path: root/lib/raidfile/RaidFileRead.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/raidfile/RaidFileRead.cpp')
1 files changed, 1701 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/raidfile/RaidFileRead.cpp b/lib/raidfile/RaidFileRead.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fed22ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/raidfile/RaidFileRead.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1701 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: RaidFileRead.cpp
+// Purpose: Read Raid like Files
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <syslog.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <map>
+#include "RaidFileRead.h"
+#include "RaidFileException.h"
+#include "RaidFileController.h"
+#include "RaidFileUtil.h"
+ #include "LinuxWorkaround.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+#define READV_MAX_BLOCKS 64
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid
+// Purpose: Internal class for reading RaidFiles which haven't been transformed
+// into the RAID like form yet.
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class RaidFileRead_NonRaid : public RaidFileRead
+ RaidFileRead_NonRaid(int SetNumber, const std::string &Filename, int OSFileHandle);
+ virtual ~RaidFileRead_NonRaid();
+ RaidFileRead_NonRaid(const RaidFileRead_NonRaid &rToCopy);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual pos_type GetFileSize() const;
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ int mOSFileHandle;
+ bool mEOF;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid(int, const std::string &, const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RaidFileRead_NonRaid::RaidFileRead_NonRaid(int SetNumber, const std::string &Filename, int OSFileHandle)
+ : RaidFileRead(SetNumber, Filename),
+ mOSFileHandle(OSFileHandle),
+ mEOF(false)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid::~RaidFileRead_NonRaid()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(mOSFileHandle != -1)
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid::Read(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Reads bytes from the file
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int RaidFileRead_NonRaid::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ // open?
+ if(mOSFileHandle == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, NotOpen)
+ }
+ // Read data
+ int bytesRead = ::read(mOSFileHandle, pBuffer, NBytes);
+ if(bytesRead == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Check for EOF
+ if(bytesRead == 0)
+ {
+ mEOF = true;
+ }
+ return bytesRead;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: Returns current position
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RaidFileRead::pos_type RaidFileRead_NonRaid::GetPosition() const
+ // open?
+ if(mOSFileHandle == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, NotOpen)
+ }
+ // Use lseek to find the current file position
+ off_t p = ::lseek(mOSFileHandle, 0, SEEK_CUR);
+ if(p == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ return p;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid::Seek(pos_type, int)
+// Purpose: Seek within the file
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RaidFileRead_NonRaid::Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ // open?
+ if(mOSFileHandle == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, NotOpen)
+ }
+ // Seek...
+ if(::lseek(mOSFileHandle, Offset, ConvertSeekTypeToOSWhence(SeekType)) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Not EOF any more
+ mEOF = false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid::Close()
+// Purpose: Close the file (automatically done by destructor)
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RaidFileRead_NonRaid::Close()
+ // open?
+ if(mOSFileHandle == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, NotOpen)
+ }
+ // Close file...
+ if(::close(mOSFileHandle) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ mOSFileHandle = -1;
+ mEOF = true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid::GetFileSize()
+// Purpose: Returns file size.
+// Created: 2003/07/14
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RaidFileRead::pos_type RaidFileRead_NonRaid::GetFileSize() const
+ // open?
+ if(mOSFileHandle == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, NotOpen)
+ }
+ // stat the file
+ struct stat st;
+ if(::fstat(mOSFileHandle, &st) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ return st.st_size;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: Any data left?
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool RaidFileRead_NonRaid::StreamDataLeft()
+ return !mEOF;
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid
+// Purpose: Internal class for reading RaidFiles have been transformed.
