fb_json_values_add(values, FB_JSON_TYPE_STR, TRUE, "$.id"); fb_json_values_update(values, &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); return; ); str = fb_json_values_next_str(values, "0"); tid = FB_ID_FROM_STR(str); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "thread-create", tid); g_object_unref(values); json_node_free(root); } void fb_api_thread_create(FbApi *api, GSList *uids) { FbApiPrivate *priv; FbHttpValues *prms; FbId *uid; gchar *json; GSList *l; JsonBuilder *bldr; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); g_warn_if_fail(g_slist_length(uids) > 1); priv = api->priv; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_ARRAY); fb_json_bldr_obj_begin(bldr, NULL); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "type", "id"); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, "id", "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, priv->uid); fb_json_bldr_obj_end(bldr); for (l = uids; l != NULL; l = l->next) { uid = l->data; fb_json_bldr_obj_begin(bldr, NULL); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "type", "id"); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, "id", "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, *uid); fb_json_bldr_obj_end(bldr); } json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_ARRAY, NULL); prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "recipients", json); fb_api_http_req(api, FB_API_URL_THREADS, "createGroup", "POST", prms, fb_api_cb_thread_create); g_free(json); } void fb_api_thread_invite(FbApi *api, FbId tid, FbId uid) { FbHttpValues *prms; gchar *json; JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_ARRAY); fb_json_bldr_obj_begin(bldr, NULL); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "type", "id"); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, "id", "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, uid); fb_json_bldr_obj_end(bldr); json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_ARRAY, NULL); prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "to", json); fb_http_values_set_strf(prms, "id", "t_%" FB_ID_FORMAT, tid); fb_api_http_req(api, FB_API_URL_PARTS, "addMembers", "POST", prms, fb_api_cb_http_bool); g_free(json); } void fb_api_thread_remove(FbApi *api, FbId tid, FbId uid) { FbApiPrivate *priv; FbHttpValues *prms; gchar *json; JsonBuilder *bldr; g_return_if_fail(FB_IS_API(api)); priv = api->priv; prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_set_strf(prms, "id", "t_%" FB_ID_FORMAT, tid); if (uid == 0) { uid = priv->uid; } if (uid != priv->uid) { bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_ARRAY); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, NULL, "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, uid); json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_ARRAY, NULL); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "to", json); g_free(json); } fb_api_http_req(api, FB_API_URL_PARTS, "removeMembers", "DELETE", prms, fb_api_cb_http_bool); } void fb_api_thread_topic(FbApi *api, FbId tid, const gchar *topic) { FbHttpValues *prms; prms = fb_http_values_new(); fb_http_values_set_str(prms, "name", topic); fb_http_values_set_int(prms, "tid", tid); fb_api_http_req(api, FB_API_URL_TOPIC, "setThreadName", "messaging.setthreadname", prms, fb_api_cb_http_bool); } static void fb_api_cb_threads(FbHttpRequest *req, gpointer data) { FbApi *api = data; FbApiThread *dthrd; FbApiThread thrd; GError *err = NULL; GList *elms; GList *l; GSList *thrds = NULL; JsonArray *arr; JsonNode *root; if (!fb_api_http_chk(api, req, &root)) { return; } arr = fb_json_node_get_arr(root, "$.viewer.message_threads.nodes", &err); FB_API_ERROR_EMIT(api, err, json_node_free(root); return; ); elms = json_array_get_elements(arr); for (l = elms; l != NULL; l = l->next) { fb_api_thread_reset(&thrd, FALSE); if (fb_api_thread_parse(api, &thrd, l->data, &err)) { dthrd = fb_api_thread_dup(&thrd, FALSE); thrds = g_slist_prepend(thrds, dthrd); } else { fb_api_thread_reset(&thrd, TRUE); } if (G_UNLIKELY(err != NULL)) { break; } } if (G_LIKELY(err == NULL)) { thrds = g_slist_reverse(thrds); g_signal_emit_by_name(api, "threads", thrds); } else { fb_api_error_emit(api, err); } g_slist_free_full(thrds, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_thread_free); g_list_free(elms); json_array_unref(arr); json_node_free(root); } void fb_api_threads(FbApi *api) { JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "2", "true"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "12", "false"); fb_json_bldr_add_str(bldr, "13", "false"); fb_api_http_query(api, FB_API_QUERY_THREADS, bldr, fb_api_cb_threads); } void fb_api_typing(FbApi *api, FbId uid, gboolean state) { gchar *json; JsonBuilder *bldr; bldr = fb_json_bldr_new(JSON_NODE_OBJECT); fb_json_bldr_add_int(bldr, "state", state != 0); fb_json_bldr_add_strf(bldr, "to", "%" FB_ID_FORMAT, uid); json = fb_json_bldr_close(bldr, JSON_NODE_OBJECT, NULL); fb_api_publish(api, "/typing", "%s", json); g_free(json); } FbApiEvent * fb_api_event_dup(const FbApiEvent *event, gboolean deep) { FbApiEvent *ret; if (event == NULL) { return g_new0(FbApiEvent, 1); } ret = g_memdup(event, sizeof *event); if (deep) { ret->text = g_strdup(event->text); } return ret; } void fb_api_event_reset(FbApiEvent *event, gboolean deep) { g_return_if_fail(event != NULL); if (deep) { g_free(event->text); } memset(event, 0, sizeof *event); } void fb_api_event_free(FbApiEvent *event) { if (G_LIKELY(event != NULL)) { g_free(event->text); g_free(event); } } FbApiMessage * fb_api_message_dup(const FbApiMessage *msg, gboolean deep) { FbApiMessage *ret; if (msg == NULL) { return g_new0(FbApiMessage, 1); } ret = g_memdup(msg, sizeof *msg); if (deep) { ret->text = g_strdup(msg->text); } return ret; } void fb_api_message_reset(FbApiMessage *msg, gboolean deep) { g_return_if_fail(msg != NULL); if (deep) { g_free(msg->text); } memset(msg, 0, sizeof *msg); } void fb_api_message_free(FbApiMessage *msg) { if (G_LIKELY(msg != NULL)) { g_free(msg->text); g_free(msg); } } FbApiPresence * fb_api_presence_dup(const FbApiPresence *pres) { if (pres == NULL) { return g_new0(FbApiPresence, 1); } return g_memdup(pres, sizeof *pres); } void fb_api_presence_reset(FbApiPresence *pres) { g_return_if_fail(pres != NULL); memset(pres, 0, sizeof *pres); } void fb_api_presence_free(FbApiPresence *pres) { if (G_LIKELY(pres != NULL)) { g_free(pres); } } FbApiThread * fb_api_thread_dup(const FbApiThread *thrd, gboolean deep) { FbApiThread *ret; FbApiUser *user; GSList *l; if (thrd == NULL) { return g_new0(FbApiThread, 1); } ret = g_memdup(thrd, sizeof *thrd); if (deep) { for (ret->users = NULL, l = thrd->users; l != NULL; l = l->next) { user = fb_api_user_dup(l->data, TRUE); ret->users = g_slist_prepend(ret->users, user); } ret->topic = g_strdup(thrd->topic); ret->users = g_slist_reverse(ret->users); } return ret; } void fb_api_thread_reset(FbApiThread *thrd, gboolean deep) { g_return_if_fail(thrd != NULL); if (deep) { g_slist_free_full(thrd->users, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_user_free); g_free(thrd->topic); } memset(thrd, 0, sizeof *thrd); } void fb_api_thread_free(FbApiThread *thrd) { if (G_LIKELY(thrd != NULL)) { g_slist_free_full(thrd->users, (GDestroyNotify) fb_api_user_free); g_free(thrd->topic); g_free(thrd); } } FbApiTyping * fb_api_typing_dup(const FbApiTyping *typg) { if (typg == NULL) { return g_new0(FbApiTyping, 1); } return g_memdup(typg, sizeof *typg); } void fb_api_typing_reset(FbApiTyping *typg) { g_return_if_fail(typg != NULL); memset(typg, 0, sizeof *typg); } void fb_api_typing_free(FbApiTyping *typg) { if (G_LIKELY(typg != NULL)) { g_free(typg); } } FbApiUser * fb_api_user_dup(const FbApiUser *user, gboolean deep) { FbApiUser *ret; if (user == NULL) { return g_new0(FbApiUser, 1); } ret = g_memdup(user, sizeof *user); if (deep) { ret->name = g_strdup(user->name); ret->icon = g_strdup(user->icon); ret->csum = g_strdup(user->csum); } return ret; } void fb_api_user_reset(FbApiUser *user, gboolean deep) { g_return_if_fail(user != NULL); if (deep) { g_free(user->name); g_free(user->icon); g_free(user->csum); } memset(user, 0, sizeof *user); } void fb_api_user_free(FbApiUser *user) { if (G_LIKELY(user != NULL)) { g_free(user->name); g_free(user->icon); g_free(user->csum); g_free(user); } }