from blist._blist import blist import collections, bisect, weakref, operator, itertools, sys, threading try: # pragma: no cover izip = itertools.izip except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover izip = zip __all__ = ['sortedlist', 'weaksortedlist', 'sortedset', 'weaksortedset'] class ReprRecursion(object): local = threading.local() def __init__(self, ob): if not hasattr(self.local, 'repr_count'): self.local.repr_count = collections.defaultdict(int) self.ob_id = id(ob) self.value = self.ob_id in self.local.repr_count def __enter__(self): self.local.repr_count[self.ob_id] += 1 return self.value def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.local.repr_count[self.ob_id] -= 1 if self.local.repr_count[self.ob_id] == 0: del self.local.repr_count[self.ob_id] return False class _sortedbase(collections.Sequence): def __init__(self, iterable=(), key=None): self._key = key if key is not None and not hasattr(key, '__call__'): raise TypeError("'%s' object is not callable" % str(type(key))) if ((isinstance(iterable,type(self)) or isinstance(self,type(iterable))) and iterable._key is key): self._blist = blist(iterable._blist) else: self._blist = blist() for v in iterable: self.add(v) def _from_iterable(self, iterable): return self.__class__(iterable, self._key) def _u2key(self, value): "Convert a user-object to the key" if self._key is None: return value else: return self._key(value) def _u2i(self, value): "Convert a user-object to the internal representation" if self._key is None: return value else: return (self._key(value), value) def _i2u(self, value): "Convert an internal object to a user-object" if self._key is None: return value else: return value[1] def _i2key(self, value): "Convert an internal object to the key" if self._key is None: return value else: return value[0] def _bisect_left(self, v): """Locate the point in the list where v would be inserted. Returns an (i, value) tuple: - i is the position where v would be inserted - value is the current user-object at position i This is the key function to override in subclasses. They must accept a user-object v and return a user-object value. """ key = self._u2key(v) lo = 0 hi = len(self._blist) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 v = self._i2key(self._blist[mid]) if v < key: lo = mid + 1 else: hi = mid if lo < len(self._blist): return lo, self._i2u(self._blist[lo]) return lo, None def _bisect_right(self, v): """Same as _bisect_left, but go to the right of equal values""" key = self._u2key(v) lo = 0 hi = len(self._blist) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 v = self._i2key(self._blist[mid]) if key < v: hi = mid else: lo = mid + 1 if lo < len(self._blist): return lo, self._i2u(self._blist[lo]) return lo, None def bisect_left(self, v): """L.bisect_left(v) -> index The return value i is such that all e in L[:i] have e < v, and all e in a[i:] have e >= v. So if v already appears in the list, i points just before the leftmost v already there. """ return self._bisect_left(v)[0] def bisect_right(self, v): """L.bisect_right(v) -> index Return the index where to insert item v in the list. The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e <= v, and all e in a[i:] have e > v. So if v already appears in the list, i points just beyond the rightmost v already there. """ return self._bisect_right(v)[0] bisect = bisect_right def add(self, value): """Add an element.""" # Will throw a TypeError when trying to add an object that # cannot be compared to objects already in the list. i, _ = self._bisect_right(value) self._blist.insert(i, self._u2i(value)) def discard(self, value): """Remove an element if it is a member. If the element is not a member, do nothing. """ try: i, v = self._bisect_left(value) except TypeError: # Value cannot be compared with values already in the list. # Ergo, value isn't in the list. return i = self._advance(i, value) if i >= 0: del self._blist[i] def __contains__(self, value): """x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x""" try: i, v = self._bisect_left(value) except TypeError: # Value cannot be compared with values already in the list. # Ergo, value isn't in the list. return False i = self._advance(i, value) return i >= 0 def __len__(self): """x.__len__() <==> len(x)""" return len(self._blist) def __iter__(self): """ x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)""" return (self._i2u(v) for v in self._blist) def __getitem__(self, index): """x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]""" if isinstance(index, slice): rv = self.__class__() rv._blist = self._blist[index] rv._key = self._key return rv return self._i2u(self._blist[index]) def _advance(self, i, value): "Do a linear search through all items with the same key" key = self._u2key(value) while i < len(self._blist): if self._i2u(self._blist[i]) == value: return i elif key < self._i2key(self._blist[i]): break i += 1 return -1 def __reversed__(self): """L.__reversed__() -- return a reverse iterator over the list""" return (self._i2u(v) for v in reversed(self._blist)) def index(self, value): """L.index(value) -> integer -- return first index of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present. """ try: i, v = self._bisect_left(value) except TypeError: raise ValueError i = self._advance(i, value) if i >= 0: return i raise ValueError def count(self, value): """L.