path: root/bin/bbackupd/win32
diff options
authorMartin Ebourne <>2005-12-12 20:50:00 +0000
committerMartin Ebourne <>2005-12-12 20:50:00 +0000
commit3bedf8846f4d7a5cb38276b274662d62a36dcd52 (patch)
tree9d51de8b0f3d06ba6549a5a1958e52f592343140 /bin/bbackupd/win32
parent81d8eda2419e7a23088a98cdfc52a305c9ceac0d (diff)
Marged chris/win32/merge/07-win32-fixes at r210 to trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/bbackupd/win32')
3 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/bbackupd/win32/ReadMe.txt b/bin/bbackupd/win32/ReadMe.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d260750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/bbackupd/win32/ReadMe.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Upgrade instructions
+Version 0.09g to 0.09h
+This version included patches to the server as well. The server for this
+upgrade can be found at but hopefully
+will be merged into the core in the next release.
+New values in the bbackupd.conf can now be added:
+StoreObjectInfoFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\bbackupd\bbackupd.dat
+This stores the state when a backup daemon is shutdown.
+KeepAliveTime = 250
+This is imperative if MaximumDiffingTime is larger than 300, this stops the ssl
+layer timing out when a diff is performed. It is wise to set MaximumDiffingTime
+long enough for the largest file you may have. If you do not wish to upgrade your
+server then make KeepAliveTime greater than MaximumDiffingTime.
+Have fun
diff --git a/bin/bbackupd/win32/bbackupd.conf b/bin/bbackupd/win32/bbackupd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85915520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/bbackupd/win32/bbackupd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+StoreHostname = yourhost
+AccountNumber = 0x1
+KeysFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\1-FileEncKeys.raw
+CertificateFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\1-cert.pem
+PrivateKeyFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\1-key.pem
+TrustedCAsFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\serverCA.pem
+DataDirectory = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\bbackupd
+# If you do not install it in the default location - also do not forget to
+# change the pid file location (below)
+# This script is run whenever bbackupd encounters a problem which requires
+# the system administrator to assist:
+# 1) The store is full, and no more data can be uploaded.
+# 2) Some files or directories were not readable.
+# The default script emails the system administrator.
+# NotifyScript =
+# A scan of the local discs will be made once an hour (approximately).
+# To avoid cycles of load on the server, this time is randomly adjusted by a small
+# percentage as the daemon runs.
+UpdateStoreInterval = 3600
+# A file must have been modified at least 6 hours ago before it will be uploaded.
+MinimumFileAge = 21600
+# If a file is modified repeated, it won't be uploaded immediately in case it's modified again.
+# However, it should be uploaded eventually. This is how long we should wait after first noticing
+# a change. (1 day)
+MaxUploadWait = 86400
+# Files above this size (in bytes) are tracked, and if they are renamed they will simply be
+# renamed on the server, rather than being uploaded again. (64k - 1)
+FileTrackingSizeThreshold = 65535
+# The daemon does "changes only" uploads for files above this size (in bytes).
+# Files less than it are uploaded whole without this extra processing.
+DiffingUploadSizeThreshold = 8192
+# The limit on how much time is spent diffing files. Most files shouldn't take very long,
+# but if you have really big files you can use this to limit the time spent diffing them.
+# * Reduce if you are having problems with processor usage.
+# * Increase if you have large files, and think the upload of changes is too large and want
+# to spend more time searching for unchanged blocks.
+MaximumDiffingTime = 20
+# KeepAliveTime requires Gary's SSL KeepAlive patches
+# KeepAliveTime = 250
+# Uncomment this line to see exactly what the daemon is going when it's connected to the server.
+# ExtendedLogging = yes
+# Use this to temporarily stop bbackupd from syncronising or connecting to the store.
+# This specifies a program or script script which is run just before each sync, and ideally
+# the full path to the interpreter. It will be run as the same user bbackupd is running as,
+# usually root.
+# The script prints either "now" or a number to STDOUT (and a terminating newline, no quotes).