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class RaidFileRead_Raid : public RaidFileRead
+ friend class RaidFileRead;
+ RaidFileRead_Raid(int SetNumber, const std::string &Filename, int Stripe1Handle,
+ int Stripe2Handle, int ParityHandle, pos_type FileSize, unsigned int BlockSize,
+ bool LastBlockHasSize);
+ virtual ~RaidFileRead_Raid();
+ RaidFileRead_Raid(const RaidFileRead_Raid &rToCopy);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout = IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ virtual pos_type GetPosition() const;
+ virtual void Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual pos_type GetFileSize() const;
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ int ReadRecovered(void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ void AttemptToRecoverFromIOError(bool Stripe1);
+ void SetPosition(pos_type FilePosition);
+ static void MoveDamagedFileAlertDaemon(int SetNumber, const std::string &Filename, bool Stripe1);
+ int mStripe1Handle;
+ int mStripe2Handle;
+ int mParityHandle;
+ pos_type mFileSize;
+ unsigned int mBlockSize;
+ pos_type mCurrentPosition;
+ char *mRecoveryBuffer;
+ pos_type mRecoveryBufferStart;
+ bool mLastBlockHasSize;
+ bool mEOF;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid(int, const std::string &, const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RaidFileRead_Raid::RaidFileRead_Raid(int SetNumber, const std::string &Filename, int Stripe1Handle, int Stripe2Handle, int ParityHandle, pos_type FileSize, unsigned int BlockSize, bool LastBlockHasSize)
+ : RaidFileRead(SetNumber, Filename),
+ mStripe1Handle(Stripe1Handle),
+ mStripe2Handle(Stripe2Handle),
+ mParityHandle(ParityHandle),
+ mFileSize(FileSize),
+ mBlockSize(BlockSize),
+ mCurrentPosition(0),
+ mRecoveryBuffer(0),
+ mRecoveryBufferStart(-1),
+ mLastBlockHasSize(LastBlockHasSize),
+ mEOF(false)
+ // Make sure size of the IOStream::pos_type matches the pos_type used
+ ASSERT(sizeof(pos_type) >= sizeof(off_t));
+ ASSERT(sizeof(pos_type) == sizeof(off_t));
+ // Sanity check handles
+ if(mStripe1Handle != -1 && mStripe2Handle != -1)
+ {
+ // Everything is lovely, got two perfect files
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check we have at least one stripe and a parity file
+ if((mStripe1Handle == -1 && mStripe2Handle == -1) || mParityHandle == -1)
+ {
+ // Should never have got this far
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, Internal)
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::~RaidFileRead_Raid()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Close();
+ if(mRecoveryBuffer != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(mRecoveryBuffer);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::Read(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Reads bytes from the file
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int RaidFileRead_Raid::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ // How many more bytes could we read?
+ unsigned int maxRead = mFileSize - mCurrentPosition;
+ if((unsigned int)NBytes > maxRead)
+ {
+ NBytes = maxRead;
+ }
+ // Return immediately if there's nothing to read, and set EOF
+ if(NBytes == 0)
+ {
+ mEOF = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Can we use the normal file reading routine?
+ if(mStripe1Handle == -1 || mStripe2Handle == -1)
+ {
+ // File is damaged, try a the recovery read function
+ return ReadRecovered(pBuffer, NBytes);
+ }
+ // Vectors for reading stuff from the files
+ struct iovec stripe1Reads[READV_MAX_BLOCKS];
+ struct iovec stripe2Reads[READV_MAX_BLOCKS];
+ struct iovec *stripeReads[2] = {stripe1Reads, stripe2Reads};
+ unsigned int stripeReadsDataSize[2] = {0, 0};
+ unsigned int stripeReadsSize[2] = {0, 0};
+ int stripeHandles[2] = {mStripe1Handle, mStripe2Handle};
+ // Which block are we doing?
+ unsigned int currentBlock = mCurrentPosition / mBlockSize;
+ unsigned int bytesLeftInCurrentBlock = mBlockSize - (mCurrentPosition % mBlockSize);
+ ASSERT(bytesLeftInCurrentBlock > 0)
+ unsigned int leftToRead = NBytes;
+ char *bufferPtr = (char*)pBuffer;
+ // Now... add some whole block entries in...
+ try
+ {
+ while(leftToRead > 0)
+ {
+ int whichStripe = (currentBlock & 1);
+ size_t rlen = mBlockSize;
+ // Adjust if it's the first block
+ if(bytesLeftInCurrentBlock != 0)
+ {
+ rlen = bytesLeftInCurrentBlock;
+ bytesLeftInCurrentBlock = 0;
+ }
+ // Adjust if we're out of bytes
+ if(rlen > leftToRead)
+ {
+ rlen = leftToRead;
+ }
+ stripeReads[whichStripe][stripeReadsSize[whichStripe]].iov_base = bufferPtr;
+ stripeReads[whichStripe][stripeReadsSize[whichStripe]].iov_len = rlen;
+ stripeReadsSize[whichStripe]++;
+ stripeReadsDataSize[whichStripe] += rlen;
+ leftToRead -= rlen;
+ bufferPtr += rlen;
+ currentBlock++;
+ // Read data?
+ for(int s = 0; s < 2; ++s)
+ {
+ if((leftToRead == 0 || stripeReadsSize[s] >= READV_MAX_BLOCKS) && stripeReadsSize[s] > 0)
+ {
+ int r = ::readv(stripeHandles[s], stripeReads[s], stripeReadsSize[s]);
+ if(r == -1)
+ {
+ // Bad news... IO error?
