path: root/debian
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+#+TITLE: boxbackup testing notes
+#+DATE: <2017-06-17 Sat>
+#+AUTHOR: Reinhard Tartler
+* Installing vagrant
+These are my personal notes on how I've tested the boxbackup
+packages. Surely there are many other ways (and even better ones) how
+test the packages, but this is a way that works for me. Feel free to fix
+typos and makes suggestions.
+I'm using vagrant in KVM mode, which is included in debian/stretch. I've
+tested this on a relatively modern Intel I5 CPU with an debian amd64
+installation. Other architectures and non-virtualized environments
+should work exactly the same. The basic testing idea is to install the
+CA signature server, the boxbackup server and the boxbackup client on
+the same machine, and backup to localhost for simplicity. Production
+installations will place them all on different host, but that would make
+testing unnecessarily hard.
+Let's first start with installing vagrant:
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+sudo apt install vagrant-libvirt virt-manager
+sudo adduser $(whoami) libvirt
+Now we can get a new box, get it up and login:
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+vagrant init debian/stretch64
+vagrant up
+vagrant ssh
+You might get some password prompts, not sure how to avoid those.
+* Testing boxbackup
+First install the debian packages. This assumes that the Vagrant file is
+in the same directory that contains the =*.deb= packages to test.
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+sudo apt install /vagrant/boxbackup*0.12*.deb
+First, we need to create a certificat authority.
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+cd /root
+bbstored-certs ca init
+Setup the server:
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+mkdir /boxbackup/
+dpkg-reconfigure -p low boxbackup-server
+Output might look like this:
+Configuring boxbackup-server
+The package configuration scripts can create the configuration files for the BoxBackup server.
+You should choose this option if you are not familiar with BoxBackup's configuration options. The configuration can be done manually with
+the 'raidfile-config' and 'bbstored-config' scripts.
+The server will not start if it is not configured. In all cases, reading the /usr/share/doc/boxbackup-server/README.Debian is recommended.
+Should BoxBackup be configured automatically? [yes/no]
+Should BoxBackup be configured automatically? [yes/no] yes
+Please choose the location for the three RAID file directories.
+To enable RAID, the directory names should be a space-separated list of three partitions, each on different physical hard drives (for
+example: '/raid/0.0 /raid/0.1 /raid/0.2').
+If you don't want to enable RAID, just specify the path to one directory where the backups will be stored (for example,
+These directories will be created if they do not exist.
+Location of the RAID directories: /boxbackup/0
+BoxBackup uses userland RAID techniques.
+Please choose the block size to use for the storage. For maximum efficiency, you should choose the block size of the underlying file
+system (which can be displayed for ext2 filesystems with the 'tune2fs -l' command).
+This value should be set even if you don't plan to use RAID.
+Block size for the userland RAID system: 4096
+The BoxBackup server needs an RSA private key and the corresponding X.509 certificate to perform client-server authentication and
+communication encryption.
+Both can be generated automatically. You will need to sign the certificate with your root CA (see the boxbackup-server package) and put
+this signed certificate and the root CA certificate in the configuration folder.
+Generate a server private key and X.509 certificate request? [yes/no] yes
+User bbstored already exists.
+Creating /boxbackup/0/backup directory...
+Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
+e is 65537 (0x010001)
+You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+into your certificate request.
+What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
+There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+For some fields there will be a default value,
+If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Locality Name (eg, city) []:Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:Email Address []:
+Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+to be sent with your certificate request
+A challenge password []:An optional company name []:perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
+Creating config file /etc/boxbackup/raidfile.conf with new version
+Creating config file /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf with new version
+Now we need to sign the server certificate:
+cd /root
+bbstored-certs ca sign-server /etc/boxbackup/bbstored/boxbackup-server-cert-req.pem
+This certificate is for backup server
+ localhost
+Signing the wrong certificate compromises the security of your backup system.
+Would you like to sign this certificate? (type 'yes' to confirm)
+Signature ok
+subject=CN = localhost
+Getting CA Private Key
+Certificate signed.
+Install the files
+ ca/servers/localhost-cert.pem
+ ca/roots/clientCA.pem
+on the server.
+After this, we need to install them:
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+cp -v ca/roots/clientCA.pem /etc/boxbackup/bbstored/boxbackup-client-ca-cert.pem
+cp -v ca/servers/localhost-cert.pem /etc/boxbackup/bbstored/boxbackup-server-cert.pem
+Create a new user:
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+bbstoreaccounts create 1 0 1G 2G
+Now we can start the server:
+# systemctl restart boxbackup-server
+# systemctl status boxbackup-server
+● boxbackup-server.service - Box Backup Server
+ Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/boxbackup-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
+ Active: active (running) since Sat 2017-06-17 23:59:32 UTC; 2s ago
+ Main PID: 2574 (bbstored)
+ Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
+ CGroup: /system.slice/boxbackup-server.service
+ ├─2574 /usr/sbin/bbstored -F -c /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf
+ └─2575 /usr/sbin/bbstored -F -c /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf
+Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch systemd[1]: Started Box Backup Server.
+Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Box Backup Store Server v0.12~gitcf52058f-1, (c) Ben Summers and contributors 2003-2014
+Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.12~gitcf52058f-1
+Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.12~gitcf52058f-1
+Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf
+Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf
+Let's create setup the client:
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+# dpkg-reconfigure -plow boxbackup-client
+dpkg-reconfigure -plow boxbackup-client
+debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
+debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
+debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
+Configuring boxbackup-client
+The package configuration scripts can create the configuration files for the BoxBackup client.
