path: root/
diff options
authorReinhard Tartler <>2009-03-31 15:58:19 +0200
committerReinhard Tartler <>2009-03-31 15:58:19 +0200
commit25db897553a0db0f912602b375029e724f51556e (patch)
tree613c8c23e22481e31a4d2f474e022ad87728da24 /
parent2787035d98661881477d696403ca2a78b49322d5 (diff)
Import upstream version 0.11~rc2+r2072
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..270ea525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+use strict;
+my @del_macos_files;
+my @bad_cpp;
+my @test_main;
+my @makefiles;
+my @autogen_cpp;
+my $cleaned = 1;
+my $dist_archives_exist = 0;
+my @bad_h;
+open EVERYTHING,'find . |' or die "Can't open find for file listing";
+my %exclude_from_memtest_checks = ('PollEmulator.cpp'=>1,'DebugMemLeakFinder.cpp'=>1,'MemLeakFinder.h'=>1,'MemLeakFindOn.h'=>1,'MemLeakFindOff.h'=>1,'Box.h'=>1);
+ chomp;
+ next if -d;
+ if(m~/autogen_\w+\.(h|cpp)~)
+ {
+ push @autogen_cpp,$_
+ }
+ if(m~/\._[^/]+\Z~ || m~/\.DS_Store\Z~)
+ {
+ # mac OS files we don't want
+ push @del_macos_files,$_
+ }
+ elsif(m/\/(\w+\.cpp)/)
+ {
+ my $leafname = $1;
+ # check that Box.h is first include
+ open CPP,$_ or die "Can't open $_ for reading";
+ my $box_found = 0;
+ my $last_was_memteston = 0;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ while(my $l = <CPP>)
+ {
+ if($l =~ m/#include\s+["<](.+?)[">]/)
+ {
+ my $inc_name = $1;
+ if($inc_name eq 'Box.h')
+ {
+ $box_found = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Box.h must be first include file in every cpp file
+ $ok = 0 unless $box_found;
+ }
+ # is it the mem test on thing? (ignoring the wire packing .h files)
+ if($inc_name ne 'BeginStructPackForWire.h' && $inc_name ne 'EndStructPackForWire.h')
+ {
+ $last_was_memteston = ($inc_name eq 'MemLeakFindOn.h');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!exists $exclude_from_memtest_checks{$leafname})
+ {
+ $ok = 0 unless $last_was_memteston;
+ }
+ push @bad_cpp,$_ unless $ok;
+ close CPP;
+ }
+ elsif(m/\/(\w+\.h)/)
+ {
+ my $leafname = $1;
+ open H,$_ or die "Can't open $_ for reading";
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $memteston = 0;
+ while(my $l = <H>)
+ {
+ if($l =~ m/#include\s+["<](.+?)[">]/)
+ {
+ if($1 eq 'MemLeakFindOn.h')
+ {
+ $memteston = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($1 eq 'MemLeakFindOff.h')
+ {
+ $memteston = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # don't allow #include within mem test on
+ $ok = 0 unless !$memteston;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # strip comments
+ my $lsc = $l;
+ $lsc =~ s~//.+$~~;
+ if($lsc =~ m/\b(new|delete|malloc|free|realloc)\b/)
+ {
+ # only allow this if memory checking is ON
+ $ok = 0 unless $memteston;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # mem test must be off at the end of this .h file
+ $ok = 0 if $memteston;
+ if($_ !~ /testfiles/ && !exists $exclude_from_memtest_checks{$leafname})
+ {
+ push @bad_h,$_ unless $ok;
+ }
+ close H;
+ }
+ elsif(m~/Makefile\Z~)
+ {
+ push @makefiles,$_
+ }
+ if(m~/_(main\.cpp|t|t-gdb)\Z~)
+ {
+ push @test_main,$_
+ }
+ if(m~\./boxbackup~)
+ {
+ $dist_archives_exist = 1;
+ }
+ask_about_delete(\@del_macos_files, "supurious MacOS X files");
+ask_about_delete(\@makefiles, "automatically generated Makefiles");
+ask_about_delete(\@test_main, "automatically generated test files");
+ask_about_delete(\@autogen_cpp, "automatically generated source files");
+if($#bad_cpp >= 0)
+ print "\n";
+ print $_,"\n" for @bad_cpp;
+ print "There are some .cpp file where Box.h is not the first included file or MemLeakFindOn.h is not the last .h file included\n";
+ $cleaned = 0;
+if($#bad_h >= 0)
+ print "\n";
+ print $_,"\n" for @bad_h;
+ print "There are some .h files which use memory functions without memory leak finding on, or leave memory leak finding on at end\n";
+ $cleaned = 0;
+if(-d 'debug') {print "debug directory exists\n"; $cleaned = 0;}
+if(-d 'release') {print "release directory exists\n"; $cleaned = 0;}
+if(-d 'parcels') {print "parcels directory exists\n"; $cleaned = 0;}
+if($dist_archives_exist) {print "boxbackup* files/dirs exist\n"; $cleaned = 0;}
+ print <<__E;
+sub ask_about_delete
+ my ($del_r, $name) = @_;
+ return if $#$del_r < 0;
+ print "\n";
+ for(@$del_r)
+ {
+ print $_,"\n";
+ }
+ print "Delete these ",$#$del_r + 1, " $name?";
+ my $in = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $in;
+ if($in eq 'yes')
+ {
+ print "Deleting...\n";
+ unlink $_ for @$del_r
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $cleaned = 0;
+ }