path: root/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp
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authorChris Wilson <>2011-04-26 18:44:26 +0000
committerChris Wilson <>2011-04-26 18:44:26 +0000
commit1fe4e9308b8f50dbe70cc69bd500eb829a11b460 (patch)
tree738a016038b1bfbca588f688938d0d34fc55c06a /lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp
parent848ec8ab81adfa1c8d10e87c047c9db3ec6654b4 (diff)
Major refactoring to make lib/backupclient depend on lib/backupstore rather
than the other way around. This is needed to allow clients to have all the code that they'd need to implement local backups (using the Local protocol) in subsequent commits.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp')
1 files changed, 1808 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a62655d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1808 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreContext.cpp
+// Purpose: Context for backup store server
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "BackupConstants.h"
+#include "BackupStoreContext.h"
+#include "BackupStoreDirectory.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFile.h"
+#include "BackupStoreInfo.h"
+#include "BackupStoreObjectMagic.h"
+#include "BufferedStream.h"
+#include "BufferedWriteStream.h"
+#include "FileStream.h"
+#include "InvisibleTempFileStream.h"
+#include "RaidFileController.h"
+#include "RaidFileRead.h"
+#include "RaidFileWrite.h"
+#include "StoreStructure.h"
+class BackupStoreDaemon;
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// Maximum number of directories to keep in the cache
+// When the cache is bigger than this, everything gets
+// deleted.
+ #define MAX_CACHE_SIZE 32
+ #define MAX_CACHE_SIZE 2
+// Allow the housekeeping process 4 seconds to release an account
+// Maximum amount of store info updates before it's actually saved to disc.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::BackupStoreContext()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreContext::BackupStoreContext(int32_t ClientID,
+ HousekeepingInterface &rDaemon)
+ : mClientID(ClientID),
+ mrDaemon(rDaemon),
+ mProtocolPhase(Phase_START),
+ mClientHasAccount(false),
+ mStoreDiscSet(-1),
+ mReadOnly(true),
+ mSaveStoreInfoDelay(STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY),
+ mpTestHook(NULL)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::~BackupStoreContext()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Delete the objects in the cache
+ for(std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*>::iterator i(mDirectoryCache.begin()); i != mDirectoryCache.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ delete (i->second);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::CleanUp()
+// Purpose: Clean up after a connection
+// Created: 16/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::CleanUp()
+ // Make sure the store info is saved, if it has been loaded, isn't read only and has been modified
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() && !(mapStoreInfo->IsReadOnly()) &&
+ mapStoreInfo->IsModified())
+ {
+ mapStoreInfo->Save();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::ReceivedFinishCommand()
+// Purpose: Called when the finish command is received by the protocol
+// Created: 16/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::ReceivedFinishCommand()
+ if(!mReadOnly && mapStoreInfo.get())
+ {
+ // Save the store info, not delayed
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::AttemptToGetWriteLock()
+// Purpose: Attempt to get a write lock for the store, and if so, unset the read only flags
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::AttemptToGetWriteLock()
+ // Make the filename of the write lock file
+ std::string writeLockFile;
+ StoreStructure::MakeWriteLockFilename(mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet, writeLockFile);
+ // Request the lock
+ bool gotLock = mWriteLock.TryAndGetLock(writeLockFile.c_str(), 0600 /* restrictive file permissions */);
+ if(!gotLock)
+ {
+ // The housekeeping process might have the thing open -- ask it to stop
+ char msg[256];
+ int msgLen = sprintf(msg, "r%x\n", mClientID);
+ // Send message
+ mrDaemon.SendMessageToHousekeepingProcess(msg, msgLen);
+ // Then try again a few times
+ do
+ {
+ ::sleep(1 /* second */);
+ --tries;
+ gotLock = mWriteLock.TryAndGetLock(writeLockFile.c_str(), 0600 /* restrictive file permissions */);
+ } while(!gotLock && tries > 0);
+ }
+ if(gotLock)
+ {
+ // Got the lock, mark as not read only
+ mReadOnly = false;
+ }
+ return gotLock;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::LoadStoreInfo()
+// Purpose: Load the store info from disc
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::LoadStoreInfo()
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoAlreadyLoaded)
+ }
+ // Load it up!
