path: root/lib/backupclient/BackupStoreException.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/backupclient/BackupStoreException.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/lib/backupclient/BackupStoreException.txt b/lib/backupclient/BackupStoreException.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 528a8c94..00000000
--- a/lib/backupclient/BackupStoreException.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-EXCEPTION BackupStore 4
-Internal 0
-BadAccountDatabaseFile 1
-AccountDatabaseNoSuchEntry 2
-InvalidBackupStoreFilename 3
-UnknownFilenameEncoding 4
-CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream 5
-BadDirectoryFormat 6
-CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory 7
-OutputFileAlreadyExists 8
-OSFileError 9
-StreamDoesntHaveRequiredFeatures 10
-BadBackupStoreFile 11
-CouldNotLoadStoreInfo 12
-BadStoreInfoOnLoad 13
-StoreInfoIsReadOnly 14
-StoreInfoDirNotInList 15
-StoreInfoBlockDeltaMakesValueNegative 16
-DirectoryHasBeenDeleted 17
-StoreInfoNotInitialised 18
-StoreInfoAlreadyLoaded 19
-StoreInfoNotLoaded 20
-ReadFileFromStreamTimedOut 21
-FileWrongSizeAfterBeingStored 22
-AddedFileDoesNotVerify 23
-StoreInfoForWrongAccount 24
-ContextIsReadOnly 25
-AttributesNotLoaded 26
-AttributesNotUnderstood 27
-WrongServerVersion 28 # client side
-ClientMarkerNotAsExpected 29 Another process logged into the store and modified it while this process was running. Check you're not running two or more clients on the same account.
-NameAlreadyExistsInDirectory 30
-BerkelyDBFailure 31 # client side
-InodeMapIsReadOnly 32 # client side
-InodeMapNotOpen 33 # client side
-FilenameEncryptionKeyNotKnown 34
-FilenameEncryptionNoKeyForSpecifiedMethod 35
-FilenameEncryptionNotSetup 36
-CouldntLoadClientKeyMaterial 37
-BadEncryptedAttributes 38
-EncryptedAttributesHaveUnknownEncoding 39
-OutputSizeTooSmallForChunk 40
-BadEncodedChunk 41
-NotEnoughSpaceToDecodeChunk 42
-ChunkHasUnknownEncoding 43
-ChunkContainsBadCompressedData 44
-CantWriteToEncodedFileStream 45
-Temp_FileEncodeStreamDidntReadBuffer 46
-CantWriteToDecodedFileStream 47
-WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt 48
-BackupStoreFileFailedIntegrityCheck 49
-ThereIsNoDataInASymLink 50
-IVLengthForEncodedBlockSizeDoesntMeetLengthRequirements 51
-BlockEntryEncodingDidntGiveExpectedLength 52
-CouldNotFindUnusedIDDuringAllocation 53
-AddedFileExceedsStorageLimit 54
-CannotDiffAnIncompleteStoreFile 55
-CannotDecodeDiffedFilesWithoutCombining 56
-FailedToReadBlockOnCombine 57
-OnCombineFromFileIsIncomplete 58
-BadNotifySysadminEventCode 59
-InternalAlgorithmErrorCheckIDNotMonotonicallyIncreasing 60
-CouldNotLockStoreAccount 61 Another process is accessing this account -- is a client connected to the server?
-AttributeHashSecretNotSet 62
-AEScipherNotSupportedByInstalledOpenSSL 63 The system needs to be compiled with support for OpenSSL 0.9.7 or later to be able to decode files encrypted with AES
-SignalReceived 64 A signal was received by the process, restart or terminate needed. Exception thrown to abort connection.
-IncompatibleFromAndDiffFiles 65 Attempt to use a diff and a from file together, when they're not related
-DiffFromIDNotFoundInDirectory 66 When uploading via a diff, the diff from file must be in the same directory
-PatchChainInfoBadInDirectory 67 A directory contains inconsistent information. Run bbstoreaccounts check to fix it.
-UnknownObjectRefCountRequested 68 A reference count was requested for an object whose reference count is not known.