+# If the result was "now", then the sync will happen. If it's a number, then the script will
+# be asked again in that number of seconds.
+# For example, you could use this on a laptop to only backup when on a specific network.
+# SyncAllowScript = /path/to/intepreter/or/exe script-name parameters etc
+# Where the command socket is created in the filesystem.
+CommandSocket = pipe
+ PidFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\bbackupd\
+# StoreObjectInfoFile requires Gary's client marker serialisation patch
+# StoreObjectInfoFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\bbackupd\bbackupd.dat
+# BackupLocations specifies which locations on disc should be backed up. Each
+# directory is in the format
+# name
+# {
+# Path = /path/of/directory
+# (optional exclude directives)
+# }
+# 'name' is derived from the Path by the config script, but should merely be
+# unique.
+# The exclude directives are of the form
+# [Exclude|AlwaysInclude][File|Dir][|sRegex] = regex or full pathname
+# (The regex suffix is shown as 'sRegex' to make File or Dir plural)
+# For example:
+# ExcludeDir = /home/guest-user
+# ExcludeFilesRegex = *.(mp3|MP3)$
+# AlwaysIncludeFile = /home/username/veryimportant.mp3
+# This excludes the directory /home/guest-user from the backup along with all mp3
+# files, except one MP3 file in particular.
+# In general, Exclude excludes a file or directory, unless the directory is
+# explicitly mentioned in a AlwaysInclude directive.
+# If a directive ends in Regex, then it is a regular expression rather than a
+# explicit full pathname. See
+# man 7 re_format
+# for the regex syntax on your platform.
+ MyDocuments
+ {
+ Path = C:\Documents and Settings\
+ }
diff --git a/bin/bbackupd/win32/installer.iss b/bin/bbackupd/win32/installer.iss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20e3addb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/bbackupd/win32/installer.iss
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+; Script to generate output file for Box Backup client for the Windows Platform
+; Very important - this is the release process
+; 1/ Upgrade BOX_VERSION in the file emu.h to the current version for example 0.09eWin32 - then perform a full rebuild
+; 2/ Upgrade the AppVerName below to reflect the version
+; 3/ Generate the output file, then rename it to the relevent filename to reflect the version
+AppName=Box Backup
+AppVerName=BoxWin32 0.09h
+AppPublisher=Fluffy & Omniis
+DefaultDirName={pf}\Box Backup
+DefaultGroupName=Box Backup
+Source: "..\..\Release\bbackupd.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+Source: "..\..\Release\bbackupctl.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+Source: "..\..\Release\bbackupquery.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+Source: "..\..\ExceptionCodes.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+Source: "icon.ico"; DestDir: "{app}\"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+Source: "msvcr71.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\"; Flags: restartreplace
+Source: "bbackupd.conf"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: confirmoverwrite
+Source: "..\..\..\zlib\zlib1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+Source: "..\..\..\openssl\bin\libeay32.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+Source: "..\..\..\openssl\bin\ssleay32.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+Source: "ReadMe.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace
+; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
+Name: "{group}\Box Backup Query"; Filename: "{app}\bbackupquery.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\icon.ico" ;Parameters: "-c bbackupd.conf"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
+Name: "{group}\Service\Install Service"; Filename: "{app}\bbackupd.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\icon.ico" ;Parameters: "-i"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
+Name: "{group}\Service\Remove Service"; Filename: "{app}\bbackupd.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\icon.ico" ;Parameters: "-r"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
+Name: "{group}\Initiate Backup Now"; Filename: "{app}\bbackupctl.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\icon.ico" ;Parameters: "-c bbackupd.conf sync"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
+Name: "{app}\bbackupd"
+Filename: "{app}\bbackupd.exe"; Description: "Install Boxbackup as service"; Parameters: "-i"; Flags: postinstall
+Filename: "{app}\Readme.txt"; Description: "View upgrade notes"; Flags: postinstall shellexec skipifsilent