+ std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreInfo> i(BackupStoreInfo::Load(mClientID, mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet, mReadOnly));
+ // Check it
+ if(i->GetAccountID() != mClientID)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoForWrongAccount)
+ }
+ // Keep the pointer to it
+ mapStoreInfo = i;
+ BackupStoreAccountDatabase::Entry account(mClientID, mStoreDiscSet);
+ // try to load the reference count database
+ try
+ {
+ mapRefCount = BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::Load(account, false);
+ }
+ catch(BoxException &e)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Reference count database is missing or corrupted, "
+ "creating a new one, expect housekeeping to find and "
+ "fix problems with reference counts later.");
+ BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::CreateForRegeneration(account);
+ mapRefCount = BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::Load(account, false);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::SaveStoreInfo(bool)
+// Purpose: Potentially delayed saving of the store info
+// Created: 16/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::SaveStoreInfo(bool AllowDelay)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Can delay saving it a little while?
+ if(AllowDelay)
+ {
+ --mSaveStoreInfoDelay;
+ if(mSaveStoreInfoDelay > 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Want to save now
+ mapStoreInfo->Save();
+ // Set count for next delay
+ mSaveStoreInfoDelay = STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::MakeObjectFilename(int64_t, std::string &, bool)
+// Purpose: Create the filename of an object in the store, optionally creating the
+// containing directory if it doesn't already exist.
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::MakeObjectFilename(int64_t ObjectID, std::string &rOutput, bool EnsureDirectoryExists)
+ // Delegate to utility function
+ StoreStructure::MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet, rOutput, EnsureDirectoryExists);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::GetDirectoryInternal(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Return a reference to a directory. Valid only until the
+// next time a function which affects directories is called.
+// Mainly this funciton, and creation of files.
+// Private version of this, which returns non-const directories.
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreDirectory &BackupStoreContext::GetDirectoryInternal(int64_t ObjectID)
+ // Get the filename
+ std::string filename;
+ MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, filename);
+ // Already in cache?
+ std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*>::iterator item(mDirectoryCache.find(ObjectID));
+ if(item != mDirectoryCache.end())
+ {
+ // Check the revision ID of the file -- does it need refreshing?
+ int64_t revID = 0;
+ if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, filename, &revID))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, DirectoryHasBeenDeleted)
+ }
+ if(revID == item->second->GetRevisionID())
+ {
+ // Looks good... return the cached object
+ BOX_TRACE("Returning object " <<
+ " from cache, modtime = " << revID);
+ return *(item->second);
+ }
+ BOX_TRACE("Refreshing object " <<
+ " in cache, modtime changed from " <<
+ item->second->GetRevisionID() << " to " << revID);
+ // Delete this cached object
+ delete item->second;
+ mDirectoryCache.erase(item);
+ }
+ // Need to load it up
+ // First check to see if the cache is too big
+ if(mDirectoryCache.size() > MAX_CACHE_SIZE)
+ {
+ // Very simple. Just delete everything!
+ for(std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*>::iterator i(mDirectoryCache.begin()); i != mDirectoryCache.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ delete (i->second);
+ }
+ mDirectoryCache.clear();
+ }
+ // Get a RaidFileRead to read it
+ int64_t revID = 0;
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> objectFile(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, filename, &revID));
+ ASSERT(revID != 0);
+ // New directory object
+ std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreDirectory> dir(new BackupStoreDirectory);
+ // Read it from the stream, then set it's revision ID
+ BufferedStream buf(*objectFile);
+ dir->ReadFromStream(buf, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ dir->SetRevisionID(revID);
+ // Make sure the size of the directory is available for writing the dir back
+ int64_t dirSize = objectFile->GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ ASSERT(dirSize > 0);
+ dir->SetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks(dirSize);
+ // Store in cache
+ BackupStoreDirectory *pdir = dir.release();
+ try
+ {
+ mDirectoryCache[ObjectID] = pdir;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pdir;
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Return it
+ return *pdir;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::AllocateObjectID()
+// Purpose: Allocate a new object ID, tolerant of failures to save store info
+// Created: 16/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int64_t BackupStoreContext::AllocateObjectID()
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ // Given that the store info may not be saved for STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY
+ // times after it has been updated, this is a reasonable number of times
+ // to try for finding an unused ID.
+ // (Sizes used in the store info are fixed by the housekeeping process)
+ int retryLimit = (STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY * 2);
+ while(retryLimit > 0)
+ {
+ // Attempt to allocate an ID from the store
+ int64_t id = mapStoreInfo->AllocateObjectID();
+ // Generate filename
+ std::string filename;
+ MakeObjectFilename(id, filename);
+ // Check it doesn't exist
+ if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, filename))
+ {
+ // Success!
+ return id;
+ }
+ // Decrement retry count, and try again
+ --retryLimit;
+ // Mark that the store info should be saved as soon as possible
+ mSaveStoreInfoDelay = 0;
+ BOX_WARNING("When allocating object ID, found that " <<
+ BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(id) << " is already in use");
+ }
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldNotFindUnusedIDDuringAllocation)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::AddFile(IOStream &, int64_t,
+// int64_t, int64_t, const BackupStoreFilename &, bool)
+// Purpose: Add a file to the store, from a given stream, into
+// a specified directory. Returns object ID of the new
+// file.