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value""" try: i, _ = self._bisect_left(value) except TypeError: return 0 key = self._u2key(value) count = 0 while True: i = self._advance(i, value) if i == -1: return count count += 1 i += 1 def pop(self, index=-1): """L.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at index (default last). Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range. """ rv = self[index] del self[index] return rv def __delslice__(self, i, j): """x.__delslice__(i, j) <==> del x[i:j] Use of negative indices is not supported. """ del self._blist[i:j] def __delitem__(self, i): """x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]""" del self._blist[i] class _weaksortedbase(_sortedbase): def _bisect_left(self, value): key = self._u2key(value) lo = 0 hi = len(self._blist) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 n, v = self._squeeze(mid) hi -= n if n and hi == len(self._blist): continue if self._i2key(self._blist[mid]) < key: lo = mid+1 else: hi = mid n, v = self._squeeze(lo) return lo, v def _bisect_right(self, value): key = self._u2key(value) lo = 0 hi = len(self._blist) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 n, v = self._squeeze(mid) hi -= n if n and hi == len(self._blist): continue if key < self._i2key(self._blist[mid]): hi = mid else: lo = mid+1 n, v = self._squeeze(lo) return lo, v _bisect = _bisect_right def _u2i(self, value): if self._key is None: return weakref.ref(value) else: return (self._key(value), weakref.ref(value)) def _i2u(self, value): if self._key is None: return value() else: return value[1]() def _i2key(self, value): if self._key is None: return value() else: return value[0] def __iter__(self): """ x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)""" i = 0 while i < len(self._blist): n, v = self._squeeze(i) if v is None: break yield v i += 1 def _squeeze(self, i): n = 0 while i < len(self._blist): v = self._i2u(self._blist[i]) if v is None: del self._blist[i] n += 1 else: return n, v return n, None def __getitem__(self, index): """x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]""" if isinstance(index, slice): return _sortedbase.__getitem__(self, index) n, v = self._squeeze(index) if v is None: raise IndexError('list index out of range') return v def __reversed__(self): """L.__reversed__() -- return a reverse iterator over the list""" i = len(self._blist)-1 while i >= 0: n, v = self._squeeze(i) if not n: yield v i -= 1 def _advance(self, i, value): "Do a linear search through all items with the same key" key = self._u2key(value) while i < len(self._blist): n, v = self._squeeze(i) if v is None: break if v == value: return i elif key < self._i2key(self._blist[i]): break i += 1 return -1 class _listmixin(object): def remove(self, value): """L.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present. """ del self[self.index(value)] def update(self, iterable): """L.update(iterable) -- add all elements from iterable into the list""" for item in iterable: self.add(item) def __mul__(self, k): if not isinstance(k, int): raise TypeError("can't multiply sequence by non-int of type '%s'" % str(type(int))) rv = self.__class__() rv._key = self._key rv._blist = sum((blist([x])*k for x in self._blist), blist()) return rv __rmul__ = __mul__ def __imul__(self, k): if not isinstance(k, int): raise TypeError("can't multiply sequence by non-int of type '%s'" % str(type(int))) self._blist = sum((blist([x])*k for x in self._blist), blist()) return self def __eq__(self, other): """x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y""" return self._cmp_op(other, operator.eq) def __ne__(self, other): """x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y""" return self._cmp_op(other, def __lt__(self, other): """x.__lt__(y) <==> x x>y""" return self._cmp_op(other, def __le__(self, other): """x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y""" return self._cmp_op(other, operator.le) def __ge__(self, other): """x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y""" return self._cmp_op(other, class _setmixin(object): "Methods that override our base class" def add(self, value): """Add an element to the set. This has no effect if the element is already present. """ if value in self: return super(_setmixin, self).add(value) def __iter__(self): it = super(_setmixin, self).__iter__() while True: item = next(it) n = len(self) yield item if n != len(self): raise RuntimeError('Set changed size during iteration') def safe_cmp(f): def g(self, other): if not isinstance(other, collections.Set): raise TypeError("can only compare to a set") return f(self, other) return g class _setmixin2(collections.MutableSet): "methods that override or supplement the collections.MutableSet methods" __ror__ = collections.MutableSet.__or__ __rand__ = collections.MutableSet.__and__ __rxor__ = collections.MutableSet.__xor__ if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # pragma: no cover __lt__ = safe_cmp(collections.MutableSet.__lt__) __gt__ = safe_cmp(collections.MutableSet.