+ if(errno == EIO)
+ {
+ // Attempt to recover from this failure
+ AttemptToRecoverFromIOError((s == 0) /* is stripe 1 */);
+ // Retry
+ return Read(pBuffer, NBytes, Timeout);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Can't do anything, throw
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ else if(r != (int)stripeReadsDataSize[s])
+ {
+ // Got the file sizes wrong/logic error!
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, Internal)
+ }
+ stripeReadsSize[s] = 0;
+ stripeReadsDataSize[s] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Get file pointers to right place (to meet exception safe stuff)
+ SetPosition(mCurrentPosition);
+ throw;
+ }
+ // adjust current position
+ mCurrentPosition += NBytes;
+ return NBytes;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::MoveDamagedFileAlertDaemon(bool)
+// Purpose: Moves a file into the damaged directory, and alerts the Daemon to recover it properly later.
+// Created: 2003/07/22
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RaidFileRead_Raid::MoveDamagedFileAlertDaemon(int SetNumber, const std::string &Filename, bool Stripe1)
+ // Move the dodgy file away
+ // Get the controller and the disc set we're on
+ RaidFileController &rcontroller(RaidFileController::GetController());
+ RaidFileDiscSet rdiscSet(rcontroller.GetDiscSet(SetNumber));
+ if(READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED != rdiscSet.size())
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, WrongNumberOfDiscsInSet)
+ }
+ // Start disc
+ int startDisc = rdiscSet.GetSetNumForWriteFiles(Filename);
+ int errOnDisc = (startDisc + (Stripe1?0:1)) % READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED;
+ // Make a munged filename for renaming
+ std::string mungeFn(Filename + RAIDFILE_EXTENSION);
+ std::string awayName;
+ for(std::string::const_iterator i = mungeFn.begin(); i != mungeFn.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ char c = (*i);
+ {
+ awayName += '_';
+ }
+ else if(c == '_')
+ {
+ awayName += "__";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ awayName += c;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure the error files directory exists
+ std::string dirname(rdiscSet[errOnDisc] + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ".raidfile-unreadable");
+ int mdr = ::mkdir(dirname.c_str(), 0750);
+ if(mdr != 0 && errno != EEXIST)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Attempt to rename the file there -- ignore any return code here, as it's dubious anyway
+ std::string errorFile(RaidFileUtil::MakeRaidComponentName(rdiscSet, Filename, errOnDisc));
+ ::rename(errorFile.c_str(), (dirname + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_ASCHAR + awayName).c_str());
+ // TODO: Inform the recovery daemon
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::AttemptToRecoverFromIOError(bool)
+// Purpose: Attempt to recover from an IO error, setting up to read from parity instead.
+// Will exception if this isn't possible.
+// Created: 2003/07/14
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RaidFileRead_Raid::AttemptToRecoverFromIOError(bool Stripe1)
+ TRACE3("Attempting to recover from I/O error: %d %s, on stripe %d\n", mSetNumber, mFilename.c_str(), Stripe1?1:2);
+ ::syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCAL5, "Attempting to recover from I/O error: %d %s, on stripe %d\n", mSetNumber, mFilename.c_str(), Stripe1?1:2);
+ // Close offending file
+ if(Stripe1)
+ {
+ if(mStripe1Handle != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(mStripe1Handle);
+ mStripe1Handle = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(mStripe2Handle != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(mStripe2Handle);
+ mStripe2Handle = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check...
+ ASSERT((Stripe1?mStripe2Handle:mStripe1Handle) != -1);
+ // Get rid of the damaged file
+ MoveDamagedFileAlertDaemon(mSetNumber, mFilename, Stripe1);
+ // Get the controller and the disc set we're on
+ RaidFileController &rcontroller(RaidFileController::GetController());
+ RaidFileDiscSet rdiscSet(rcontroller.GetDiscSet(mSetNumber));
+ if(READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED != rdiscSet.size())
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, WrongNumberOfDiscsInSet)
+ }
+ // Start disc
+ int startDisc = rdiscSet.GetSetNumForWriteFiles(mFilename);
+ // Mark as nothing in recovery buffer
+ mRecoveryBufferStart = -1;
+ // Seek to zero on the remaining file -- get to nice state
+ if(::lseek(Stripe1?mStripe2Handle:mStripe1Handle, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Open the parity file
+ std::string parityFilename(RaidFileUtil::MakeRaidComponentName(rdiscSet, mFilename, (2 + startDisc) % READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED));
+ mParityHandle = ::open(parityFilename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0555);
+ if(mParityHandle == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Work out whether or not there's a size XORed into the last block
+ unsigned int bytesInLastTwoBlocks = mFileSize % (mBlockSize * 2);
+ if(bytesInLastTwoBlocks > mBlockSize && bytesInLastTwoBlocks < ((mBlockSize * 2) - sizeof(FileSizeType)))
+ {
+ // Yes, there's something to XOR in the last block
+ mLastBlockHasSize = true;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::ReadRecovered(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Reads data recreating from the parity stripe
+// Created: 2003/07/14
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int RaidFileRead_Raid::ReadRecovered(void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ // Note: NBytes has been adjusted to definately be a range
+ // inside the given file length.