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int64_t BackupStoreContext::AddFile(IOStream &rFile, int64_t InDirectory,
+ int64_t ModificationTime, int64_t AttributesHash,
+ int64_t DiffFromFileID, const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename,
+ bool MarkFileWithSameNameAsOldVersions)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // This is going to be a bit complex to make sure it copes OK
+ // with things going wrong.
+ // The only thing which isn't safe is incrementing the object ID
+ // and keeping the blocks used entirely accurate -- but these
+ // aren't big problems if they go horribly wrong. The sizes will
+ // be corrected the next time the account has a housekeeping run,
+ // and the object ID allocation code is tolerant of missed IDs.
+ // (the info is written lazily, so these are necessary)
+ // Get the directory we want to modify
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Allocate the next ID
+ int64_t id = AllocateObjectID();
+ // Stream the file to disc
+ std::string fn;
+ MakeObjectFilename(id, fn, true /* make sure the directory it's in exists */);
+ int64_t newObjectBlocksUsed = 0;
+ RaidFileWrite *ppreviousVerStoreFile = 0;
+ bool reversedDiffIsCompletelyDifferent = false;
+ int64_t oldVersionNewBlocksUsed = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ RaidFileWrite storeFile(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ storeFile.Open(false /* no overwriting */);
+ // size adjustment from use of patch in old file
+ int64_t spaceSavedByConversionToPatch = 0;
+ // Diff or full file?
+ if(DiffFromFileID == 0)
+ {
+ // A full file, just store to disc
+ if(!rFile.CopyStreamTo(storeFile, BACKUP_STORE_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ReadFileFromStreamTimedOut)
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check that the diffed from ID actually exists in the directory
+ if(dir.FindEntryByID(DiffFromFileID) == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, DiffFromIDNotFoundInDirectory)
+ }
+ // Diff file, needs to be recreated.
+ // Choose a temporary filename.
+ std::string tempFn(RaidFileController::DiscSetPathToFileSystemPath(mStoreDiscSet, fn + ".difftemp",
+ 1 /* NOT the same disc as the write file, to avoid using lots of space on the same disc unnecessarily */));
+ try
+ {
+ // Open it twice
+#ifdef WIN32
+ InvisibleTempFileStream diff(tempFn.c_str(),
+ InvisibleTempFileStream diff2(tempFn.c_str(),
+ FileStream diff(tempFn.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL);
+ FileStream diff2(tempFn.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+ // Unlink it immediately, so it definitely goes away
+ if(::unlink(tempFn.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ // Stream the incoming diff to this temporary file
+ if(!rFile.CopyStreamTo(diff, BACKUP_STORE_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ReadFileFromStreamTimedOut)
+ }
+ // Verify the diff
+ diff.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ if(!BackupStoreFile::VerifyEncodedFileFormat(diff))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AddedFileDoesNotVerify)
+ }
+ // Seek to beginning of diff file
+ diff.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ // Filename of the old version
+ std::string oldVersionFilename;
+ MakeObjectFilename(DiffFromFileID, oldVersionFilename, false /* no need to make sure the directory it's in exists */);
+ // Reassemble that diff -- open previous file, and combine the patch and file
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> from(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, oldVersionFilename));
+ BackupStoreFile::CombineFile(diff, diff2, *from, storeFile);
+ // Then... reverse the patch back (open the from file again, and create a write file to overwrite it)
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> from2(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, oldVersionFilename));
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile = new RaidFileWrite(mStoreDiscSet, oldVersionFilename);
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile->Open(true /* allow overwriting */);
+ from->Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ diff.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ BackupStoreFile::ReverseDiffFile(diff, *from, *from2, *ppreviousVerStoreFile,
+ DiffFromFileID, &reversedDiffIsCompletelyDifferent);
+ // Store disc space used
+ oldVersionNewBlocksUsed = ppreviousVerStoreFile->GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ // And make a space adjustment for the size calculation
+ spaceSavedByConversionToPatch =
+ from->GetDiscUsageInBlocks() -
+ oldVersionNewBlocksUsed;
+ // Everything cleans up here...
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Be very paranoid about deleting this temp file -- we could only leave a zero byte file anyway
+ ::unlink(tempFn.c_str());
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the blocks used
+ newObjectBlocksUsed = storeFile.GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ // Exceeds the hard limit?
