path: root/lib/common
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common')
84 files changed, 12306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common/Archive.h b/lib/common/Archive.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b70f12c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Archive.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Archive.h
+// Purpose: Backup daemon state archive
+// Created: 2005/04/11
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef ARCHIVE__H
+#define ARCHIVE__H
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <memory>
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "Guards.h"
+#define ARCHIVE_GET_SIZE(hdr) (( ((uint8_t)((hdr)[0])) | ( ((uint8_t)((hdr)[1])) << 8)) >> 2)
+#define ARCHIVE_MAGIC_VALUE_NOOP 0x5449525F
+class Archive
+ Archive(IOStream &Stream, int Timeout)
+ : mrStream(Stream)
+ {
+ mTimeout = Timeout;
+ }
+ // no copying
+ Archive(const Archive &);
+ Archive & operator=(const Archive &);
+ ~Archive()
+ {
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ void Write(bool Item)
+ {
+ Write((int) Item);
+ }
+ void Write(int Item)
+ {
+ int32_t privItem = htonl(Item);
+ mrStream.Write(&privItem, sizeof(privItem));
+ }
+ void Write(int64_t Item)
+ {
+ int64_t privItem = box_hton64(Item);
+ mrStream.Write(&privItem, sizeof(privItem));
+ }
+ void Write(uint64_t Item)
+ {
+ uint64_t privItem = box_hton64(Item);
+ mrStream.Write(&privItem, sizeof(privItem));
+ }
+ void Write(uint8_t Item)
+ {
+ int privItem = Item;
+ Write(privItem);
+ }
+ void Write(const std::string &Item)
+ {
+ int size = Item.size();
+ Write(size);
+ mrStream.Write(Item.c_str(), size);
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ void Read(bool &rItemOut)
+ {
+ int privItem;
+ Read(privItem);
+ if (privItem)
+ {
+ rItemOut = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rItemOut = false;
+ }
+ }
+ void Read(int &rItemOut)
+ {
+ int32_t privItem;
+ if(!mrStream.ReadFullBuffer(&privItem, sizeof(privItem), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ArchiveBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ rItemOut = ntohl(privItem);
+ }
+ void Read(int64_t &rItemOut)
+ {
+ int64_t privItem;
+ if(!mrStream.ReadFullBuffer(&privItem, sizeof(privItem), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ArchiveBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ rItemOut = box_ntoh64(privItem);
+ }
+ void Read(uint64_t &rItemOut)
+ {
+ uint64_t privItem;
+ if(!mrStream.ReadFullBuffer(&privItem, sizeof(privItem), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ArchiveBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ rItemOut = box_ntoh64(privItem);
+ }
+ void Read(uint8_t &rItemOut)
+ {
+ int privItem;
+ Read(privItem);
+ rItemOut = privItem;
+ }
+ void Read(std::string &rItemOut)
+ {
+ int size;
+ Read(size);
+ // Assume most strings are relatively small
+ char buf[256];
+ if(size < (int) sizeof(buf))
+ {
+ // Fetch rest of pPayload, relying on the Protocol to error on stupidly large sizes for us
+ if(!mrStream.ReadFullBuffer(buf, size, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ArchiveBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ // assign to this string, storing the header and the extra payload
+ rItemOut.assign(buf, size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Block of memory to hold it
+ MemoryBlockGuard<char*> dataB(size);
+ char *ppayload = dataB;
+ // Fetch rest of pPayload, relying on the Protocol to error on stupidly large sizes for us
+ if(!mrStream.ReadFullBuffer(ppayload, size, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ArchiveBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ // assign to this string, storing the header and the extra pPayload
+ rItemOut.assign(ppayload, size);
+ }
+ }
+ IOStream &mrStream;
+ int mTimeout;
+#endif // ARCHIVE__H
diff --git a/lib/common/BannerText.h b/lib/common/BannerText.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e40224da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BannerText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BannerText.h
+// Purpose: Banner text for daemons and utilities
+// Created: 1/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef BANNERTEXT__H
+#define BANNERTEXT__H
+#define BANNER_TEXT(UtilityName) \
+ "Box " UtilityName " v" BOX_VERSION ", (c) Ben Summers and " \
+ "contributors 2003-2010"
+#endif // BANNERTEXT__H
diff --git a/lib/common/BeginStructPackForWire.h b/lib/common/BeginStructPackForWire.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e73bb886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BeginStructPackForWire.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BeginStructPackForWire.h
+// Purpose: Begin structure packing for wire
+// Created: 25/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// No header guard -- this is intentional
+#pragma pack(1)
+ logical error -- check BoxPlatform.h and including file
diff --git a/lib/common/Box.h b/lib/common/Box.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..158fab7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Box.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Box.h
+// Purpose: Main header file for the Box project
+// Created: 2003/07/08
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef BOX__H
+#define BOX__H
+// Use the same changes as gcc3 for gcc4
+ #define PLATFORM_GCC3
+#include "BoxPlatform.h"
+// uncomment this line to enable full memory leak finding on all
+// malloc-ed blocks (at least, ones used by the STL)
+// Show backtraces on exceptions in release builds until further notice
+// (they are only logged at TRACE level anyway)
+ #include "Utils.h"
+ #define OPTIONAL_DO_BACKTRACE DumpStackBacktrace();
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+ extern bool AssertFailuresToSyslog;
+ #define ASSERT_FAILS_TO_SYSLOG_ON {AssertFailuresToSyslog = true;}
+ void BoxDebugAssertFailed(const char *cond, const char *file, int line);
+ #define ASSERT(cond) \
+ { \
+ if(!(cond)) \
+ { \
+ BoxDebugAssertFailed(#cond, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ AssertFailed, #cond); \
+ } \
+ }
+ // Note that syslog tracing is independent of BoxDebugTraceOn,
+ // but stdout tracing is not
+ extern bool BoxDebugTraceToSyslog;
+ #define TRACE_TO_SYSLOG(x) {BoxDebugTraceToSyslog = x;}
+ extern bool BoxDebugTraceToStdout;
+ #define TRACE_TO_STDOUT(x) {BoxDebugTraceToStdout = x;}
+ extern bool BoxDebugTraceOn;
+ int BoxDebug_printf(const char *format, ...);
+ int BoxDebugTrace(const char *format, ...);
+ #endif
+ // Exception names
+ #define ASSERT(cond)
+ #define TRACE_TO_SYSLOG(x) {}
+ #define TRACE_TO_STDOUT(x) {}
+ // Box Backup builds release get extra information for exception logging
+ // Memory leak testing
+ #include "MemLeakFinder.h"
+ #define DEBUG_NEW new(__FILE__,__LINE__)
+ #define MEMLEAKFINDER_NOT_A_LEAK(x) memleakfinder_notaleak(x);
+ #define MEMLEAKFINDER_NO_LEAKS MemLeakSuppressionGuard _guard;
+ #define MEMLEAKFINDER_INIT memleakfinder_init();
+ #define MEMLEAKFINDER_START {memleakfinder_global_enable = true;}
+ #define MEMLEAKFINDER_STOP {memleakfinder_global_enable = false;}
+ #define DEBUG_NEW new
+#define THROW_EXCEPTION(type, subtype) \
+ { \
+ if(!HideExceptionMessageGuard::ExceptionsHidden()) \
+ { \
+ BOX_WARNING("Exception thrown: " \
+ #type "(" #subtype ") " \
+ "at " __FILE__ "(" << __LINE__ << ")") \
+ } \
+ throw type(type::subtype); \
+ }
+#define THROW_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(type, subtype, message) \
+ { \
+ std::ostringstream _box_throw_line; \
+ _box_throw_line << message; \
+ if(!HideExceptionMessageGuard::ExceptionsHidden()) \
+ { \
+ BOX_WARNING("Exception thrown: " \
+ #type "(" #subtype ") (" << message << \
+ ") at " __FILE__ "(" << __LINE__ << ")") \
+ } \
+ throw type(type::subtype, _box_throw_line.str()); \
+ }
+// extra macros for converting to network byte order
+ #include <netinet/in.h>
+// Always define a swap64 function, as it's useful.
+inline uint64_t box_swap64(uint64_t x)
+ return ((x & 0xff) << 56 |
+ (x & 0xff00LL) << 40 |
+ (x & 0xff0000LL) << 24 |
+ (x & 0xff000000LL) << 8 |
+ (x & 0xff00000000LL) >> 8 |
+ (x & 0xff0000000000LL) >> 24 |
+ (x & 0xff000000000000LL) >> 40 |
+ (x & 0xff00000000000000LL) >> 56);
+ #define box_hton64(x) (x)
+ #define box_ntoh64(x) (x)
+#elif defined(HAVE_BSWAP64)
+ #include <sys/endian.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <asm/byteorder.h>
+ #endif
+ #define box_hton64(x) BSWAP64(x)
+ #define box_ntoh64(x) BSWAP64(x)
+ #define box_hton64(x) box_swap64(x)
+ #define box_ntoh64(x) box_swap64(x)
+// overloaded auto-conversion functions
+inline uint64_t hton(uint64_t in) { return box_hton64(in); }
+inline uint32_t hton(uint32_t in) { return htonl(in); }
+inline uint16_t hton(uint16_t in) { return htons(in); }
+inline uint8_t hton(uint8_t in) { return in; }
+inline int64_t hton(int64_t in) { return box_hton64(in); }
+inline int32_t hton(int32_t in) { return htonl(in); }
+inline int16_t hton(int16_t in) { return htons(in); }
+inline int8_t hton(int8_t in) { return in; }
+inline uint64_t ntoh(uint64_t in) { return box_ntoh64(in); }
+inline uint32_t ntoh(uint32_t in) { return ntohl(in); }
+inline uint16_t ntoh(uint16_t in) { return ntohs(in); }
+inline uint8_t ntoh(uint8_t in) { return in; }
+inline int64_t ntoh(int64_t in) { return box_ntoh64(in); }
+inline int32_t ntoh(int32_t in) { return ntohl(in); }
+inline int16_t ntoh(int16_t in) { return ntohs(in); }
+inline int8_t ntoh(int8_t in) { return in; }
+#endif // BOX__H
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxConfig-MSVC.h b/lib/common/BoxConfig-MSVC.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb3ffb30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxConfig-MSVC.h
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+/* lib/common/BoxConfig.h. Generated by configure. */
+/* lib/common/ Generated from by autoheader. */
+/* Hacked by hand to work for MSVC by Chris Wilson */
+/* Define to major version for BDB_VERSION */
+/* #undef BDB_VERSION_MAJOR */
+/* Define to minor version for BDB_VERSION */
+/* #undef BDB_VERSION_MINOR */
+/* Define to point version for BDB_VERSION */
+/* #undef BDB_VERSION_POINT */
+/* Name of the 64 bit endian swapping function */
+/* #undef BSWAP64 */
+/* Define to 1 if the `closedir' function returns void instead of `int'. */
+#define CLOSEDIR_VOID 1
+/* Define to 1 if non-aligned int16 access will fail */
+/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_ONLY_INT16 */
+/* Define to 1 if non-aligned int32 access will fail */
+/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_ONLY_INT32 */
+/* Define to 1 if non-aligned int64 access will fail */
+/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_ONLY_INT64 */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <asm/byteorder.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_ASM_BYTEORDER_H */
+/* Define to 1 if BSWAP64 is defined to the name of a valid 64 bit endian
+ swapping function */
+/* #undef HAVE_BSWAP64 */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <db.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_DB_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `F_SETLK', and to 0 if you
+ don't. */
+#define HAVE_DECL_F_SETLK 0
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `INFTIM', and to 0 if you don't.
+ */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `O_EXLOCK', and to 0 if you
+ don't. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `SO_PEERCRED', and to 0 if you
+ don't. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `XATTR_NOFOLLOW', and to 0 if
+ you don't. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `O_BINARY', and to 0 if you
+ don't. */
+/* Define to 1 if #define of pragmas works */
+/* #undef HAVE_DEFINE_PRAGMA */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dirent.h> header file, and it defines `DIR'.
+ */
+/* #undef HAVE_DIRENT_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <editline/readline.h> header file. */
+/* define if the compiler supports exceptions */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <execinfo.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_EXECINFO_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `flock' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_FLOCK */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getmntent' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_GETMNTENT */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpeereid' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_GETPEEREID */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpid' function. */
+// #define HAVE_GETPID 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getxattr' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_GETXATTR */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <history.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_HISTORY_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+// #define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `kqueue' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_KQUEUE */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `lchown' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_LCHOWN */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `lgetxattr' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_LGETXATTR */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `crypto' library (-lcrypto). */
+/* Define if you have a readline compatible library */
+/* #undef HAVE_LIBREADLINE */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `ssl' library (-lssl). */
+#define HAVE_LIBSSL 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `z' library (-lz). */
+#define HAVE_LIBZ 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `listxattr' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_LISTXATTR */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `llistxattr' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_LLISTXATTR */
+/* Define to 1 if syscall lseek requires a dummy middle parameter */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `lsetxattr' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_LSETXATTR */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <mntent.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_MNTENT_H */
+/* Define to 1 if this platform supports mounts */
+/* #undef HAVE_MOUNTS */
+/* define if the compiler implements namespaces */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <ndir.h> header file, and it defines `DIR'. */
+/* #undef HAVE_NDIR_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <netinet/in.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H */
+/* Define to 1 if SSL is pre-0.9.7 */
+/* #undef HAVE_OLD_SSL */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <openssl/ssl.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <process.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_PROCESS_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <pwd.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_PWD_H */
+/* Define to 1 (and set RANDOM_DEVICE) if a random device is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_RANDOM_DEVICE */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <readline.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_READLINE_H */
+/* Define if your readline library has add_history */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <readline/history.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <readline/readline.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <regex.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_REGEX_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setproctitle' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setxattr' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SETXATTR */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <signal.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if SSL is available */
+#define HAVE_SSL 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `statfs' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_STATFS */
+/* Define to 1 if `stat' has the bug that it succeeds when given the
+ zero-length file name argument. */
+/* Define to 1 if stdbool.h conforms to C99. */
+#define HAVE_STDBOOL_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+// #define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if `d_type' is member of `struct dirent'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `mnt_dir' is member of `struct mntent'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `mnt_mountp' is member of `struct mnttab'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `sin_len' is member of `struct sockaddr_in'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `f_mntonname' is member of `struct statfs'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `st_flags' is member of `struct stat'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `st_mtimespec' is member of `struct stat'. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `syscall' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYSCALL */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <syslog.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYSLOG_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/dir.h> header file, and it defines `DIR'.
+ */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_DIR_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/endian.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_ENDIAN_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/mnttab.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MNTTAB_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/mount.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ndir.h> header file, and it defines `DIR'.
+ */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/param.h> header file. */
+// #define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/socket.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/syscall.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
+// #define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+// #define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/wait.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/xattr.h> header file. */
+/* #undef HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <time.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_TIME_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uint16_t'. */
+#define HAVE_UINT16_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uint32_t'. */
+#define HAVE_UINT32_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uint64_t'. */
+#define HAVE_UINT64_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `uint8_t'. */
+#define HAVE_UINT8_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+// #define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `u_int16_t'. */
+/* #undef HAVE_U_INT16_T */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `u_int32_t'. */
+/* #undef HAVE_U_INT32_T */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `u_int64_t'. */
+/* #undef HAVE_U_INT64_T */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `u_int8_t'. */
+/* #undef HAVE_U_INT8_T */
+/* Define to 1 if struct dirent.d_type is valid */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `_Bool'. */
+/* #undef HAVE__BOOL */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `__syscall' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE___SYSCALL */
+/* Define to 1 if __syscall is available but needs a definition */
+/* #undef HAVE___SYSCALL_NEED_DEFN */
+/* max value of long long calculated by configure */
+/* #undef LLONG_MAX */
+/* min value of long long calculated by configure */
+/* #undef LLONG_MIN */
+/* Define to 1 if `lstat' dereferences a symlink specified with a trailing
+ slash. */
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_NAME "Box Backup"
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_STRING "Box Backup 0.11"
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "box-backup"
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+#define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.09"
+/* Define to the filename of the random device (and set HAVE_RANDOM_DEVICE) */
+/* #undef RANDOM_DEVICE */
+/* Define as the return type of signal handlers (`int' or `void'). */
+#define RETSIGTYPE void
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+#define STDC_HEADERS 1
+/* TMP directory name */
+#define TEMP_DIRECTORY_NAME "/tmp"
+/* Define to 1 if you can safely include both <sys/time.h> and <time.h>. */
+/* Define to 1 if your <sys/time.h> declares `struct tm'. */
+/* #undef TM_IN_SYS_TIME */
+/* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte
+ first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */
+/* #undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+/* Number of bits in a file offset, on hosts where this is settable. */
+/* #undef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS */
+/* Define for large files, on AIX-style hosts. */
+/* #undef _LARGE_FILES */
+/* Define to 1 if __USE_MALLOC is required work around STL memory leaks */
+/* #undef __USE_MALLOC */
+/* Define to empty if `const' does not conform to ANSI C. */
+/* #undef const */
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> doesn't define. */
+#define gid_t int
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+/* #undef mode_t */
+/* Define to `long' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+/* #undef off_t */
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+/* #undef pid_t */
+/* Define to `unsigned' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+/* #undef size_t */
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> doesn't define. */
+#define uid_t int
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxException.cpp b/lib/common/BoxException.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2503ca63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxException.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxException.cpp
+// Purpose: Exception
+// Created: 2003/07/10
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "BoxException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+BoxException::~BoxException() throw ()
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxException.h b/lib/common/BoxException.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8f5d7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxException.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxException.h
+// Purpose: Exception
+// Created: 2003/07/10
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <exception>
+#include <string>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BoxException
+// Purpose: Exception
+// Created: 2003/07/10
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BoxException : public std::exception
+ BoxException();
+ ~BoxException() throw ();
+ virtual unsigned int GetType() const throw() = 0;
+ virtual unsigned int GetSubType() const throw() = 0;
+#endif // BOXEXCEPTION__H
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxPlatform.h b/lib/common/BoxPlatform.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..617aa031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxPlatform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxPlatform.h
+// Purpose: Specifies what each platform supports in more detail, and includes
+// extra files to get basic support for types.
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define PLATFORM_DEV_NULL "/dev/null"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include "BoxConfig-MSVC.h"
+#include "BoxVersion.h"
+#include "BoxConfig.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+ #ifdef __MSVCRT_VERSION__
+ #if __MSVCRT_VERSION__ < 0x0601
+ #error Must include Box.h before sys/types.h
+ #endif
+ #else
+ // need msvcrt version 6.1 or higher for _gmtime64()
+ // must define this before importing <sys/types.h>
+ #define __MSVCRT_VERSION__ 0x0601
+ #endif
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <inttypes.h>
+ #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #endif
+// Slight hack; disable interception in raidfile test on Darwin and Windows
+#if defined __APPLE__ || defined WIN32
+ // TODO: Replace with autoconf test
+// Disable memory testing under Darwin, it just doesn't like it very much.
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ // TODO: We really should get some decent leak detection code.
+// Darwin also has a weird idea of permissions and dates on symlinks:
+// perms are fixed at creation time by your umask, and dates can't be
+// changed. This breaks unit tests if we try to compare these things.
+// See:
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+// Find out if credentials on UNIX sockets can be obtained
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // set packing to one bytes (can't use push/pop on gcc)
+ #define BEGIN_STRUCTURE_PACKING_FOR_WIRE #pragma pack(1)
+ // Use default packing
+ #define END_STRUCTURE_PACKING_FOR_WIRE #pragma pack()
+// Handle differing xattr APIs
+ #define llistxattr(a,b,c) listxattr(a,b,c,XATTR_NOFOLLOW)
+ #endif
+ #define lgetxattr(a,b,c,d) getxattr(a,b,c,d,0,XATTR_NOFOLLOW)
+ #endif
+ #define lsetxattr(a,b,c,d,e) setxattr(a,b,c,d,0,(e)|XATTR_NOFOLLOW)
+ #endif
+#if defined WIN32 && !defined __MINGW32__
+ typedef __int8 int8_t;
+ typedef __int16 int16_t;
+ typedef __int32 int32_t;
+ typedef __int64 int64_t;
+ typedef unsigned __int8 u_int8_t;
+ typedef unsigned __int16 u_int16_t;
+ typedef unsigned __int32 u_int32_t;
+ typedef unsigned __int64 u_int64_t;
+ #define HAVE_U_INT8_T
+ #define HAVE_U_INT16_T
+ #define HAVE_U_INT32_T
+ #define HAVE_U_INT64_T
+#endif // WIN32 && !__MINGW32__
+// Define missing types
+#ifndef HAVE_UINT8_T
+ typedef u_int8_t uint8_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_UINT16_T
+ typedef u_int16_t uint16_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_UINT32_T
+ typedef u_int32_t uint32_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_UINT64_T
+ typedef u_int64_t uint64_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_U_INT8_T
+ typedef uint8_t u_int8_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_U_INT16_T
+ typedef uint16_t u_int16_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_U_INT32_T
+ typedef uint32_t u_int32_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_U_INT64_T
+ typedef uint64_t u_int64_t;
+ #define INFTIM -1
+// for Unix compatibility with Windows :-)
+#ifndef O_BINARY
+ #define O_BINARY 0
+#ifdef WIN32
+ typedef u_int64_t InodeRefType;
+ typedef ino_t InodeRefType;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include "emu.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+ typedef HANDLE tOSFileHandle;
+ #define INVALID_FILE -1
+ typedef int tOSFileHandle;
+// Solaris has no dirfd(x) macro or function, and we need one for
+// intercept tests. We cannot define macros with arguments directly
+// using AC_DEFINE, so do it here instead of in
+ #ifdef HAVE_DIR_D_FD
+ #define dirfd(x) (x)->d_fd
+ #elif defined HAVE_DIR_DD_FD
+ #define dirfd(x) (x)->dd_fd
+ #else
+ #error No way to get file descriptor from DIR structure
+ #endif
+#endif // BOXPLATFORM__H
diff --git a/lib/common/ b/lib/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41bad0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxPortsAndFiles.h
+// Purpose: Central list of which tcp/ip ports and hardcoded file locations
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define BOX_PORT_BASE 2200
+// Backup store daemon
+// directory within the RAIDFILE root for the backup store daemon
+// configuration file paths
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // no default config file path, use these macros to call
+ // GetDefaultConfigFilePath() instead.
+ GetDefaultConfigFilePath("bbackupd.conf").c_str()
+ GetDefaultConfigFilePath("raidfile.conf").c_str()
+ GetDefaultConfigFilePath("bbstored.conf").c_str()
+#define BOX_FILE_BBACKUPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG "@sysconfdir_expanded@/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf"
+#define BOX_FILE_RAIDFILE_DEFAULT_CONFIG "@sysconfdir_expanded@/boxbackup/raidfile.conf"
+#define BOX_FILE_BBSTORED_DEFAULT_CONFIG "@sysconfdir_expanded@/boxbackup/bbstored.conf"
+#define BOX_FILE_BBACKUPD_OLD_CONFIG "@sysconfdir_expanded@/box/bbackupd.conf"
+#define BOX_FILE_RAIDFILE_OLD_CONFIG "@sysconfdir_expanded@/box/raidfile.conf"
+#define BOX_FILE_BBSTORED_OLD_CONFIG "@sysconfdir_expanded@/box/bbstored.conf"
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxTime.cpp b/lib/common/BoxTime.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d05c0a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxTime.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxTime.cpp
+// Purpose: Time for the box
+// Created: 2003/10/08
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
+ #include <time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: GetCurrentBoxTime()
+// Purpose: Returns the current time as a box time.
+// (1 sec precision, or better if supported by system)
+// Created: 2003/10/08
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+box_time_t GetCurrentBoxTime()
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to gettimeofday(), "
+ "dropping precision");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ box_time_t timeNow = (tv.tv_sec * MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL)
+ + tv.tv_usec;
+ return timeNow;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return SecondsToBoxTime(time(0));
+std::string FormatTime(box_time_t time, bool includeDate, bool showMicros)
+ std::ostringstream buf;
+ time_t seconds = BoxTimeToSeconds(time);
+ int micros = BoxTimeToMicroSeconds(time) % MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC;
+ struct tm tm_now, *tm_ptr = &tm_now;
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ if ((tm_ptr = localtime(&seconds)) != NULL)
+ #else
+ if (localtime_r(&seconds, &tm_now) != NULL)
+ #endif
+ {
+ buf << std::setfill('0');
+ if (includeDate)
+ {
+ buf << std::setw(4) << (tm_ptr->tm_year + 1900) << "-" <<
+ std::setw(2) << (tm_ptr->tm_mon + 1) << "-" <<
+ std::setw(2) << (tm_ptr->tm_mday) << " ";
+ }
+ buf << std::setw(2) << tm_ptr->tm_hour << ":" <<
+ std::setw(2) << tm_ptr->tm_min << ":" <<
+ std::setw(2) << tm_ptr->tm_sec;
+ if (showMicros)
+ {
+ buf << "." << std::setw(6) << micros;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buf << strerror(errno);
+ }
+ return buf.str();
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxTime.h b/lib/common/BoxTime.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6681bbbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxTime.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxTime.h
+// Purpose: How time is represented
+// Created: 2003/10/08
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef BOXTIME__H
+#define BOXTIME__H
+// Time is presented as an unsigned 64 bit integer, in microseconds
+typedef uint64_t box_time_t;
+#define NANO_SEC_IN_SEC (1000000000LL)
+#define NANO_SEC_IN_USEC (1000)
+#define NANO_SEC_IN_USEC_LL (1000LL)
+#define MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC (1000000)
+#define MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL (1000000LL)
+#define MILLI_SEC_IN_NANO_SEC (1000)
+#define MILLI_SEC_IN_NANO_SEC_LL (1000LL)
+box_time_t GetCurrentBoxTime();
+inline box_time_t SecondsToBoxTime(time_t Seconds)
+ return ((box_time_t)Seconds * MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL);
+inline time_t BoxTimeToSeconds(box_time_t Time)
+ return Time / MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL;
+inline uint64_t BoxTimeToMilliSeconds(box_time_t Time)
+ return Time / MILLI_SEC_IN_NANO_SEC_LL;
+inline uint64_t BoxTimeToMicroSeconds(box_time_t Time)
+ return Time;
+std::string FormatTime(box_time_t time, bool includeDate,
+ bool showMicros = false);
+#endif // BOXTIME__H
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxTimeToText.cpp b/lib/common/BoxTimeToText.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbeefe1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxTimeToText.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxTimeToText.cpp
+// Purpose: Convert box time to text
+// Created: 2003/10/10
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "BoxTimeToText.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BoxTimeToISO8601String(box_time_t, bool)
+// Purpose: Convert a 64 bit box time to a ISO 8601 compliant
+// string, either in local or UTC time
+// Created: 2003/10/10
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::string BoxTimeToISO8601String(box_time_t Time, bool localTime)
+ time_t timeInSecs = BoxTimeToSeconds(Time);
+ char str[128]; // more than enough space
+#ifdef WIN32
+ struct tm *time;
+ __time64_t winTime = timeInSecs;
+ if(localTime)
+ {
+ time = _localtime64(&winTime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ time = _gmtime64(&winTime);
+ }
+ if(time == NULL)
+ {
+ // ::sprintf(str, "%016I64x ", bob);
+ return std::string("unable to convert time");
+ }
+ sprintf(str, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", time->tm_year + 1900,
+ time->tm_mon + 1, time->tm_mday, time->tm_hour,
+ time->tm_min, time->tm_sec);
+#else // ! WIN32
+ struct tm time;
+ if(localTime)
+ {
+ localtime_r(&timeInSecs, &time);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gmtime_r(&timeInSecs, &time);
+ }
+ sprintf(str, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", time.tm_year + 1900,
+ time.tm_mon + 1, time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour,
+ time.tm_min, time.tm_sec);
+#endif // WIN32
+ return std::string(str);
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxTimeToText.h b/lib/common/BoxTimeToText.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21fa5d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxTimeToText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxTimeToText.h
+// Purpose: Convert box time to text
+// Created: 2003/10/10
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+std::string BoxTimeToISO8601String(box_time_t Time, bool localTime);
diff --git a/lib/common/BoxTimeToUnix.h b/lib/common/BoxTimeToUnix.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8a8797e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BoxTimeToUnix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BoxTimeToUnix.h
+// Purpose: Convert times in 64 bit values to UNIX structures
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+inline void BoxTimeToTimeval(box_time_t Time, struct timeval &tv)
+ tv.tv_sec = (long)(Time / MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL);
+ tv.tv_usec = (long)(Time % MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL);
+inline void BoxTimeToTimespec(box_time_t Time, struct timespec &tv)
+ tv.tv_sec = (time_t)(Time / MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL);
+ tv.tv_nsec = ((long)(Time % MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL)) * NANO_SEC_IN_USEC;
diff --git a/lib/common/BufferedStream.cpp b/lib/common/BufferedStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b58253f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BufferedStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BufferedStream.cpp
+// Purpose: Buffering read-only wrapper around IOStreams
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "BufferedStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::BufferedStream(const char *, int, int)
+// Purpose: Constructor, set up buffer
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BufferedStream::BufferedStream(IOStream& rSource)
+: mrSource(rSource), mBufferSize(0), mBufferPosition(0)
+{ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::Read(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Reads bytes from the file
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int BufferedStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ if (mBufferSize == mBufferPosition)
+ {
+ // buffer is empty, fill it.