+ // Make sure a buffer is allocated
+ if(mRecoveryBuffer == 0)
+ {
+ mRecoveryBuffer = (char*)::malloc(mBlockSize * 2);
+ if(mRecoveryBuffer == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ }
+ // Which stripe?
+ int stripe = (mStripe1Handle != -1)?mStripe1Handle:mStripe2Handle;
+ if(stripe == -1)
+ {
+ // Not enough file handles around
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, FileIsDamagedNotRecoverable)
+ }
+ char *outptr = (char*)pBuffer;
+ int bytesToGo = NBytes;
+ pos_type preservedCurrentPosition = mCurrentPosition;
+ try
+ {
+ // Start offset within buffer
+ int offset = (mCurrentPosition - mRecoveryBufferStart);
+ // Let's go!
+ while(bytesToGo > 0)
+ {
+ int bytesLeftInBuffer = 0;
+ if(mRecoveryBufferStart != -1)
+ {
+ bytesLeftInBuffer = (mRecoveryBufferStart + (mBlockSize*2)) - mCurrentPosition;
+ ASSERT(bytesLeftInBuffer >= 0);
+ }
+ // How many bytes can be copied out?
+ int toCopy = bytesLeftInBuffer;
+ if(toCopy > bytesToGo) toCopy = bytesToGo;
+ //printf("offset = %d, tocopy = %d, bytestogo = %d, leftinbuffer = %d\n", (int)offset, toCopy, bytesToGo, bytesLeftInBuffer);
+ if(toCopy > 0)
+ {
+ for(int l = 0; l < toCopy; ++l)
+ {
+ *(outptr++) = mRecoveryBuffer[offset++];
+ }
+ bytesToGo -= toCopy;
+ mCurrentPosition += toCopy;
+ }
+ // Load in the next buffer?
+ if(bytesToGo > 0)
+ {
+ // Calculate the blocks within the file that are needed to be loaded.
+ pos_type fileBlock = mCurrentPosition / (mBlockSize * 2);
+ // Is this the last block
+ bool isLastBlock = (fileBlock == (mFileSize / (mBlockSize * 2)));
+ // Need to reposition file pointers?
+ if(mRecoveryBufferStart == -1)
+ {
+ // Yes!
+ // And the offset from which to read it
+ pos_type filePos = fileBlock * mBlockSize;
+ // Then seek
+ if(::lseek(stripe, filePos, SEEK_SET) == -1
+ || ::lseek(mParityHandle, filePos, SEEK_SET) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ // Load a block from each file, getting the ordering the right way round
+ int r1 = ::read((mStripe1Handle != -1)?stripe:mParityHandle, mRecoveryBuffer, mBlockSize);
+ int r2 = ::read((mStripe1Handle != -1)?mParityHandle:stripe, mRecoveryBuffer + mBlockSize, mBlockSize);
+ if(r1 == -1 || r2 == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // error checking and manipulation
+ if(isLastBlock)
+ {
+ // Allow not full reads, and append zeros if necessary to fill the space.
+ int r1zeros = mBlockSize - r1;
+ if(r1zeros > 0)
+ {
+ ::memset(mRecoveryBuffer + r1, 0, r1zeros);
+ }
+ int r2zeros = mBlockSize - r2;
+ if(r2zeros > 0)
+ {
+ ::memset(mRecoveryBuffer + mBlockSize + r2, 0, r2zeros);
+ }
+ // if it's got the file size in it, XOR it off
+ if(mLastBlockHasSize)
+ {
+ int sizeXorOffset = (mBlockSize - sizeof(FileSizeType)) + ((mStripe1Handle != -1)?mBlockSize:0);
+ *((FileSizeType*)(mRecoveryBuffer + sizeXorOffset)) ^= ntoh64(mFileSize);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Must have got a full block, otherwise things are a bit bad here.