+ int64_t newBlocksUsed = mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksUsed() +
+ newObjectBlocksUsed - spaceSavedByConversionToPatch;
+ if(newBlocksUsed > mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksHardLimit())
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AddedFileExceedsStorageLimit)
+ // The store file will be deleted automatically by the RaidFile object
+ }
+ // Commit the file
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Delete any previous version store file
+ if(ppreviousVerStoreFile != 0)
+ {
+ delete ppreviousVerStoreFile;
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile = 0;
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Verify the file -- only necessary for non-diffed versions
+ // NOTE: No need to catch exceptions and delete ppreviousVerStoreFile, because
+ // in the non-diffed code path it's never allocated.
+ if(DiffFromFileID == 0)
+ {
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> checkFile(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, fn));
+ if(!BackupStoreFile::VerifyEncodedFileFormat(*checkFile))
+ {
+ // Error! Delete the file
+ RaidFileWrite del(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ del.Delete();
+ // Exception
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AddedFileDoesNotVerify)
+ }
+ }
+ // Modify the directory -- first make all files with the same name
+ // marked as an old version
+ int64_t blocksInOldFiles = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ if(MarkFileWithSameNameAsOldVersions)
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *e = 0;
+ while((e = i.Next()) != 0)
+ {
+ // First, check it's not an old version (cheaper comparison)
+ if(! e->IsOld())
+ {
+ // Compare name
+ if(e->GetName() == rFilename)
+ {
+ // Check that it's definately not an old version
+ ASSERT((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion) == 0);
+ // Set old version flag
+ e->AddFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion);
+ // Can safely do this, because we know we won't be here if it's already
+ // an old version
+ blocksInOldFiles += e->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Then the new entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *pnewEntry = dir.AddEntry(rFilename,
+ ModificationTime, id, newObjectBlocksUsed,
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File,
+ AttributesHash);
+ // Adjust for the patch back stuff?
+ if(DiffFromFileID != 0)
+ {
+ // Get old version entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *poldEntry = dir.FindEntryByID(DiffFromFileID);
+ ASSERT(poldEntry != 0);
+ // Adjust dependency info of file?
+ if(!reversedDiffIsCompletelyDifferent)
+ {
+ poldEntry->SetDependsNewer(id);
+ pnewEntry->SetDependsOlder(DiffFromFileID);
+ }
+ // Adjust size of old entry
+ int64_t oldSize = poldEntry->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ poldEntry->SetSizeInBlocks(oldVersionNewBlocksUsed);
+ // And adjust blocks used count, for later adjustment
+ newObjectBlocksUsed += (oldVersionNewBlocksUsed - oldSize);
+ blocksInOldFiles += (oldVersionNewBlocksUsed - oldSize);
+ }
+ // Write the directory back to disc
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ // Commit the old version's new patched version, now that the directory safely reflects
+ // the state of the files on disc.
+ if(ppreviousVerStoreFile != 0)
+ {
+ delete ppreviousVerStoreFile;
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Back out on adding that file
+ RaidFileWrite del(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ del.Delete();
+ // Remove this entry from the cache
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ // Delete any previous version store file
+ if(ppreviousVerStoreFile != 0)
+ {
+ delete ppreviousVerStoreFile;
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile = 0;
+ }
+ // Don't worry about the incremented number in the store info
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Check logic
+ ASSERT(ppreviousVerStoreFile == 0);
+ // Modify the store info
+ if(DiffFromFileID == 0)
+ {
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumFiles(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumOldFiles(1);
+ }
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksUsed(newObjectBlocksUsed);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInCurrentFiles(newObjectBlocksUsed -
+ blocksInOldFiles);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInOldFiles(blocksInOldFiles);
+ // Increment reference count on the new directory to one
+ mapRefCount->AddReference(id);
+ // Save the store info -- can cope if this exceptions because infomation
+ // will be rebuilt by housekeeping, and ID allocation can recover.
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ // Return the ID to the caller
+ return id;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::DeleteFile(const BackupStoreFilename &, int64_t, int64_t &)
+// Purpose: Deletes a file, returning true if the file existed. Object ID returned too, set to zero if not found.
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::DeleteFile(const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, int64_t InDirectory, int64_t &rObjectIDOut)
+ // Essential checks!
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Find the directory the file is in (will exception if it fails)
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Setup flags
+ bool fileExisted = false;
+ bool madeChanges = false;
+ rObjectIDOut = 0; // not found
+ // Count of deleted blocks
+ int64_t blocksDel = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Iterate through directory, only looking at files which haven't been deleted
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *e = 0;
+ while((e = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File,
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted)) != 0)
+ {
+ // Compare name
+ if(e->GetName() == rFilename)
+ {
+ // Check that it's definately not already deleted
+ ASSERT((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted) == 0);
+ // Set deleted flag
+ e->AddFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ // Mark as made a change
+ madeChanges = true;
+ // Can safely do this, because we know we won't be here if it's already
+ // an old version
+ blocksDel += e->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ // Is this the last version?