+ int numBytesRead = mrSource.Read(mBuffer, sizeof(mBuffer),
+ Timeout);
+ if (numBytesRead < 0)
+ {
+ return numBytesRead;
+ }
+ mBufferSize = numBytesRead;
+ }
+ int sizeToReturn = mBufferSize - mBufferPosition;
+ if (sizeToReturn > NBytes)
+ {
+ sizeToReturn = NBytes;
+ }
+ memcpy(pBuffer, mBuffer + mBufferPosition, sizeToReturn);
+ mBufferPosition += sizeToReturn;
+ if (mBufferPosition == mBufferSize)
+ {
+ // clear out the buffer
+ mBufferSize = 0;
+ mBufferPosition = 0;
+ }
+ return sizeToReturn;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: Returns number of bytes to read (may not be most efficient function ever)
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type BufferedStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ return mrSource.BytesLeftToRead() + mBufferSize - mBufferPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::Write(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Writes bytes to the underlying stream (not supported)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BufferedStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: Get position in stream
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type BufferedStream::GetPosition() const
+ return mrSource.GetPosition() - mBufferSize + mBufferPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::Seek(pos_type, int)
+// Purpose: Seeks within file, as lseek, invalidate buffer
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BufferedStream::Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ switch (SeekType)
+ {
+ case SeekType_Absolute:
+ {
+ // just go there
+ mrSource.Seek(Offset, SeekType);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SeekType_Relative:
+ {
+ // Actual underlying file position is
+ // (mBufferSize - mBufferPosition) ahead of us.
+ // Need to subtract that amount from the seek
+ // to seek forward that much less, putting the
+ // real pointer in the right place.
+ mrSource.Seek(Offset - mBufferSize + mBufferPosition,
+ SeekType);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SeekType_End:
+ {
+ // Actual underlying file position is
+ // (mBufferSize - mBufferPosition) ahead of us.
+ // Need to add that amount to the seek
+ // to seek backwards that much more, putting the
+ // real pointer in the right place.
+ mrSource.Seek(Offset + mBufferSize - mBufferPosition,
+ SeekType);
+ }
+ }
+ // always clear the buffer for now (may be slightly wasteful)
+ mBufferSize = 0;
+ mBufferPosition = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::Close()
+// Purpose: Closes the underlying stream (not needed)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BufferedStream::Close()
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: Any data left to write?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BufferedStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return mrSource.StreamDataLeft();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: Is the stream closed?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BufferedStream::StreamClosed()
+ return mrSource.StreamClosed();
diff --git a/lib/common/BufferedStream.h b/lib/common/BufferedStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..079c482a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BufferedStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BufferedStream.h
+// Purpose: Buffering read-only wrapper around IOStreams
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "IOStream.h"
+class BufferedStream : public IOStream
+ IOStream& mrSource;
+ char mBuffer[4096];
+ int mBufferSize;
+ int mBufferPosition;
+ BufferedStream(IOStream& rSource);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ BufferedStream(const BufferedStream &rToCopy)
+ : mrSource(rToCopy.mrSource) { /* do not call */ }
diff --git a/lib/common/BufferedWriteStream.cpp b/lib/common/BufferedWriteStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..797be00d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BufferedWriteStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream.cpp
+// Purpose: Buffering write-only wrapper around IOStreams
+// Created: 2010/09/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "BufferedWriteStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::BufferedWriteStream(const char *, int, int)
+// Purpose: Constructor, set up buffer
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BufferedWriteStream::BufferedWriteStream(IOStream& rSink)
+: mrSink(rSink), mBufferPosition(0)
+{ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::Read(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Reads bytes from the file - throws exception
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int BufferedWriteStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: Returns number of bytes to read (may not be most efficient function ever)
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type BufferedWriteStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::Write(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Writes bytes to the underlying stream (not supported)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BufferedWriteStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ int numBytesRemain = NBytes;
+ do
+ {
+ int maxWritable = sizeof(mBuffer) - mBufferPosition;
+ int numBytesToWrite = (numBytesRemain < maxWritable) ?
+ numBytesRemain : maxWritable;
+ if(numBytesToWrite > 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(mBuffer + mBufferPosition, pBuffer,
+ numBytesToWrite);
+ mBufferPosition += numBytesToWrite;
+ pBuffer = ((const char *)pBuffer) + numBytesToWrite;
+ numBytesRemain -= numBytesToWrite;
+ }
+ if(numBytesRemain > 0)
+ {
+ Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ while(numBytesRemain > 0);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: Get position in stream
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type BufferedWriteStream::GetPosition() const
+ return mrSink.GetPosition() + mBufferPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::Seek(pos_type, int)
+// Purpose: Seeks within file, as lseek, invalidate buffer
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BufferedWriteStream::Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ // Always flush the buffer before seeking
+ Flush();
+ mrSink.Seek(Offset, SeekType);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::Flush();
+// Purpose: Write out current buffer contents and invalidate
+// Created: 2010/09/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BufferedWriteStream::Flush(int Timeout)
+ if(mBufferPosition > 0)
+ {
+ mrSink.Write(mBuffer, mBufferPosition);
+ }
+ mBufferPosition = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::Close()
+// Purpose: Closes the underlying stream (not needed)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BufferedWriteStream::Close()
+ Flush();
+ mrSink.Close();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: Any data left to write?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BufferedWriteStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: Is the stream closed?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BufferedWriteStream::StreamClosed()
+ return mrSink.StreamClosed();
diff --git a/lib/common/BufferedWriteStream.h b/lib/common/BufferedWriteStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a1c8c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/BufferedWriteStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BufferedWriteStream.h
+// Purpose: Buffering write-only wrapper around IOStreams
+// Created: 2010/09/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "IOStream.h"
+class BufferedWriteStream : public IOStream
+ IOStream& mrSink;
+ char mBuffer[4096];
+ int mBufferPosition;
+ BufferedWriteStream(IOStream& rSource);
+ virtual ~BufferedWriteStream() { Close(); }
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual void Flush(int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ BufferedWriteStream(const BufferedWriteStream &rToCopy)
+ : mrSink(rToCopy.mrSink) { /* do not call */ }
diff --git a/lib/common/CollectInBufferStream.cpp b/lib/common/CollectInBufferStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90e2e7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/CollectInBufferStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream.cpp
+// Purpose: Collect data in a buffer, and then read it out.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "CollectInBufferStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+#define MAX_BUFFER_ADDITION (1024*64)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::CollectInBufferStream()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mBytesInBuffer(0),
+ mReadPosition(0),
+ mInWritePhase(true)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::~CollectInBufferStream()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::Read(void *, int, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. But only works in read phase
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int CollectInBufferStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ if(mInWritePhase != false) { THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CollectInBufferStreamNotInCorrectPhase) }
+ // Adjust to number of bytes left
+ if(NBytes > (mBytesInBuffer - mReadPosition))
+ {
+ NBytes = (mBytesInBuffer - mReadPosition);
+ }
+ ASSERT(NBytes >= 0);
+ if(NBytes <= 0) return 0; // careful now
+ // Copy in the requested number of bytes and adjust the read pointer
+ ::memcpy(pBuffer, ((char*)mBuffer) + mReadPosition, NBytes);
+ mReadPosition += NBytes;
+ return NBytes;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: As interface. But only works in read phase
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type CollectInBufferStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ if(mInWritePhase != false) { THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CollectInBufferStreamNotInCorrectPhase) }
+ return (mBytesInBuffer - mReadPosition);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::Write(void *, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. But only works in write phase
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CollectInBufferStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ if(mInWritePhase != true) { THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CollectInBufferStreamNotInCorrectPhase) }
+ // Enough space in the buffer
+ if((mBytesInBuffer + NBytes) > mBufferSize)
+ {
+ // Need to reallocate... what's the block size we'll use?
+ int allocateBlockSize = mBufferSize;
+ if(allocateBlockSize > MAX_BUFFER_ADDITION)
+ {
+ allocateBlockSize = MAX_BUFFER_ADDITION;
+ }
+ // Write it the easy way. Although it's not the most efficient...
+ int newSize = mBufferSize;
+ while(newSize < (mBytesInBuffer + NBytes))
+ {
+ newSize += allocateBlockSize;
+ }
+ // Reallocate buffer
+ mBuffer.Resize(newSize);
+ // Store new size
+ mBufferSize = newSize;
+ }
+ // Copy in data and adjust counter
+ ::memcpy(((char*)mBuffer) + mBytesInBuffer, pBuffer, NBytes);
+ mBytesInBuffer += NBytes;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: In write phase, returns the number of bytes written, in read
+// phase, the number of bytes to go
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type CollectInBufferStream::GetPosition() const
+ return mInWritePhase?mBytesInBuffer:mReadPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::Seek(pos_type, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. But read phase only.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CollectInBufferStream::Seek(pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ if(mInWritePhase != false) { THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CollectInBufferStreamNotInCorrectPhase) }
+ int newPos = 0;
+ switch(SeekType)
+ {
+ case IOStream::SeekType_Absolute:
+ newPos = Offset;
+ break;
+ case IOStream::SeekType_Relative:
+ newPos = mReadPosition + Offset;
+ break;
+ case IOStream::SeekType_End:
+ newPos = mBytesInBuffer + Offset;
+ break;
+ default:
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, IOStreamBadSeekType)
+ break;
+ }
+ // Make sure it doesn't go over
+ if(newPos > mBytesInBuffer)
+ {
+ newPos = mBytesInBuffer;
+ }
+ // or under
+ if(newPos < 0)
+ {
+ newPos = 0;
+ }
+ // Set the new read position
+ mReadPosition = newPos;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: As interface
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool CollectInBufferStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return mInWritePhase?(false):(mReadPosition < mBytesInBuffer);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: As interface
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool CollectInBufferStream::StreamClosed()
+ return !mInWritePhase;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::SetForReading()
+// Purpose: Switch to read phase, after all data written
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CollectInBufferStream::SetForReading()
+ if(mInWritePhase != true) { THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CollectInBufferStreamNotInCorrectPhase) }
+ // Move to read phase
+ mInWritePhase = false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::GetBuffer()
+// Purpose: Returns the buffer
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void *CollectInBufferStream::GetBuffer() const
+ return mBuffer.GetPtr();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::GetSize()
+// Purpose: Returns the buffer size
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int CollectInBufferStream::GetSize() const
+ return mBytesInBuffer;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream::Reset()
+// Purpose: Reset the stream, so it is empty and ready to be written to.
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CollectInBufferStream::Reset()
+ mInWritePhase = true;
+ mBytesInBuffer = 0;
+ mReadPosition = 0;
diff --git a/lib/common/CollectInBufferStream.h b/lib/common/CollectInBufferStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d73af8db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/CollectInBufferStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream.h
+// Purpose: Collect data in a buffer, and then read it out.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "Guards.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: CollectInBufferStream
+// Purpose: Collect data in a buffer, and then read it out.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class CollectInBufferStream : public IOStream
+ CollectInBufferStream();
+ ~CollectInBufferStream();
+ // No copying
+ CollectInBufferStream(const CollectInBufferStream &);
+ CollectInBufferStream(const IOStream &);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ void SetForReading();
+ void Reset();
+ void *GetBuffer() const;
+ int GetSize() const;
+ bool IsSetForReading() const {return !mInWritePhase;}
+ MemoryBlockGuard<char*> mBuffer;
+ int mBufferSize;
+ int mBytesInBuffer;
+ int mReadPosition;
+ bool mInWritePhase;
diff --git a/lib/common/CommonException.h b/lib/common/CommonException.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0eb3bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/CommonException.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: CommonException.h
+// Purpose: Exception
+// Created: 2003/07/08
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compatibility header with old non-autogen exception scheme
+#include "autogen_CommonException.h"
diff --git a/lib/common/CommonException.txt b/lib/common/CommonException.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2819886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/CommonException.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# NOTE: Exception descriptions are for public distributions of Box Backup only -- do not rely for other applications.
+Internal 0
+AssertFailed 1
+OSFileOpenError 2 Can't open a file -- attempted to load a non-existant config file or bad file referenced within?
+OSFileCloseError 3
+FileAlreadyClosed 4
+BadArguments 5
+ConfigNoKey 6
+ConfigNoSubConfig 7
+GetLineNoHandle 8
+OSFileError 9 Error accessing a file. Check permissions.
+GetLineEOF 10
+ConfigBadIntValue 11
+GetLineTooLarge 12 Protects against very large lines using up lots of memory.
+NotSupported 13
+OSFileReadError 14
+OSFileWriteError 15
+FileClosed 16
+IOStreamBadSeekType 17
+CantWriteToPartialReadStream 18
+CollectInBufferStreamNotInCorrectPhase 19
+NamedLockAlreadyLockingSomething 20
+NamedLockNotHeld 21
+StreamableMemBlockIncompleteRead 22
+MemBlockStreamNotSupported 23
+StreamDoesntHaveRequiredProperty 24
+CannotWriteToReadGatherStream 25
+ReadGatherStreamAddingBadBlock 26
+CouldNotLookUpUsername 27
+CouldNotRestoreProcessUser 28
+CouldNotChangeProcessUser 29
+RegexNotSupportedOnThisPlatform 30 Your platform does not have built in regular expression libraries.
+BadRegularExpression 31
+CouldNotCreateKQueue 32
+KEventErrorAdd 33
+KEventErrorWait 34
+KEventErrorRemove 35
+KQueueNotSupportedOnThisPlatform 36
+IOStreamGetLineNotEnoughDataToIgnore 37 Bad value passed to IOStreamGetLine::IgnoreBufferedData()
+TempDirPathTooLong 38 Your temporary directory path is too long. Check the TMP and TEMP environment variables.
+ArchiveBlockIncompleteRead 39 The Store Object Info File is too short or corrupted, and will be rewritten automatically when the next backup completes.
+AccessDenied 40 Access to the file or directory was denied. Please check the permissions.
diff --git a/lib/common/Configuration.cpp b/lib/common/Configuration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f49f3c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Configuration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Configuration.cpp
+// Purpose: Reading configuration files
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "Configuration.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "Guards.h"
+#include "FdGetLine.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+#include <cstring>
+// utility whitespace function
+inline bool iw(int c)
+ return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\v' || c == '\f'); // \r, \n are already excluded
+// boolean values
+static const char *sValueBooleanStrings[] = {"yes", "true", "no", "false", 0};
+static const bool sValueBooleanValue[] = {true, true, false, false};
+ std::string name,
+ int flags,
+ void *testFunction
+: mName(name),
+ mHasDefaultValue(false),
+ mFlags(flags),
+ mTestFunction(testFunction)
+{ }
+// to allow passing NULL for default ListenAddresses
+ std::string name,
+ int flags,
+ NoDefaultValue_t t,
+ void *testFunction
+: mName(name),
+ mHasDefaultValue(false),
+ mFlags(flags),
+ mTestFunction(testFunction)
+{ }
+ std::string name,
+ int flags,
+ std::string defaultValue,
+ void *testFunction
+: mName(name),
+ mDefaultValue(defaultValue),
+ mHasDefaultValue(true),
+ mFlags(flags),
+ mTestFunction(testFunction)
+{ }
+ std::string name,
+ int flags,
+ const char *defaultValue,
+ void *testFunction
+: mName(name),
+ mDefaultValue(defaultValue),
+ mHasDefaultValue(true),
+ mFlags(flags),
+ mTestFunction(testFunction)
+{ }
+ std::string name,
+ int flags,
+ int defaultValue,
+ void *testFunction
+: mName(name),
+ mHasDefaultValue(true),
+ mFlags(flags),
+ mTestFunction(testFunction)
+ ASSERT(flags & ConfigTest_IsInt);
+ std::ostringstream val;
+ val << defaultValue;
+ mDefaultValue = val.str();
+ std::string name,
+ int flags,
+ bool defaultValue,
+ void *testFunction
+: mName(name),
+ mHasDefaultValue(true),
+ mFlags(flags),
+ mTestFunction(testFunction)
+ ASSERT(flags & ConfigTest_IsBool);
+ mDefaultValue = defaultValue ? "yes" : "no";
+ const ConfigurationVerifyKey& rToCopy
+: mName(rToCopy.mName),
+ mDefaultValue(rToCopy.mDefaultValue),
+ mHasDefaultValue(rToCopy.mHasDefaultValue),
+ mFlags(rToCopy.mFlags),
+ mTestFunction(rToCopy.mTestFunction)
+{ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::Configuration(const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Configuration::Configuration(const std::string &rName)
+ : mName(rName)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::Configuration(const Configuration &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Configuration::Configuration(const Configuration &rToCopy)
+ : mName(rToCopy.mName),
+ mKeys(rToCopy.mKeys),
+ mSubConfigurations(rToCopy.mSubConfigurations)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::~Configuration()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::LoadAndVerify(const std::string &, const ConfigurationVerify *, std::string &)
+// Purpose: Loads a configuration file from disc, checks it. Returns NULL if it was faulting, in which
+// case they'll be an error message.
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<Configuration> Configuration::LoadAndVerify(
+ const std::string& rFilename,
+ const ConfigurationVerify *pVerify,
+ std::string &rErrorMsg)
+ // Just to make sure
+ rErrorMsg.erase();
+ // Open the file
+ FileHandleGuard<O_RDONLY> file(rFilename);
+ // GetLine object
+ FdGetLine getline(file);
+ // Object to create
+ std::auto_ptr<Configuration> apConfig(
+ new Configuration(std::string("<root>")));
+ try
+ {
+ // Load
+ LoadInto(*apConfig, getline, rErrorMsg, true);
+ if(!rErrorMsg.empty())
+ {
+ // An error occured, return now
+ BOX_ERROR("Error in Configuration::LoadInto: " <<
+ rErrorMsg);
+ return std::auto_ptr<Configuration>(0);
+ }
+ // Verify?
+ if(pVerify)
+ {
+ if(!apConfig->Verify(*pVerify, std::string(), rErrorMsg))
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Error verifying configuration: " <<
+ rErrorMsg);
+ return std::auto_ptr<Configuration>(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Clean up
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Success. Return result.
+ return apConfig;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: LoadInto(Configuration &, FdGetLine &, std::string &, bool)
+// Purpose: Private. Load configuration information from the file into the config object.
+// Returns 'abort' flag, if error, will be appended to rErrorMsg.
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool Configuration::LoadInto(Configuration &rConfig, FdGetLine &rGetLine, std::string &rErrorMsg, bool RootLevel)
+ bool startBlockExpected = false;
+ std::string blockName;
+ //TRACE1("BLOCK: |%s|\n", rConfig.mName.c_str());
+ while(!rGetLine.IsEOF())
+ {
+ std::string line(rGetLine.GetLine(true)); /* preprocess out whitespace and comments */
+ if(line.empty())
+ {
+ // Ignore blank lines
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Line an open block string?
+ if(line == "{")
+ {
+ if(startBlockExpected)
+ {
+ // New config object
+ Configuration subConfig(blockName);
+ // Continue processing into this block
+ if(!LoadInto(subConfig, rGetLine, rErrorMsg, false))
+ {
+ // Abort error
+ return false;
+ }
+ startBlockExpected = false;
+ // Store...
+ rConfig.AddSubConfig(blockName, subConfig);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rErrorMsg += "Unexpected start block in " +
+ rConfig.mName + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Close block?
+ if(line == "}")
+ {
+ if(RootLevel)
+ {
+ // error -- root level doesn't have a close
+ rErrorMsg += "Root level has close block -- forgot to terminate subblock?\n";
+ // but otherwise ignore
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return true; // All very good and nice
+ }
+ }
+ // Either a key, or a sub block beginning
+ else
+ {
+ // Can't be a start block
+ if(startBlockExpected)
+ {
+ rErrorMsg += "Block " + blockName + " wasn't started correctly (no '{' on line of it's own)\n";
+ startBlockExpected = false;
+ }
+ // Has the line got an = in it?
+ unsigned int equals = 0;
+ for(; equals < line.size(); ++equals)
+ {
+ if(line[equals] == '=')
+ {
+ // found!
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(equals < line.size())
+ {
+ // Make key value pair
+ unsigned int keyend = equals;
+ while(keyend > 0 && iw(line[keyend-1]))
+ {
+ keyend--;
+ }
+ unsigned int valuestart = equals+1;
+ while(valuestart < line.size() && iw(line[valuestart]))
+ {
+ valuestart++;
+ }
+ if(keyend > 0 && valuestart <= line.size())
+ {
+ std::string key(line.substr(0, keyend));
+ std::string value(line.substr(valuestart));
+ rConfig.AddKeyValue(key, value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rErrorMsg += "Invalid configuration key: " + line + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Start of sub block
+ blockName = line;
+ startBlockExpected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // End of file?
+ if(!RootLevel && rGetLine.IsEOF())
+ {
+ // Error if EOF and this isn't the root level
+ rErrorMsg += "File ended without terminating all subblocks\n";
+ }
+ return true;
+void Configuration::AddKeyValue(const std::string& rKey,
+ const std::string& rValue)
+ // Check for duplicate values
+ if(mKeys.find(rKey) != mKeys.end())
+ {
+ // Multi-values allowed here, but checked later on
+ mKeys[rKey] += MultiValueSeparator;
+ mKeys[rKey] += rValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Store
+ mKeys[rKey] = rValue;
+ }
+void Configuration::AddSubConfig(const std::string& rName,
+ const Configuration& rSubConfig)
+ mSubConfigurations.push_back(
+ std::pair<std::string, Configuration>(rName, rSubConfig));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::KeyExists(const std::string&)
+// Purpose: Checks to see if a key exists
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool Configuration::KeyExists(const std::string& rKeyName) const
+ return mKeys.find(rKeyName) != mKeys.end();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::GetKeyValue(const std::string&)
+// Purpose: Returns the value of a configuration variable
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const std::string &Configuration::GetKeyValue(const std::string& rKeyName) const
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator i(mKeys.find(rKeyName));
+ if(i == mKeys.end())
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Missing configuration key: " << rKeyName);
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ConfigNoKey)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return i->second;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::GetKeyValueInt(const std::string& rKeyName)
+// Purpose: Gets a key value as an integer
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int Configuration::GetKeyValueInt(const std::string& rKeyName) const
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator i(mKeys.find(rKeyName));
+ if(i == mKeys.end())
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ConfigNoKey)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ long value = ::strtol((i->second).c_str(), NULL,
+ 0 /* C style handling */);
+ if(value == LONG_MAX || value == LONG_MIN)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ConfigBadIntValue)
+ }
+ return (int)value;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::GetKeyValueUint32(const std::string& rKeyName)
+// Purpose: Gets a key value as a 32-bit unsigned integer
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+uint32_t Configuration::GetKeyValueUint32(const std::string& rKeyName) const
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator i(mKeys.find(rKeyName));
+ if(i == mKeys.end())
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ConfigNoKey)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ errno = 0;
+ long value = ::strtoul((i->second).c_str(), NULL,
+ 0 /* C style handling */);
+ if(errno != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ConfigBadIntValue)
+ }
+ return (int)value;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::GetKeyValueBool(const std::string&)
+// Purpose: Gets a key value as a boolean
+// Created: 17/2/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool Configuration::GetKeyValueBool(const std::string& rKeyName) const
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator i(mKeys.find(rKeyName));
+ if(i == mKeys.end())
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ConfigNoKey)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool value = false;
+ // Anything this is called for should have been verified as having a correct
+ // string in the verification section. However, this does default to false
+ // if it isn't in the string table.
+ for(int l = 0; sValueBooleanStrings[l] != 0; ++l)
+ {
+ if(::strcasecmp((i->second).c_str(), sValueBooleanStrings[l]) == 0)
+ {
+ // Found.
+ value = sValueBooleanValue[l];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::GetKeyNames()
+// Purpose: Returns list of key names
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::vector<std::string> Configuration::GetKeyNames() const
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator i(mKeys.begin());
+ std::vector<std::string> r;
+ for(; i != mKeys.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ r.push_back(i->first);
+ }
+ return r;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::SubConfigurationExists(const
+// std::string&)
+// Purpose: Checks to see if a sub configuration exists
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool Configuration::SubConfigurationExists(const std::string& rSubName) const
+ // Attempt to find it...
+ std::list<std::pair<std::string, Configuration> >::const_iterator i(mSubConfigurations.begin());
+ for(; i != mSubConfigurations.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ // This the one?
+ if(i->first == rSubName)
+ {
+ // Yes.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // didn't find it.
+ return false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::GetSubConfiguration(const
+// std::string&)
+// Purpose: Gets a sub configuration
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const Configuration &Configuration::GetSubConfiguration(const std::string&
+ rSubName) const
+ // Attempt to find it...
+ std::list<std::pair<std::string, Configuration> >::const_iterator i(mSubConfigurations.begin());
+ for(; i != mSubConfigurations.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ // This the one?
+ if(i->first == rSubName)
+ {
+ // Yes.
+ return i->second;
+ }
+ }
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ConfigNoSubConfig)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::GetSubConfiguration(const
+// std::string&)
+// Purpose: Gets a sub configuration for editing
+// Created: 2008/08/12
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Configuration &Configuration::GetSubConfigurationEditable(const std::string&
+ rSubName)
+ // Attempt to find it...
+ for(SubConfigListType::iterator
+ i = mSubConfigurations.begin();
+ i != mSubConfigurations.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ // This the one?
+ if(i->first == rSubName)
+ {
+ // Yes.
+ return i->second;
+ }
+ }
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ConfigNoSubConfig)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::GetSubConfigurationNames()
+// Purpose: Return list of sub configuration names
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::vector<std::string> Configuration::GetSubConfigurationNames() const
+ std::list<std::pair<std::string, Configuration> >::const_iterator i(mSubConfigurations.begin());
+ std::vector<std::string> r;
+ for(; i != mSubConfigurations.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ r.push_back(i->first);
+ }
+ return r;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Configuration::Verify(const ConfigurationVerify &, const std::string &, std::string &)
+// Purpose: Checks that the configuration is valid according to the
+// supplied verifier
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool Configuration::Verify(const ConfigurationVerify &rVerify,
+ const std::string &rLevel, std::string &rErrorMsg)
+ bool ok = true;
+ // First... check the keys
+ if(rVerify.mpKeys != 0)
+ {
+ const ConfigurationVerifyKey *pvkey = rVerify.mpKeys;
+ bool todo = true;
+ do
+ {
+ // Can the key be found?
+ if(KeyExists(pvkey->Name()))
+ {
+ // Get value
+ const std::string &rval = GetKeyValue(pvkey->Name());
+ const char *val = rval.c_str();
+ // Check it's a number?
+ if((pvkey->Flags() & ConfigTest_IsInt) == ConfigTest_IsInt)
+ {
+ // Test it...
+ char *end;
+ long r = ::strtol(val, &end, 0);
+ if(r == LONG_MIN || r == LONG_MAX || end != (val + rval.size()))
+ {
+ // not a good value
+ ok = false;
+ rErrorMsg += rLevel + mName + "." + pvkey->Name() + " (key) is not a valid integer.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // Check it's a number?
+ if(pvkey->Flags() & ConfigTest_IsUint32)
+ {
+ // Test it...
+ char *end;
+ errno = 0;
+ uint32_t r = ::strtoul(val, &end, 0);
+ if(errno != 0 || end != (val + rval.size()))
+ {
+ // not a good value
+ ok = false;
+ rErrorMsg += rLevel + mName + "." + pvkey->Name() + " (key) is not a valid unsigned 32-bit integer.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // Check it's a bool?
+ if((pvkey->Flags() & ConfigTest_IsBool) == ConfigTest_IsBool)
+ {
+ // See if it's one of the allowed strings.
+ bool found = false;
+ for(int l = 0; sValueBooleanStrings[l] != 0; ++l)
+ {
+ if(::strcasecmp(val, sValueBooleanStrings[l]) == 0)
+ {
+ // Found.
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Error if it's not one of them.
+ if(!found)
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ rErrorMsg += rLevel + mName + "." + pvkey->Name() + " (key) is not a valid boolean value.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for multi valued statments where they're not allowed
+ if((pvkey->Flags() & ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed) == 0)
+ {
+ // Check to see if this key is a multi-value -- it shouldn't be
+ if(rval.find(MultiValueSeparator) != rval.npos)
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ rErrorMsg += rLevel + mName +"." + pvkey->Name() + " (key) multi value not allowed (duplicated key?).\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Is it required to exist?
+ if((pvkey->Flags() & ConfigTest_Exists) == ConfigTest_Exists)
+ {
+ // Should exist, but doesn't.
+ ok = false;
+ rErrorMsg += rLevel + mName + "." + pvkey->Name() + " (key) is missing.\n";
+ }
+ else if(pvkey->HasDefaultValue())
+ {
+ mKeys[pvkey->Name()] =
+ pvkey->DefaultValue();
+ }
+ }
+ if((pvkey->Flags() & ConfigTest_LastEntry) == ConfigTest_LastEntry)
+ {
+ // No more!
+ todo = false;
+ }
+ // next
+ pvkey++;
+ } while(todo);
+ // Check for additional keys
+ for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator i = mKeys.begin();
+ i != mKeys.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Is the name in the list?
+ const ConfigurationVerifyKey *scan = rVerify.mpKeys;
+ bool found = false;
+ while(scan)
+ {
+ if(scan->Name() == i->first)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Next?
