path: root/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h
diff options
authorChris Wilson <>2011-04-26 18:44:26 +0000
committerChris Wilson <>2011-04-26 18:44:26 +0000
commit1fe4e9308b8f50dbe70cc69bd500eb829a11b460 (patch)
tree738a016038b1bfbca588f688938d0d34fc55c06a /lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h
parent848ec8ab81adfa1c8d10e87c047c9db3ec6654b4 (diff)
Major refactoring to make lib/backupclient depend on lib/backupstore rather
than the other way around. This is needed to allow clients to have all the code that they'd need to implement local backups (using the Local protocol) in subsequent commits.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5bc1924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFile.h
+// Purpose: Utils for manipulating files
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <memory>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "BackupClientFileAttributes.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFilename.h"
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "ReadLoggingStream.h"
+#include "RunStatusProvider.h"
+typedef struct
+ int64_t mBytesInEncodedFiles;
+ int64_t mBytesAlreadyOnServer;
+ int64_t mTotalFileStreamSize;
+} BackupStoreFileStats;
+// Uncomment to disable backwards compatibility
+// Output buffer to EncodeChunk and input data to DecodeChunk must
+// have specific alignment, see function comments.
+// Have some memory allocation commands, note closing "Off" at end of file.
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: DiffTimer
+// Purpose: Interface for classes that can keep track of diffing time,
+// and send SSL keepalive messages
+// Created: 2006/01/19
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class DiffTimer
+ DiffTimer();
+ virtual ~DiffTimer();
+ virtual void DoKeepAlive() = 0;
+ virtual int GetMaximumDiffingTime() = 0;
+ virtual bool IsManaged() = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BackupStoreFile
+// Purpose: Class to hold together utils for manipulating files.
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BackupStoreFile
+ class DecodedStream : public IOStream
+ {
+ friend class BackupStoreFile;
+ private:
+ DecodedStream(IOStream &rEncodedFile, int Timeout);
+ DecodedStream(const DecodedStream &); // not allowed
+ DecodedStream &operator=(const DecodedStream &); // not allowed
+ public:
+ ~DecodedStream();
+ // Stream functions
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout);
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ // Accessor functions
+ const BackupClientFileAttributes &GetAttributes() {return mAttributes;}
+ const BackupStoreFilename &GetFilename() {return mFilename;}
+ int64_t GetNumBlocks() {return mNumBlocks;} // primarily for tests
+ bool IsSymLink();
+ private:
+ void Setup(const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr);
+ void ReadBlockIndex(bool MagicAlreadyRead);
+ private:
+ IOStream &mrEncodedFile;
+ int mTimeout;
+ BackupClientFileAttributes mAttributes;
+ BackupStoreFilename mFilename;
+ int64_t mNumBlocks;
+ void *mpBlockIndex;
+ uint8_t *mpEncodedData;
+ uint8_t *mpClearData;
+ int mClearDataSize;
+ int mCurrentBlock;
+ int mCurrentBlockClearSize;
+ int mPositionInCurrentBlock;
+ uint64_t mEntryIVBase;
+ bool mIsOldVersion;
+ };
+ // Main interface
+ static std::auto_ptr<IOStream> EncodeFile
+ (
+ const char *Filename,
+ int64_t ContainerID, const BackupStoreFilename &rStoreFilename,
+ int64_t *pModificationTime = 0,
+ ReadLoggingStream::Logger* pLogger = NULL,
+ RunStatusProvider* pRunStatusProvider = NULL
+ );
+ static std::auto_ptr<IOStream> EncodeFileDiff
+ (
+ const char *Filename, int64_t ContainerID,
+ const BackupStoreFilename &rStoreFilename,