+ if((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion) == 0)
+ {
+ // Yes. It's been found.
+ rObjectIDOut = e->GetObjectID();
+ fileExisted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Save changes?
+ if(madeChanges)
+ {
+ // Save the directory back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ // Modify the store info, and write
+ // It definitely wasn't an old or deleted version
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumFiles(-1);
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumDeletedFiles(1);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDeletedFiles(blocksDel);
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ throw;
+ }
+ return fileExisted;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::UndeleteFile(int64_t, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Undeletes a file, if it exists, returning true if
+// the file existed.
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::UndeleteFile(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t InDirectory)
+ // Essential checks!
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Find the directory the file is in (will exception if it fails)
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Setup flags
+ bool fileExisted = false;
+ bool madeChanges = false;
+ // Count of deleted blocks
+ int64_t blocksDel = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Iterate through directory, only looking at files which have been deleted
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *e = 0;
+ while((e = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File |
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted, 0)) != 0)
+ {
+ // Compare name
+ if(e->GetObjectID() == ObjectID)
+ {
+ // Check that it's definitely already deleted
+ ASSERT((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted) != 0);
+ // Clear deleted flag
+ e->RemoveFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ // Mark as made a change
+ madeChanges = true;
+ blocksDel -= e->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ // Is this the last version?
+ if((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion) == 0)
+ {
+ // Yes. It's been found.
+ fileExisted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Save changes?
+ if(madeChanges)
+ {
+ // Save the directory back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ // Modify the store info, and write
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDeletedFiles(blocksDel);
+ // Maybe postponed save of store info
+ SaveStoreInfo();
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ throw;
+ }
+ return fileExisted;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::RemoveDirectoryFromCache(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Remove directory from cache
+// Created: 2003/09/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::RemoveDirectoryFromCache(int64_t ObjectID)
+ std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*>::iterator item(mDirectoryCache.find(ObjectID));
+ if(item != mDirectoryCache.end())
+ {
+ // Delete this cached object
+ delete item->second;
+ // Erase the entry form the map
+ mDirectoryCache.erase(item);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::SaveDirectory(BackupStoreDirectory &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Save directory back to disc, update time in cache
+// Created: 2003/09/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::SaveDirectory(BackupStoreDirectory &rDir, int64_t ObjectID)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(rDir.GetObjectID() != ObjectID)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Write to disc, adjust size in store info
+ std::string dirfn;
+ MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, dirfn);
+ {
+ RaidFileWrite writeDir(mStoreDiscSet, dirfn);
+ writeDir.Open(true /* allow overwriting */);
+ BufferedWriteStream buffer(writeDir);
+ rDir.WriteToStream(buffer);
+ buffer.Flush();
+ // get the disc usage (must do this before commiting it)
+ int64_t dirSize = writeDir.GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ // Commit directory
+ // Make sure the size of the directory is available for writing the dir back
+ ASSERT(dirSize > 0);
+ int64_t sizeAdjustment = dirSize - rDir.GetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks();
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksUsed(sizeAdjustment);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDirectories(sizeAdjustment);
+ // Update size stored in directory
+ rDir.SetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks(dirSize);
+ }
+ // Refresh revision ID in cache
+ {
+ int64_t revid = 0;
+ if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, dirfn, &revid))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+ rDir.SetRevisionID(revid);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Remove it from the cache if anything went wrong
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(ObjectID);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::AddDirectory(int64_t,
+// const BackupStoreFilename &, bool &)
+// Purpose: Creates a directory (or just returns the ID of an
+// existing one). rAlreadyExists set appropraitely.
+// Created: 2003/09/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int64_t BackupStoreContext::AddDirectory(int64_t InDirectory, const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesModTime, bool &rAlreadyExists)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Flags as not already existing
+ rAlreadyExists = false;
+ // Get the directory we want to modify
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Scan the directory for the name (only looking for directories which already exist)
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ while((en = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING,
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted | BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion)) != 0) // Ignore deleted and old directories
+ {
+ if(en->GetName() == rFilename)
+ {
+ // Already exists
+ rAlreadyExists = true;
+ return en->GetObjectID();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Allocate the next ID
+ int64_t id = AllocateObjectID();
+ // Create an empty directory with the given attributes on disc
+ std::string fn;
+ MakeObjectFilename(id, fn, true /* make sure the directory it's in exists */);
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory emptyDir(id, InDirectory);
+ // add the atttribues
+ emptyDir.SetAttributes(Attributes, AttributesModTime);
+ // Write...