+ if((scan->Flags() & ConfigTest_LastEntry) == ConfigTest_LastEntry)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ scan++;
+ }
+ if(!found)
+ {
+ // Shouldn't exist, but does.
+ ok = false;
+ rErrorMsg += rLevel + mName + "." + i->first + " (key) is not a known key. Check spelling and placement.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Then the sub configurations
+ if(rVerify.mpSubConfigurations)
+ {
+ // Find the wildcard entry, if it exists, and check that required subconfigs are there
+ const ConfigurationVerify *wildcardverify = 0;
+ const ConfigurationVerify *scan = rVerify.mpSubConfigurations;
+ while(scan)
+ {
+ if(scan->mName.length() > 0 && scan->mName[0] == '*')
+ {
+ wildcardverify = scan;
+ }
+ // Required?
+ if((scan->Tests & ConfigTest_Exists) == ConfigTest_Exists)
+ {
+ if(scan->mName.length() > 0 &&
+ scan->mName[0] == '*')
+ {
+ // Check something exists
+ if(mSubConfigurations.size() < 1)
+ {
+ // A sub config should exist, but doesn't.
+ ok = false;
+ rErrorMsg += rLevel + mName + ".* (block) is missing (a block must be present).\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check real thing exists
+ if(!SubConfigurationExists(scan->mName))
+ {
+ // Should exist, but doesn't.
+ ok = false;
+ rErrorMsg += rLevel + mName + "." + scan->mName + " (block) is missing.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Next?
+ if((scan->Tests & ConfigTest_LastEntry) == ConfigTest_LastEntry)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ scan++;
+ }
+ // Go through the sub configurations, one by one
+ for(SubConfigListType::iterator
+ i = mSubConfigurations.begin();
+ i != mSubConfigurations.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Can this be found?
+ const ConfigurationVerify *subverify = 0;
+ const ConfigurationVerify *scan = rVerify.mpSubConfigurations;
+ const char *name = i->first.c_str();
+ ASSERT(name);
+ while(scan)
+ {
+ if(scan->mName == name)
+ {
+ // found it!
+ subverify = scan;
+ }
+ // Next?
+ if((scan->Tests & ConfigTest_LastEntry) == ConfigTest_LastEntry)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ scan++;
+ }
+ // Use wildcard?
+ if(subverify == 0)
+ {
+ subverify = wildcardverify;
+ }
+ // Verify
+ if(subverify)
+ {
+ // override const-ness here...
+ if(!i->second.Verify(*subverify, mName + '.',
+ rErrorMsg))
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ok;
diff --git a/lib/common/Configuration.h b/lib/common/Configuration.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4828b315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Configuration.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Configuration
+// Purpose: Reading configuration files
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <map>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <memory>
+// For defining tests
+ ConfigTest_LastEntry = 1,
+ ConfigTest_Exists = 2,
+ ConfigTest_IsInt = 4,
+ ConfigTest_IsUint32 = 8,
+ ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed = 16,
+ ConfigTest_IsBool = 32
+class ConfigurationVerifyKey
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ NoDefaultValue = 1
+ } NoDefaultValue_t;
+ ConfigurationVerifyKey(std::string name, int flags,
+ void *testFunction = NULL);
+ // to allow passing ConfigurationVerifyKey::NoDefaultValue
+ // for default ListenAddresses
+ ConfigurationVerifyKey(std::string name, int flags,
+ NoDefaultValue_t t, void *testFunction = NULL);
+ ConfigurationVerifyKey(std::string name, int flags,
+ std::string defaultValue, void *testFunction = NULL);
+ ConfigurationVerifyKey(std::string name, int flags,
+ const char* defaultValue, void *testFunction = NULL);
+ ConfigurationVerifyKey(std::string name, int flags,
+ int defaultValue, void *testFunction = NULL);
+ ConfigurationVerifyKey(std::string name, int flags,
+ bool defaultValue, void *testFunction = NULL);
+ const std::string& Name() const { return mName; }
+ const std::string& DefaultValue() const { return mDefaultValue; }
+ const bool HasDefaultValue() const { return mHasDefaultValue; }
+ const int Flags() const { return mFlags; }
+ const void* TestFunction() const { return mTestFunction; }
+ ConfigurationVerifyKey(const ConfigurationVerifyKey& rToCopy);
+ ConfigurationVerifyKey& operator=(const ConfigurationVerifyKey&
+ noAssign);
+ std::string mName; // "*" for all other keys (not implemented yet)
+ std::string mDefaultValue; // default for when it's not present
+ bool mHasDefaultValue;
+ int mFlags;
+ void *mTestFunction; // set to zero for now, will implement later
+class ConfigurationVerify
+ std::string mName; // "*" for all other sub config names
+ const ConfigurationVerify *mpSubConfigurations;
+ const ConfigurationVerifyKey *mpKeys;
+ int Tests;
+ void *TestFunction; // set to zero for now, will implement later
+class FdGetLine;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: Configuration
+// Purpose: Loading, checking, and representing configuration files
+// Created: 2003/07/23
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Configuration
+ Configuration(const std::string &rName);
+ Configuration(const Configuration &rToCopy);
+ ~Configuration();
+ enum
+ {
+ // The character to separate multi-values
+ MultiValueSeparator = '\x01'
+ };
+ static std::auto_ptr<Configuration> LoadAndVerify(
+ const std::string& rFilename,
+ const ConfigurationVerify *pVerify,
+ std::string &rErrorMsg);
+ static std::auto_ptr<Configuration> Load(
+ const std::string& rFilename,
+ std::string &rErrorMsg)
+ { return LoadAndVerify(rFilename, 0, rErrorMsg); }
+ bool KeyExists(const std::string& rKeyName) const;
+ const std::string &GetKeyValue(const std::string& rKeyName) const;
+ int GetKeyValueInt(const std::string& rKeyName) const;
+ uint32_t GetKeyValueUint32(const std::string& rKeyName) const;
+ bool GetKeyValueBool(const std::string& rKeyName) const;
+ std::vector<std::string> GetKeyNames() const;
+ bool SubConfigurationExists(const std::string& rSubName) const;
+ const Configuration &GetSubConfiguration(const std::string& rSubName) const;
+ Configuration &GetSubConfigurationEditable(const std::string& rSubName);
+ std::vector<std::string> GetSubConfigurationNames() const;
+ void AddKeyValue(const std::string& rKey, const std::string& rValue);
+ void AddSubConfig(const std::string& rName, const Configuration& rSubConfig);
+ bool Verify(const ConfigurationVerify &rVerify, std::string &rErrorMsg)
+ {
+ return Verify(rVerify, std::string(), rErrorMsg);
+ }
+ std::string mName;
+ // Order of keys not preserved
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> mKeys;
+ // Order of sub blocks preserved
+ typedef std::list<std::pair<std::string, Configuration> > SubConfigListType;
+ SubConfigListType mSubConfigurations;
+ static bool LoadInto(Configuration &rConfig, FdGetLine &rGetLine, std::string &rErrorMsg, bool RootLevel);
+ bool Verify(const ConfigurationVerify &rVerify, const std::string &rLevel,
+ std::string &rErrorMsg);
diff --git a/lib/common/Conversion.h b/lib/common/Conversion.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cba5bb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Conversion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Conversion.h
+// Purpose: Convert between various types
+// Created: 9/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef CONVERSION__H
+#define CONVERSION__H
+#include <string>
+namespace BoxConvert
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Function
+ // Name: BoxConvert::Convert<to_type, from_type>(to_type &, from_type)
+ // Purpose: Convert from types to types
+ // Created: 9/4/04
+ //
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<typename to_type, typename from_type>
+ inline to_type Convert(from_type From)
+ {
+ // Default conversion, simply use C++ conversion
+ return From;
+ }
+ // Specialise for string -> integer
+ int32_t _ConvertStringToInt(const char *pString, int Size);
+ template<>
+ inline int32_t Convert<int32_t, const std::string &>(const std::string &rFrom)
+ {
+ return BoxConvert::_ConvertStringToInt(rFrom.c_str(), 32);
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline int16_t Convert<int16_t, const std::string &>(const std::string &rFrom)
+ {
+ return BoxConvert::_ConvertStringToInt(rFrom.c_str(), 16);
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline int8_t Convert<int8_t, const std::string &>(const std::string &rFrom)
+ {
+ return BoxConvert::_ConvertStringToInt(rFrom.c_str(), 8);
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline int32_t Convert<int32_t, const char *>(const char *pFrom)
+ {
+ return BoxConvert::_ConvertStringToInt(pFrom, 32);
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline int16_t Convert<int16_t, const char *>(const char *pFrom)
+ {
+ return BoxConvert::_ConvertStringToInt(pFrom, 16);
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline int8_t Convert<int8_t, const char *>(const char *pFrom)
+ {
+ return BoxConvert::_ConvertStringToInt(pFrom, 8);
+ }
+ // Specialise for integer -> string
+ void _ConvertIntToString(std::string &rTo, int32_t From);
+ template<>
+ inline std::string Convert<std::string, int32_t>(int32_t From)
+ {
+ std::string r;
+ BoxConvert::_ConvertIntToString(r, From);
+ return r;
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline std::string Convert<std::string, int16_t>(int16_t From)
+ {
+ std::string r;
+ BoxConvert::_ConvertIntToString(r, From);
+ return r;
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline std::string Convert<std::string, int8_t>(int8_t From)
+ {
+ std::string r;
+ BoxConvert::_ConvertIntToString(r, From);
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Specialise for bool -> string
+ template<>
+ inline std::string Convert<std::string, bool>(bool From)
+ {
+ return std::string(From?"true":"false");
+ }
+#endif // CONVERSION__H
diff --git a/lib/common/ConversionException.txt b/lib/common/ConversionException.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91b5fa9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ConversionException.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+EXCEPTION Conversion 12
+Internal 0
+CannotConvertEmptyStringToInt 1
+BadStringRepresentationOfInt 2
+IntOverflowInConvertFromString 3
+BadIntSize 4
diff --git a/lib/common/ConversionString.cpp b/lib/common/ConversionString.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d0a8d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ConversionString.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ConversionString.cpp
+// Purpose: Conversions to and from strings
+// Created: 9/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "Conversion.h"
+#include "autogen_ConversionException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BoxConvert::_ConvertStringToInt(const char *, int)
+// Purpose: Convert from string to integer, with range checking.
+// Always does signed -- no point in unsigned as C++ type checking
+// isn't up to handling it properly.
+// If a null pointer is passed in, then returns 0.
+// Created: 9/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int32_t BoxConvert::_ConvertStringToInt(const char *pString, int Size)
+ // Handle null strings gracefully.
+ if(pString == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Check for initial validity
+ if(*pString == '\0')
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConversionException, CannotConvertEmptyStringToInt)
+ }
+ // Convert.
+ char *numEnd = 0;
+ errno = 0; // Some platforms don't reset it.
+ long r = ::strtol(pString, &numEnd, 0);
+ // Check that all the characters were used
+ if(*numEnd != '\0')
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConversionException, BadStringRepresentationOfInt)
+ }
+ // Error check
+ if(r == 0 && errno == EINVAL)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConversionException, BadStringRepresentationOfInt)
+ }
+ // Range check from strtol
+ if((r == LONG_MIN || r == LONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConversionException, IntOverflowInConvertFromString)
+ }
+ // Check range for size of integer
+ switch(Size)
+ {
+ case 32:
+ {
+ // No extra checking needed if long is an int32
+ if(sizeof(long) > sizeof(int32_t))
+ {
+ if(r <= (0 - 0x7fffffffL) || r > 0x7fffffffL)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConversionException, IntOverflowInConvertFromString)
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 16:
+ {
+ if(r <= (0 - 0x7fff) || r > 0x7fff)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConversionException, IntOverflowInConvertFromString)
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 8:
+ {
+ if(r <= (0 - 0x7f) || r > 0x7f)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConversionException, IntOverflowInConvertFromString)
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConversionException, BadIntSize)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return number
+ return r;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BoxConvert::_ConvertIntToString(std::string &, int32_t)
+// Purpose: Convert signed interger to a string
+// Created: 9/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BoxConvert::_ConvertIntToString(std::string &rTo, int32_t From)
+ char text[64]; // size more than enough
+ ::sprintf(text, "%d", (int)From);
+ rTo = text;
diff --git a/lib/common/DebugAssertFailed.cpp b/lib/common/DebugAssertFailed.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e498d641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/DebugAssertFailed.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: AssertFailed.cpp
+// Purpose: Assert failure code
+// Created: 2003/09/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+ #include "emu.h"
+ #include <syslog.h>
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+bool AssertFailuresToSyslog = false;
+void BoxDebugAssertFailed(const char *cond, const char *file, int line)
+ printf("ASSERT FAILED: [%s] at %s(%d)\n", cond, file, line);
+ if(AssertFailuresToSyslog)
+ {
+ ::syslog(LOG_ERR, "ASSERT FAILED: [%s] at %s(%d)\n", cond, file, line);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/common/DebugMemLeakFinder.cpp b/lib/common/DebugMemLeakFinder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72891cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/DebugMemLeakFinder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: MemLeakFinder.cpp
+// Purpose: Memory leak finder
+// Created: 12/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#undef malloc
+#undef realloc
+#undef free
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <set>
+#include <cstdlib> // for std::atexit
+#include "MemLeakFinder.h"
+static bool memleakfinder_initialised = false;
+bool memleakfinder_global_enable = false;
+typedef struct
+ size_t size;
+ const char *file;
+ int line;
+} MallocBlockInfo;
+typedef struct
+ size_t size;
+ const char *file;
+ int line;
+ bool array;
+} ObjectInfo;
+ static std::map<void *, MallocBlockInfo> sMallocBlocks;
+ static std::map<void *, ObjectInfo> sObjectBlocks;
+ static bool sTrackingDataDestroyed = false;
+ static class DestructionWatchdog
+ {
+ public:
+ ~DestructionWatchdog()
+ {
+ sTrackingDataDestroyed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ sWatchdog;
+ static bool sTrackMallocInSection = false;
+ static std::set<void *> sSectionMallocBlocks;
+ static bool sTrackObjectsInSection = false;
+ static std::map<void *, ObjectInfo> sSectionObjectBlocks;
+ static std::set<void *> sNotLeaks;
+ void *sNotLeaksPre[1024];
+ size_t sNotLeaksPreNum = 0;
+void memleakfinder_init()
+ ASSERT(!memleakfinder_initialised);
+ {
+ // allocates a permanent buffer on Solaris.
+ // not a leak?
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ }
+ memleakfinder_initialised = true;
+ ASSERT(memleakfinder_global_enable);
+ memleakfinder_global_enable = false;
+ ASSERT(!memleakfinder_global_enable);
+ memleakfinder_global_enable = true;
+// these functions may well allocate memory, which we don't want to track.
+static int sInternalAllocDepth = 0;
+class InternalAllocGuard
+ public:
+ InternalAllocGuard () { sInternalAllocDepth++; }
+ ~InternalAllocGuard() { sInternalAllocDepth--; }
+void memleakfinder_malloc_add_block(void *b, size_t size, const char *file, int line)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ if(b != 0)
+ {
+ MallocBlockInfo i;
+ i.size = size;
+ i.file = file;
+ i.line = line;
+ sMallocBlocks[b] = i;
+ if(sTrackMallocInSection)
+ {
+ sSectionMallocBlocks.insert(b);
+ }
+ }
+void *memleakfinder_malloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ void *b = std::malloc(size);
+ if(!memleakfinder_global_enable) return b;
+ if(!memleakfinder_initialised) return b;
+ memleakfinder_malloc_add_block(b, size, file, line);
+ //TRACE4("malloc(), %d, %s, %d, %08x\n", size, file, line, b);
+ return b;
+void *memleakfinder_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ if(!memleakfinder_global_enable || !memleakfinder_initialised)
+ {
+ return std::realloc(ptr, size);
+ }
+ // Check it's been allocated
+ std::map<void *, MallocBlockInfo>::iterator i(sMallocBlocks.find(ptr));
+ if(ptr && i == sMallocBlocks.end())
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Block " << ptr << " realloc()ated, but not "
+ "in list. Error? Or allocated in startup static "
+ "objects?");
+ }
+ void *b = std::realloc(ptr, size);
+ if(ptr && i!=sMallocBlocks.end())
+ {
+ // Worked?
+ if(b != 0)
+ {
+ // Update map
+ MallocBlockInfo inf = i->second;
+ inf.size = size;
+ sMallocBlocks.erase(i);
+ sMallocBlocks[b] = inf;
+ if(sTrackMallocInSection)
+ {
+ std::set<void *>::iterator si(sSectionMallocBlocks.find(ptr));
+ if(si != sSectionMallocBlocks.end()) sSectionMallocBlocks.erase(si);
+ sSectionMallocBlocks.insert(b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memleakfinder_malloc_add_block(b, size, "FOUND-IN-REALLOC", 0);
+ }
+ //TRACE3("realloc(), %d, %08x->%08x\n", size, ptr, b);
+ return b;
+void memleakfinder_free(void *ptr)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ if(memleakfinder_global_enable && memleakfinder_initialised)
+ {
+ // Check it's been allocated
+ std::map<void *, MallocBlockInfo>::iterator i(sMallocBlocks.find(ptr));
+ if(i != sMallocBlocks.end())
+ {
+ sMallocBlocks.erase(i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Block " << ptr << " freed, but not "
+ "known. Error? Or allocated in startup "
+ "static allocation?");
+ }
+ if(sTrackMallocInSection)
+ {
+ std::set<void *>::iterator si(sSectionMallocBlocks.find(ptr));
+ if(si != sSectionMallocBlocks.end()) sSectionMallocBlocks.erase(si);
+ }
+ }
+ //TRACE1("free(), %08x\n", ptr);
+ std::free(ptr);
+void memleakfinder_notaleak_insert_pre()
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ if(!memleakfinder_global_enable) return;
+ if(!memleakfinder_initialised) return;
+ for(size_t l = 0; l < sNotLeaksPreNum; l++)
+ {
+ sNotLeaks.insert(sNotLeaksPre[l]);
+ }
+ sNotLeaksPreNum = 0;
+bool is_leak(void *ptr)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ ASSERT(memleakfinder_initialised);
+ memleakfinder_notaleak_insert_pre();
+ return sNotLeaks.find(ptr) == sNotLeaks.end();
+void memleakfinder_notaleak(void *ptr)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ ASSERT(!sTrackingDataDestroyed);
+ memleakfinder_notaleak_insert_pre();
+ if(memleakfinder_global_enable && memleakfinder_initialised)
+ {
+ sNotLeaks.insert(ptr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( sNotLeaksPreNum <
+ sizeof(sNotLeaksPre)/sizeof(*sNotLeaksPre) )
+ sNotLeaksPre[sNotLeaksPreNum++] = ptr;
+ }
+/* {
+ std::map<void *, MallocBlockInfo>::iterator i(sMallocBlocks.find(ptr));
+ if(i != sMallocBlocks.end()) sMallocBlocks.erase(i);
+ }
+ {
+ std::set<void *>::iterator si(sSectionMallocBlocks.find(ptr));
+ if(si != sSectionMallocBlocks.end()) sSectionMallocBlocks.erase(si);
+ }
+ {
+ std::map<void *, ObjectInfo>::iterator i(sObjectBlocks.find(ptr));
+ if(i != sObjectBlocks.end()) sObjectBlocks.erase(i);
+ }*/
+// start monitoring a section of code
+void memleakfinder_startsectionmonitor()
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ ASSERT(memleakfinder_initialised);
+ ASSERT(!sTrackingDataDestroyed);
+ sTrackMallocInSection = true;
+ sSectionMallocBlocks.clear();
+ sTrackObjectsInSection = true;
+ sSectionObjectBlocks.clear();
+// trace all blocks allocated and still allocated since memleakfinder_startsectionmonitor() called
+void memleakfinder_traceblocksinsection()
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ ASSERT(memleakfinder_initialised);
+ ASSERT(!sTrackingDataDestroyed);
+ std::set<void *>::iterator s(sSectionMallocBlocks.begin());
+ for(; s != sSectionMallocBlocks.end(); ++s)
+ {
+ std::map<void *, MallocBlockInfo>::const_iterator i(sMallocBlocks.find(*s));
+ if(i == sMallocBlocks.end())
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Logical error in section block finding");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Block " << i->first << " size " <<
+ i->second.size << " allocated at " <<
+ i->second.file << ":" << i->second.line);
+ }
+ }
+ for(std::map<void *, ObjectInfo>::const_iterator i(sSectionObjectBlocks.begin()); i != sSectionObjectBlocks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Object" << (i->second.array?" []":"") << " " <<
+ i->first << " size " << i->second.size <<
+ " allocated at " << i->second.file <<
+ ":" << i->second.line);
+ }
+int memleakfinder_numleaks()
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ ASSERT(memleakfinder_initialised);
+ ASSERT(!sTrackingDataDestroyed);
+ int n = 0;
+ for(std::map<void *, MallocBlockInfo>::const_iterator i(sMallocBlocks.begin()); i != sMallocBlocks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(is_leak(i->first)) ++n;
+ }
+ for(std::map<void *, ObjectInfo>::const_iterator i(sObjectBlocks.begin()); i != sObjectBlocks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ const ObjectInfo& rInfo = i->second;
+ if(is_leak(i->first)) ++n;
+ }
+ return n;
+void memleakfinder_reportleaks_file(FILE *file)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ ASSERT(!sTrackingDataDestroyed);
+ for(std::map<void *, MallocBlockInfo>::const_iterator
+ i(sMallocBlocks.begin()); i != sMallocBlocks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(is_leak(i->first))
+ {
+ ::fprintf(file, "Block %p size %d allocated at "
+ "%s:%d\n", i->first, i->second.size,
+ i->second.file, i->second.line);
+ }
+ }
+ for(std::map<void *, ObjectInfo>::const_iterator
+ i(sObjectBlocks.begin()); i != sObjectBlocks.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(is_leak(i->first))
+ {
+ ::fprintf(file, "Object%s %p size %d allocated at "
+ "%s:%d\n", i->second.array?" []":"",
+ i->first, i->second.size, i->second.file,
+ i->second.line);
+ }
+ }
+void memleakfinder_reportleaks()
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ // report to stdout
+ memleakfinder_reportleaks_file(stdout);
+void memleakfinder_reportleaks_appendfile(const char *filename, const char *markertext)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ FILE *file = ::fopen(filename, "a");
+ if(file != 0)
+ {
+ if(memleakfinder_numleaks() > 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(file, "MEMORY LEAKS FROM PROCESS %d (%s)\n", getpid(), markertext);
+ fprintf(file, "MEMORY LEAKS (%s)\n", markertext);
+ memleakfinder_reportleaks_file(file);
+ }
+ ::fclose(file);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Couldn't open memory leak results file " <<
+ filename << " for appending");
+ }
+static char atexit_filename[512];
+static char atexit_markertext[512];
+static bool atexit_registered = false;
+extern "C" void memleakfinder_atexit()
+ memleakfinder_reportleaks_appendfile(atexit_filename, atexit_markertext);
+void memleakfinder_setup_exit_report(const char *filename, const char *markertext)
+ ::strncpy(atexit_filename, filename, sizeof(atexit_filename)-1);
+ ::strncpy(atexit_markertext, markertext, sizeof(atexit_markertext)-1);
+ atexit_filename[sizeof(atexit_filename)-1] = 0;
+ atexit_markertext[sizeof(atexit_markertext)-1] = 0;
+ if(!atexit_registered)
+ {
+ std::atexit(memleakfinder_atexit);
+ atexit_registered = true;
+ }
+void add_object_block(void *block, size_t size, const char *file, int line, bool array)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ if(!memleakfinder_global_enable) return;
+ if(!memleakfinder_initialised) return;
+ ASSERT(!sTrackingDataDestroyed);
+ if(block != 0)
+ {
+ ObjectInfo i;
+ i.size = size;
+ i.file = file;
+ i.line = line;
+ i.array = array;
+ sObjectBlocks[block] = i;
+ if(sTrackObjectsInSection)
+ {
+ sSectionObjectBlocks[block] = i;
+ }
+ }
+void remove_object_block(void *block)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ if(!memleakfinder_global_enable) return;
+ if(!memleakfinder_initialised) return;
+ if(sTrackingDataDestroyed) return;
+ std::map<void *, ObjectInfo>::iterator i(sObjectBlocks.find(block));
+ if(i != sObjectBlocks.end())
+ {
+ sObjectBlocks.erase(i);
+ }
+ if(sTrackObjectsInSection)
+ {
+ std::map<void *, ObjectInfo>::iterator i(sSectionObjectBlocks.find(block));
+ if(i != sSectionObjectBlocks.end())
+ {
+ sSectionObjectBlocks.erase(i);
+ }
+ }
+ // If it's not in the list, just ignore it, as lots of stuff goes this way...
+static void *internal_new(size_t size, const char *file, int line)
+ void *r;
+ {
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ r = std::malloc(size);
+ }
+ if (sInternalAllocDepth == 0)
+ {
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ add_object_block(r, size, file, line, false);
+ //TRACE4("new(), %d, %s, %d, %08x\n", size, file, line, r);
+ }
+ return r;
+void *operator new(size_t size, const char *file, int line)
+ return internal_new(size, file, line);
+void *operator new[](size_t size, const char *file, int line)
+ return internal_new(size, file, line);
+// where there is no doctor... need to override standard new() too
+// disabled because it causes hangs on FC2 in futex() in test/common
+// while reading files. reason unknown.
+void *operator new(size_t size)
+ return internal_new(size, "standard libraries", 0);
+void *operator new[](size_t size)
+ return internal_new(size, "standard libraries", 0);
+void internal_delete(void *ptr)
+ InternalAllocGuard guard;
+ std::free(ptr);
+ remove_object_block(ptr);
+ //TRACE1("delete[]() called, %08x\n", ptr);
+void operator delete[](void *ptr) throw ()
+ internal_delete(ptr);
+void operator delete(void *ptr) throw ()
+ internal_delete(ptr);
diff --git a/lib/common/DebugPrintf.cpp b/lib/common/DebugPrintf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1335d473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/DebugPrintf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: DebugPrintf.cpp
+// Purpose: Implementation of a printf function, to avoid a stdio.h include in Box.h
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+ #include "emu.h"
+ #include <syslog.h>
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// Use this apparently superflous printf function to avoid having to
+// include stdio.h in every file in the project.
+int BoxDebug_printf(const char *format, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ int r = vprintf(format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return r;
+bool BoxDebugTraceOn = true;
+bool BoxDebugTraceToStdout = true;
+bool BoxDebugTraceToSyslog = false;
+int BoxDebugTrace(const char *format, ...)
