path: root/lib/backupclient/BackupClientFileAttributes.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/backupclient/BackupClientFileAttributes.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/lib/backupclient/BackupClientFileAttributes.h b/lib/backupclient/BackupClientFileAttributes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f9a0d883..00000000
--- a/lib/backupclient/BackupClientFileAttributes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// File
-// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes.h
-// Purpose: Storage of file attributes
-// Created: 2003/10/07
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <string>
-#include "StreamableMemBlock.h"
-#include "BoxTime.h"
-EMU_STRUCT_STAT; // declaration
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Class
-// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes
-// Purpose: Storage, streaming and application of file attributes
-// Created: 2003/10/07
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class BackupClientFileAttributes : public StreamableMemBlock
- BackupClientFileAttributes();
- BackupClientFileAttributes(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rToCopy);
- BackupClientFileAttributes(const StreamableMemBlock &rToCopy);
- ~BackupClientFileAttributes();
- BackupClientFileAttributes &operator=(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr);
- BackupClientFileAttributes &operator=(const StreamableMemBlock &rAttr);
- bool operator==(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr) const;
-// bool operator==(const StreamableMemBlock &rAttr) const; // too dangerous?
- bool Compare(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr, bool IgnoreAttrModTime = false, bool IgnoreModTime = false) const;
- // Prevent access to base class members accidently
- void Set();
- void ReadAttributes(const char *Filename, bool ZeroModificationTimes = false,
- box_time_t *pModTime = 0, box_time_t *pAttrModTime = 0, int64_t *pFileSize = 0,
- InodeRefType *pInodeNumber = 0, bool *pHasMultipleLinks = 0);
- void WriteAttributes(const char *Filename,
- bool MakeUserWritable = false) const;
- void GetModificationTimes(box_time_t *pModificationTime,
- box_time_t *pAttrModificationTime) const;
- bool IsSymLink() const;
- static void SetBlowfishKey(const void *pKey, int KeyLength);
- static void SetAttributeHashSecret(const void *pSecret, int SecretLength);
- static uint64_t GenerateAttributeHash(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st, const std::string &filename, const std::string &leafname);
- static void FillExtendedAttr(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock, const char *Filename);
- static void FillAttributes(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock,
- const char *Filename, EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st,
- bool ZeroModificationTimes);
- static void FillAttributesLink(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock, const char *Filename, struct stat &st);
- void WriteExtendedAttr(const char *Filename, int xattrOffset) const;
- void RemoveClear() const;
- void EnsureClearAvailable() const;
- static StreamableMemBlock *MakeClear(const StreamableMemBlock &rEncrypted);
- void EncryptAttr(const StreamableMemBlock &rToEncrypt);
- mutable StreamableMemBlock *mpClearAttributes;