__gt__) __le__ = safe_cmp(collections.MutableSet.__le__) __ge__ = safe_cmp(collections.MutableSet.__ge__) def __ior__(self, it): if self is it: return self for value in it: self.add(value) return self def __isub__(self, it): if self is it: self.clear() return self for value in it: self.discard(value) return self def __ixor__(self, it): if self is it: self.clear() return self for value in it: if value in self: self.discard(value) else: self.add(value) return self def __rsub__(self, other): return self._from_iterable(other) - self def _make_set(self, iterable): if isinstance(iterable, collections.Set): return iterable return self._from_iterable(iterable) def difference(self, *args): """Return a new set with elements in the set that are not in the others.""" rv = self.copy() rv.difference_update(*args) return rv def intersection(self, *args): """Return a new set with elements common to the set and all others.""" rv = self.copy() rv.intersection_update(*args) return rv def issubset(self, other): """Test whether every element in the set is in *other*.""" return self <= self._make_set(other) def issuperset(self, other): """Test whether every element in *other* is in the set.""" return self >= self._make_set(other) def symmetric_difference(self, other): """Return a new set with elements in either the set or *other* but not both.""" return self ^ self._make_set(other) def union(self, *args): """Return the union of sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in either set.) """ rv = self.copy() for arg in args: rv |= self._make_set(arg) return rv def update(self, *args): """Update the set, adding elements from all others.""" for arg in args: self |= self._make_set(arg) def difference_update(self, *args): """Update the set, removing elements found in others.""" for arg in args: self -= self._make_set(arg) def intersection_update(self, *args): """Update the set, keeping only elements found in it and all others.""" for arg in args: self &= self._make_set(arg) def symmetric_difference_update(self, other): """Update the set, keeping only elements found in either set, but not in both.""" self ^= self._make_set(other) def clear(self): """Remove all elements""" del self._blist[:] def copy(self): return self[:] class sortedlist(_sortedbase, _listmixin): """sortedlist(iterable=(), key=None) -> new sorted list Keyword arguments: iterable -- items used to initially populate the sorted list key -- a function to return the sort key of an item A sortedlist is indexable like a list, but always keeps its members in sorted order. """ def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" if not self: return 'sortedlist()' with ReprRecursion(self) as r: if r: return 'sortedlist(...)' return ('sortedlist(%s)' % repr(list(self))) def _cmp_op(self, other, op): if not (isinstance(other,type(self)) or isinstance(self,type(other))): return NotImplemented if len(self) != len(other): if op is operator.eq: return False if op is return True for x, y in izip(self, other): if x != y: return op(x, y) return op in (operator.eq, operator.le, class weaksortedlist(_listmixin, _weaksortedbase): """weaksortedlist(iterable=(), key=None) -> new sorted weak list Keyword arguments: iterable -- items used to initially populate the sorted list key -- a function to return the sort key of an item A weaksortedlist is indexable like a list, but always keeps its items in sorted order. The weaksortedlist weakly references its members, so items will be discarded after there is no longer a strong reference to the item. """ def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" if not self: return 'weaksortedlist()' with ReprRecursion(self) as r: if r: return 'weaksortedlist(...)' return 'weaksortedlist(%s)' % repr(list(self)) def _cmp_op(self, other, op): if not (isinstance(other,type(self)) or isinstance(self,type(other))): return NotImplemented for x, y in izip(self, other): if x != y: return op(x, y) return op in (operator.eq, operator.le, class sortedset(_setmixin, _sortedbase, _setmixin2): """sortedset(iterable=(), key=None) -> new sorted set Keyword arguments: iterable -- items used to initially populate the sorted set key -- a function to return the sort key of an item A sortedset is similar to a set but is also indexable like a list. Items are maintained in sorted order. """ def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" if not self: return 'sortedset()' with ReprRecursion(self) as r: if r: return 'sortedset(...)' return ('sortedset(%s)' % repr(list(self))) class weaksortedset(_setmixin, _weaksortedbase, _setmixin2): """weaksortedset(iterable=(), key=None) -> new sorted weak set Keyword arguments: iterable -- items used to initially populate the sorted set key -- a function to return the sort key of an item A weaksortedset is similar to a set but is also indexable like a list. Items are maintained in sorted order. The weaksortedset weakly references its members, so items will be discarded after there is no longer a strong reference to the item. """ def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" if not self: return 'weaksortedset()' with ReprRecursion(self) as r: if r: return 'weaksortedset(...)' return 'weaksortedset(%s)' % repr(list(self))