+ char text[512];
+ int r = 0;
+ if(BoxDebugTraceOn || BoxDebugTraceToSyslog)
+ {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ r = vsnprintf(text, sizeof(text), format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ }
+ // Send to stdout if trace is on and std out is enabled
+ if(BoxDebugTraceOn && BoxDebugTraceToStdout)
+ {
+ printf("%s", text);
+ }
+ // But tracing to syslog is independent of tracing being on or not
+ if(BoxDebugTraceToSyslog)
+ {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // Remove trailing '\n', if it's there
+ if(r > 0 && text[r-1] == '\n')
+ {
+ text[r-1] = '\0';
+ if(r > 0 && text[r] == '\n')
+ {
+ text[r] = '\0';
+ --r;
+ }
+ // Log it
+ ::syslog(LOG_INFO, "TRACE: %s", text);
+ }
+ return r;
diff --git a/lib/common/EndStructPackForWire.h b/lib/common/EndStructPackForWire.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82637f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/EndStructPackForWire.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: EndStructPackForWire.h
+// Purpose: End structure packing for wire
+// Created: 25/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// No header guard -- this is intentional
+#pragma pack()
+ logical error -- check BoxPlatform.h and including file
diff --git a/lib/common/EventWatchFilesystemObject.cpp b/lib/common/EventWatchFilesystemObject.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43533fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/EventWatchFilesystemObject.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: EventWatchFilesystemObject.cpp
+// Purpose: WaitForEvent compatible object for watching directories
+// Created: 12/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include "EventWatchFilesystemObject.h"
+#include "autogen_CommonException.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: EventWatchFilesystemObject::EventWatchFilesystemObject
+// (const char *)
+// Purpose: Constructor -- opens the file object
+// Created: 12/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EventWatchFilesystemObject::EventWatchFilesystemObject(const char *Filename)
+ : mDescriptor(::open(Filename, O_RDONLY /*O_EVTONLY*/, 0))
+ if(mDescriptor == -1)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("EventWatchFilesystemObject: "
+ "Failed to open file '" << Filename << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileOpenError)
+ }
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, KQueueNotSupportedOnThisPlatform)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: EventWatchFilesystemObject::~EventWatchFilesystemObject()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 12/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(mDescriptor != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(mDescriptor);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: EventWatchFilesystemObject::EventWatchFilesystemObject
+// (const EventWatchFilesystemObject &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor
+// Created: 12/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const EventWatchFilesystemObject &rToCopy)
+ : mDescriptor(::dup(rToCopy.mDescriptor))
+ if(mDescriptor == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: EventWatchFilesystemObject::FillInKEvent(struct kevent &, int)
+// Purpose: For WaitForEvent
+// Created: 12/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void EventWatchFilesystemObject::FillInKEvent(struct kevent &rEvent,
+ int Flags) const
+ EV_SET(&rEvent, mDescriptor, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_CLEAR,
+ NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_WRITE, 0, (void*)this);
+void EventWatchFilesystemObject::FillInPoll(int &fd, short &events,
+ int Flags) const
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, KQueueNotSupportedOnThisPlatform)
diff --git a/lib/common/EventWatchFilesystemObject.h b/lib/common/EventWatchFilesystemObject.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9175a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/EventWatchFilesystemObject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: EventWatchFilesystemObject.h
+// Purpose: WaitForEvent compatible object for watching directories
+// Created: 12/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #include <sys/event.h>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: EventWatchFilesystemObject
+// Purpose: WaitForEvent compatible object for watching files and directories
+// Created: 12/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class EventWatchFilesystemObject
+ EventWatchFilesystemObject(const char *Filename);
+ ~EventWatchFilesystemObject();
+ EventWatchFilesystemObject(const EventWatchFilesystemObject &rToCopy);
+ // Assignment not allowed
+ EventWatchFilesystemObject &operator=(const EventWatchFilesystemObject &);
+ void FillInKEvent(struct kevent &rEvent, int Flags = 0) const;
+ void FillInPoll(int &fd, short &events, int Flags = 0) const;
+ int mDescriptor;
+#endif // EventWatchFilesystemObject__H
diff --git a/lib/common/ExcludeList.cpp b/lib/common/ExcludeList.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edbf1a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ExcludeList.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ExcludeList.cpp
+// Purpose: General purpose exclusion list
+// Created: 28/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+ #include <pcreposix.h>
+ #else
+ #include <regex.h>
+ #endif
+#include "ExcludeList.h"
+#include "Utils.h"
+#include "Configuration.h"
+#include "Archive.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ExcludeList::ExcludeList()
+// Purpose: Constructor. Generates an exclude list which will allow everything
+// Created: 28/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : mpAlwaysInclude(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ExcludeList::~ExcludeList()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 28/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // free regex memory
+ while(mRegex.size() > 0)
+ {
+ regex_t *pregex = mRegex.back();
+ mRegex.pop_back();
+ // Free regex storage, and the structure itself
+ ::regfree(pregex);
+ delete pregex;
+ }
+ // Clean up exceptions list
+ if(mpAlwaysInclude != 0)
+ {
+ delete mpAlwaysInclude;
+ mpAlwaysInclude = 0;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+std::string ExcludeList::ReplaceSlashesDefinite(const std::string& input) const
+ std::string output = input;
+ for (std::string::size_type pos = output.find("/");
+ pos != std::string::npos;
+ pos = output.find("/"))
+ {
+ output.replace(pos, 1, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
+ }
+ for (std::string::iterator i = output.begin(); i != output.end(); i++)
+ {
+ *i = tolower(*i);
+ }
+ return output;
+std::string ExcludeList::ReplaceSlashesRegex(const std::string& input) const
+ std::string output = input;
+ for (std::string::size_type pos = output.find("/");
+ pos != std::string::npos;
+ pos = output.find("/"))
+ {
+ output.replace(pos, 1, "\\" DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
+ }
+ for (std::string::iterator i = output.begin(); i != output.end(); i++)
+ {
+ *i = tolower(*i);
+ }
+ return output;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ExcludeList::AddDefiniteEntries(const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Adds a number of definite entries to the exclude list -- ones which
+// will be excluded if and only if the test string matches exactly.
+// Uses the Configuration classes' multi-value conventions, with
+// multiple entires in one string separated by Configuration::MultiValueSeparator
+// Created: 28/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ExcludeList::AddDefiniteEntries(const std::string &rEntries)
+ // Split strings up
+ std::vector<std::string> ens;
+ SplitString(rEntries, Configuration::MultiValueSeparator, ens);
+ // Add to set of excluded strings
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i(ens.begin()); i != ens.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->size() > 0)
+ {
+ std::string entry = *i;
+ // Convert any forward slashes in the string
+ // to backslashes
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ entry = ReplaceSlashesDefinite(entry);
+ #endif
+ if (entry.size() > 0 && entry[entry.size() - 1] ==
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Exclude entry ends in path "
+ "separator, will never match: "
+ << entry);
+ }
+ mDefinite.insert(entry);
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ExcludeList::AddRegexEntries(const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Adds a number of regular expression entries to the exclude list --
+// if the test expression matches any of these regex, it will be excluded.
+// Uses the Configuration classes' multi-value conventions, with
+// multiple entires in one string separated by Configuration::MultiValueSeparator
+// Created: 28/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ExcludeList::AddRegexEntries(const std::string &rEntries)
+ // Split strings up
+ std::vector<std::string> ens;
+ SplitString(rEntries, Configuration::MultiValueSeparator, ens);
+ // Create and add new regular expressions
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i(ens.begin()); i != ens.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->size() > 0)
+ {
+ // Allocate memory
+ regex_t *pregex = new regex_t;
+ try
+ {
+ std::string entry = *i;
+ // Convert any forward slashes in the string
+ // to appropriately escaped backslashes
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ entry = ReplaceSlashesRegex(entry);
+ #endif
+ // Compile
+ int errcode = ::regcomp(pregex, entry.c_str(),
+ if (errcode != 0)
+ {
+ char buf[1024];
+ regerror(errcode, pregex, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ BOX_ERROR("Invalid regular expression: " <<
+ entry << ": " << buf);
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, BadRegularExpression)
+ }
+ // Store in list of regular expressions
+ mRegex.push_back(pregex);
+ // Store in list of regular expression string for Serialize
+ mRegexStr.push_back(entry.c_str());
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pregex;
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, RegexNotSupportedOnThisPlatform)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ExcludeList::IsExcluded(const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Returns true if the entry should be excluded
+// Created: 28/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool ExcludeList::IsExcluded(const std::string &rTest) const
+ std::string test = rTest;
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ test = ReplaceSlashesDefinite(test);
+ #endif
+ // Check against the always include list
+ if(mpAlwaysInclude != 0)
+ {
+ if(mpAlwaysInclude->IsExcluded(test))
+ {
+ // Because the "always include" list says it's 'excluded'
+ // this means it should actually be included.
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Is it in the set of definite entries?
+ if(mDefinite.find(test) != mDefinite.end())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Check against regular expressions
+ for(std::vector<regex_t *>::const_iterator i(mRegex.begin()); i != mRegex.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Test against this expression
+ if(regexec(*i, test.c_str(), 0, 0 /* no match information required */, 0 /* no flags */) == 0)
+ {
+ // match happened
+ return true;
+ }
+ // In all other cases, including an error, just continue to the next expression
+ }
+ return false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ExcludeList::SetAlwaysIncludeList(ExcludeList *)
+// Purpose: Takes ownership of the list, deletes any pre-existing list.
+// NULL is acceptable to delete the list.
+// The AlwaysInclude list is a list of exceptions to the exclusions.
+// Created: 19/2/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ExcludeList::SetAlwaysIncludeList(ExcludeList *pAlwaysInclude)
+ // Delete old list
+ if(mpAlwaysInclude != 0)
+ {
+ delete mpAlwaysInclude;
+ mpAlwaysInclude = 0;
+ }
+ // Store the pointer
+ mpAlwaysInclude = pAlwaysInclude;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ExcludeList::Deserialize(Archive & rArchive)
+// Purpose: Deserializes this object instance from a stream of bytes, using an Archive abstraction.
+// Created: 2005/04/11
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ExcludeList::Deserialize(Archive & rArchive)
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ mDefinite.clear();
+ // free regex memory
+ while(mRegex.size() > 0)
+ {
+ regex_t *pregex = mRegex.back();
+ mRegex.pop_back();
+ // Free regex storage, and the structure itself
+ ::regfree(pregex);
+ delete pregex;
+ }
+ mRegexStr.clear();
+ // Clean up exceptions list
+ if(mpAlwaysInclude != 0)
+ {
+ delete mpAlwaysInclude;
+ mpAlwaysInclude = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ int64_t iCount = 0;
+ rArchive.Read(iCount);
+ if (iCount > 0)
+ {
+ for (int v = 0; v < iCount; v++)
+ {
+ // load each one
+ std::string strItem;
+ rArchive.Read(strItem);
+ mDefinite.insert(strItem);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ rArchive.Read(iCount);
+ if (iCount > 0)
+ {
+ for (int v = 0; v < iCount; v++)
+ {
+ std::string strItem;
+ rArchive.Read(strItem);
+ // Allocate memory
+ regex_t* pregex = new regex_t;
+ try
+ {
+ // Compile
+ if(::regcomp(pregex, strItem.c_str(),
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException,
+ BadRegularExpression)
+ }
+ // Store in list of regular expressions
+ mRegex.push_back(pregex);
+ // Store in list of regular expression strings
+ // for Serialize
+ mRegexStr.push_back(strItem);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pregex;
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ int64_t aMagicMarker = 0;
+ rArchive.Read(aMagicMarker);
+ if (aMagicMarker == ARCHIVE_MAGIC_VALUE_NOOP)
+ {
+ // NOOP
+ }
+ else if (aMagicMarker == ARCHIVE_MAGIC_VALUE_RECURSE)
+ {
+ mpAlwaysInclude = new ExcludeList;
+ if (!mpAlwaysInclude)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ mpAlwaysInclude->Deserialize(rArchive);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // there is something going on here
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal)
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ExcludeList::Serialize(Archive & rArchive)
+// Purpose: Serializes this object instance into a stream of bytes, using an Archive abstraction.
+// Created: 2005/04/11
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ExcludeList::Serialize(Archive & rArchive) const
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ int64_t iCount = mDefinite.size();
+ rArchive.Write(iCount);
+ for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator i = mDefinite.begin();
+ i != mDefinite.end(); i++)
+ {
+ rArchive.Write(*i);
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // don't even try to save compiled regular expressions,
+ // use string copies instead.
+ ASSERT(mRegex.size() == mRegexStr.size());
+ iCount = mRegexStr.size();
+ rArchive.Write(iCount);
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = mRegexStr.begin();
+ i != mRegexStr.end(); i++)
+ {
+ rArchive.Write(*i);
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ if (!mpAlwaysInclude)
+ {
+ int64_t aMagicMarker = ARCHIVE_MAGIC_VALUE_NOOP;
+ rArchive.Write(aMagicMarker);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int64_t aMagicMarker = ARCHIVE_MAGIC_VALUE_RECURSE; // be explicit about whether recursion follows
+ rArchive.Write(aMagicMarker);
+ mpAlwaysInclude->Serialize(rArchive);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/common/ExcludeList.h b/lib/common/ExcludeList.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c41bd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ExcludeList.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ExcludeList.h
+// Purpose: General purpose exclusion list
+// Created: 28/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+// avoid including regex.h in lots of places
+ typedef int regex_t;
+class Archive;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: ExcludeList
+// Purpose: General purpose exclusion list
+// Created: 28/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ExcludeList
+ ExcludeList();
+ ~ExcludeList();
+ void Deserialize(Archive & rArchive);
+ void Serialize(Archive & rArchive) const;
+ void AddDefiniteEntries(const std::string &rEntries);
+ void AddRegexEntries(const std::string &rEntries);
+ // Add exceptions to the exclusions (takes ownership)
+ void SetAlwaysIncludeList(ExcludeList *pAlwaysInclude);
+ // Test function
+ bool IsExcluded(const std::string &rTest) const;
+ // Mainly for tests
+ unsigned int SizeOfDefiniteList() const {return mDefinite.size();}
+ unsigned int SizeOfRegexList() const
+ {return mRegex.size();}
+ {return 0;}
+ std::set<std::string> mDefinite;
+ std::vector<regex_t *> mRegex;
+ std::vector<std::string> mRegexStr; // save original regular expression string-based source for Serialize
+#ifdef WIN32
+ std::string ReplaceSlashesDefinite(const std::string& input) const;
+ std::string ReplaceSlashesRegex (const std::string& input) const;
+ // For exceptions to the excludes
+ ExcludeList *mpAlwaysInclude;
+#endif // EXCLUDELIST__H
diff --git a/lib/common/FdGetLine.cpp b/lib/common/FdGetLine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b53288b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/FdGetLine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: FdGetLine.cpp
+// Purpose: Line based file descriptor reading
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include "FdGetLine.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// utility whitespace function
+inline bool iw(int c)
+ return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\v' || c == '\f'); // \r, \n are already excluded
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FdGetLine::FdGetLine(int)
+// Purpose: Constructor, taking file descriptor
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FdGetLine::FdGetLine(int fd)
+ : mFileHandle(fd),
+ mLineNumber(0),
+ mBufferBegin(0),
+ mBytesInBuffer(0),
+ mPendingEOF(false),
+ mEOF(false)
+ if(mFileHandle < 0) {THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, BadArguments)}
+ //printf("FdGetLine buffer size = %d\n", sizeof(mBuffer));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FdGetLine::~FdGetLine()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FdGetLine::GetLine(bool)
+// Purpose: Returns a file from the file. If Preprocess is true, leading
+// and trailing whitespace is removed, and comments (after #)
+// are deleted.
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::string FdGetLine::GetLine(bool Preprocess)
+ if(mFileHandle == -1) {THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, GetLineNoHandle)}
+ // EOF?
+ if(mEOF) {THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, GetLineEOF)}
+ std::string r;
+ bool foundLineEnd = false;
+ while(!foundLineEnd && !mEOF)
+ {
+ // Use any bytes left in the buffer
+ while(mBufferBegin < mBytesInBuffer)
+ {
+ int c = mBuffer[mBufferBegin++];
+ if(c == '\r')
+ {
+ // Ignore nasty Windows line ending extra chars
+ }
+ else if(c == '\n')
+ {
+ // Line end!
+ foundLineEnd = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add to string
+ r += c;
+ }
+ // Implicit line ending at EOF
+ if(mBufferBegin >= mBytesInBuffer && mPendingEOF)
+ {
+ foundLineEnd = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check size
+ if(r.size() > FDGETLINE_MAX_LINE_SIZE)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, GetLineTooLarge)
+ }
+ // Read more in?
+ if(!foundLineEnd && mBufferBegin >= mBytesInBuffer && !mPendingEOF)
+ {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ int bytes;
+ if (mFileHandle == _fileno(stdin))
+ {
+ bytes = console_read(mBuffer, sizeof(mBuffer));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes = ::read(mFileHandle, mBuffer,
+ sizeof(mBuffer));
+ }
+#else // !WIN32
+ int bytes = ::read(mFileHandle, mBuffer, sizeof(mBuffer));
+#endif // WIN32
+ // Error?
+ if(bytes == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ // Adjust buffer info
+ mBytesInBuffer = bytes;
+ mBufferBegin = 0;
+ // EOF / closed?
+ if(bytes == 0)
+ {
+ mPendingEOF = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // EOF?
+ if(mPendingEOF && mBufferBegin >= mBytesInBuffer)
+ {
+ // File is EOF, and now we've depleted the buffer completely, so tell caller as well.
+ mEOF = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!Preprocess)
+ {
+ return r;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check for comment char, but char before must be whitespace
+ int end = 0;
+ int size = r.size();
+ while(end < size)
+ {
+ if(r[end] == '#' && (end == 0 || (iw(r[end-1]))))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ end++;
+ }
+ // Remove whitespace
+ int begin = 0;
+ while(begin < size && iw(r[begin]))
+ {
+ begin++;
+ }
+ if(!iw(r[end])) end--;
+ while(end > begin && iw(r[end]))
+ {
+ end--;
+ }
+ // Return a sub string
+ return r.substr(begin, end - begin + 1);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FdGetLine::DetachFile()
+// Purpose: Detaches the file handle, setting the file pointer correctly.
+// Probably not good for sockets...
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void FdGetLine::DetachFile()
+ if(mFileHandle == -1) {THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, GetLineNoHandle)}
+ // Adjust file pointer
+ int bytesOver = mBufferBegin - mBufferBegin;
+ ASSERT(bytesOver >= 0);
+ if(bytesOver > 0)
+ {
+ if(::lseek(mFileHandle, 0 - bytesOver, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ }
+ // Unset file pointer
+ mFileHandle = -1;
diff --git a/lib/common/FdGetLine.h b/lib/common/FdGetLine.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df43c3c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/FdGetLine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: FdGetLine.h
+// Purpose: Line based file descriptor reading
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef FDGETLINE__H
+#define FDGETLINE__H
+#include <string>
+#elif defined WIN32
+ // need enough space for at least one unicode character
+ // in UTF-8 when calling console_read() from bbackupquery
+// Just a very large upper bound for line size to avoid
+// people sending lots of data over sockets and causing memory problems.
+#define FDGETLINE_MAX_LINE_SIZE (1024*256)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: FdGetLine
+// Purpose: Line based file descriptor reading
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class FdGetLine
+ FdGetLine(int fd);
+ ~FdGetLine();
+ FdGetLine(const FdGetLine &rToCopy);
+ std::string GetLine(bool Preprocess = false);
+ bool IsEOF() {return mEOF;}
+ int GetLineNumber() {return mLineNumber;}
+ // Call to detach, setting file pointer correctly to last bit read.
+ // Only works for lseek-able file descriptors.
+ void DetachFile();
+ int mFileHandle;
+ int mLineNumber;
+ int mBufferBegin;
+ int mBytesInBuffer;
+ bool mPendingEOF;
+ bool mEOF;
+#endif // FDGETLINE__H
diff --git a/lib/common/FileModificationTime.cpp b/lib/common/FileModificationTime.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1109b15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/FileModificationTime.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: FileModificationTime.cpp
+// Purpose: Function for getting file modification time.
+// Created: 2010/02/15
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+#include "FileModificationTime.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+box_time_t FileModificationTime(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st)
+ box_time_t datamodified = ((int64_t)st.st_mtime) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL);
+ box_time_t datamodified = (((int64_t)st.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec) / NANO_SEC_IN_USEC_LL)
+ + (((int64_t)st.st_mtimespec.tv_sec) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL));
+ return datamodified;
+box_time_t FileAttrModificationTime(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st)
+ box_time_t statusmodified =
+ (((int64_t)st.st_ctimespec.tv_nsec) / (NANO_SEC_IN_USEC_LL)) +
+ (((int64_t)st.st_ctimespec.tv_sec) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL));
+ (((int64_t)st.st_ctim.tv_nsec) / (NANO_SEC_IN_USEC_LL)) +
+ (((int64_t)st.st_ctim.tv_sec) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL));
+ (((int64_t)st.st_ctimensec) / (NANO_SEC_IN_USEC_LL)) +
+ (((int64_t)st.st_ctime) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL));
+#else // no nanoseconds anywhere
+ (((int64_t)st.st_ctime) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL));
+ return statusmodified;
+box_time_t FileModificationTimeMaxModAndAttr(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st)
+ box_time_t datamodified = ((int64_t)st.st_mtime) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL);
+ box_time_t statusmodified = ((int64_t)st.st_ctime) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL);
+ box_time_t datamodified = (((int64_t)st.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec) / NANO_SEC_IN_USEC_LL)
+ + (((int64_t)st.st_mtimespec.tv_sec) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL));
+ box_time_t statusmodified = (((int64_t)st.st_ctimespec.tv_nsec) / NANO_SEC_IN_USEC_LL)
+ + (((int64_t)st.st_ctimespec.tv_sec) * (MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL));
+ return (datamodified > statusmodified)?datamodified:statusmodified;
diff --git a/lib/common/FileModificationTime.h b/lib/common/FileModificationTime.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6e6c172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/FileModificationTime.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: FileModificationTime.h
+// Purpose: Function for getting file modification time.
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+box_time_t FileModificationTime(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st);
+box_time_t FileAttrModificationTime(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st);
+box_time_t FileModificationTimeMaxModAndAttr(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st);
diff --git a/lib/common/FileStream.cpp b/lib/common/FileStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5be8237c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/FileStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: FileStream.cpp
+// Purpose: IOStream interface to files
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "FileStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::FileStream(const char *, int, int)
+// Purpose: Constructor, opens file
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FileStream::FileStream(const std::string& rFilename, int flags, int mode)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ : mOSFileHandle(::openfile(rFilename.c_str(), flags, mode)),
+ : mOSFileHandle(::open(rFilename.c_str(), flags, mode)),
+ mIsEOF(false),
+ mFileName(rFilename)
+ AfterOpen();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::FileStream(const char *, int, int)
+// Purpose: Alternative constructor, takes a const char *,
+// avoids const strings being interpreted as handles!
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FileStream::FileStream(const char *pFilename, int flags, int mode)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ : mOSFileHandle(::openfile(pFilename, flags, mode)),
+ : mOSFileHandle(::open(pFilename, flags, mode)),
+ mIsEOF(false),
+ mFileName(pFilename)
+ AfterOpen();
+void FileStream::AfterOpen()
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if(mOSFileHandle < 0)
+ {
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ BOX_LOG_WIN_WARNING_NUMBER("Failed to open file: " <<
+ mFileName, winerrno);
+ #else
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_WARNING("Failed to open file: " <<
+ mFileName);
+ #endif
+ if(errno == EACCES)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, AccessDenied)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileOpenError)
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::FileStream(tOSFileHandle)
+// Purpose: Constructor, using existing file descriptor
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FileStream::FileStream(tOSFileHandle FileDescriptor)
+ : mOSFileHandle(FileDescriptor),
+ mIsEOF(false),
+ mFileName("HANDLE")
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if(mOSFileHandle < 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("FileStream: called with invalid file handle");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileOpenError)
+ }
+#if 0
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::FileStream(const FileStream &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor, creates a duplicate of the file handle
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FileStream::FileStream(const FileStream &rToCopy)
+ : mOSFileHandle(::dup(rToCopy.mOSFileHandle)),
+ mIsEOF(rToCopy.mIsEOF)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if(mOSFileHandle < 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("FileStream: copying unopened file");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileOpenError)
+ }
+#endif // 0
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::~FileStream()
+// Purpose: Destructor, closes file
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(mOSFileHandle != INVALID_FILE)
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::Read(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Reads bytes from the file
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int FileStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ if(mOSFileHandle == INVALID_FILE)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, FileClosed)
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ int r;
+ DWORD numBytesRead = 0;
+ BOOL valid = ReadFile(
+ this->mOSFileHandle,
+ pBuffer,
+ NBytes,
+ &numBytesRead,
+ );
+ if(valid)
+ {
+ r = numBytesRead;
+ }
+ else if(GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
+ {
+ r = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR("Failed to read from file: " << mFileName);
+ r = -1;
+ }
+ int r = ::read(mOSFileHandle, pBuffer, NBytes);
+ if(r == -1)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to read from file: " << mFileName);
+ }
+ if(r == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileReadError)
+ }
+ if(r == 0)
+ {
+ mIsEOF = true;
+ }
+ return r;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: Returns number of bytes to read (may not be most efficient function ever)
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type FileStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ if(EMU_FSTAT(mOSFileHandle, &st) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ return st.st_size - GetPosition();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::Write(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Writes bytes to the file
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void FileStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ if(mOSFileHandle == INVALID_FILE)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, FileClosed)
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ DWORD numBytesWritten = 0;
+ BOOL res = WriteFile(
+ this->mOSFileHandle,
+ pBuffer,
+ NBytes,
+ &numBytesWritten,
+ );
+ if ((res == 0) || (numBytesWritten != (DWORD)NBytes))
+ {
+ // DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileWriteError)
+ }
+ if(::write(mOSFileHandle, pBuffer, NBytes) != NBytes)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to write to file: " << mFileName);
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileWriteError)
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: Get position in stream
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type FileStream::GetPosition() const
+ if(mOSFileHandle == INVALID_FILE)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, FileClosed)
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ conv.HighPart = 0;
+ conv.LowPart = 0;
+ conv.LowPart = SetFilePointer(this->mOSFileHandle, 0, &conv.HighPart, FILE_CURRENT);
+ return (IOStream::pos_type)conv.QuadPart;
+#else // ! WIN32
+ off_t p = ::lseek(mOSFileHandle, 0, SEEK_CUR);
+ if(p == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ return (IOStream::pos_type)p;
+#endif // WIN32
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::Seek(pos_type, int)
+// Purpose: Seeks within file, as lseek
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void FileStream::Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ if(mOSFileHandle == INVALID_FILE)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, FileClosed)
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ conv.QuadPart = Offset;
+ DWORD retVal = SetFilePointer(this->mOSFileHandle, conv.LowPart, &conv.HighPart, ConvertSeekTypeToOSWhence(SeekType));
+ if(retVal == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+#else // ! WIN32
+ if(::lseek(mOSFileHandle, Offset, ConvertSeekTypeToOSWhence(SeekType)) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+#endif // WIN32
+ // Not end of file any more!
+ mIsEOF = false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::Close()
+// Purpose: Closes the underlying file
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void FileStream::Close()
+ if(mOSFileHandle == INVALID_FILE)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, FileAlreadyClosed)
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if(::CloseHandle(mOSFileHandle) == 0)
+ if(::close(mOSFileHandle) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileCloseError)
+ }
+ mOSFileHandle = INVALID_FILE;
+ mIsEOF = true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: Any data left to write?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool FileStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return !mIsEOF;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: Is the stream closed?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool FileStream::StreamClosed()
+ return mIsEOF;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileStream::CompareWith(IOStream&, int)
+// Purpose: Compare bytes in this file with other stream's data
+// Created: 2009/01/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool FileStream::CompareWith(IOStream& rOther, int Timeout)
+ // Size
+ IOStream::pos_type mySize = BytesLeftToRead();
+ IOStream::pos_type otherSize = 0;
+ // Test the contents
+ char buf1[2048];
+ char buf2[2048];
+ while(StreamDataLeft() && rOther.StreamDataLeft())
+ {
+ int readSize = rOther.Read(buf1, sizeof(buf1), Timeout);
+ otherSize += readSize;
+ if(Read(buf2, readSize) != readSize ||
+ ::memcmp(buf1, buf2, readSize) != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check read all the data from the server and file -- can't be
+ // equal if local and remote aren't the same length. Can't use
+ // StreamDataLeft() test on local file, because if it's the same
+ // size, it won't know it's EOF yet.
+ if(rOther.StreamDataLeft() || otherSize != mySize)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/lib/common/FileStream.h b/lib/common/FileStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9101a968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/FileStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: FileStream.h
+// Purpose: FileStream interface to files
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef FILESTREAM__H
+#define FILESTREAM__H
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+class FileStream : public IOStream
+ FileStream(const std::string& rFilename,
+ int flags = (O_RDONLY | O_BINARY),
+ int mode = (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH));
+ // Ensure that const char * name doesn't end up as a handle
+ // on Windows!
+ FileStream(const char *pFilename,
+ int flags = (O_RDONLY | O_BINARY),
+ int mode = (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH));
+ FileStream(tOSFileHandle FileDescriptor);
+ virtual ~FileStream();
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ bool CompareWith(IOStream& rOther, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ tOSFileHandle mOSFileHandle;
+ bool mIsEOF;
+ FileStream(const FileStream &rToCopy) { /* do not call */ }
+ void AfterOpen();
+ // for debugging..
+ std::string mFileName;
+#endif // FILESTREAM__H
diff --git a/lib/common/Guards.h b/lib/common/Guards.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd2e4628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Guards.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Guards.h
+// Purpose: Classes which ensure things are closed/deleted properly when
+// going out of scope. Easy exception proof code, etc
+// Created: 2003/07/12
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef GUARDS__H
+#define GUARDS__H
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <new>
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+template <int flags = O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, int mode = (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH)>
+class FileHandleGuard
+ FileHandleGuard(const std::string& rFilename)
+ : mOSFileHandle(::open(rFilename.c_str(), flags, mode))
+ {
+ if(mOSFileHandle < 0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("FileHandleGuard: failed to open "
+ "file '" << rFilename << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileOpenError)
+ }
+ }
+ ~FileHandleGuard()
+ {
+ if(mOSFileHandle >= 0)
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+ }
+ void Close()
+ {
+ if(mOSFileHandle < 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, FileAlreadyClosed)
+ }
+ if(::close(mOSFileHandle) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileCloseError)
+ }
+ mOSFileHandle = -1;
+ }
+ operator int() const
+ {
+ return mOSFileHandle;
+ }
+ int mOSFileHandle;
+template<typename type>
+class MemoryBlockGuard
+ MemoryBlockGuard(int BlockSize)
+ : mpBlock(::malloc(BlockSize))
+ {
+ if(mpBlock == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ }
+ ~MemoryBlockGuard()
+ {
+ free(mpBlock);
+ }
+ operator type() const
+ {
+ return (type)mpBlock;
+ }
+ type GetPtr() const
+ {
+ return (type)mpBlock;
+ }
+ void Resize(int NewSize)
+ {
+ void *ptrn = ::realloc(mpBlock, NewSize);
+ if(ptrn == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ mpBlock = ptrn;
+ }
+ void *mpBlock;
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"
+#endif // GUARDS__H
diff --git a/lib/common/IOStream.cpp b/lib/common/IOStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc9d0bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/IOStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: IOStream.cpp
+// Purpose: I/O Stream abstraction
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "Guards.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::IOStream()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::~IOStream()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::Close()
+// Purpose: Close the stream
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void IOStream::Close()
+ // Do nothing by default -- let the destructor clear everything up.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::Seek(int, int)
+// Purpose: Seek in stream (if supported)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void IOStream::Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: Returns current position in stream (if supported)
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type IOStream::GetPosition() const
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::ConvertSeekTypeToOSWhence(int)
+// Purpose: Return an whence arg for lseek given a IOStream seek type
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int IOStream::ConvertSeekTypeToOSWhence(int SeekType)
+ // Should be nicely optimised out as values are choosen in header file to match OS values.