+ int64_t DiffFromObjectID, IOStream &rDiffFromBlockIndex,
+ int Timeout,
+ DiffTimer *pDiffTimer,
+ int64_t *pModificationTime = 0,
+ bool *pIsCompletelyDifferent = 0
+ );
+ static bool VerifyEncodedFileFormat(IOStream &rFile, int64_t *pDiffFromObjectIDOut = 0, int64_t *pContainerIDOut = 0);
+ static void CombineFile(IOStream &rDiff, IOStream &rDiff2, IOStream &rFrom, IOStream &rOut);
+ static void CombineDiffs(IOStream &rDiff1, IOStream &rDiff2, IOStream &rDiff2b, IOStream &rOut);
+ static void ReverseDiffFile(IOStream &rDiff, IOStream &rFrom, IOStream &rFrom2, IOStream &rOut, int64_t ObjectIDOfFrom, bool *pIsCompletelyDifferent = 0);
+ static void DecodeFile(IOStream &rEncodedFile, const char *DecodedFilename, int Timeout, const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr = 0);
+ static std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream> DecodeFileStream(IOStream &rEncodedFile, int Timeout, const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr = 0);
+ static bool CompareFileContentsAgainstBlockIndex(const char *Filename, IOStream &rBlockIndex, int Timeout);
+ static std::auto_ptr<IOStream> CombineFileIndices(IOStream &rDiff, IOStream &rFrom, bool DiffIsIndexOnly = false, bool FromIsIndexOnly = false);
+ // Stream manipulation
+ static std::auto_ptr<IOStream> ReorderFileToStreamOrder(IOStream *pStream, bool TakeOwnership);
+ static void MoveStreamPositionToBlockIndex(IOStream &rStream);
+ // Crypto setup
+ static void SetBlowfishKeys(const void *pKey, int KeyLength, const void *pBlockEntryKey, int BlockEntryKeyLength);
+#ifndef HAVE_OLD_SSL
+ static void SetAESKey(const void *pKey, int KeyLength);
+ // Allocation of properly aligning chunks for decoding and encoding chunks
+ inline static void *CodingChunkAlloc(int Size)
+ {
+ uint8_t *a = (uint8_t*)malloc((Size) + (BACKUPSTOREFILE_CODING_BLOCKSIZE * 3));
+ if(a == 0) return 0;
+ // Align to main block size
+ ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned long) >= sizeof(void*)); // make sure casting the right pointer size
+ - (uint8_t)(((unsigned long)a) % BACKUPSTOREFILE_CODING_BLOCKSIZE);
+ uint8_t *b = (a + adjustment);
+ // Store adjustment
+ *b = adjustment;
+ // Return offset
+ }
+ inline static void CodingChunkFree(void *Block)
+ {
+ // Check alignment is as expected
+ ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned long) >= sizeof(void*)); // make sure casting the right pointer size
+ uint8_t *a = (uint8_t*)Block;
+ // Adjust downwards...
+ a -= *a;
+ free(a);
+ }
+ static void DiffTimerExpired();
+ // Building blocks
+ class EncodingBuffer
+ {
+ public:
+ EncodingBuffer();
+ ~EncodingBuffer();
+ private:
+ // No copying
+ EncodingBuffer(const EncodingBuffer &);
+ EncodingBuffer &operator=(const EncodingBuffer &);
+ public:
+ void Allocate(int Size);
+ void Reallocate(int NewSize);
+ uint8_t *mpBuffer;
+ int mBufferSize;
+ };
+ static int MaxBlockSizeForChunkSize(int ChunkSize);
+ static int EncodeChunk(const void *Chunk, int ChunkSize, BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer &rOutput);
+ // Caller should know how big the output size is, but also allocate a bit more memory to cover various
+ // overheads allowed for in checks
+ static inline int OutputBufferSizeForKnownOutputSize(int KnownChunkSize)
+ {
+ // Plenty big enough
+ return KnownChunkSize + 256;
+ }
+ static int DecodeChunk(const void *Encoded, int EncodedSize, void *Output, int OutputSize);
+ // Statisitics, not designed to be completely reliable
+ static void ResetStats();
+ static BackupStoreFileStats msStats;
+ // For debug
+ static bool TraceDetailsOfDiffProcess;
+ // For decoding encoded files
+ static void DumpFile(void *clibFileHandle, bool ToTrace, IOStream &rFile);
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"