+ RaidFileWrite dirFile(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ dirFile.Open(false /* no overwriting */);
+ emptyDir.WriteToStream(dirFile);
+ // Get disc usage, before it's commited
+ int64_t dirSize = dirFile.GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ // Commit the file
+ // Make sure the size of the directory is added to the usage counts in the info
+ ASSERT(dirSize > 0);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksUsed(dirSize);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDirectories(dirSize);
+ // Not added to cache, so don't set the size in the directory
+ }
+ // Then add it into the parent directory
+ try
+ {
+ dir.AddEntry(rFilename, 0 /* modification time */, id, 0 /* blocks used */, BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir, 0 /* attributes mod time */);
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ // Increment reference count on the new directory to one
+ mapRefCount->AddReference(id);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Back out on adding that directory
+ RaidFileWrite del(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ del.Delete();
+ // Remove this entry from the cache
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ // Don't worry about the incremented number in the store info
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Save the store info (may not be postponed)
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumDirectories(1);
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ // tell caller what the ID was
+ return id;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::DeleteFile(const BackupStoreFilename &, int64_t, int64_t &, bool)
+// Purpose: Recusively deletes a directory (or undeletes if Undelete = true)
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::DeleteDirectory(int64_t ObjectID, bool Undelete)
+ // Essential checks!
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Containing directory
+ int64_t InDirectory = 0;
+ // Count of blocks deleted
+ int64_t blocksDeleted = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Get the directory that's to be deleted
+ {
+ // In block, because dir may not be valid after the delete directory call
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(ObjectID));
+ // Store the directory it's in for later
+ InDirectory = dir.GetContainerID();
+ // Depth first delete of contents
+ DeleteDirectoryRecurse(ObjectID, blocksDeleted, Undelete);
+ }
+ // Remove the entry from the directory it's in
+ ASSERT(InDirectory != 0);
+ BackupStoreDirectory &parentDir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(parentDir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ while((en = i.Next(Undelete?(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted):(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING),
+ Undelete?(0):(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted))) != 0) // Ignore deleted directories (or not deleted if Undelete)
+ {
+ if(en->GetObjectID() == ObjectID)
+ {
+ // This is the one to delete
+ if(Undelete)
+ {
+ en->RemoveFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ en->AddFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ }
+ // Save it
+ SaveDirectory(parentDir, InDirectory);
+ // Done
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update blocks deleted count
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDeletedFiles(Undelete?(0 - blocksDeleted):(blocksDeleted));
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumDirectories(-1);
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::DeleteDirectoryRecurse(BackupStoreDirectory &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Private. Deletes a directory depth-first recusively.
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::DeleteDirectoryRecurse(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t &rBlocksDeletedOut, bool Undelete)
+ try
+ {
+ // Does things carefully to avoid using a directory in the cache after recursive call
+ // because it may have been deleted.
+ // Do sub directories
+ {
+ // Get the directory...
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(ObjectID));
+ // Then scan it for directories
+ std::vector<int64_t> subDirs;
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ if(Undelete)
+ {
+ while((en = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir | BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted, // deleted dirs
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING)) != 0)
+ {
+ // Store the directory ID.
+ subDirs.push_back(en->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while((en = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir, // dirs only
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted)) != 0) // but not deleted ones
+ {
+ // Store the directory ID.
+ subDirs.push_back(en->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ }
+ // Done with the directory for now. Recurse to sub directories
+ for(std::vector<int64_t>::const_iterator i = subDirs.begin(); i != subDirs.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ DeleteDirectoryRecurse((*i), rBlocksDeletedOut, Undelete);
+ }
+ }
+ // Then, delete the files. Will need to load the directory again because it might have
+ // been removed from the cache.
+ {
+ // Get the directory...
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(ObjectID));
+ // Changes made?
+ bool changesMade = false;
+ // Run through files
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ while((en = i.Next(Undelete?(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted):(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING),
+ Undelete?(0):(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted))) != 0) // Ignore deleted directories (or not deleted if Undelete)
+ {
+ // Add/remove the deleted flags
+ if(Undelete)
+ {
+ en->RemoveFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ en->AddFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ }
+ // Keep count of the deleted blocks
+ if((en->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File) != 0)
+ {
+ rBlocksDeletedOut += en->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ }
+ // Did something
+ changesMade = true;
+ }
+ // Save the directory
+ if(changesMade)
+ {
+ SaveDirectory(dir, ObjectID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(ObjectID);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::ChangeDirAttributes(int64_t, const StreamableMemBlock &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Change the attributes of a directory
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::ChangeDirAttributes(int64_t Directory, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesModTime)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Get the directory we want to modify
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(Directory));
+ // Set attributes
+ dir.SetAttributes(Attributes, AttributesModTime);
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, Directory);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(Directory);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::ChangeFileAttributes(int64_t, int64_t, const StreamableMemBlock &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Sets the attributes on a directory entry. Returns true if the object existed, false if it didn't.
