path: root/infrastructure/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'infrastructure/')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infrastructure/ b/infrastructure/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..52e1c2e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infrastructure/
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+use strict;
+use Symbol;
+# comment string for various endings
+my %comment_chars = ('cpp' => '// ', 'h' => '// ', 'pl' => '# ', 'pm' => '# ', '' => '# ');
+# other extensions which need text copying, just to remove the private stuff
+my %text_files = ('txt' => 1, 'spec' => 1);
+# files which don't get the license added
+my %no_license = (); # 'filename' => 1
+# ----------------------------------------------
+# filled in from the manifest file
+my %no_license_dir = ();
+# distribution name
+my $distribution = $ARGV[0];
+die "No distribution name specified on the command line" if $distribution eq '';
+my $dist_root = "distribution/$distribution";
+# check distribution exists
+die "Distribution '$distribution' does not exist" unless -d $dist_root;
+# get version
+open VERSION,"$dist_root/VERSION.txt" or die "Can't open $dist_root/VERSION.txt";
+my $version = <VERSION>;
+chomp $version;
+my $archive_name = <VERSION>;
+chomp $archive_name;
+close VERSION;
+# consistency check
+die "Archive name '$archive_name' is not equal to the distribution name '$distribution'"
+ unless $archive_name eq $distribution;
+# make initial directory
+my $base_name = "$archive_name-$version";
+system "rm -rf $base_name";
+system "rm $base_name.tgz";
+mkdir $base_name,0755;
+# get license file
+open LICENSE,"$dist_root/LICENSE.txt" or die "Can't open $dist_root/LICENSE.txt";
+my $license_f;
+read LICENSE,$license_f,100000;
+close LICENSE;
+my $svnversion = `svnversion .`;
+chomp $svnversion;
+my @license = ('distribution '.$base_name.' (svn version: '.$svnversion.')',split(/\n/,$license_f));
+# copy files, make a note of all the modules included
+my %modules_included;
+my $private_sections_removed = 0;
+my $non_distribution_sections_removed = 0;
+sub copy_from_list
+ my $list = $_[0];
+ open LIST,$list or die "Can't open $list";
+ while(<LIST>)
+ {
+ next unless m/\S/;
+ chomp;
+ my ($src,$dst) = split /\s+/;
+ $dst = $src if $dst eq '';
+ if($src eq 'MKDIR')
+ {
+ # actually we just need to make a directory here
+ mkdir "$base_name/$dst",0755;
+ }
+ elsif($src eq 'NO-LICENSE-IN-DIR')
+ {
+ # record that this directory shouldn't have the license added
+ $no_license_dir{$dst} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($src eq 'REPLACE-VERSION-IN')
+ {
+ replace_version_in($dst);
+ }
+ elsif($src eq 'NO-LICENSE')
+ {
+ $no_license{$dst} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($src eq 'RUN')
+ {
+ print "Running $dst...\n";
+ if(system($dst) != 0)
+ {
+ print "Error running $dst. Aborting.\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif(-d $src)
+ {
+ $modules_included{$_} = 1;
+ copy_dir($src,$dst);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ copy_file($src,$dst);
+ }
+ }
+ close LIST;
+# Copy in the root directory and delete the DISTRIBUTION-MANIFEST file
+(system("cp $dist_root/*.* $base_name/") == 0)
+ or die "Copy of root extra files failed";
+unlink "$base_name/DISTRIBUTION-MANIFEST.txt"
+ or die "Delete of DISTRIBUTION-MANIFEST.txt file failed";
+# produce a new modules file
+my $modules = gensym;
+open $modules,"modules.txt" or die "Can't open modules.txt for reading";
+open MODULES_OUT,">$base_name/modules.txt";
+ # skip lines for modules which aren't included
+ next if m/\A(\w+\/\w+)\s/ && !exists $modules_included{$1};
+ # skip private sections
+ unless(skip_non_applicable_section($_, $modules, 'modules.txt'))
+ {
+ # copy line to out files
+ }
+close $modules;
+# report on how many private sections were removed
+print "Private sections removed: $private_sections_removed\nNon-distribution sections removed: $non_distribution_sections_removed\n";
+# tar it up
+system "tar cf - $base_name | gzip -9 - > $base_name.tgz";
+sub copy_file
+ my ($fn,$dst_fn) = @_;
+ my $ext;
+ $ext = $1 if $fn =~ m/\.(\w+)\Z/;
+ # licenses not used in this directory?
