path: root/lib/httpserver/HTTPRequest.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/httpserver/HTTPRequest.h')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/httpserver/HTTPRequest.h b/lib/httpserver/HTTPRequest.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25effb70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/httpserver/HTTPRequest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: HTTPRequest.h
+// Purpose: Request object for HTTP connections
+// Created: 26/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include "CollectInBufferStream.h"
+class HTTPResponse;
+class IOStream;
+class IOStreamGetLine;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: HTTPRequest
+// Purpose: Request object for HTTP connections
+// Created: 26/3/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class HTTPRequest : public CollectInBufferStream
+ enum Method
+ {
+ Method_UNINITIALISED = -1,
+ Method_UNKNOWN = 0,
+ Method_GET = 1,
+ Method_HEAD = 2,
+ Method_POST = 3,
+ Method_PUT = 4
+ };
+ HTTPRequest();
+ HTTPRequest(enum Method method, const std::string& rURI);
+ ~HTTPRequest();
+ // no copying
+ HTTPRequest(const HTTPRequest &);
+ HTTPRequest &operator=(const HTTPRequest &);
+ typedef std::multimap<std::string, std::string> Query_t;
+ typedef Query_t::value_type QueryEn_t;
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> Header;
+ enum
+ {
+ HTTPVersion__MajorMultiplier = 1000,
+ HTTPVersion_0_9 = 9,
+ HTTPVersion_1_0 = 1000,
+ HTTPVersion_1_1 = 1001
+ };
+ bool Receive(IOStreamGetLine &rGetLine, int Timeout);
+ bool Send(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout, bool ExpectContinue = false);
+ void SendWithStream(IOStream &rStreamToSendTo, int Timeout,
+ IOStream* pStreamToSend, HTTPResponse& rResponse);
+ void ReadContent(IOStream& rStreamToWriteTo);
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> CookieJar_t;
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Function
+ // Name: HTTPResponse::Get*()
+ // Purpose: Various Get accessors
+ // Created: 26/3/04
+ //
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ enum Method GetMethod() const {return mMethod;}
+ const std::string &GetRequestURI() const {return mRequestURI;}
+ // Note: the HTTPRequest generates and parses the Host: header
+ // Do not attempt to set one yourself with AddHeader().
+ const std::string &GetHostName() const {return mHostName;}
+ void SetHostName(const std::string& rHostName)
+ {
+ mHostName = rHostName;
+ }
+ const int GetHostPort() const {return mHostPort;}
+ const std::string &GetQueryString() const {return mQueryString;}
+ int GetHTTPVersion() const {return mHTTPVersion;}
+ const Query_t &GetQuery() const {return mQuery;}
+ int GetContentLength() const {return mContentLength;}
+ const std::string &GetContentType() const {return mContentType;}
+ const CookieJar_t *GetCookies() const {return mpCookies;} // WARNING: May return NULL
+ bool GetCookie(const char *CookieName, std::string &rValueOut) const;
+ const std::string &GetCookie(const char *CookieName) const;
+ bool GetHeader(const std::string& rName, std::string* pValueOut) const
+ {
+ std::string header = ToLowerCase(rName);
+ for (std::vector<Header>::const_iterator
+ i = mExtraHeaders.begin();
+ i != mExtraHeaders.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i->first == header)
+ {
+ *pValueOut = i->second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::vector<Header> GetHeaders() { return mExtraHeaders; }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Function
+ // Name: HTTPRequest::GetClientKeepAliveRequested()
+ // Purpose: Returns true if the client requested that the connection
+ // should be kept open for further requests.
+ // Created: 22/12/04
+ //
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool GetClientKeepAliveRequested() const {return mClientKeepAliveRequested;}
+ void SetClientKeepAliveRequested(bool keepAlive)
+ {
+ mClientKeepAliveRequested = keepAlive;
+ }
+ void AddHeader(const std::string& rName, const std::string& rValue)
+ {
+ mExtraHeaders.push_back(Header(ToLowerCase(rName), rValue));
+ }
+ bool IsExpectingContinue() const { return mExpectContinue; }
+ const char* GetVerb() const
+ {
+ if (!mHttpVerb.empty())
+ {
+ return mHttpVerb.c_str();
+ }
+ switch (mMethod)
+ {
+ case Method_UNINITIALISED: return "Uninitialized";
+ case Method_UNKNOWN: return "Unknown";
+ case Method_GET: return "GET";
+ case Method_HEAD: return "HEAD";
+ case Method_POST: return "POST";
+ case Method_PUT: return "PUT";
+ }
+ return "Bad";
+ }
+ void ParseHeaders(IOStreamGetLine &rGetLine, int Timeout);
+ void ParseCookies(const std::string &rHeader, int DataStarts);
+ enum Method mMethod;
+ std::string mRequestURI;
+ std::string mHostName;
+ int mHostPort;
+ std::string mQueryString;
+ int mHTTPVersion;
+ Query_t mQuery;
+ int mContentLength;
+ std::string mContentType;
+ CookieJar_t *mpCookies;
+ bool mClientKeepAliveRequested;
+ std::vector<Header> mExtraHeaders;
+ bool mExpectContinue;
+ IOStream* mpStreamToReadFrom;
+ std::string mHttpVerb;
+ std::string ToLowerCase(const std::string& rInput) const
+ {
+ std::string output = rInput;
+ for (std::string::iterator c = output.begin();
+ c != output.end(); c++)
+ {
+ *c = tolower(*c);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+#endif // HTTPREQUEST__H