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::ChangeFileAttributes(const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, int64_t InDirectory, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesHash, int64_t &rObjectIDOut)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Get the directory we want to modify
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Find the file entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ // Iterate through current versions of files, only
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ while((en = i.Next(
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File,
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted | BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion)
+ ) != 0)
+ {
+ if(en->GetName() == rFilename)
+ {
+ // Set attributes
+ en->SetAttributes(Attributes, AttributesHash);
+ // Tell caller the object ID
+ rObjectIDOut = en->GetObjectID();
+ // Done
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(en == 0)
+ {
+ // Didn't find it
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Changed, everything OK
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::ObjectExists(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Test to see if an object of this ID exists in the store
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::ObjectExists(int64_t ObjectID, int MustBe)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ // Note that we need to allow object IDs a little bit greater than the last one in the store info,
+ // because the store info may not have got saved in an error condition. Max greater ID is
+ // STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY in this case, *2 to be safe.
+ if(ObjectID <= 0 || ObjectID > (mapStoreInfo->GetLastObjectIDUsed() + (STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY * 2)))
+ {
+ // Obviously bad object ID
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Test to see if it exists on the disc
+ std::string filename;
+ MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, filename);
+ if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, filename))
+ {
+ // RaidFile reports no file there
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Do we need to be more specific?
+ if(MustBe != ObjectExists_Anything)
+ {
+ // Open the file
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> objectFile(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, filename));
+ // Read the first integer
+ u_int32_t magic;
+ if(!objectFile->ReadFullBuffer(&magic, sizeof(magic), 0 /* not interested in how many read if failure */))
+ {
+ // Failed to get any bytes, must have failed
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(MustBe == ObjectExists_File && ntohl(magic) == OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V0)
+ {
+ // Old version detected
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Right one?
+ u_int32_t requiredMagic = (MustBe == ObjectExists_File)?OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V1:OBJECTMAGIC_DIR_MAGIC_VALUE;
+ // Check
+ if(ntohl(magic) != requiredMagic)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // File is implicitly closed
+ }
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::OpenObject(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Opens an object
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<IOStream> BackupStoreContext::OpenObject(int64_t ObjectID)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ // Attempt to open the file
+ std::string fn;
+ MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, fn);
+ return std::auto_ptr<IOStream>(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, fn).release());
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::GetClientStoreMarker()
+// Purpose: Retrieve the client store marker
+// Created: 2003/10/29
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int64_t BackupStoreContext::GetClientStoreMarker()
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ return mapStoreInfo->GetClientStoreMarker();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::GetStoreDiscUsageInfo(int64_t &, int64_t &, int64_t &)
+// Purpose: Get disc usage info from store info
+// Created: 1/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::GetStoreDiscUsageInfo(int64_t &rBlocksUsed, int64_t &rBlocksSoftLimit, int64_t &rBlocksHardLimit)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ rBlocksUsed = mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksUsed();
+ rBlocksSoftLimit = mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksSoftLimit();
+ rBlocksHardLimit = mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksHardLimit();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::HardLimitExceeded()
+// Purpose: Returns true if the hard limit has been exceeded
+// Created: 1/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::HardLimitExceeded()
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ return mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksUsed() > mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksHardLimit();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::SetClientStoreMarker(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Sets the client store marker, and commits it to disc
+// Created: 2003/10/29
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::SetClientStoreMarker(int64_t ClientStoreMarker)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ mapStoreInfo->SetClientStoreMarker(ClientStoreMarker);
+ SaveStoreInfo(false /* don't delay saving this */);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::MoveObject(int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, const BackupStoreFilename &, bool)
+// Purpose: Move an object (and all objects with the same name) from one directory to another
+// Created: 12/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::MoveObject(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t MoveFromDirectory, int64_t MoveToDirectory, const BackupStoreFilename &rNewFilename, bool MoveAllWithSameName, bool AllowMoveOverDeletedObject)
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Should deleted files be excluded when checking for the existance of objects with the target name?
+ int64_t targetSearchExcludeFlags = (AllowMoveOverDeletedObject)
+ ?(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted)
+ :(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING);
+ // Special case if the directories are the same...