+ my $license_in_dir = 1;
+ $dst_fn =~ m~\A(.+)/[^/]+?\Z~;
+ $license_in_dir = 0 if exists $no_license_dir{$1};
+ # licensed or not?
+ if(exists $comment_chars{$ext} && !exists $no_license{$fn} && $license_in_dir)
+ {
+ my $b = $comment_chars{$ext};
+ # copy as text, inserting license
+ my $in = gensym;
+ open $in,$fn;
+ open OUT,">$base_name/$dst_fn";
+ my $first = <$in>;
+ if($first =~ m/\A#!/)
+ {
+ print OUT $first;
+ $first = '';
+ }
+ # write license
+ for(@license)
+ {
+ print OUT $b,$_,"\n"
+ }
+ if($first ne '')
+ {
+ print OUT $first;
+ }
+ while(<$in>)
+ {
+ unless(skip_non_applicable_section($_, $in, $fn))
+ {
+ print OUT
+ }
+ }
+ close OUT;
+ close $in;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(exists $text_files{$ext})
+ {
+ # copy this as text, to remove private stuff
+ my $in = gensym;
+ open $in,$fn;
+ open OUT,">$base_name/$dst_fn";
+ while(<$in>)
+ {
+ unless(skip_non_applicable_section($_, $in, $fn))
+ {
+ print OUT
+ }
+ }
+ close OUT;
+ close $in;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # copy as binary
+ system 'cp',$fn,"$base_name/$dst_fn"
+ }
+ }
+ # copy executable bit from src
+ if(-x $fn)
+ {
+ system 'chmod','a+x',"$base_name/$dst_fn"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ system 'chmod','a-x',"$base_name/$dst_fn"
+ }
+sub skip_non_applicable_section
+ my ($l, $filehandle, $filename) = @_;
+ if($l =~ m/BOX_PRIVATE_BEGIN/)
+ {
+ # skip private section
+ print "Removing private section from $filename\n";
+ $private_sections_removed++;
+ while(<$filehandle>) {last if m/BOX_PRIVATE_END/}
+ # skipped something
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif($l =~ m/IF_DISTRIBUTION\((.+?)\)/)
+ {
+ # which distributions does this apply to?
+ my $applies = 0;
+ for(split /,/,$1)
+ {
+ $applies = 1 if $_ eq $distribution
+ }
+ unless($applies)
+ {
+ # skip section?
+ print "Removing distribution specific section from $filename\n";
+ $non_distribution_sections_removed++;
+ while(<$filehandle>) {last if m/END_IF_DISTRIBUTION/}
+ }
+ # hide this line
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif($l =~ m/END_IF_DISTRIBUTION/)
+ {
+ # hide these lines
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # no skipping, return this line
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub copy_dir
+ my ($dir,$dst_dir) = @_;
+ # copy an entire directory... first make sure it exists
+ my @n = split /\//,$dst_dir;
+ my $d = $base_name;
+ for(@n)
+ {
+ $d .= '/';
+ $d .= $_;
+ mkdir $d,0755;
+ }
+ # then do each of the files within in
+ opendir DIR,$dir;
+ my @items = readdir DIR;
+ closedir DIR;
+ for(@items)
+ {
+ next if m/\A\./;
+ next if m/\A_/;
+ next if m/\AMakefile\Z/;
+ next if m/\Aautogen/;
+ next if !-f "$dir/$_";
+ copy_file("$dir/$_","$dst_dir/$_");
+ }
+sub replace_version_in
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $fn = $base_name . '/' . $file;
+ open IN,$fn or die "Can't open $fn";
+ open OUT,'>'.$fn.'.new' or die "Can't open $ for writing";
+ while(<IN>)
+ {
+ print OUT
+ }
+ close OUT;
+ close IN;
+ rename($fn.'.new', $fn) or die "Can't rename in place $fn";