+ int ostype = SEEK_SET;
+ switch(SeekType)
+ {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ case SeekType_Absolute:
+ ostype = FILE_BEGIN;
+ break;
+ case SeekType_Relative:
+ ostype = FILE_CURRENT;
+ break;
+ case SeekType_End:
+ ostype = FILE_END;
+ break;
+#else // ! WIN32
+ case SeekType_Absolute:
+ ostype = SEEK_SET;
+ break;
+ case SeekType_Relative:
+ ostype = SEEK_CUR;
+ break;
+ case SeekType_End:
+ ostype = SEEK_END;
+ break;
+#endif // WIN32
+ default:
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, IOStreamBadSeekType)
+ }
+ return ostype;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::ReadFullBuffer(void *, int, int)
+// Purpose: Reads bytes into buffer, returning whether or not it managed to
+// get all the bytes required. Exception and abort use of stream
+// if this returns false.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool IOStream::ReadFullBuffer(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int *pNBytesRead, int Timeout)
+ int bytesToGo = NBytes;
+ char *buffer = (char*)pBuffer;
+ if(pNBytesRead) (*pNBytesRead) = 0;
+ while(bytesToGo > 0)
+ {
+ int bytesRead = Read(buffer, bytesToGo, Timeout);
+ if(bytesRead == 0)
+ {
+ // Timeout or something
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Increment things
+ bytesToGo -= bytesRead;
+ buffer += bytesRead;
+ if(pNBytesRead) (*pNBytesRead) += bytesRead;
+ }
+ // Got everything
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::WriteAllBuffered()
+// Purpose: Ensures that any data which has been buffered is written to the stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void IOStream::WriteAllBuffered()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: Numbers of bytes left to read in the stream, or
+// IOStream::SizeOfStreamUnknown if this isn't known.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type IOStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ return IOStream::SizeOfStreamUnknown;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::CopyStreamTo(IOStream &, int Timeout)
+// Purpose: Copies the entire stream to another stream (reading from this,
+// writing to rCopyTo). Returns whether the copy completed (ie
+// StreamDataLeft() returns false)
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool IOStream::CopyStreamTo(IOStream &rCopyTo, int Timeout, int BufferSize)
+ // Make sure there's something to do before allocating that buffer
+ if(!StreamDataLeft())
+ {
+ return true; // complete, even though nothing happened
+ }
+ // Buffer
+ MemoryBlockGuard<char*> buffer(BufferSize);
+ // Get copying!
+ while(StreamDataLeft())
+ {
+ // Read some data
+ int bytes = Read(buffer, BufferSize, Timeout);
+ if(bytes == 0 && StreamDataLeft())
+ {
+ return false; // incomplete, timed out
+ }
+ // Write some data
+ if(bytes != 0)
+ {
+ rCopyTo.Write(buffer, bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ return true; // completed
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStream::Flush(int Timeout)
+// Purpose: Read and discard all remaining data in stream.
+// Useful for protocol streams which must be flushed
+// to avoid breaking the protocol.
+// Created: 2008/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void IOStream::Flush(int Timeout)
+ char buffer[4096];
+ while(StreamDataLeft())
+ {
+ Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer), Timeout);
+ }
+void IOStream::Write(const char *pBuffer)
+ Write(pBuffer, strlen(pBuffer));
diff --git a/lib/common/IOStream.h b/lib/common/IOStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b1cedd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/IOStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: IOStream.h
+// Purpose: I/O Stream abstraction
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef IOSTREAM__H
+#define IOSTREAM__H
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: IOStream
+// Purpose: Abstract interface to streams of data
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class IOStream
+ IOStream();
+ virtual ~IOStream();
+ IOStream(const IOStream &rToCopy); /* forbidden */
+ IOStream& operator=(const IOStream &rToCopy); /* forbidden */
+ enum
+ {
+ TimeOutInfinite = -1,
+ SizeOfStreamUnknown = -1
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ SeekType_Absolute = 0,
+ SeekType_Relative = 1,
+ SeekType_End = 2
+ };
+ // Timeout in milliseconds
+ // Read may return 0 -- does not mean end of stream.
+ typedef int64_t pos_type;
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite) = 0;
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead(); // may return IOStream::SizeOfStreamUnknown (and will for most stream types)
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes) = 0;
+ virtual void Write(const char *pBuffer);
+ virtual void WriteAllBuffered();
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual void Close();
+ // Has all data that can be read been read?
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft() = 0;
+ // Has the stream been closed (writing not possible)
+ virtual bool StreamClosed() = 0;
+ // Utility functions
+ bool ReadFullBuffer(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int *pNBytesRead, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ bool CopyStreamTo(IOStream &rCopyTo, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite, int BufferSize = 1024);
+ void Flush(int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ static int ConvertSeekTypeToOSWhence(int SeekType);
+#endif // IOSTREAM__H
diff --git a/lib/common/IOStreamGetLine.cpp b/lib/common/IOStreamGetLine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27a77c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/IOStreamGetLine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: IOStreamGetLine.cpp
+// Purpose: Line based file descriptor reading
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "IOStreamGetLine.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// utility whitespace function
+inline bool iw(int c)
+ return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\v' || c == '\f'); // \r, \n are already excluded
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStreamGetLine::IOStreamGetLine(int)
+// Purpose: Constructor, taking file descriptor
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStreamGetLine::IOStreamGetLine(IOStream &Stream)
+ : mrStream(Stream),
+ mLineNumber(0),
+ mBufferBegin(0),
+ mBytesInBuffer(0),
+ mPendingEOF(false),
+ mEOF(false)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStreamGetLine::~IOStreamGetLine()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStreamGetLine::GetLine(std::string &, bool, int)
+// Purpose: Gets a line from the file, returning it in rOutput. If Preprocess is true, leading
+// and trailing whitespace is removed, and comments (after #)
+// are deleted.
+// Returns true if a line is available now, false if retrying may get a line (eg timeout, signal),
+// and exceptions if it's EOF.
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool IOStreamGetLine::GetLine(std::string &rOutput, bool Preprocess, int Timeout)
+ // EOF?
+ if(mEOF) {THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, GetLineEOF)}
+ // Initialise string to stored into
+ std::string r(mPendingString);
+ mPendingString.erase();
+ bool foundLineEnd = false;
+ while(!foundLineEnd && !mEOF)
+ {
+ // Use any bytes left in the buffer
+ while(mBufferBegin < mBytesInBuffer)
+ {
+ int c = mBuffer[mBufferBegin++];
+ if(c == '\r')
+ {
+ // Ignore nasty Windows line ending extra chars
+ }
+ else if(c == '\n')
+ {
+ // Line end!
+ foundLineEnd = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add to string
+ r += c;
+ }
+ // Implicit line ending at EOF
+ if(mBufferBegin >= mBytesInBuffer && mPendingEOF)
+ {
+ foundLineEnd = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check size
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, GetLineTooLarge)
+ }
+ // Read more in?
+ if(!foundLineEnd && mBufferBegin >= mBytesInBuffer && !mPendingEOF)
+ {
+ int bytes = mrStream.Read(mBuffer, sizeof(mBuffer), Timeout);
+ // Adjust buffer info
+ mBytesInBuffer = bytes;
+ mBufferBegin = 0;
+ // EOF / closed?
+ if(!mrStream.StreamDataLeft())
+ {
+ mPendingEOF = true;
+ }
+ // No data returned?
+ if(bytes == 0 && mrStream.StreamDataLeft())
+ {
+ // store string away
+ mPendingString = r;
+ // Return false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // EOF?
+ if(mPendingEOF && mBufferBegin >= mBytesInBuffer)
+ {
+ // File is EOF, and now we've depleted the buffer completely, so tell caller as well.
+ mEOF = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!Preprocess)
+ {
+ rOutput = r;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check for comment char, but char before must be whitespace
+ int end = 0;
+ int size = r.size();
+ while(end < size)
+ {
+ if(r[end] == '#' && (end == 0 || (iw(r[end-1]))))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ end++;
+ }
+ // Remove whitespace
+ int begin = 0;
+ while(begin < size && iw(r[begin]))
+ {
+ begin++;
+ }
+ if(!iw(r[end])) end--;
+ while(end > begin && iw(r[end]))
+ {
+ end--;
+ }
+ // Return a sub string
+ rOutput = r.substr(begin, end - begin + 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStreamGetLine::DetachFile()
+// Purpose: Detaches the file handle, setting the file pointer correctly.
+// Probably not good for sockets...
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void IOStreamGetLine::DetachFile()
+ // Adjust file pointer
+ int bytesOver = mBytesInBuffer - mBufferBegin;
+ ASSERT(bytesOver >= 0);
+ if(bytesOver > 0)
+ {
+ mrStream.Seek(0 - bytesOver, IOStream::SeekType_Relative);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: IOStreamGetLine::IgnoreBufferedData(int)
+// Purpose: Ignore buffered bytes (effectively removing them from the
+// beginning of the buffered data.)
+// Cannot remove more bytes than are currently in the buffer.
+// Be careful when this is used!
+// Created: 22/12/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void IOStreamGetLine::IgnoreBufferedData(int BytesToIgnore)
+ int bytesInBuffer = mBytesInBuffer - mBufferBegin;
+ if(BytesToIgnore < 0 || BytesToIgnore > bytesInBuffer)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, IOStreamGetLineNotEnoughDataToIgnore)
+ }
+ mBufferBegin += BytesToIgnore;
diff --git a/lib/common/IOStreamGetLine.h b/lib/common/IOStreamGetLine.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a5d1818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/IOStreamGetLine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: IOStreamGetLine.h
+// Purpose: Line based file descriptor reading
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+#include "IOStream.h"
+// Just a very large upper bound for line size to avoid
+// people sending lots of data over sockets and causing memory problems.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: IOStreamGetLine
+// Purpose: Line based stream reading
+// Created: 2003/07/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class IOStreamGetLine
+ IOStreamGetLine(IOStream &Stream);
+ ~IOStreamGetLine();
+ IOStreamGetLine(const IOStreamGetLine &rToCopy);
+ bool GetLine(std::string &rOutput, bool Preprocess = false, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ bool IsEOF() {return mEOF;}
+ int GetLineNumber() {return mLineNumber;}
+ // Call to detach, setting file pointer correctly to last bit read.
+ // Only works for lseek-able file descriptors.
+ void DetachFile();
+ // For doing interesting stuff with the remaining data...
+ // Be careful with this!
+ const void *GetBufferedData() const {return mBuffer + mBufferBegin;}
+ int GetSizeOfBufferedData() const {return mBytesInBuffer - mBufferBegin;}
+ void IgnoreBufferedData(int BytesToIgnore);
+ IOStream &GetUnderlyingStream() {return mrStream;}
+ IOStream &mrStream;
+ int mLineNumber;
+ int mBufferBegin;
+ int mBytesInBuffer;
+ bool mPendingEOF;
+ bool mEOF;
+ std::string mPendingString;
diff --git a/lib/common/InvisibleTempFileStream.cpp b/lib/common/InvisibleTempFileStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abfcb5f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/InvisibleTempFileStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: InvisibleTempFileStream.cpp
+// Purpose: IOStream interface to temporary files that
+// delete themselves
+// Created: 2006/10/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "InvisibleTempFileStream.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: InvisibleTempFileStream::InvisibleTempFileStream
+// (const char *, int, int)
+// Purpose: Constructor, opens invisible file
+// Created: 2006/10/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+InvisibleTempFileStream::InvisibleTempFileStream(const char *Filename, int flags, int mode)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ : FileStream(Filename, flags | O_TEMPORARY, mode)
+ : FileStream(Filename, flags, mode)
+ #ifndef WIN32
+ if(unlink(Filename) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileOpenError)
+ }
+ #endif
diff --git a/lib/common/InvisibleTempFileStream.h b/lib/common/InvisibleTempFileStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a77d05e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/InvisibleTempFileStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: InvisibleTempFileStream.h
+// Purpose: FileStream interface to temporary files that
+// delete themselves
+// Created: 2006/10/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "FileStream.h"
+class InvisibleTempFileStream : public FileStream
+ InvisibleTempFileStream(const char *Filename,
+#ifdef WIN32
+ int flags = (O_RDONLY | O_BINARY),
+ int flags = O_RDONLY,
+ int mode = (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH));
+ InvisibleTempFileStream(const InvisibleTempFileStream &rToCopy)
+ : FileStream(INVALID_FILE)
+ { /* do not call */ }
diff --git a/lib/common/Logging.cpp b/lib/common/Logging.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..296443ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Logging.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Logging.cpp
+// Purpose: Generic logging core routines implementation
+// Created: 2006/12/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <string.h> // for stderror
+// c.f.
+#include <cstdio>
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+bool Logging::sLogToSyslog = false;
+bool Logging::sLogToConsole = false;
+bool Logging::sContextSet = false;
+bool HideExceptionMessageGuard::sHiddenState = false;
+std::vector<Logger*> Logging::sLoggers;
+std::string Logging::sContext;
+Console* Logging::spConsole = NULL;
+Syslog* Logging::spSyslog = NULL;
+Log::Level Logging::sGlobalLevel = Log::EVERYTHING;
+Logging Logging::sGlobalLogging; //automatic initialisation
+std::string Logging::sProgramName;
+ ASSERT(!spConsole);
+ ASSERT(!spSyslog);
+ spConsole = new Console();
+ spSyslog = new Syslog();
+ sLogToConsole = true;
+ sLogToSyslog = true;
+ sLogToConsole = false;
+ sLogToSyslog = false;
+ delete spConsole;
+ delete spSyslog;
+ spConsole = NULL;
+ spSyslog = NULL;
+void Logging::ToSyslog(bool enabled)
+ if (!sLogToSyslog && enabled)
+ {
+ Add(spSyslog);
+ }
+ if (sLogToSyslog && !enabled)
+ {
+ Remove(spSyslog);
+ }
+ sLogToSyslog = enabled;
+void Logging::ToConsole(bool enabled)
+ if (!sLogToConsole && enabled)
+ {
+ Add(spConsole);
+ }
+ if (sLogToConsole && !enabled)
+ {
+ Remove(spConsole);
+ }
+ sLogToConsole = enabled;
+void Logging::FilterConsole(Log::Level level)
+ spConsole->Filter(level);
+void Logging::FilterSyslog(Log::Level level)
+ spSyslog->Filter(level);
+void Logging::Add(Logger* pNewLogger)
+ for (std::vector<Logger*>::iterator i = sLoggers.begin();
+ i != sLoggers.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (*i == pNewLogger)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ sLoggers.insert(sLoggers.begin(), pNewLogger);
+void Logging::Remove(Logger* pOldLogger)
+ for (std::vector<Logger*>::iterator i = sLoggers.begin();
+ i != sLoggers.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (*i == pOldLogger)
+ {
+ sLoggers.erase(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void Logging::Log(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, const std::string& rMessage)
+ if (level > sGlobalLevel)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string newMessage;
+ if (sContextSet)
+ {
+ newMessage += "[" + sContext + "] ";
+ }
+ newMessage += rMessage;
+ for (std::vector<Logger*>::iterator i = sLoggers.begin();
+ i != sLoggers.end(); i++)
+ {
+ bool result = (*i)->Log(level, rFile, line, newMessage);
+ if (!result)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void Logging::LogToSyslog(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, const std::string& rMessage)
+ if (!sLogToSyslog)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (level > sGlobalLevel)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string newMessage;
+ if (sContextSet)
+ {
+ newMessage += "[" + sContext + "] ";
+ }
+ newMessage += rMessage;
+ spSyslog->Log(level, rFile, line, newMessage);
+void Logging::SetContext(std::string context)
+ sContext = context;
+ sContextSet = true;
+Log::Level Logging::GetNamedLevel(const std::string& rName)
+ if (rName == "nothing") { return Log::NOTHING; }
+ else if (rName == "fatal") { return Log::FATAL; }
+ else if (rName == "error") { return Log::ERROR; }
+ else if (rName == "warning") { return Log::WARNING; }
+ else if (rName == "notice") { return Log::NOTICE; }
+ else if (rName == "info") { return Log::INFO; }
+ else if (rName == "trace") { return Log::TRACE; }
+ else if (rName == "everything") { return Log::EVERYTHING; }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Unknown verbosity level: " << rName);
+ return Log::INVALID;
+ }
+void Logging::ClearContext()
+ sContextSet = false;
+void Logging::SetProgramName(const std::string& rProgramName)
+ sProgramName = rProgramName;
+ for (std::vector<Logger*>::iterator i = sLoggers.begin();
+ i != sLoggers.end(); i++)
+ {
+ (*i)->SetProgramName(rProgramName);
+ }
+void Logging::SetFacility(int facility)
+ spSyslog->SetFacility(facility);
+: mCurrentLevel(Log::EVERYTHING)
+ Logging::Add(this);
+Logger::Logger(Log::Level Level)
+: mCurrentLevel(Level)
+ Logging::Add(this);
+ Logging::Remove(this);
+bool Console::sShowTime = false;
+bool Console::sShowTimeMicros = false;
+bool Console::sShowTag = false;
+bool Console::sShowPID = false;
+std::string Console::sTag;
+void Console::SetProgramName(const std::string& rProgramName)
+ sTag = rProgramName;
+void Console::SetShowTag(bool enabled)
+ sShowTag = enabled;
+void Console::SetShowTime(bool enabled)
+ sShowTime = enabled;
+void Console::SetShowTimeMicros(bool enabled)
+ sShowTimeMicros = enabled;
+void Console::SetShowPID(bool enabled)
+ sShowPID = enabled;
+bool Console::Log(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, std::string& rMessage)
+ if (level > GetLevel())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ FILE* target = stdout;
+ if (level <= Log::WARNING)
+ {
+ target = stderr;
+ }
+ std::ostringstream buf;
+ if (sShowTime)
+ {
+ buf << FormatTime(GetCurrentBoxTime(), false, sShowTimeMicros);
+ buf << " ";
+ }
+ if (sShowTag)
+ {
+ if (sShowPID)
+ {
+ buf << "[" << sTag << " " << getpid() << "] ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buf << "[" << sTag << "] ";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sShowPID)
+ {
+ buf << "[" << getpid() << "] ";
+ }
+ if (level <= Log::FATAL)
+ {
+ buf << "FATAL: ";
+ }
+ else if (level <= Log::ERROR)
+ {
+ buf << "ERROR: ";
+ }
+ else if (level <= Log::WARNING)
+ {
+ buf << "WARNING: ";
+ }
+ else if (level <= Log::NOTICE)
+ {
+ buf << "NOTICE: ";
+ }
+ else if (level <= Log::INFO)
+ {
+ buf << "INFO: ";
+ }
+ else if (level <= Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ buf << "TRACE: ";
+ }
+ buf << rMessage;
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ std::string output = buf.str();
+ ConvertUtf8ToConsole(output.c_str(), output);
+ fprintf(target, "%s\n", output.c_str());
+ #else
+ fprintf(target, "%s\n", buf.str().c_str());
+ #endif
+ return true;
+bool Syslog::Log(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, std::string& rMessage)
+ if (level > GetLevel())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ int syslogLevel = LOG_ERR;
+ switch(level)
+ {
+ case Log::NOTHING: /* fall through */
+ case Log::INVALID: /* fall through */
+ case Log::FATAL: syslogLevel = LOG_CRIT; break;
+ case Log::ERROR: syslogLevel = LOG_ERR; break;
+ case Log::WARNING: syslogLevel = LOG_WARNING; break;
+ case Log::NOTICE: syslogLevel = LOG_NOTICE; break;
+ case Log::INFO: syslogLevel = LOG_INFO; break;
+ case Log::TRACE: /* fall through */
+ case Log::EVERYTHING: syslogLevel = LOG_DEBUG; break;
+ }
+ std::string msg;
+ if (level <= Log::FATAL)
+ {
+ msg = "FATAL: ";
+ }
+ else if (level <= Log::ERROR)
+ {
+ msg = "ERROR: ";
+ }
+ else if (level <= Log::WARNING)
+ {
+ msg = "WARNING: ";
+ }
+ else if (level <= Log::NOTICE)
+ {
+ msg = "NOTICE: ";
+ }
+ msg += rMessage;
+ syslog(syslogLevel, "%s", msg.c_str());
+ return true;
+Syslog::Syslog() : mFacility(LOG_LOCAL6)
+ ::openlog("Box Backup", LOG_PID, mFacility);
+ ::closelog();
+void Syslog::SetProgramName(const std::string& rProgramName)
+ mName = rProgramName;
+ ::closelog();
+ ::openlog(mName.c_str(), LOG_PID, mFacility);
+void Syslog::SetFacility(int facility)
+ mFacility = facility;
+ ::closelog();
+ ::openlog(mName.c_str(), LOG_PID, mFacility);
+int Syslog::GetNamedFacility(const std::string& rFacility)
+ #define CASE_RETURN(x) if (rFacility == #x) { return LOG_ ## x; }
+ #undef CASE_RETURN
+ BOX_ERROR("Unknown log facility '" << rFacility << "', "
+ "using default LOCAL6");
+ return LOG_LOCAL6;
+bool FileLogger::Log(Log::Level Level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, std::string& rMessage)
+ if (Level > GetLevel())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* avoid infinite loop if this throws an exception */
+ Logging::Remove(this);
+ std::ostringstream buf;
+ buf << FormatTime(GetCurrentBoxTime(), true, false);
+ buf << " ";
+ if (Level <= Log::FATAL)
+ {
+ buf << "[FATAL] ";
+ }
+ else if (Level <= Log::ERROR)
+ {
+ buf << "[ERROR] ";
+ }
+ else if (Level <= Log::WARNING)
+ {
+ buf << "[WARNING] ";
+ }
+ else if (Level <= Log::NOTICE)
+ {
+ buf << "[NOTICE] ";
+ }
+ else if (Level <= Log::INFO)
+ {
+ buf << "[INFO] ";
+ }
+ else if (Level <= Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ buf << "[TRACE] ";
+ }
+ buf << rMessage << "\n";
+ std::string output = buf.str();
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ ConvertUtf8ToConsole(output.c_str(), output);
+ #endif
+ mLogFile.Write(output.c_str(), output.length());
+ Logging::Add(this);
+ return true;
+std::string PrintEscapedBinaryData(const std::string& rInput)
+ std::ostringstream output;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rInput.length(); i++)
+ {
+ if (isprint(rInput[i]))
+ {
+ output << rInput[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ output << "\\x" << std::hex << std::setw(2) <<
+ std::setfill('0') << (int) rInput[i] <<
+ std::dec;
+ }
+ }
+ return output.str();
diff --git a/lib/common/Logging.h b/lib/common/Logging.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15400711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Logging.h
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Logging.h
+// Purpose: Generic logging core routines declarations and macros
+// Created: 2006/12/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef LOGGING__H
+#define LOGGING__H
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "FileStream.h"
+#define BOX_LOG(level, stuff) \
+{ \
+ std::ostringstream _box_log_line; \
+ _box_log_line << stuff; \
+ Logging::Log(level, __FILE__, __LINE__, _box_log_line.str()); \
+#define BOX_SYSLOG(level, stuff) \
+{ \
+ std::ostringstream _box_log_line; \
+ _box_log_line << stuff; \
+ Logging::LogToSyslog(level, __FILE__, __LINE__, _box_log_line.str()); \
+#define BOX_FATAL(stuff) BOX_LOG(Log::FATAL, stuff)
+#define BOX_ERROR(stuff) BOX_LOG(Log::ERROR, stuff)
+#define BOX_WARNING(stuff) BOX_LOG(Log::WARNING, stuff)
+#define BOX_NOTICE(stuff) BOX_LOG(Log::NOTICE, stuff)
+#define BOX_INFO(stuff) BOX_LOG(Log::INFO, stuff)
+#define BOX_TRACE(stuff) \
+ if (Logging::IsEnabled(Log::TRACE)) \
+ { BOX_LOG(Log::TRACE, stuff) }
+#define BOX_SYS_ERROR(stuff) \
+ stuff << ": " << std::strerror(errno) << " (" << errno << ")"
+#define BOX_LOG_SYS_WARNING(stuff) \
+#define BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR(stuff) \
+#define BOX_LOG_SYS_FATAL(stuff) \
+#define LOG_AND_THROW_ERROR(message, filename, exception, subtype) \
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR(message << ": " << filename); \
+ THROW_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(exception, subtype, \
+ BOX_SYS_ERROR(message << ": " << filename));
+inline std::string GetNativeErrorMessage()
+#ifdef WIN32
+ return GetErrorMessage(GetLastError());
+ std::ostringstream _box_log_line;
+ _box_log_line << std::strerror(errno) << " (" << errno << ")";
+ return _box_log_line.str();
+#ifdef WIN32
+ #define BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR(stuff) \
+ BOX_ERROR(stuff << ": " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError()))
+ #define BOX_LOG_WIN_WARNING(stuff) \
+ BOX_WARNING(stuff << ": " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError()))
+ #define BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR_NUMBER(stuff, number) \
+ BOX_ERROR(stuff << ": " << GetErrorMessage(number))
+ #define BOX_LOG_WIN_WARNING_NUMBER(stuff, number) \
+ BOX_WARNING(stuff << ": " << GetErrorMessage(number))
+ #define BOX_LOG_NATIVE_ERROR(stuff) BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR(stuff)
+ #define BOX_LOG_NATIVE_ERROR(stuff) BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR(stuff)
+#define BOX_LOG_SOCKET_ERROR(_type, _name, _port, stuff) \
+ BOX_LOG_NATIVE_ERROR(stuff << " (type " << _type << ", name " << \
+ _name << ", port " << _port << ")")
+#define BOX_FORMAT_HEX32(number) \
+ std::hex << \
+ std::showbase << \
+ std::internal << \
+ std::setw(10) << \
+ std::setfill('0') << \
+ (number) << \
+ std::dec
+#define BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(accno) \
+ BOX_FORMAT_HEX32(accno)
+#define BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(objectid) \
+ std::hex << \
+ std::showbase << \
+ (objectid) << \
+ std::dec
+#define BOX_FORMAT_TIMESPEC(timespec) \
+ timespec.tv_sec << \
+ std::setw(6) << \
+ timespec.tv_usec
+#undef ERROR
+namespace Log
+ enum Level
+ {
+ NOTHING = 1,
+ INVALID = -1
+ };
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: Logger
+// Purpose: Abstract base class for log targets
+// Created: 2006/12/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Logger
+ private:
+ Log::Level mCurrentLevel;
+ public:
+ Logger();
+ Logger(Log::Level level);
+ virtual ~Logger();
+ virtual bool Log(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, std::string& rMessage) = 0;
+ void Filter(Log::Level level)
+ {
+ mCurrentLevel = level;
+ }
+ virtual const char* GetType() = 0;
+ Log::Level GetLevel() { return mCurrentLevel; }
+ virtual void SetProgramName(const std::string& rProgramName) = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: Console
+// Purpose: Console logging target
+// Created: 2006/12/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Console : public Logger
+ private:
+ static bool sShowTag;
+ static bool sShowTime;
+ static bool sShowTimeMicros;
+ static bool sShowPID;
+ static std::string sTag;
+ public:
+ virtual bool Log(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, std::string& rMessage);
+ virtual const char* GetType() { return "Console"; }
+ virtual void SetProgramName(const std::string& rProgramName);
+ static void SetShowTag(bool enabled);
+ static void SetShowTime(bool enabled);
+ static void SetShowTimeMicros(bool enabled);
+ static void SetShowPID(bool enabled);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: Syslog
+// Purpose: Syslog (or Windows Event Viewer) logging target
+// Created: 2006/12/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Syslog : public Logger
+ private:
+ std::string mName;
+ int mFacility;
+ public:
+ Syslog();
+ virtual ~Syslog();
+ virtual bool Log(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, std::string& rMessage);
+ virtual const char* GetType() { return "Syslog"; }
+ virtual void SetProgramName(const std::string& rProgramName);
+ virtual void SetFacility(int facility);
+ static int GetNamedFacility(const std::string& rFacility);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: Logging
+// Purpose: Static logging helper, keeps track of enabled loggers
+// and distributes log messages to them.