+ if(MoveFromDirectory == MoveToDirectory)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // Get the first directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveFromDirectory));
+ // Find the file entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = dir.FindEntryByID(ObjectID);
+ // Error if not found
+ if(en == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory)
+ }
+ // Check the new name doens't already exist (optionally ignoring deleted files)
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *c = 0;
+ while((c = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING, targetSearchExcludeFlags)) != 0)
+ {
+ if(c->GetName() == rNewFilename)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, NameAlreadyExistsInDirectory)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Need to get all the entries with the same name?
+ if(MoveAllWithSameName)
+ {
+ // Iterate through the directory, copying all with matching names
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *c = 0;
+ while((c = i.Next()) != 0)
+ {
+ if(c->GetName() == en->GetName())
+ {
+ // Rename this one
+ c->SetName(rNewFilename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Just copy this one
+ en->SetName(rNewFilename);
+ }
+ // Save the directory back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, MoveFromDirectory);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(MoveToDirectory); // either will do, as they're the same
+ throw;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Got to be careful how this is written, as we can't guarentte that if we have two
+ // directories open, the first won't be deleted as the second is opened. (cache)
+ // List of entries to move
+ std::vector<BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *> moving;
+ // list of directory IDs which need to have containing dir id changed
+ std::vector<int64_t> dirsToChangeContainingID;
+ try
+ {
+ // First of all, get copies of the entries to move to the to directory.
+ {
+ // Get the first directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &from(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveFromDirectory));
+ // Find the file entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = from.FindEntryByID(ObjectID);
+ // Error if not found
+ if(en == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory)
+ }
+ // Need to get all the entries with the same name?
+ if(MoveAllWithSameName)
+ {
+ // Iterate through the directory, copying all with matching names
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(from);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *c = 0;
+ while((c = i.Next()) != 0)
+ {
+ if(c->GetName() == en->GetName())
+ {
+ // Copy
+ moving.push_back(new BackupStoreDirectory::Entry(*c));
+ // Check for containing directory correction
+ if(c->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir) dirsToChangeContainingID.push_back(c->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(!moving.empty());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Just copy this one
+ moving.push_back(new BackupStoreDirectory::Entry(*en));
+ // Check for containing directory correction
+ if(en->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir) dirsToChangeContainingID.push_back(en->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ }
+ // Secondly, insert them into the to directory, and save it
+ {
+ // To directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &to(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveToDirectory));
+ // Check the new name doens't already exist
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(to);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *c = 0;
+ while((c = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING, targetSearchExcludeFlags)) != 0)
+ {
+ if(c->GetName() == rNewFilename)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, NameAlreadyExistsInDirectory)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy the entries into it, changing the name as we go
+ for(std::vector<BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *>::iterator i(moving.begin()); i != moving.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = (*i);
+ en->SetName(rNewFilename);
+ to.AddEntry(*en); // adds copy
+ }
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(to, MoveToDirectory);
+ }
+ // Thirdly... remove them from the first directory -- but if it fails, attempt to delete them from the to directory
+ try
+ {
+ // Get directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &from(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveFromDirectory));
+ // Delete each one
+ for(std::vector<BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *>::iterator i(moving.begin()); i != moving.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ from.DeleteEntry((*i)->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(from, MoveFromDirectory);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // UNDO modification to To directory
+ // Get directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &to(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveToDirectory));
+ // Delete each one
+ for(std::vector<BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *>::iterator i(moving.begin()); i != moving.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ to.DeleteEntry((*i)->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(to, MoveToDirectory);
+ // Throw the error
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Finally... for all the directories we moved, modify their containing directory ID
+ for(std::vector<int64_t>::iterator i(dirsToChangeContainingID.begin()); i != dirsToChangeContainingID.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Load the directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &change(GetDirectoryInternal(*i));
+ // Modify containing dir ID
+ change.SetContainerID(MoveToDirectory);
+ // Save it back
+ SaveDirectory(change, *i);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Make sure directories aren't in the cache, as they may have been modified
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(MoveToDirectory);
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(MoveFromDirectory);
+ for(std::vector<int64_t>::iterator i(dirsToChangeContainingID.begin()); i != dirsToChangeContainingID.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(*i);
+ }
+ while(!moving.empty())
+ {
+ delete moving.back();
+ moving.pop_back();
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Clean up
+ while(!moving.empty())
+ {
+ delete moving.back();
+ moving.pop_back();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::GetBackupStoreInfo()
+// Purpose: Return the backup store info object, exception if it isn't loaded
+// Created: 19/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const BackupStoreInfo &BackupStoreContext::GetBackupStoreInfo() const
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ return *(mapStoreInfo.get());