+You should choose this option if you are not familiar with BoxBackup's configuration options.
+Please read the /usr/share/doc/boxbackup-client/README.Debian for details about the configuration of the BoxBackup client.
+Should the BoxBackup client be configured automatically? [yes/no] yes
+The BoxBackup client supports two modes of backup:
+In the 'lazy' mode, the backup daemon will regularly scan the file system searching for modified files. It will then upload the files
+older than a specified age to the backup server.
+In the 'snapshot' mode the backup will be explicitly run at regular intervals. A cron file (/etc/cron.d/boxbackup-client) is provided with
+the package and should be adapted to suit your needs.
+ 1. lazy 2. snapshot
+Run mode for the BoxBackup client: 2
+The administrator of the BoxBackup server should have assigned this client a hexadecimal account number.
+If no account number has been assigned yet, leave this field blank and configure it later by running 'dpkg-reconfigure boxbackup-client'
+as root.
+Account number for this node on the backup server: 1
+Please enter the fully qualified domain name of the BoxBackup server which your client will use.
+The client will connect to the server on TCP port 2201.
+Fully qualified domain name of the backup server: localhost
+Please give a space-separated list of directories to be backed up onto the remote server.
+Those directories should not contain mounted file systems at any level in their subdirectories.
+List of directories to backup: /etc /home
+/etc /home
+The BoxBackup client sends alert notifications when a problem occurs during the backup.
+Please enter either a local user name (for example 'root') or an email address (for example '').
+Recipient for alert notifications: root
+The BoxBackup client needs an RSA private key and the corresponding X.509 certificate to authenticate itself with the server.
+Both can be generated automatically. You will need to send the certificate request to the BoxBackup server administrator who will sign it
+and send it back to you along with the server's Certification Authority certificate.
+These files should be copied into BoxBackup's configuration directory. The file names to use are given in the /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf
+Generate the client private key and X.509 certificate request? [yes/no] yes
+Which we can now sign:
+# bbstored-certs ca sign /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd/boxbackup-client-cert-req.pem
+This certificate is for backup account
+ 1
+Ensure this matches the account number you are expecting. The filename is
+ ./bbackupd/boxbackup-client-cert-req.pem
+which should include this account number, and additionally, you should check
+that you received it from the right person.
+Signing the wrong certificate compromises the security of your backup system.
+Would you like to sign this certificate? (type 'yes' to confirm)
+Signature ok
+subject=CN = BACKUP-1
+Getting CA Private Key
+Certificate signed.
+Send the files
+ ca/clients/1-cert.pem
+ ca/roots/serverCA.pem
+to the client.
+Now we can install the files:
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+ cp -v ca/clients/1-cert.pem /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd/boxbackup-client-cert.pem
+ cp -v ca/roots/serverCA.pem /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd/boxbackup-server-ca-cert.pem
+Let's restart the client:
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+root@stretch:/root# systemctl restart boxbackup-client
+root@stretch:/root# systemctl status boxbackup-client
+● boxbackup-client.service - Box Backup Client
+ Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/boxbackup-client.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
+ Active: active (running) since Sun 2017-06-18 00:01:20 UTC; 3s ago
+ Main PID: 2793 (bbackupd)
+ Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
+ CGroup: /system.slice/boxbackup-client.service
+ └─2793 /usr/sbin/bbackupd -F -c /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch systemd[1]: Started Box Backup Client.
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Box Backup Client v0.12~gitcf52058f-1, (c) Ben Summers and contributors 2003-2014
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.12~gitcf52058f-1
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.12~gitcf52058f-1
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Store object info file is not enabled. Will download directory listings from store.
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Store object info file is not enabled. Will download directory listings from store.
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Beginning scan of local files
+Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Beginning scan of local files
+And now let's do a backup. This may take a while...
+bbackupctl sync-and-wait
+NOTICE: Using configuration file /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf
+INFO: Daemon configuration summary:
+ AutomaticBackup = false
+ UpdateStoreInterval = 0 seconds
+ MinimumFileAge = 0 seconds
+ MaxUploadWait = 0 seconds
+INFO: Sync started...
+INFO: Sync finished.
+Let's check the size of the backup store, and the number of files in backup:
+root@stretch:/tmp# bbackupquery 'list -r' exit | wc -l
+root@stretch:/tmp# du -sh /boxbackup
+5.1M /boxbackup
+For automated installation, here are my boxbackup settings:
+root@stretch:/tmp# debconf-get-selections | grep boxbackup
+debconf-get-selections | grep boxbackup
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/MaxUploadWait string 86400
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/notifyMail string root
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/accountNumber string 1
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/UpdateStoreInterval string 3600
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/MinimumFileAge string 21600
+boxbackup-server boxbackup-server/generateCertificate boolean true
+boxbackup-server boxbackup-server/raidBlockSize string 4096
+boxbackup-server boxbackup-server/debconf boolean true
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/backupMode select snapshot
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/backupServer string localhost
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/backupDirs string /etc /home
+boxbackup-server boxbackup-server/raidDirectories string /boxbackup/0
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/generateCertificate boolean true
+boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/debconf boolean true