+// Created: 2006/12/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Logging
+ private:
+ static std::vector<Logger*> sLoggers;
+ static bool sLogToSyslog, sLogToConsole;
+ static std::string sContext;
+ static bool sContextSet;
+ static Console* spConsole;
+ static Syslog* spSyslog;
+ static Log::Level sGlobalLevel;
+ static Logging sGlobalLogging;
+ static std::string sProgramName;
+ public:
+ Logging ();
+ ~Logging();
+ static void ToSyslog (bool enabled);
+ static void ToConsole (bool enabled);
+ static void FilterSyslog (Log::Level level);
+ static void FilterConsole (Log::Level level);
+ static void Add (Logger* pNewLogger);
+ static void Remove (Logger* pOldLogger);
+ static void Log(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, const std::string& rMessage);
+ static void LogToSyslog(Log::Level level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int line, const std::string& rMessage);
+ static void SetContext(std::string context);
+ static void ClearContext();
+ static void SetGlobalLevel(Log::Level level) { sGlobalLevel = level; }
+ static Log::Level GetGlobalLevel() { return sGlobalLevel; }
+ static Log::Level GetNamedLevel(const std::string& rName);
+ static bool IsEnabled(Log::Level level)
+ {
+ return (int)sGlobalLevel >= (int)level;
+ }
+ static void SetProgramName(const std::string& rProgramName);
+ static std::string GetProgramName() { return sProgramName; }
+ static void SetFacility(int facility);
+ class Guard
+ {
+ private:
+ Log::Level mOldLevel;
+ public:
+ Guard(Log::Level newLevel)
+ {
+ mOldLevel = Logging::GetGlobalLevel();
+ Logging::SetGlobalLevel(newLevel);
+ }
+ ~Guard()
+ {
+ Logging::SetGlobalLevel(mOldLevel);
+ }
+ };
+ class Tagger
+ {
+ private:
+ std::string mOldTag;
+ public:
+ Tagger(const std::string& rTempTag)
+ {
+ mOldTag = Logging::GetProgramName();
+ Logging::SetProgramName(mOldTag + " " + rTempTag);
+ }
+ ~Tagger()
+ {
+ Logging::SetProgramName(mOldTag);
+ }
+ };
+class FileLogger : public Logger
+ private:
+ FileStream mLogFile;
+ FileLogger(const FileLogger& forbidden)
+ : mLogFile("") { /* do not call */ }
+ public:
+ FileLogger(const std::string& rFileName, Log::Level Level)
+ : Logger(Level),
+ mLogFile(rFileName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND)
+ { }
+ virtual bool Log(Log::Level Level, const std::string& rFile,
+ int Line, std::string& rMessage);
+ virtual const char* GetType() { return "FileLogger"; }
+ virtual void SetProgramName(const std::string& rProgramName) { }
+class HideExceptionMessageGuard
+ public:
+ HideExceptionMessageGuard()
+ {
+ mOldHiddenState = sHiddenState;
+ sHiddenState = true;
+ }
+ ~HideExceptionMessageGuard()
+ {
+ sHiddenState = mOldHiddenState;
+ }
+ static bool ExceptionsHidden() { return sHiddenState; }
+ private:
+ static bool sHiddenState;
+ bool mOldHiddenState;
+std::string PrintEscapedBinaryData(const std::string& rInput);
+#endif // LOGGING__H
diff --git a/lib/common/MainHelper.h b/lib/common/MainHelper.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d91bc2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/MainHelper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: MainHelper.h
+// Purpose: Helper stuff for main() programs
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef MAINHELPER__H
+#define MAINHELPER__H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "BoxException.h"
+ if(argc == 2 && ::strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) \
+ { printf(BOX_VERSION "\n"); return 0; } \
+ try {
+ } catch(BoxException &e) { \
+ printf("Exception: %s (%d/%d)\n", e.what(), e.GetType(), e.GetSubType()); \
+ return 1; \
+ } catch(std::exception &e) { \
+ printf("Exception: %s\n", e.what()); \
+ return 1; \
+ } catch(...) { \
+ printf("Exception: <UNKNOWN>\n"); \
+ return 1; }
+ memleakfinder_setup_exit_report(file, marker);
+#endif // MAINHELPER__H
diff --git a/lib/common/Makefile.extra b/lib/common/Makefile.extra
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc3f3a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Makefile.extra
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+MAKEEXCEPTION = ../../lib/common/
+autogen_CommonException.h autogen_CommonException.cpp: $(MAKEEXCEPTION) CommonException.txt
+ $(_PERL) $(MAKEEXCEPTION) CommonException.txt
+autogen_ConversionException.h autogen_ConversionException.cpp: $(MAKEEXCEPTION) ConversionException.txt
+ $(_PERL) $(MAKEEXCEPTION) ConversionException.txt
diff --git a/lib/common/MemBlockStream.cpp b/lib/common/MemBlockStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..538a7ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/MemBlockStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: MemBlockStream.cpp
+// Purpose: Stream out data from any memory block
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "MemBlockStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "StreamableMemBlock.h"
+#include "CollectInBufferStream.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::MemBlockStream()
+// Purpose: Constructor (doesn't copy block, careful with lifetimes)
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MemBlockStream::MemBlockStream(const void *pBuffer, int Size)
+ : mpBuffer((char*)pBuffer),
+ mBytesInBuffer(Size),
+ mReadPosition(0)
+ ASSERT(pBuffer != 0);
+ ASSERT(Size >= 0);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::MemBlockStream(const StreamableMemBlock &)
+// Purpose: Constructor (doesn't copy block, careful with lifetimes)
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MemBlockStream::MemBlockStream(const StreamableMemBlock &rBlock)
+ : mpBuffer((char*)rBlock.GetBuffer()),
+ mBytesInBuffer(rBlock.GetSize()),
+ mReadPosition(0)
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer != 0);
+ ASSERT(mBytesInBuffer >= 0);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::MemBlockStream(const StreamableMemBlock &)
+// Purpose: Constructor (doesn't copy block, careful with lifetimes)
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MemBlockStream::MemBlockStream(const CollectInBufferStream &rBuffer)
+ : mpBuffer((char*)rBuffer.GetBuffer()),
+ mBytesInBuffer(rBuffer.GetSize()),
+ mReadPosition(0)
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer != 0);
+ ASSERT(mBytesInBuffer >= 0);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::MemBlockStream(const MemBlockStream &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MemBlockStream::MemBlockStream(const MemBlockStream &rToCopy)
+ : mpBuffer(rToCopy.mpBuffer),
+ mBytesInBuffer(rToCopy.mBytesInBuffer),
+ mReadPosition(0)
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer != 0);
+ ASSERT(mBytesInBuffer >= 0);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::~MemBlockStream()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::Read(void *, int, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. But only works in read phase
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int MemBlockStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ // Adjust to number of bytes left
+ if(NBytes > (mBytesInBuffer - mReadPosition))
+ {
+ NBytes = (mBytesInBuffer - mReadPosition);
+ }
+ ASSERT(NBytes >= 0);
+ if(NBytes <= 0) return 0; // careful now
+ // Copy in the requested number of bytes and adjust the read pointer
+ ::memcpy(pBuffer, mpBuffer + mReadPosition, NBytes);
+ mReadPosition += NBytes;
+ return NBytes;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: As interface. But only works in read phase
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type MemBlockStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ return (mBytesInBuffer - mReadPosition);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::Write(void *, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. But only works in write phase
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void MemBlockStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, MemBlockStreamNotSupported)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: In write phase, returns the number of bytes written, in read
+// phase, the number of bytes to go
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type MemBlockStream::GetPosition() const
+ return mReadPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::Seek(pos_type, int)
+// Purpose: As interface.
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void MemBlockStream::Seek(pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ int newPos = 0;
+ switch(SeekType)
+ {
+ case IOStream::SeekType_Absolute:
+ newPos = Offset;
+ break;
+ case IOStream::SeekType_Relative:
+ newPos = mReadPosition + Offset;
+ break;
+ case IOStream::SeekType_End:
+ newPos = mBytesInBuffer + Offset;
+ break;
+ default:
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, IOStreamBadSeekType)
+ break;
+ }
+ // Make sure it doesn't go over
+ if(newPos > mBytesInBuffer)
+ {
+ newPos = mBytesInBuffer;
+ }
+ // or under
+ if(newPos < 0)
+ {
+ newPos = 0;
+ }
+ // Set the new read position
+ mReadPosition = newPos;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: As interface
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool MemBlockStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return mReadPosition < mBytesInBuffer;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MemBlockStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: As interface
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool MemBlockStream::StreamClosed()
+ return true;
diff --git a/lib/common/MemBlockStream.h b/lib/common/MemBlockStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f78ff8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/MemBlockStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: MemBlockStream.h
+// Purpose: Stream out data from any memory block
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "IOStream.h"
+class StreamableMemBlock;
+class CollectInBufferStream;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: MemBlockStream
+// Purpose: Stream out data from any memory block -- be careful the lifetime
+// of the block is greater than the lifetime of this stream.
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class MemBlockStream : public IOStream
+ MemBlockStream(const void *pBuffer, int Size);
+ MemBlockStream(const StreamableMemBlock &rBlock);
+ MemBlockStream(const CollectInBufferStream &rBuffer);
+ MemBlockStream(const MemBlockStream &rToCopy);
+ ~MemBlockStream();
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ const char *mpBuffer;
+ int mBytesInBuffer;
+ int mReadPosition;
diff --git a/lib/common/MemLeakFindOff.h b/lib/common/MemLeakFindOff.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cc98bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/MemLeakFindOff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: MemLeakFindOff.h
+// Purpose: Switch memory leak finding off
+// Created: 13/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// no header guard
+#undef new
+ #undef malloc
+ #undef realloc
+ #undef free
+ #endif
diff --git a/lib/common/MemLeakFindOn.h b/lib/common/MemLeakFindOn.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c20fe25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/MemLeakFindOn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: MemLeakFindOn.h
+// Purpose: Switch memory leak finding on
+// Created: 13/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// no header guard
+#define new DEBUG_NEW
+ #define malloc(X) memleakfinder_malloc(X, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ #define realloc memleakfinder_realloc
+ #define free memleakfinder_free
diff --git a/lib/common/MemLeakFinder.h b/lib/common/MemLeakFinder.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca207bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/MemLeakFinder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: MemLeakFinder.h
+// Purpose: Memory leak finder
+// Created: 12/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // include stdlib now, to avoid problems with having the macros defined already
+ #include <cstdlib>
+// global enable flag
+extern bool memleakfinder_global_enable;
+class MemLeakSuppressionGuard
+ public:
+ MemLeakSuppressionGuard();
+ ~MemLeakSuppressionGuard();
+extern "C"
+ void *memleakfinder_malloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line);
+ void *memleakfinder_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
+ void memleakfinder_free(void *ptr);
+void memleakfinder_init();
+int memleakfinder_numleaks();
+void memleakfinder_reportleaks();
+void memleakfinder_reportleaks_appendfile(const char *filename, const char *markertext);
+void memleakfinder_setup_exit_report(const char *filename, const char *markertext);
+void memleakfinder_startsectionmonitor();
+void memleakfinder_traceblocksinsection();
+void memleakfinder_notaleak(void *ptr);
+void *operator new (size_t size, const char *file, int line);
+void *operator new[](size_t size, const char *file, int line);
+// define the malloc functions now, if required
+ #define malloc(X) memleakfinder_malloc(X, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ #define realloc memleakfinder_realloc
+ #define free memleakfinder_free
diff --git a/lib/common/NamedLock.cpp b/lib/common/NamedLock.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f96f80b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/NamedLock.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: NamedLock.cpp
+// Purpose: A global named lock, implemented as a lock file in
+// file system
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_FLOCK
+ #include <sys/file.h>
+#include "NamedLock.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: NamedLock::NamedLock()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : mFileDescriptor(-1)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: NamedLock::~NamedLock()
+// Purpose: Destructor (automatically unlocks if locked)
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(mFileDescriptor != -1)
+ {
+ ReleaseLock();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: NamedLock::TryAndGetLock(const char *, int)
+// Purpose: Tries to get a lock on the name in the file system.
+// IMPORTANT NOTE: If a file exists with this name, it
+// will be deleted.
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool NamedLock::TryAndGetLock(const std::string& rFilename, int mode)
+ // Check
+ if(mFileDescriptor != -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NamedLockAlreadyLockingSomething)
+ }
+ // See if the lock can be got
+ int fd = ::open(rFilename.c_str(),
+ if(fd != -1)
+ {
+ // Got a lock, lovely
+ mFileDescriptor = fd;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Failed. Why?
+ if(errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
+ {
+ // Not the expected error
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ return false;
+ int fd = ::open(rFilename.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode);
+ if(fd == -1)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Failed to open lockfile: " << rFilename);
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_FLOCK
+ if(::flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0)
+ {
+ ::close(fd);
+ if(errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ }
+ struct flock desc;
+ desc.l_type = F_WRLCK;
+ desc.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ desc.l_start = 0;
+ desc.l_len = 0;
+ if(::fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &desc) != 0)
+ {
+ ::close(fd);
+ if(errno == EAGAIN)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ }
+ // Success
+ mFileDescriptor = fd;
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: NamedLock::ReleaseLock()
+// Purpose: Release the lock. Exceptions if the lock is not held
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void NamedLock::ReleaseLock()
+ // Got a lock?
+ if(mFileDescriptor == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NamedLockNotHeld)
+ }
+ // Close the file
+ if(::close(mFileDescriptor) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ // Mark as unlocked
+ mFileDescriptor = -1;
diff --git a/lib/common/NamedLock.h b/lib/common/NamedLock.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..534115db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/NamedLock.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: NamedLock.h
+// Purpose: A global named lock, implemented as a lock file in file system
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef NAMEDLOCK__H
+#define NAMEDLOCK__H
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: NamedLock
+// Purpose: A global named lock, implemented as a lock file in file system
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NamedLock
+ NamedLock();
+ ~NamedLock();
+ // No copying allowed
+ NamedLock(const NamedLock &);
+ bool TryAndGetLock(const std::string& rFilename, int mode = 0755);
+ bool GotLock() {return mFileDescriptor != -1;}
+ void ReleaseLock();
+ int mFileDescriptor;
+#endif // NAMEDLOCK__H
diff --git a/lib/common/PartialReadStream.cpp b/lib/common/PartialReadStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2f79715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/PartialReadStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: PartialReadStream.h
+// Purpose: Read part of another stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "PartialReadStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: PartialReadStream::PartialReadStream(IOStream &,
+// pos_type)
+// Purpose: Constructor, taking another stream and the number of
+// bytes to be read from it.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PartialReadStream::PartialReadStream(IOStream &rSource,
+ pos_type BytesToRead)
+ : mrSource(rSource),
+ mBytesLeft(BytesToRead)
+ ASSERT(BytesToRead > 0);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: PartialReadStream::~PartialReadStream()
+// Purpose: Destructor. Won't absorb any unread bytes.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Warn in debug mode
+ if(mBytesLeft != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("PartialReadStream destroyed with " << mBytesLeft <<
+ " bytes remaining");
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: PartialReadStream::Read(void *, int, int)
+// Purpose: As interface.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int PartialReadStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ // Finished?
+ if(mBytesLeft <= 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Asking for more than is allowed?
+ if(NBytes > mBytesLeft)
+ {
+ // Adjust downwards
+ NBytes = mBytesLeft;
+ }
+ // Route the request to the source
+ int read = mrSource.Read(pBuffer, NBytes, Timeout);
+ ASSERT(read <= mBytesLeft);
+ // Adjust the count
+ mBytesLeft -= read;
+ // Return the number read
+ return read;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: PartialReadStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: As interface.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type PartialReadStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ return mBytesLeft;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: PartialReadStream::Write(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. But will exception.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void PartialReadStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CantWriteToPartialReadStream)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: PartialReadStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: As interface.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool PartialReadStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return mBytesLeft != 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: PartialReadStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: As interface.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool PartialReadStream::StreamClosed()
+ // always closed
+ return true;
diff --git a/lib/common/PartialReadStream.h b/lib/common/PartialReadStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b46b0bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/PartialReadStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: PartialReadStream.h
+// Purpose: Read part of another stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "IOStream.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: PartialReadStream
+// Purpose: Read part of another stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class PartialReadStream : public IOStream
+ PartialReadStream(IOStream &rSource, pos_type BytesToRead);
+ ~PartialReadStream();
+ // no copying allowed
+ PartialReadStream(const IOStream &);
+ PartialReadStream(const PartialReadStream &);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ IOStream &mrSource;
+ pos_type mBytesLeft;
diff --git a/lib/common/PathUtils.cpp b/lib/common/PathUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..924d47d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/PathUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: PathUtils.cpp
+// Purpose: Platform-independent path manipulation
+// Created: 2007/01/17
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <string>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MakeFullPath(const std::string& rDir, const std::string& rFile)
+// Purpose: Combine directory and file name
+// Created: 2006/08/10
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::string MakeFullPath(const std::string& rDir, const std::string& rEntry)
+ std::string result(rDir);
+ if (result.size() > 0 &&
+ result[result.size()-1] != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_ASCHAR)
+ {
+ }
+ result += rEntry;
+ return result;
diff --git a/lib/common/PathUtils.h b/lib/common/PathUtils.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cf2e507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/PathUtils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: PathUtils.h
+// Purpose: Platform-independent path manipulation
+// Created: 2007/01/17
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef PATHUTILS_H
+#define PATHUTILS_H
+#include <string>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: MakeFullPath(const std::string& rDir, const std::string& rFile)
+// Purpose: Combine directory and file name
+// Created: 2006/08/10
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::string MakeFullPath(const std::string& rDir, const std::string& rEntry);
+#endif // !PATHUTILS_H
diff --git a/lib/common/ReadGatherStream.cpp b/lib/common/ReadGatherStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f50e6664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ReadGatherStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ReadGatherStream.cpp
+// Purpose: Build a stream (for reading only) out of a number of other streams.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "ReadGatherStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::ReadGatherStream(bool)
+// Purpose: Constructor. Args says whether or not all the component streams will be deleted when this
+// object is deleted.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ReadGatherStream::ReadGatherStream(bool DeleteComponentStreamsOnDestruction)
+ : mDeleteComponentStreamsOnDestruction(DeleteComponentStreamsOnDestruction),
+ mCurrentPosition(0),
+ mTotalSize(0),
+ mCurrentBlock(0),
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock(0),
+ mSeekDoneForCurrent(false)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::~ReadGatherStream()
+// Purpose: Destructor. Will delete all the stream objects, if required.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Delete compoenent streams?
+ if(mDeleteComponentStreamsOnDestruction)
+ {
+ for(unsigned int l = 0; l < mComponents.size(); ++l)
+ {
+ delete mComponents[l];
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::AddComponent(IOStream *)
+// Purpose: Add a component to this stream, returning the index
+// of this component in the internal list. Use this
+// with AddBlock()
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int ReadGatherStream::AddComponent(IOStream *pStream)
+ ASSERT(pStream != 0);
+ // Just add the component to the list, returning it's index.
+ int index = mComponents.size();
+ mComponents.push_back(pStream);
+ return index;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::AddBlock(int, pos_type, bool, pos_type)
+// Purpose: Add a block to the list of blocks being gathered into one stream.
+// Length is length of block to read from this component, Seek == true
+// if a seek is required, and if true, SeekTo is the position (absolute)
+// in the stream to be seeked to when this block is required.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ReadGatherStream::AddBlock(int Component, pos_type Length, bool Seek, pos_type SeekTo)
+ // Check block
+ if(Component < 0 || Component >= (int)mComponents.size() || Length < 0 || SeekTo < 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, ReadGatherStreamAddingBadBlock);
+ }
+ // Add to list
+ Block b;
+ b.mLength = Length;
+ b.mSeekTo = SeekTo;
+ b.mComponent = Component;
+ b.mSeek = Seek;
+ mBlocks.push_back(b);
+ // And update the total size
+ mTotalSize += Length;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::Read(void *, int, int)
+// Purpose: As interface.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int ReadGatherStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ int bytesToRead = NBytes;
+ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t*)pBuffer;
+ while(bytesToRead > 0)
+ {
+ // Done?
+ if(mCurrentBlock >= mBlocks.size())
+ {
+ // Stop now, as have finished the last block
+ return NBytes - bytesToRead;
+ }
+ // Seek?
+ if(mPositionInCurrentBlock == 0 && mBlocks[mCurrentBlock].mSeek && !mSeekDoneForCurrent)
+ {
+ // Do seeks in this manner so that seeks are done regardless of whether the block
+ // has length > 0, and it will only be done once, and at as late a stage as possible.
+ mComponents[mBlocks[mCurrentBlock].mComponent]->Seek(mBlocks[mCurrentBlock].mSeekTo, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ mSeekDoneForCurrent = true;
+ }
+ // Anything in the current block?
+ if(mPositionInCurrentBlock < mBlocks[mCurrentBlock].mLength)
+ {
+ // Read!
+ pos_type s = mBlocks[mCurrentBlock].mLength - mPositionInCurrentBlock;
+ if(s > bytesToRead) s = bytesToRead;
+ pos_type r = mComponents[mBlocks[mCurrentBlock].mComponent]->Read(buffer, s, Timeout);
+ // update variables
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock += r;
+ buffer += r;
+ bytesToRead -= r;
+ mCurrentPosition += r;
+ if(r != s)
+ {
+ // Stream returned less than requested. To avoid blocking when not necessary,
+ // return now.
+ return NBytes - bytesToRead;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Move to next block
+ ++mCurrentBlock;
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock = 0;
+ mSeekDoneForCurrent = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return NBytes - bytesToRead;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: As interface
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type ReadGatherStream::GetPosition() const
+ return mCurrentPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: As interface
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type ReadGatherStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ return mTotalSize - mCurrentPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::Write(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: As interface.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ReadGatherStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CannotWriteToReadGatherStream);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: As interface.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool ReadGatherStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ if(mCurrentBlock >= mBlocks.size())
+ {
+ // Done all the blocks
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(mCurrentBlock == (mBlocks.size() - 1)
+ && mPositionInCurrentBlock >= mBlocks[mCurrentBlock].mLength)
+ {
+ // Are on the last block, and have got all the data from it.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, there's more data to be read
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadGatherStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: As interface. But the stream is always closed.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool ReadGatherStream::StreamClosed()
+ return true;
diff --git a/lib/common/ReadGatherStream.h b/lib/common/ReadGatherStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..613ede3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ReadGatherStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ReadGatherStream.h
+// Purpose: Build a stream (for reading only) out of a number of other streams.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include <vector>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: ReadGatherStream
+// Purpose: Build a stream (for reading only) out of a number of other streams.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ReadGatherStream : public IOStream
+ ReadGatherStream(bool DeleteComponentStreamsOnDestruction);
+ ~ReadGatherStream();
+ ReadGatherStream(const ReadGatherStream &);
+ ReadGatherStream &operator=(const ReadGatherStream &);
+ int AddComponent(IOStream *pStream);
+ void AddBlock(int Component, pos_type Length, bool Seek = false, pos_type SeekTo = 0);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ bool mDeleteComponentStreamsOnDestruction;
+ std::vector<IOStream *> mComponents;
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ pos_type mLength;
+ pos_type mSeekTo;
+ int mComponent;
+ bool mSeek;
+ } Block;
+ std::vector<Block> mBlocks;
+ pos_type mCurrentPosition;
+ pos_type mTotalSize;
+ unsigned int mCurrentBlock;
+ pos_type mPositionInCurrentBlock;
+ bool mSeekDoneForCurrent;
diff --git a/lib/common/ReadLoggingStream.cpp b/lib/common/ReadLoggingStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54c99c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ReadLoggingStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream.cpp
+// Purpose: Buffering wrapper around IOStreams
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "ReadLoggingStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::ReadLoggingStream(const char *, int, int)
+// Purpose: Constructor, set up buffer
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ReadLoggingStream::ReadLoggingStream(IOStream& rSource, Logger& rLogger)
+: mrSource(rSource),
+ mOffset(0),
+ mLength(mrSource.BytesLeftToRead()),
+ mTotalRead(0),
+ mStartTime(GetCurrentBoxTime()),
+ mrLogger(rLogger)
+{ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::Read(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Reads bytes from the file
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int ReadLoggingStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ int numBytesRead = mrSource.Read(pBuffer, NBytes, Timeout);
+ if (numBytesRead > 0)
+ {
+ mTotalRead += numBytesRead;
+ mOffset += numBytesRead;
+ }
+ if (mLength == 0)
+ {
+ mrLogger.Log(numBytesRead, mOffset);
+ }
+ else if (mTotalRead == 0)
+ {
+ mrLogger.Log(numBytesRead, mOffset, mLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ box_time_t timeNow = GetCurrentBoxTime();
+ box_time_t elapsed = timeNow - mStartTime;
+ box_time_t finish = (elapsed * mLength) / mTotalRead;
+ // box_time_t remain = finish - elapsed;
+ mrLogger.Log(numBytesRead, mOffset, mLength, elapsed, finish);
+ }
+ return numBytesRead;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: Returns number of bytes to read (may not be most efficient function ever)
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type ReadLoggingStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ return mLength - mOffset;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::Write(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Writes bytes to the underlying stream (not supported)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ReadLoggingStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: Get position in stream
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type ReadLoggingStream::GetPosition() const
+ return mOffset;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::Seek(pos_type, int)
+// Purpose: Seeks within file, as lseek, invalidate buffer
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ReadLoggingStream::Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ mrSource.Seek(Offset, SeekType);
+ switch (SeekType)
+ {
+ case SeekType_Absolute:
+ {
+ // just go there
+ mOffset = Offset;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SeekType_Relative:
+ {
+ // Actual underlying file position is
+ // (mBufferSize - mBufferPosition) ahead of us.
+ // Need to subtract that amount from the seek
+ // to seek forward that much less, putting the
+ // real pointer in the right place.
+ mOffset += Offset;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SeekType_End:
+ {
+ // Actual underlying file position is
+ // (mBufferSize - mBufferPosition) ahead of us.
+ // Need to add that amount to the seek
+ // to seek backwards that much more, putting the
+ // real pointer in the right place.
+ mOffset = mLength - Offset;
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::Close()
+// Purpose: Closes the underlying stream (not needed)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ReadLoggingStream::Close()
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: Any data left to write?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool ReadLoggingStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return mrSource.StreamDataLeft();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: Is the stream closed?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool ReadLoggingStream::StreamClosed()
+ return mrSource.StreamClosed();
diff --git a/lib/common/ReadLoggingStream.h b/lib/common/ReadLoggingStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b23b542c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ReadLoggingStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ReadLoggingStream.h
+// Purpose: Wrapper around IOStreams that logs read progress
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+class ReadLoggingStream : public IOStream
+ class Logger
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Logger() { }
+ virtual void Log(int64_t readSize, int64_t offset,
+ int64_t length, box_time_t elapsed,
+ box_time_t finish) = 0;
+ virtual void Log(int64_t readSize, int64_t offset,
+ int64_t length) = 0;
+ virtual void Log(int64_t readSize, int64_t offset) = 0;
+ };
+ IOStream& mrSource;
+ IOStream::pos_type mOffset, mLength, mTotalRead;
+ box_time_t mStartTime;
+ Logger& mrLogger;
+ ReadLoggingStream(IOStream& rSource, Logger& rLogger);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ ReadLoggingStream(const ReadLoggingStream &rToCopy)
+ : mrSource(rToCopy.mrSource), mrLogger(rToCopy.mrLogger)
+ { /* do not call */ }
diff --git a/lib/common/SelfFlushingStream.h b/lib/common/SelfFlushingStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36e9a4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/SelfFlushingStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: SelfFlushingStream.h
+// Purpose: A stream wrapper that always flushes the underlying
+// stream, to ensure protocol safety.
+// Created: 2008/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "IOStream.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: SelfFlushingStream
+// Purpose: A stream wrapper that always flushes the underlying
+// stream, to ensure protocol safety.
+// Created: 2008/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class SelfFlushingStream : public IOStream
+ SelfFlushingStream(IOStream &rSource)
+ : mrSource(rSource) { }
+ SelfFlushingStream(const SelfFlushingStream &rToCopy)
+ : mrSource(rToCopy.mrSource) { }
+ ~SelfFlushingStream()
+ {
+ Flush();
+ }
+ // no copying from IOStream allowed
+ SelfFlushingStream(const IOStream& rToCopy);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes,
+ int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite)
+ {
+ return mrSource.Read(pBuffer, NBytes, Timeout);
+ }
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead()
+ {
+ return mrSource.BytesLeftToRead();
+ }
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ {
+ mrSource.Write(pBuffer, NBytes);
+ }
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft()
+ {
+ return mrSource.StreamDataLeft();
+ }
+ virtual bool StreamClosed()
+ {
+ return mrSource.StreamClosed();
+ }
+ IOStream &mrSource;
diff --git a/lib/common/StreamableMemBlock.cpp b/lib/common/StreamableMemBlock.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf431022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/StreamableMemBlock.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock.cpp
+// Purpose: Memory blocks which can be loaded and saved from streams
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <new>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "StreamableMemBlock.h"
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::StreamableMemBlock()
+// Purpose: Constructor, making empty block
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : mpBuffer(0),
+ mSize(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::StreamableMemBlock(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Create block, copying data from another bit of memory
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+StreamableMemBlock::StreamableMemBlock(void *pBuffer, int Size)
+ : mpBuffer(0),
+ mSize(0)
+ AllocateBlock(Size);
+ ::memcpy(mpBuffer, pBuffer, Size);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::StreamableMemBlock(int)
+// Purpose: Create block, initialising it to all zeros
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+StreamableMemBlock::StreamableMemBlock(int Size)
+ : mpBuffer(0),
+ mSize(0)
+ AllocateBlock(Size);
+ ::memset(mpBuffer, 0, Size);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::StreamableMemBlock(const StreamableMemBlock &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+StreamableMemBlock::StreamableMemBlock(const StreamableMemBlock &rToCopy)
+ : mpBuffer(0),
+ mSize(0)
+ AllocateBlock(rToCopy.mSize);
+ ::memcpy(mpBuffer, rToCopy.mpBuffer, mSize);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::Set(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Set the contents of the block
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::Set(void *pBuffer, int Size)
+ FreeBlock();
+ AllocateBlock(Size);
+ ::memcpy(mpBuffer, pBuffer, Size);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::Set(IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Set from stream. Stream must support BytesLeftToRead()
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::Set(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout)
+ // Get size
+ IOStream::pos_type size = rStream.BytesLeftToRead();
+ if(size == IOStream::SizeOfStreamUnknown)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, StreamDoesntHaveRequiredProperty)
+ }
+ // Allocate a new block (this way to be exception safe)
+ char *pblock = (char*)malloc(size);
+ if(pblock == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Read in
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(pblock, size, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, StreamableMemBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ // Free the block ready for replacement
+ FreeBlock();
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ ::free(pblock);
+ throw;
+ }
+ // store...
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer == 0);
+ mpBuffer = pblock;
+ mSize = size;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::Set(const StreamableMemBlock &)
+// Purpose: Set from other block.
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::Set(const StreamableMemBlock &rBlock)
+ Set(rBlock.mpBuffer, rBlock.mSize);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::~StreamableMemBlock()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FreeBlock();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::FreeBlock()
+// Purpose: Protected. Frees block of memory
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::FreeBlock()
+ if(mpBuffer != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(mpBuffer);
+ }
+ mpBuffer = 0;
+ mSize = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::AllocateBlock(int)
+// Purpose: Protected. Allocate the block of memory
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::AllocateBlock(int Size)
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer == 0);
+ if(Size > 0)
+ {
+ mpBuffer = ::malloc(Size);
+ if(mpBuffer == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ }
+ mSize = Size;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::ResizeBlock(int)
+// Purpose: Protected. Resizes the allocated block.
+// Created: 3/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::ResizeBlock(int Size)
+ ASSERT(Size > 0);
+ if(Size > 0)
+ {
+ void *pnewBuffer = ::realloc(mpBuffer, Size);
+ if(pnewBuffer == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ mpBuffer = pnewBuffer;
+ }
+ mSize = Size;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::ReadFromStream(IOStream &, int)
+// Purpose: Read the block in from a stream
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::ReadFromStream(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout)
+ // Get the size of the block
+ int32_t size_s;
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(&size_s, sizeof(size_s), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, StreamableMemBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ int size = ntohl(size_s);
+ // Allocate a new block (this way to be exception safe)
+ char *pblock = (char*)malloc(size);
+ if(pblock == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Read in
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(pblock, size, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, StreamableMemBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ // Free the block ready for replacement
+ FreeBlock();
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ ::free(pblock);
+ throw;
+ }
+ // store...
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer == 0);
+ mpBuffer = pblock;
+ mSize = size;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::WriteToStream(IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Write the block to a stream
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::WriteToStream(IOStream &rStream) const
+ int32_t sizenbo = htonl(mSize);
+ // Size
+ rStream.Write(&sizenbo, sizeof(sizenbo));
+ // Buffer
+ if(mSize > 0)
+ {
+ rStream.Write(mpBuffer, mSize);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::WriteEmptyBlockToStream(IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Writes an empty block to a stream.
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StreamableMemBlock::WriteEmptyBlockToStream(IOStream &rStream)
+ int32_t sizenbo = htonl(0);
+ rStream.Write(&sizenbo, sizeof(sizenbo));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::GetBuffer()
+// Purpose: Get pointer to buffer
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void *StreamableMemBlock::GetBuffer() const
+ if(mSize == 0)
+ {
+ // Return something which isn't a null pointer
+ static const int validptr = 0;
+ return (void*)&validptr;
+ }
+ // return the buffer
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer != 0);
+ return mpBuffer;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock::operator==(const StreamableMemBlock &)
+// Purpose: Test for equality of memory blocks
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool StreamableMemBlock::operator==(const StreamableMemBlock &rCompare) const
+ if(mSize != rCompare.mSize) return false;
+ if(mSize == 0 && rCompare.mSize == 0) return true; // without memory comparison!
+ return ::memcmp(mpBuffer, rCompare.mpBuffer, mSize) == 0;
diff --git a/lib/common/StreamableMemBlock.h b/lib/common/StreamableMemBlock.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..250c0aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/StreamableMemBlock.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock.h
+// Purpose: Memory blocks which can be loaded and saved from streams
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class IOStream;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: StreamableMemBlock
+// Purpose: Memory blocks which can be loaded and saved from streams
+// Created: 2003/09/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class StreamableMemBlock
+ StreamableMemBlock();
+ StreamableMemBlock(int Size);
+ StreamableMemBlock(void *pBuffer, int Size);
+ StreamableMemBlock(const StreamableMemBlock &rToCopy);
+ ~StreamableMemBlock();
+ void Set(const StreamableMemBlock &rBlock);
+ void Set(void *pBuffer, int Size);
+ void Set(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout);
+ StreamableMemBlock &operator=(const StreamableMemBlock &rBlock)
+ {
+ Set(rBlock);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void ReadFromStream(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout);
+ void WriteToStream(IOStream &rStream) const;
+ static void WriteEmptyBlockToStream(IOStream &rStream);
+ void *GetBuffer() const;
+ // Size of block
+ int GetSize() const {return mSize;}
+ // Buffer empty?
+ bool IsEmpty() const {return mSize == 0;}
+ // Clear the contents of the block
+ void Clear() {FreeBlock();}
+ bool operator==(const StreamableMemBlock &rCompare) const;
+ void ResizeBlock(int Size);
+protected: // be careful with these!
+ void AllocateBlock(int Size);
+ void FreeBlock();
+ void *mpBuffer;
+ int mSize;
diff --git a/lib/common/TemporaryDirectory.h b/lib/common/TemporaryDirectory.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d52ecd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/TemporaryDirectory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: TemporaryDirectory.h
+// Purpose: Location of temporary directory
+// Created: 2003/10/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+#ifdef WIN32
+ #include <windows.h>
+// Prefix name with Box to avoid clashing with OS API names
+std::string BoxGetTemporaryDirectoryName()
+#ifdef WIN32
+ //
+ // url=/library/en-us/fileio/fs/creating_and_using_a_temporary_file.asp
+ DWORD dwRetVal;
+ char lpPathBuffer[1024];
+ DWORD dwBufSize = sizeof(lpPathBuffer);
+ // Get the temp path.
+ dwRetVal = GetTempPath(dwBufSize, // length of the buffer
+ lpPathBuffer); // buffer for path
+ if (dwRetVal > dwBufSize)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, TempDirPathTooLong)
+ }
+ return std::string(lpPathBuffer);
+#elif defined TEMP_DIRECTORY_NAME
+ return std::string(TEMP_DIRECTORY_NAME);
+ #error non-static temporary directory names not supported yet
diff --git a/lib/common/Test.cpp b/lib/common/Test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56638058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Test.cpp
+// Purpose: Useful stuff for tests
+// Created: 2008/04/05
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include "Test.h"
+bool TestFileExists(const char *Filename)
+ return EMU_STAT(Filename, &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0;
+bool TestFileNotEmpty(const char *Filename)
+ return EMU_STAT(Filename, &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0 &&
+ st.st_size > 0;
+bool TestDirExists(const char *Filename)
+ return EMU_STAT(Filename, &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR;
+// -1 if doesn't exist
+int TestGetFileSize(const char *Filename)
+ if(EMU_STAT(Filename, &st) == 0)
+ {
+ return st.st_size;
+ }
+ return -1;
+std::string ConvertPaths(const std::string& rOriginal)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // convert UNIX paths to native
+ std::string converted;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rOriginal.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (rOriginal[i] == '/')
+ {
+ converted += '\\';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ converted += rOriginal[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return converted;
+#else // !WIN32
+ return rOriginal;
+int RunCommand(const std::string& rCommandLine)
+ return ::system(ConvertPaths(rCommandLine).c_str());
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+bool ServerIsAlive(int pid)
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ false, pid);
+ if (hProcess == NULL)
+ {
+ if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to open process " << pid <<
+ ": " <<
+ GetErrorMessage(GetLastError()));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ DWORD exitCode;
+ BOOL result = GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &exitCode);
+ CloseHandle(hProcess);
+ if (result == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to get exit code for process " <<
+ pid << ": " <<
+ GetErrorMessage(GetLastError()))
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ #else // !WIN32
+ if(pid == 0) return false;
+ return ::kill(pid, 0) != -1;
+ #endif // WIN32
+int ReadPidFile(const char *pidFile)
+ if(!TestFileNotEmpty(pidFile))
+ {
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Server didn't save PID file "
+ "(perhaps one was already running?)");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int pid = -1;
+ FILE *f = fopen(pidFile, "r");
+ if(f == NULL || fscanf(f, "%d", &pid) != 1)
+ {
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Couldn't read PID file");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ return pid;
+int LaunchServer(const std::string& rCommandLine, const char *pidFile)
+ ::fprintf(stdout, "Starting server: %s\n", rCommandLine.c_str());
+#ifdef WIN32
+ STARTUPINFO startInfo;
+ startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo);
+ startInfo.lpReserved = NULL;
+ startInfo.lpDesktop = NULL;
+ startInfo.lpTitle = NULL;
+ startInfo.dwFlags = 0;
+ startInfo.cbReserved2 = 0;
+ startInfo.lpReserved2 = NULL;
+ std::string cmd = ConvertPaths(rCommandLine);
+ CHAR* tempCmd = strdup(cmd.c_str());
+ DWORD result = CreateProcess
+ (
+ NULL, // lpApplicationName, naughty!
+ tempCmd, // lpCommandLine
+ NULL, // lpProcessAttributes
+ NULL, // lpThreadAttributes
+ false, // bInheritHandles
+ 0, // dwCreationFlags
+ NULL, // lpEnvironment
+ NULL, // lpCurrentDirectory
+ &startInfo, // lpStartupInfo
+ &procInfo // lpProcessInformation
+ );
+ free(tempCmd);
+ if (result == 0)
+ {
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ printf("Launch failed: %s: error %d\n", rCommandLine.c_str(),
+ (int)err);
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Couldn't start server");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess);
+ CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread);
+ return WaitForServerStartup(pidFile, (int)procInfo.dwProcessId);
+#else // !WIN32
+ if(RunCommand(rCommandLine) != 0)
+ {
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Couldn't start server");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return WaitForServerStartup(pidFile, 0);
+#endif // WIN32
+int WaitForServerStartup(const char *pidFile, int pidIfKnown)
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ if (pidFile == NULL)
+ {
+ return pidIfKnown;
+ }
+ #else
+ // on other platforms there is no other way to get
+ // the PID, so a NULL pidFile doesn't make sense.
+ ASSERT(pidFile != NULL);
+ #endif
+ // time for it to start up
+ if (Logging::GetGlobalLevel() >= Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Waiting for server to start");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ::fprintf(stdout, "Waiting for server to start: ");
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
+ {
+ if (TestFileNotEmpty(pidFile))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pidIfKnown && !ServerIsAlive(pidIfKnown))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Logging::GetGlobalLevel() < Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ ::fprintf(stdout, ".");
+ ::fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ ::sleep(1);
+ }
+ // on Win32 we can check whether the process is alive
+ // without even checking the PID file
+ if (pidIfKnown && !ServerIsAlive(pidIfKnown))
+ {
+ if (Logging::GetGlobalLevel() >= Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("server died!");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ::fprintf(stdout, " server died!\n");
+ }
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Server died!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!TestFileNotEmpty(pidFile))
+ {
+ if (Logging::GetGlobalLevel() >= Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("timed out!");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ::fprintf(stdout, " timed out!\n");
+ }
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Server didn't save PID file");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (Logging::GetGlobalLevel() >= Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Server started");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ::fprintf(stdout, " done.\n");
+ }
+ // wait a second for the pid to be written to the file
+ ::sleep(1);
+ // read pid file
+ int pid = ReadPidFile(pidFile);
+ // On Win32 we can check whether the PID in the pidFile matches
+ // the one returned by the system, which it always should.
+ if (pidIfKnown && pid != pidIfKnown)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Server wrote wrong pid to file (" << pidFile <<
+ "): expected " << pidIfKnown << " but found " <<
+ pid);
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Server wrote wrong pid to file");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return pid;
+void TestRemoteProcessMemLeaksFunc(const char *filename,
+ const char* file, int line)
+ // Does the file exist?
+ if(!TestFileExists(filename))
+ {
+ if (failures == 0)
+ {
+ first_fail_file = file;
+ first_fail_line = line;
+ }
+ ++failures;
+ printf("FAILURE: MemLeak report not available (file %s) "
+ "at %s:%d\n", filename, file, line);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Is it empty?
+ if(TestGetFileSize(filename) > 0)
+ {
+ if (failures == 0)
+ {
+ first_fail_file = file;
+ first_fail_line = line;
+ }
+ ++failures;
+ printf("FAILURE: Memory leaks found in other process "
+ "(file %s) at %s:%d\n==========\n",
+ filename, file, line);
+ FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
+ char linebuf[512];
+ while(::fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f) != 0)
+ {
+ printf("%s", linebuf);
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ printf("==========\n");
+ }
+ // Delete it
+ ::unlink(filename);
+ }
+void force_sync()
+ TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "force-sync") == 0);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks");
+void wait_for_sync_start()
+ TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "wait-for-sync") == 0);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks");
+void wait_for_sync_end()
+ TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "wait-for-end") == 0);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks");
+void sync_and_wait()
+ TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "sync-and-wait") == 0);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks");
+void terminate_bbackupd(int pid)
+ TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "terminate") == 0);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks");
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ {
+ if (!ServerIsAlive(pid)) break;
+ fprintf(stdout, ".");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ TEST_THAT(!ServerIsAlive(pid));
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupd.memleaks");
+// Wait a given number of seconds for something to complete
+void wait_for_operation(int seconds, const char* message)
+ if (Logging::GetGlobalLevel() >= Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Waiting " << seconds << " seconds for " << message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Waiting for %s: ", message);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ for(int l = 0; l < seconds; ++l)
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ if (Logging::GetGlobalLevel() < Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ printf(".");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Logging::GetGlobalLevel() >= Log::TRACE)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Finished waiting for " << message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(" done.\n");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+void safe_sleep(int seconds)
+ BOX_TRACE("sleeping for " << seconds << " seconds");
+#ifdef WIN32
+ Sleep(seconds * 1000);
+ struct timespec ts;
+ memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(ts));
+ ts.tv_sec = seconds;
+ ts.tv_nsec = 0;
+ while (nanosleep(&ts, &ts) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
+ {
+ // FIXME evil hack for OSX, where ts.tv_sec contains
+ // a negative number interpreted as unsigned 32-bit
+ // when nanosleep() returns later than expected.
+ int32_t secs = (int32_t) ts.tv_sec;
+ int64_t remain_ns = (secs * 1000000000) + ts.tv_nsec;
+ if (remain_ns < 0)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("nanosleep interrupted " <<
+ ((float)(0 - remain_ns) / 1000000000) <<
+ " secs late");
+ return;
+ }
+ BOX_TRACE("nanosleep interrupted with " <<
+ (remain_ns / 1000000000) << " secs remaining, "
+ "sleeping again");
+ }
diff --git a/lib/common/Test.h b/lib/common/Test.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08ba4542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Test.h
+// Purpose: Useful stuff for tests
+// Created: 2003/07/11
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef TEST__H
+#define TEST__H
+#include <cstring>
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define BBACKUPCTL "..\\..\\bin\\bbackupctl\\bbackupctl.exe"
+#define BBACKUPD "..\\..\\bin\\bbackupd\\bbackupd.exe"
+#define BBSTORED "..\\..\\bin\\bbstored\\bbstored.exe"
+#define BBACKUPQUERY "..\\..\\bin\\bbackupquery\\bbackupquery.exe"
+#define BBSTOREACCOUNTS "..\\..\\bin\\bbstoreaccounts\\bbstoreaccounts.exe"
+#define TEST_RETURN(actual, expected) TEST_EQUAL(expected, actual);
+#define BBACKUPCTL "../../bin/bbackupctl/bbackupctl"
+#define BBACKUPD "../../bin/bbackupd/bbackupd"
+#define BBSTORED "../../bin/bbstored/bbstored"
+#define BBACKUPQUERY "../../bin/bbackupquery/bbackupquery"
+#define BBSTOREACCOUNTS "../../bin/bbstoreaccounts/bbstoreaccounts"
+#define TEST_RETURN(actual, expected) TEST_EQUAL((expected << 8), actual);
+extern int failures;
+extern int first_fail_line;
+extern std::string first_fail_file;
+extern std::string bbackupd_args, bbstored_args, bbackupquery_args, test_args;
+#define TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE(msg) \
+{ \
+ if (failures == 0) \
+ { \
+ first_fail_file = __FILE__; \
+ first_fail_line = __LINE__; \
+ } \
+ failures++; \
+ BOX_ERROR("**** TEST FAILURE: " << msg << " at " << __FILE__ << \
+ ":" << __LINE__); \
+#define TEST_ABORT_WITH_MESSAGE(msg) {TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE(msg); return 1;}
+#define TEST_THAT(condition) {if(!(condition)) TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Condition [" #condition "] failed")}
+#define TEST_THAT_ABORTONFAIL(condition) {if(!(condition)) TEST_ABORT_WITH_MESSAGE("Condition [" #condition "] failed")}
+// NOTE: The 0- bit is to allow this to work with stuff which has negative constants for flags (eg ConnectionException)
+#define TEST_CHECK_THROWS(statement, excepttype, subtype) \
+ { \
+ bool didthrow = false; \
+ HideExceptionMessageGuard hide; \
+ try \
+ { \
+ statement; \
+ } \
+ catch(excepttype &e) \
+ { \
+ if(e.GetSubType() != ((unsigned int)excepttype::subtype) \
+ && e.GetSubType() != (unsigned int)(0-excepttype::subtype)) \
+ { \
+ throw; \
+ } \
+ didthrow = true; \
+ } \
+ catch(...) \
+ { \
+ throw; \
+ } \
+ if(!didthrow) \
+ { \
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Didn't throw exception " #excepttype "(" #subtype ")") \
+ } \
+ }
+// utility macro for comparing two strings in a line
+#define TEST_EQUAL(_expected, _found) \
+{ \
+ std::ostringstream _oss1; \
+ _oss1 << _expected; \
+ std::string _exp_str = _oss1.str(); \
+ \
+ std::ostringstream _oss2; \
+ _oss2 << _found; \
+ std::string _found_str = _oss2.str(); \
+ \
+ if(_exp_str != _found_str) \
+ { \
+ BOX_WARNING("Expected <" << _exp_str << "> but found <" << \
+ _found_str << ">"); \
+ \
+ std::ostringstream _oss3; \
+ _oss3 << #_found << " != " << #_expected; \
+ \
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE(_oss3.str().c_str()); \
+ } \
+// utility macro for comparing two strings in a line
+#define TEST_EQUAL_LINE(_expected, _found, _line) \
+{ \
+ std::ostringstream _oss1; \
+ _oss1 << _expected; \
+ std::string _exp_str = _oss1.str(); \
+ \
+ std::ostringstream _oss2; \
+ _oss2 << _found; \
+ std::string _found_str = _oss2.str(); \
+ \
+ if(_exp_str != _found_str) \
+ { \
+ std::ostringstream _ossl; \
+ _ossl << _line; \
+ std::string _line_str = _ossl.str(); \
+ printf("Expected <%s> but found <%s> in <%s>\n", \
+ _exp_str.c_str(), _found_str.c_str(), _line_str.c_str()); \
+ \
+ std::ostringstream _oss3; \
+ _oss3 << #_found << " != " << #_expected << " in " << _line; \
+ \
+ TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE(_oss3.str().c_str()); \
+ } \
+// utility macro for testing a line
+#define TEST_LINE(_condition, _line) \
+ TEST_THAT(_condition); \
+ if (!(_condition)) \
+ { \
+ printf("Test failed on <%s>\n", _line.c_str()); \
+ }
+bool TestFileExists(const char *Filename);
+bool TestDirExists(const char *Filename);
+// -1 if doesn't exist
+int TestGetFileSize(const char *Filename);
+std::string ConvertPaths(const std::string& rOriginal);
+int RunCommand(const std::string& rCommandLine);
+bool ServerIsAlive(int pid);
+int ReadPidFile(const char *pidFile);
+int LaunchServer(const std::string& rCommandLine, const char *pidFile);
+int WaitForServerStartup(const char *pidFile, int pidIfKnown);
+#define TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks(filename) \
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaksFunc(filename, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+void TestRemoteProcessMemLeaksFunc(const char *filename,
+ const char* file, int line);
+void force_sync();
+void wait_for_sync_start();
+void wait_for_sync_end();
+void sync_and_wait();
+void terminate_bbackupd(int pid);
+// Wait a given number of seconds for something to complete
+void wait_for_operation(int seconds, const char* message);
+void safe_sleep(int seconds);
+#endif // TEST__H
diff --git a/lib/common/Timer.cpp b/lib/common/Timer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..137ad45f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Timer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Timer.cpp
+// Purpose: Generic timers which execute arbitrary code when
+// they expire.
+// Created: 5/11/2006
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef WIN32
+ #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "Timer.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+std::vector<Timer*>* Timers::spTimers = NULL;
+bool Timers::sRescheduleNeeded = false;
+#define TIMER_ID "timer " << mName << " (" << this << ") "
+#define TIMER_ID_OF(t) "timer " << (t).GetName() << " (" << &(t) << ") "
+typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: static void Timers::Init()
+// Purpose: Initialise timers, prepare signal handler
+// Created: 5/11/2006
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timers::Init()
+ ASSERT(!spTimers);
+ #if defined WIN32 && ! defined PLATFORM_CYGWIN
+ // no init needed
+ #else
+ struct sigaction newact, oldact;
+ newact.sa_handler = Timers::SignalHandler;
+ newact.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
+ sigemptyset(&newact.sa_mask);
+ if (::sigaction(SIGALRM, &newact, &oldact) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to install signal handler");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal);
+ }
+ ASSERT(oldact.sa_handler == 0);
+ #endif // WIN32 && !PLATFORM_CYGWIN
+ spTimers = new std::vector<Timer*>;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: static void Timers::Cleanup()
+// Purpose: Clean up timers, stop signal handler
+// Created: 6/11/2006
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timers::Cleanup()
+ ASSERT(spTimers);
+ if (!spTimers)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Tried to clean up timers when not initialised!");
+ return;
+ }
+ #if defined WIN32 && ! defined PLATFORM_CYGWIN
+ // no cleanup needed
+ #else
+ struct itimerval timeout;
+ memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(timeout));
+ int result = ::setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timeout, NULL);
+ ASSERT(result == 0);
+ struct sigaction newact, oldact;
+ newact.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
+ newact.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
+ sigemptyset(&(newact.sa_mask));
+ if (::sigaction(SIGALRM, &newact, &oldact) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to remove signal handler");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal);
+ }
+ ASSERT(oldact.sa_handler == Timers::SignalHandler);
+ #endif // WIN32 && !PLATFORM_CYGWIN
+ spTimers->clear();
+ delete spTimers;
+ spTimers = NULL;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: static void Timers::Add(Timer&)
+// Purpose: Add a new timer to the set, and reschedule next wakeup
+// Created: 5/11/2006
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timers::Add(Timer& rTimer)
+ ASSERT(spTimers);
+ ASSERT(&rTimer);
+ spTimers->push_back(&rTimer);
+ Reschedule();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: static void Timers::Remove(Timer&)
+// Purpose: Removes the timer from the set (preventing it from
+// being called) and reschedule next wakeup
+// Created: 5/11/2006
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timers::Remove(Timer& rTimer)
+ ASSERT(spTimers);
+ ASSERT(&rTimer);
+ bool restart = true;
+ while (restart)
+ {
+ restart = false;
+ for (std::vector<Timer*>::iterator i = spTimers->begin();
+ i != spTimers->end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (&rTimer == *i)
+ {
+ spTimers->erase(i);
+ restart = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Reschedule();
+void Timers::RequestReschedule()
+ sRescheduleNeeded = true;
+void Timers::RescheduleIfNeeded()
+ if (sRescheduleNeeded)
+ {
+ Reschedule();
+ }
+ (int)(t / 1000000) << "." << \
+ (int)(t % 1000000) << " seconds"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: static void Timers::Reschedule()
+// Purpose: Recalculate when the next wakeup is due
+// Created: 5/11/2006
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timers::Reschedule()
+ ASSERT(spTimers);
+ if (spTimers == NULL)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal)
+ }
+ #ifndef WIN32
+ struct sigaction oldact;
+ if (::sigaction(SIGALRM, NULL, &oldact) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to check signal handler");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal)
+ }
+ ASSERT(oldact.sa_handler == Timers::SignalHandler);
+ if (oldact.sa_handler != Timers::SignalHandler)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Signal handler was " <<
+ (void *)oldact.sa_handler <<
+ ", expected " <<
+ (void *)Timers::SignalHandler);
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal)
+ }
+ #endif
+ // Clear the reschedule-needed flag to false before we start.
+ // If a timer event occurs while we are scheduling, then we
+ // may or may not need to reschedule again, but this way
+ // we will do it anyway.
+ sRescheduleNeeded = false;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // win32 timers need no management
+ box_time_t timeNow = GetCurrentBoxTime();
+ // scan for, trigger and remove expired timers. Removal requires
+ // us to restart the scan each time, due to std::vector semantics.
+ bool restart = true;
+ while (restart)
+ {
+ restart = false;
+ for (std::vector<Timer*>::iterator i = spTimers->begin();
+ i != spTimers->end(); i++)
+ {
+ Timer& rTimer = **i;
+ int64_t timeToExpiry = rTimer.GetExpiryTime() - timeNow;
+ if (timeToExpiry <= 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ BOX_TRACE("timer " << *i << " has expired, "
+ "triggering it");
+ */
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID_OF(**i) "has expired, "
+ "triggering " <<
+ " late");
+ rTimer.OnExpire();
+ spTimers->erase(i);
+ restart = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ BOX_TRACE("timer " << *i << " has not "
+ "expired, triggering in " <<
+ " seconds");
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now the only remaining timers should all be in the future.
+ // Scan to find the next one to fire (earliest deadline).
+ int64_t timeToNextEvent = 0;
+ std::string nameOfNextEvent;
+ for (std::vector<Timer*>::iterator i = spTimers->begin();
+ i != spTimers->end(); i++)
+ {
+ Timer& rTimer = **i;
+ int64_t timeToExpiry = rTimer.GetExpiryTime() - timeNow;
+ ASSERT(timeToExpiry > 0)
+ if (timeToExpiry <= 0)
+ {
+ timeToExpiry = 1;
+ }
+ if (timeToNextEvent == 0 || timeToNextEvent > timeToExpiry)
+ {
+ timeToNextEvent = timeToExpiry;
+ nameOfNextEvent = rTimer.GetName();
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(timeToNextEvent >= 0);
+ if (timeToNextEvent == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("timer: no more events, going to sleep.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("timer: next event: " << nameOfNextEvent <<
+ " expires in " << FORMAT_MICROSECONDS(timeToNextEvent));
+ }
+ struct itimerval timeout;
+ memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(timeout));
+ timeout.it_value.tv_sec = BoxTimeToSeconds(timeToNextEvent);
+ timeout.it_value.tv_usec = (int)
+ (BoxTimeToMicroSeconds(timeToNextEvent)
+ if(::setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timeout, NULL) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to initialise system timer\n");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal)
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: static void Timers::SignalHandler(unused)
+// Purpose: Called as signal handler. Nothing is safe in a signal
+// handler, not even traversing the list of timers, so
+// just request a reschedule in future, which will do
+// that for us, and trigger any expired timers at that
+// time.
+// Created: 5/11/2006
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timers::SignalHandler(int unused)
+ // ASSERT(spTimers);
+ Timers::RequestReschedule();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::Timer(size_t timeoutSecs,
+// const std::string& rName)
+// Purpose: Standard timer constructor, takes a timeout in
+// seconds from now, and an optional name for
+// logging purposes.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Timer::Timer(size_t timeoutSecs, const std::string& rName)
+: mExpires(GetCurrentBoxTime() + SecondsToBoxTime(timeoutSecs)),
+ mExpired(false),
+ mName(rName)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (timeoutSecs == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "initialised for " << timeoutSecs <<
+ " secs, will not fire");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "initialised for " << timeoutSecs <<
+ " secs, to fire at " << FormatTime(mExpires, false, true));
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (timeoutSecs == 0)
+ {
+ mExpires = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Timers::Add(*this);
+ Start(timeoutSecs * MICRO_SEC_IN_SEC_LL);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::Start()
+// Purpose: This internal function initialises an OS TimerQueue
+// timer on Windows, while on Unixes there is only a
+// single global timer, managed by the Timers class,
+// so this method does nothing.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timer::Start()
+#ifdef WIN32
+ box_time_t timeNow = GetCurrentBoxTime();
+ int64_t timeToExpiry = mExpires - timeNow;
+ if (timeToExpiry <= 0)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING(TIMER_ID << "fudging expiry from -" <<
+ timeToExpiry = 1;
+ }
+ Start(timeToExpiry);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::Start(int64_t delayInMicros)
+// Purpose: This internal function initialises an OS TimerQueue
+// timer on Windows, with a specified delay already
+// calculated to save us doing it again. Like
+// Timer::Start(), on Unixes it does nothing.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timer::Start(int64_t delayInMicros)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // only call me once!
+ int64_t delayInMillis = delayInMicros / 1000;
+ // Windows XP always seems to fire timers up to 20 ms late,
+ // at least on my test laptop. Not critical in practice, but our
+ // tests are precise enough that they will fail if we don't
+ // correct for it.
+ delayInMillis -= 20;
+ // Set a system timer to call our timer routine
+ if (CreateTimerQueueTimer(&mTimerHandle, NULL, TimerRoutine,
+ == FALSE)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR(TIMER_ID "failed to create timer: " <<
+ GetErrorMessage(GetLastError()));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::Stop()
+// Purpose: This internal function deletes the associated OS
+// TimerQueue timer on Windows, and on Unixes does
+// nothing.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timer::Stop()
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (mTimerHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ if (DeleteTimerQueueTimer(NULL, mTimerHandle,
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR(TIMER_ID "failed to delete timer: " <<
+ GetErrorMessage(GetLastError()));
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::~Timer()
+// Purpose: Destructor for Timer objects.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "destroyed");
+ #endif
+ Timers::Remove(*this);
+ Stop();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::Timer(Timer& rToCopy)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor for Timer objects. Creates a new
+// timer that will trigger at the same time as the
+// original. The original will usually be discarded.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Timer::Timer(const Timer& rToCopy)
+: mExpires(rToCopy.mExpires),
+ mExpired(rToCopy.mExpired),
+ mName(rToCopy.mName)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (mExpired)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "initialised from timer " << &rToCopy << ", "
+ "already expired, will not fire");
+ }
+ else if (mExpires == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "initialised from timer " << &rToCopy << ", "
+ "no expiry, will not fire");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "initialised from timer " << &rToCopy << ", "
+ "to fire at " <<
+ (int)(mExpires / 1000000) << "." <<
+ (int)(mExpires % 1000000));
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (!mExpired && mExpires != 0)
+ {
+ Timers::Add(*this);
+ Start();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::operator=(const Timer& rToCopy)
+// Purpose: Assignment operator for Timer objects. Works
+// exactly the same as the copy constructor, except
+// that if the receiving timer is already running,
+// it is stopped first.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Timer& Timer::operator=(const Timer& rToCopy)
+ if (rToCopy.mExpired)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "initialised from timer " << &rToCopy << ", "
+ "already expired, will not fire");
+ }
+ else if (rToCopy.mExpires == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "initialised from timer " << &rToCopy << ", "
+ "no expiry, will not fire");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "initialised from timer " << &rToCopy << ", "
+ "to fire at " <<
+ (int)(rToCopy.mExpires / 1000000) << "." <<
+ (int)(rToCopy.mExpires % 1000000));
+ }
+ #endif
+ Timers::Remove(*this);
+ Stop();
+ mExpires = rToCopy.mExpires;
+ mExpired = rToCopy.mExpired;
+ mName = rToCopy.mName;
+ if (!mExpired && mExpires != 0)
+ {
+ Timers::Add(*this);
+ Start();
+ }
+ return *this;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::OnExpire()
+// Purpose: Method called by Timers::Reschedule (on Unixes)
+// on next poll after timer expires, or from
+// Timer::TimerRoutine (on Windows) from a separate
+// thread managed by the OS. Marks the timer as
+// expired for future reference.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Timer::OnExpire()
+ BOX_TRACE(TIMER_ID "fired");
+ #endif
+ mExpired = true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: Timer::TimerRoutine(PVOID lpParam,
+// BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired)
+// Purpose: Static method called by the Windows OS when a
+// TimerQueue timer expires.
+// Created: 27/07/2008
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef WIN32
+VOID CALLBACK Timer::TimerRoutine(PVOID lpParam,
+ BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired)
+ Timer* pTimer = (Timer*)lpParam;
+ pTimer->OnExpire();
+ // is it safe to write to write debug output from a timer?
+ // e.g. to write to the Event Log?
diff --git a/lib/common/Timer.h b/lib/common/Timer.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42b2e00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Timer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Timer.h
+// Purpose: Generic timers which execute arbitrary code when
+// they expire.
+// Created: 5/11/2006
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef TIMER__H
+#define TIMER__H
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+class Timer;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: Timers
+// Purpose: Static class to manage all timers and arrange
+// efficient delivery of wakeup signals
+// Created: 19/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Timers
+ private:
+ static std::vector<Timer*>* spTimers;
+ static void Reschedule();
+ static bool sRescheduleNeeded;
+ static void SignalHandler(int iUnused);
+ public:
+ static void Init();
+ static void Cleanup();
+ static void Add (Timer& rTimer);
+ static void Remove(Timer& rTimer);
+ static void RequestReschedule();
+ static void RescheduleIfNeeded();
+class Timer
+ Timer(size_t timeoutSecs, const std::string& rName = "");
+ virtual ~Timer();
+ Timer(const Timer &);
+ Timer &operator=(const Timer &);
+ box_time_t GetExpiryTime() { return mExpires; }
+ virtual void OnExpire();
+ bool HasExpired()
+ {
+ Timers::RescheduleIfNeeded();
+ return mExpired;
+ }
+ const std::string& GetName() const { return mName; }
+ box_time_t mExpires;
+ bool mExpired;
+ std::string mName;
+ void Start();
+ void Start(int64_t delayInMicros);
+ void Stop();
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ HANDLE mTimerHandle;
+ static VOID CALLBACK TimerRoutine(PVOID lpParam,
+ BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired);
+ #endif
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"
+#endif // TIMER__H
diff --git a/lib/common/UnixUser.cpp b/lib/common/UnixUser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f81b474c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/UnixUser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: UnixUser.cpp
+// Purpose: Interface for managing the UNIX user of the current process
+// Created: 21/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
+ #include <pwd.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include "UnixUser.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: UnixUser::UnixUser(const char *)
+// Purpose: Constructor, initialises to info of given username
+// Created: 21/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+UnixUser::UnixUser(const char *Username)
+ : mUID(0),
+ mGID(0),
+ mRevertOnDestruction(false)
+ // Get password info
+ struct passwd *pwd = ::getpwnam(Username);
+ if(pwd == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CouldNotLookUpUsername)
+ }
+ // Store UID and GID
+ mUID = pwd->pw_uid;
+ mGID = pwd->pw_gid;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: UnixUser::UnixUser(uid_t, gid_t)
+// Purpose: Construct from given UNIX user ID and group ID
+// Created: 15/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+UnixUser::UnixUser(uid_t UID, gid_t GID)
+ : mUID(UID),
+ mGID(GID),
+ mRevertOnDestruction(false)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: UnixUser::~UnixUser()
+// Purpose: Destructor -- reverts to previous user if the change wasn't perminant
+// Created: 21/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(mRevertOnDestruction)
+ {
+ // Revert to "real" user and group id of the process
+ if(::setegid(::getgid()) != 0 || ::seteuid(::getuid()) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CouldNotRestoreProcessUser)
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: UnixUser::ChangeProcessUser(bool)
+// Purpose: Change the process user and group ID to the user. If Temporary == true
+// the process username will be changed back when the object is destructed.
+// Created: 21/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void UnixUser::ChangeProcessUser(bool Temporary)
+ if(Temporary)
+ {
+ // Change temporarily (change effective only)
+ if(::setegid(mGID) != 0 || ::seteuid(mUID) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CouldNotChangeProcessUser)
+ }
+ // Mark for change on destruction
+ mRevertOnDestruction = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Change permanently (change all UIDs and GIDs)
+ if(::setgid(mGID) != 0 || ::setuid(mUID) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CouldNotChangeProcessUser)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/common/UnixUser.h b/lib/common/UnixUser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c895eb2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/UnixUser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: UnixUser.h
+// Purpose: Interface for managing the UNIX user of the current process
+// Created: 21/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef UNIXUSER__H
+#define UNIXUSER__H
+class UnixUser
+ UnixUser(const char *Username);
+ UnixUser(uid_t UID, gid_t GID);
+ ~UnixUser();
+ // no copying allowed
+ UnixUser(const UnixUser &);
+ UnixUser &operator=(const UnixUser &);
+ void ChangeProcessUser(bool Temporary = false);
+ uid_t GetUID() {return mUID;}
+ gid_t GetGID() {return mGID;}
+ uid_t mUID;
+ gid_t mGID;
+ bool mRevertOnDestruction;
+#endif // UNIXUSER__H
diff --git a/lib/common/Utils.cpp b/lib/common/Utils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f21330d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Utils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Utils.cpp
+// Purpose: Utility function
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+ #include <execinfo.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <cxxabi.h>
+#include "Utils.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+std::string GetBoxBackupVersion()
+ return BOX_VERSION;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: SplitString(const std::string &, char, std::vector<std::string> &)
+// Purpose: Splits a string at a given character
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SplitString(const std::string &String, char SplitOn, std::vector<std::string> &rOutput)
+ // Split it up.
+ std::string::size_type b = 0;
+ std::string::size_type e = 0;
+ while(e = String.find_first_of(SplitOn, b), e != String.npos)
+ {
+ // Get this string
+ unsigned int len = e - b;
+ if(len >= 1)
+ {
+ rOutput.push_back(String.substr(b, len));
+ }
+ b = e + 1;
+ }
+ // Last string
+ if(b < String.size())
+ {
+ rOutput.push_back(String.substr(b));
+ }
+ BOX_TRACE("Splitting string '" << String << " on " << (char)SplitOn);
+ for(unsigned int l = 0; l < rOutput.size(); ++l)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE(l << " = '" << rOutput[l] << "'");
+ }
+void DumpStackBacktrace()
+ void *array[10];
+ size_t size = backtrace (array, 10);
+ char **strings = backtrace_symbols (array, size);
+ BOX_TRACE("Obtained " << size << " stack frames.");
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ // Demangling code copied from
+ // cctbx_sources/boost_adaptbx/meta_ext.cpp, BSD license
+ std::string mangled_frame = strings[i];
+ std::string output_frame = strings[i]; // default
+ #ifdef HAVE_CXXABI_H
+ int start = mangled_frame.find('(');
+ int end = mangled_frame.find('+', start);
+ std::string mangled_func = mangled_frame.substr(start + 1,
+ end - start - 1);
+ int status;
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"
+ char* result = abi::__cxa_demangle(mangled_func.c_str(),
+ NULL, NULL, &status);
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+ if (result == NULL)
+ {
+ if (status == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Demangle failed but no error: " <<
+ mangled_func);
+ }
+ else if (status == -1)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Demangle failed with "
+ "memory allocation error: " <<
+ mangled_func);
+ }
+ else if (status == -2)
+ {
+ // Probably non-C++ name, don't demangle
+ /*
+ BOX_WARNING("Demangle failed with "
+ "with invalid name: " <<
+ mangled_func);
+ */
+ }
+ else if (status == -3)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Demangle failed with "
+ "with invalid argument: " <<
+ mangled_func);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Demangle failed with "
+ "with unknown error " << status <<
+ ": " << mangled_func);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ output_frame = mangled_frame.substr(0, start + 1) +
+ result + mangled_frame.substr(end);
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"
+ std::free(result);
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+ }
+ #endif // HAVE_CXXABI_H
+ BOX_TRACE("Stack frame " << i << ": " << output_frame);
+ }
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"
+ std::free (strings);
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: FileExists(const std::string& rFilename)
+// Purpose: Does a file exist?
+// Created: 20/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool FileExists(const std::string& rFilename, int64_t *pFileSize,
+ bool TreatLinksAsNotExisting)
+ if(EMU_LSTAT(rFilename.c_str(), &st) != 0)
+ {
+ if(errno == ENOENT)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ }
+ // is it a file?
+ if((st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0)
+ {
+ if(TreatLinksAsNotExisting && ((st.st_mode & S_IFLNK) != 0))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Yes. Tell caller the size?
+ if(pFileSize != 0)
+ {
+ *pFileSize = st.st_size;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ObjectExists(const std::string& rFilename)
+// Purpose: Does a object exist, and if so, is it a file or a directory?
+// Created: 23/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int ObjectExists(const std::string& rFilename)
+ if(EMU_STAT(rFilename.c_str(), &st) != 0)
+ {
+ if(errno == ENOENT)
+ {
+ return ObjectExists_NoObject;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ }
+ // is it a file or a dir?
+ return ((st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0)?ObjectExists_File:ObjectExists_Dir;
+std::string HumanReadableSize(int64_t Bytes)
+ double readableValue = Bytes;
+ std::string units = " B";
+ if (readableValue > 1024)
+ {
+ readableValue /= 1024;
+ units = "kB";
+ }
+ if (readableValue > 1024)
+ {
+ readableValue /= 1024;
+ units = "MB";
+ }
+ if (readableValue > 1024)
+ {
+ readableValue /= 1024;
+ units = "GB";
+ }
+ std::ostringstream result;
+ result << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << readableValue <<
+ " " << units;
+ return result.str();
+std::string FormatUsageBar(int64_t Blocks, int64_t Bytes, int64_t Max,
+ bool MachineReadable)
+ std::ostringstream result;
+ if (MachineReadable)
+ {
+ result << (Bytes >> 10) << " kB, " <<
+ std::setprecision(0) << ((Bytes*100)/Max) << "%";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Bar graph
+ char bar[17];
+ unsigned int b = (int)((Bytes * (sizeof(bar)-1)) / Max);
+ if(b > sizeof(bar)-1) {b = sizeof(bar)-1;}
+ for(unsigned int l = 0; l < b; l++)
+ {
+ bar[l] = '*';
+ }
+ for(unsigned int l = b; l < sizeof(bar) - 1; l++)
+ {
+ bar[l] = ' ';
+ }
+ bar[sizeof(bar)-1] = '\0';
+ result << std::fixed <<
+ std::setw(10) << Blocks << " blocks, " <<
+ std::setw(10) << HumanReadableSize(Bytes) << ", " <<
+ std::setw(3) << std::setprecision(0) <<
+ ((Bytes*100)/Max) << "% |" << bar << "|";
+ }
+ return result.str();
+std::string FormatUsageLineStart(const std::string& rName,
+ bool MachineReadable)
+ std::ostringstream result;
+ if (MachineReadable)
+ {
+ result << rName << ": ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result << std::setw(20) << std::right << rName << ": ";
+ }
+ return result.str();
diff --git a/lib/common/Utils.h b/lib/common/Utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d98a520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/Utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: Utils.h
+// Purpose: Utility function
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef UTILS__H
+#define UTILS__H
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+std::string GetBoxBackupVersion();
+void SplitString(const std::string &String, char SplitOn, std::vector<std::string> &rOutput);
+ void DumpStackBacktrace();
+bool FileExists(const std::string& rFilename, int64_t *pFileSize = 0,
+ bool TreatLinksAsNotExisting = false);
+ ObjectExists_NoObject = 0,
+ ObjectExists_File = 1,
+ ObjectExists_Dir = 2
+int ObjectExists(const std::string& rFilename);
+std::string HumanReadableSize(int64_t Bytes);
+std::string FormatUsageBar(int64_t Blocks, int64_t Bytes, int64_t Max,
+ bool MachineReadable);
+std::string FormatUsageLineStart(const std::string& rName,
+ bool MachineReadable);
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"
+#endif // UTILS__H
diff --git a/lib/common/WaitForEvent.cpp b/lib/common/WaitForEvent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5646bfbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/WaitForEvent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: WaitForEvent.cpp
+// Purpose: Generic waiting for events, using an efficient method (platform dependent)
+// Created: 9/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "WaitForEvent.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: WaitForEvent::WaitForEvent()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 9/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WaitForEvent::WaitForEvent(int Timeout)
+ : mKQueue(::kqueue()),
+ mpTimeout(0)
+ if(mKQueue == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, CouldNotCreateKQueue)
+ }
+ // Set the choosen timeout
+ SetTimeout(Timeout);
+WaitForEvent::WaitForEvent(int Timeout)
+ : mTimeout(Timeout),
+ mpPollInfo(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: WaitForEvent::~WaitForEvent()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 9/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ::close(mKQueue);
+ mKQueue = -1;
+ if(mpPollInfo != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(mpPollInfo);
+ mpPollInfo = 0;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: WaitForEvent::SetTimeout
+// Purpose: Sets the timeout for future wait calls
+// Created: 9/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WaitForEvent::SetTimeout(int Timeout)
+ // Generate timeout
+ if(Timeout != TimeoutInfinite)
+ {
+ mTimeout.tv_sec = Timeout / 1000;
+ mTimeout.tv_nsec = (Timeout % 1000) * 1000000;
+ }
+ // Infinite or not?
+ mpTimeout = (Timeout != TimeoutInfinite)?(&mTimeout):(NULL);
+ mTimeout = Timeout;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: WaitForEvent::Wait(int)
+// Purpose: Wait for an event to take place. Returns a pointer to the object
+// which has been signalled, or returns 0 for the timeout condition.
+// Timeout specified in milliseconds.
+// Created: 9/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void *WaitForEvent::Wait()
+ // Event return structure
+ struct kevent e;
+ ::memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e));
+ switch(::kevent(mKQueue, NULL, 0, &e, 1, mpTimeout))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ // Timeout
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // Event happened!
+ return e.udata;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Interrupted system calls aren't an error, just equivalent to a timeout
+ if(errno != EINTR)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, KEventErrorWait)
+ }
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Use poll() instead.
+ // Need to build the structures?
+ if(mpPollInfo == 0)
+ {
+ // Yes...
+ mpPollInfo = (struct pollfd *)::malloc((sizeof(struct pollfd) * mItems.size()) + 4);
+ if(mpPollInfo == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ // Build...
+ for(unsigned int l = 0; l < mItems.size(); ++l)
+ {
+ mpPollInfo[l].fd = mItems[l].fd;
+ mpPollInfo[l].events = mItems[l].events;
+ mpPollInfo[l].revents = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure everything is reset (don't really have to do this, but don't trust the OS)
+ for(unsigned int l = 0; l < mItems.size(); ++l)
+ {
+ mpPollInfo[l].revents = 0;
+ }
+ // Poll!
+ switch(::poll(mpPollInfo, mItems.size(), mTimeout))
+ {
+ case -1:
+ // Interrupted system calls aren't an error, just equivalent to a timeout
+ if(errno != EINTR)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, KEventErrorWait)
+ }
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case 0: // timed out
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ default: // got some thing...
+ // control flows on...
+ break;
+ }
+ // Find the item which was ready
+ for(unsigned int s = 0; s < mItems.size(); ++s)
+ {
+ if(mpPollInfo[s].revents & POLLIN)
+ {
+ return mItems[s].item;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/lib/common/WaitForEvent.h b/lib/common/WaitForEvent.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a80761ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/WaitForEvent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: WaitForEvent.h
+// Purpose: Generic waiting for events, using an efficient method (platform dependent)
+// Created: 9/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <cstdlib>
+ #include <sys/event.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <vector>
+ #ifndef WIN32
+ #include <poll.h>
+ #endif
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+class WaitForEvent
+ WaitForEvent(int Timeout = TimeoutInfinite);
+ ~WaitForEvent();
+ // No copying.
+ WaitForEvent(const WaitForEvent &);
+ WaitForEvent &operator=(const WaitForEvent &);
+ enum
+ {
+ TimeoutInfinite = -1
+ };
+ void SetTimeout(int Timeout = TimeoutInfinite);
+ void *Wait();
+#ifndef HAVE_KQUEUE
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ int fd;
+ short events;
+ void *item;
+ } ItemInfo;
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Function
+ // Name: WaitForEvent::Add(const Type &, int)
+ // Purpose: Adds an event to the list of items to wait on. The flags are passed to the object.
+ // Created: 9/3/04
+ //
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<typename T>
+ void Add(const T *pItem, int Flags = 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT(pItem != 0);
+ struct kevent e;
+ pItem->FillInKEvent(e, Flags);
+ // Fill in extra flags to say what to do
+ e.flags |= EV_ADD;
+ e.udata = (void*)pItem;
+ if(::kevent(mKQueue, &e, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, KEventErrorAdd)
+ }
+ // Add item
+ ItemInfo i;
+ pItem->FillInPoll(i.fd,, Flags);
+ i.item = (void*)pItem;
+ mItems.push_back(i);
+ // Delete any pre-prepared poll info, as it's now out of date
+ if(mpPollInfo != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(mpPollInfo);
+ mpPollInfo = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Function
+ // Name: WaitForEvent::Remove(const Type &, int)
+ // Purpose: Removes an event from the list of items to wait on. The flags are passed to the object.
+ // Created: 9/3/04
+ //
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<typename T>
+ void Remove(const T *pItem, int Flags = 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT(pItem != 0);
+ struct kevent e;
+ pItem->FillInKEvent(e, Flags);
+ // Fill in extra flags to say what to do
+ e.flags |= EV_DELETE;
+ e.udata = (void*)pItem;
+ if(::kevent(mKQueue, &e, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, KEventErrorRemove)
+ }
+ if(mpPollInfo != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(mpPollInfo);
+ mpPollInfo = 0;
+ }
+ for(std::vector<ItemInfo>::iterator i(mItems.begin()); i != mItems.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->item == pItem)
+ {
+ mItems.erase(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int mKQueue;
+ struct timespec mTimeout;
+ struct timespec *mpTimeout;
+ int mTimeout;
+ std::vector<ItemInfo> mItems;
+ struct pollfd *mpPollInfo;
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"
+#endif // WAITFOREVENT__H
diff --git a/lib/common/ZeroStream.cpp b/lib/common/ZeroStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d87d76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ZeroStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ZeroStream.cpp
+// Purpose: An IOStream which returns all zeroes up to a certain size
+// Created: 2007/04/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "ZeroStream.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::ZeroStream(IOStream::pos_type)
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2007/04/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ZeroStream::ZeroStream(IOStream::pos_type size)
+: mSize(size), mPosition(0)
+{ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::Read(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Reads bytes from the file
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int ZeroStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ ASSERT(NBytes > 0);
+ int bytesToRead = NBytes;
+ if (bytesToRead > mSize - mPosition)
+ {
+ bytesToRead = mSize - mPosition;
+ }
+ memset(pBuffer, 0, bytesToRead);
+ mPosition += bytesToRead;
+ return bytesToRead;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: Returns number of bytes to read (may not be most efficient function ever)
+// Created: 2007/01/16
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type ZeroStream::BytesLeftToRead()
+ return mSize - mPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::Write(void *, int)
+// Purpose: Writes bytes to the underlying stream (not supported)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ZeroStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: Get position in stream
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type ZeroStream::GetPosition() const
+ return mPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::Seek(pos_type, int)
+// Purpose: Seeks within file, as lseek, invalidate buffer
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ZeroStream::Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ switch (SeekType)
+ {
+ case SeekType_Absolute:
+ {
+ mPosition = Offset;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SeekType_Relative:
+ {
+ mPosition += Offset;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SeekType_End:
+ {
+ mPosition = mSize - Offset;
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::Close()
+// Purpose: Closes the underlying stream (not needed)
+// Created: 2003/07/31
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ZeroStream::Close()
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, NotSupported);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: Any data left to write?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool ZeroStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ZeroStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: Is the stream closed?
+// Created: 2003/08/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool ZeroStream::StreamClosed()
+ return false;
diff --git a/lib/common/ZeroStream.h b/lib/common/ZeroStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0119045b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/ZeroStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: ZeroStream.h
+// Purpose: An IOStream which returns all zeroes up to a certain size
+// Created: 2007/04/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef ZEROSTREAM__H
+#define ZEROSTREAM__H
+#include "IOStream.h"
+class ZeroStream : public IOStream
+ IOStream::pos_type mSize, mPosition;
+ ZeroStream(IOStream::pos_type mSize);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type BytesLeftToRead();
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ ZeroStream(const ZeroStream &rToCopy);
+#endif // ZEROSTREAM__H
diff --git a/lib/common/ b/lib/common/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..76b9b02b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# global exception list file
+my $global_list = '../../ExceptionCodes.txt';
+my @exception;
+my @exception_desc;
+my $class;
+my $class_number;
+# read the description!
+open EXCEPTION_DESC,$ARGV[0] or die "Can't open $ARGV[0]";
+ chomp; s/\A\s+//; s/#.+\Z//; s/\s+\Z//; s/\s+/ /g;
+ next unless m/\S/;
+ if(m/\AEXCEPTION\s+(.+)\s+(\d+)\Z/)
+ {
+ $class = $1;
+ $class_number = $2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my ($name,$number,$description) = split /\s+/,$_,3;
+ if($name eq '' || $number =~ m/\D/)
+ {
+ die "Bad line '$_'";
+ }
+ if($exception[$number] ne '')
+ {
+ die "Duplicate exception number $number";
+ }
+ $exception[$number] = $name;
+ $exception_desc[$number] = $description;
+ }
+die "Exception class and number not specified" unless $class ne '' && $class_number ne '';
+# write the code
+print "Generating $class exception...\n";
+open CPP,">autogen_${class}Exception.cpp" or die "Can't open cpp file for writing";
+open H,">autogen_${class}Exception.h" or die "Can't open h file for writing";
+# write header file
+my $guardname = uc 'AUTOGEN_'.$class.'EXCEPTION_H';
+print H <<__E;
+// Auto-generated file -- do not edit
+#ifndef $guardname
+#define $guardname
+#include "BoxException.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: ${class}Exception
+// Purpose: Exception
+// Created: autogen
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ${class}Exception : public BoxException
+ ${class}Exception(unsigned int SubType,
+ const std::string& rMessage = "")
+ : mSubType(SubType), mMessage(rMessage)
+ {
+ }
+ ${class}Exception(const ${class}Exception &rToCopy)
+ : mSubType(rToCopy.mSubType), mMessage(rToCopy.mMessage)
+ {
+ }
+ ~${class}Exception() throw ()
+ {
+ }
+ enum
+ {
+ ExceptionType = $class_number
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+for(my $e = 0; $e <= $#exception; $e++)
+ if($exception[$e] ne '')
+ {
+ print H "\t\t".$exception[$e].' = '.$e.(($e==$#exception)?'':',')."\n"
+ }
+print H <<__E;
+ };
+ virtual unsigned int GetType() const throw();
+ virtual unsigned int GetSubType() const throw();
+ virtual const char *what() const throw();
+ virtual const std::string& GetMessage() const
+ {
+ return mMessage;
+ }
+ unsigned int mSubType;
+ std::string mMessage;
+#endif // $guardname
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+print CPP <<__E;
+// Auto-generated file -- do not edit
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "autogen_${class}Exception.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+static const char *whats[] = {
+my $last_seen = -1;
+for(my $e = 0; $e <= $#exception; $e++)
+ if($exception[$e] ne '')
+ {
+ for(my $s = $last_seen + 1; $s < $e; $s++)
+ {
+ print CPP "\t\"UNUSED\",\n"
+ }
+ my $ext = ($exception_desc[$e] ne '')?" ($exception_desc[$e])":'';
+ print CPP "\t\"${class} ".$exception[$e].$ext.'"'.(($e==$#exception)?'':',')."\n";
+ $last_seen = $e;
+ }
+print CPP <<__E;
+ #else
+static const char *whats[] = {
+$last_seen = -1;
+for(my $e = 0; $e <= $#exception; $e++)
+ if($exception[$e] ne '')
+ {
+ for(my $s = $last_seen + 1; $s < $e; $s++)
+ {
+ print CPP "\t\"UNUSED\",\n"
+ }
+ print CPP "\t\"${class} ".$exception[$e].'"'.(($e==$#exception)?'':',')."\n";
+ $last_seen = $e;
+ }
+print CPP <<__E;
+ #endif
+unsigned int ${class}Exception::GetType() const throw()
+ return ${class}Exception::ExceptionType;
+unsigned int ${class}Exception::GetSubType() const throw()
+ return mSubType;
+const char *${class}Exception::what() const throw()
+ if(mSubType < 0 || mSubType > (sizeof(whats) / sizeof(whats[0])))
+ {
+ return "${class}";
+ }
+ return whats[mSubType];
+ return "${class}";
+close H;
+close CPP;
+# update the global exception list
+my $list_before;
+my $list_after;
+my $is_after = 0;
+if(open CURRENT,$global_list)
+ while(<CURRENT>)
+ {
+ next if m/\A#/;
+ if(m/\AEXCEPTION TYPE (\w+) (\d+)/)
+ {
+ # check that the number isn't being reused
+ if($2 == $class_number && $1 ne $class)
+ {
+ die "Class number $class_number is being used by $class and $1 -- correct this.\n";
+ }
+ if($2 > $class_number)
+ {
+ # This class comes after the current one (ensures numerical ordering)
+ $is_after = 1;
+ }
+ if($1 eq $class)
+ {
+ # skip this entry
+ while(<CURRENT>)
+ {
+ last if m/\AEND TYPE/;
+ }
+ $_ = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if($is_after)
+ {
+ $list_after .= $_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $list_before .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close CURRENT;
+open GLOBAL,">$global_list" or die "Can't open global exception code listing for writing";
+print GLOBAL <<__E;
+# automatically generated file, do not edit.
+# This file lists all the exception codes used by the system.
+# Use to look up more detailed descriptions of meanings of errors.
+print GLOBAL $list_before;
+print GLOBAL "EXCEPTION TYPE $class $class_number\n";
+for(my $e = 0; $e <= $#exception; $e++)
+ if($exception[$e] ne '')
+ {
+ my $ext = ($exception_desc[$e] ne '')?" - $exception_desc[$e]":'';
+ print GLOBAL "($class_number/$e) - ${class} ".$exception[$e].$ext."\n";
+ }
+print GLOBAL "END TYPE\n";
+print GLOBAL $list_after;
+close GLOBAL;