+ if(r1 != (int)mBlockSize || r2 != (int)mBlockSize)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, InvalidRaidFile)
+ }
+ }
+ // Go XORing!
+ unsigned int *b1 = (unsigned int*)mRecoveryBuffer;
+ unsigned int *b2 = (unsigned int *)(mRecoveryBuffer + mBlockSize);
+ if((mStripe1Handle == -1))
+ {
+ b1 = b2;
+ b2 = (unsigned int*)mRecoveryBuffer;
+ }
+ for(int x = ((mBlockSize/sizeof(unsigned int)) - 1); x >= 0; --x)
+ {
+ *b2 = (*b1) ^ (*b2);
+ ++b1;
+ ++b2;
+ }
+ // New block location
+ mRecoveryBufferStart = fileBlock * (mBlockSize * 2);
+ // New offset withing block
+ offset = (mCurrentPosition - mRecoveryBufferStart);
+ ASSERT(offset >= 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Change variables so 1) buffer is invalidated and 2) the file will be seeked properly the next time round
+ mRecoveryBufferStart = -1;
+ mCurrentPosition = preservedCurrentPosition;
+ throw;
+ }
+ return NBytes;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::GetPosition()
+// Purpose: Returns current position
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type RaidFileRead_Raid::GetPosition() const
+ return mCurrentPosition;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::Seek(RaidFileRead::pos_type, bool)
+// Purpose: Seek within the file
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RaidFileRead_Raid::Seek(IOStream::pos_type Offset, int SeekType)
+ pos_type newpos = mCurrentPosition;
+ switch(SeekType)
+ {
+ case IOStream::SeekType_Absolute:
+ newpos = Offset;
+ break;
+ case IOStream::SeekType_Relative:
+ newpos += Offset;
+ break;
+ case IOStream::SeekType_End:
+ newpos = mFileSize + Offset;
+ break;
+ default:
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, IOStreamBadSeekType)
+ }
+ if(newpos != mCurrentPosition)
+ {
+ SetPosition(newpos);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::SetPosition(pos_type)
+// Purpose: Move the file pointers
+// Created: 2003/07/14
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RaidFileRead_Raid::SetPosition(pos_type FilePosition)
+ if(FilePosition > mFileSize)
+ {
+ FilePosition = mFileSize;
+ }
+ if(mStripe1Handle != -1 && mStripe2Handle != -1)
+ {
+ // right then... which block is it in?
+ pos_type block = FilePosition / mBlockSize;
+ pos_type offset = FilePosition % mBlockSize;
+ // Calculate offsets for each file
+ pos_type basepos = (block / 2) * mBlockSize;
+ pos_type s1p, s2p;
+ if((block & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ s1p = basepos + offset;
+ s2p = basepos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s1p = basepos + mBlockSize;
+ s2p = basepos + offset;
+ }
+ // Note: lseek isn't in the man pages to return EIO, but assuming that it can return this,
+ // as it calls various OS bits and returns their error codes, and those fns look like they might.
+ if(::lseek(mStripe1Handle, s1p, SEEK_SET) == -1)
+ {
+ if(errno == EIO)
+ {
+ TRACE3("I/O error when seeking in %d %s (to %d), stripe 1\n", mSetNumber, mFilename.c_str(), (int)FilePosition);
+ ::syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCAL5, "I/O error when seeking in %d %s (to %d), stripe 1\n", mSetNumber, mFilename.c_str(), (int)FilePosition);
+ // Attempt to recover
+ AttemptToRecoverFromIOError(true /* is stripe 1 */);
+ ASSERT(mStripe1Handle == -1);
+ // Retry
+ SetPosition(FilePosition);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ if(::lseek(mStripe2Handle, s2p, SEEK_SET) == -1)
+ {
+ if(errno == EIO)
+ {
+ TRACE3("I/O error when seeking in %d %s (to %d), stripe 2\n", mSetNumber, mFilename.c_str(), (int)FilePosition);
+ ::syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCAL5, "I/O error when seeking in %d %s (to %d), stripe 2\n", mSetNumber, mFilename.c_str(), (int)FilePosition);
+ // Attempt to recover
+ AttemptToRecoverFromIOError(false /* is stripe 2 */);
+ ASSERT(mStripe2Handle == -1);
+ // Retry
+ SetPosition(FilePosition);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ // Store position
+ mCurrentPosition = FilePosition;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Simply store, and mark the recovery buffer invalid
+ mCurrentPosition = FilePosition;
+ mRecoveryBufferStart = -1;
+ }
+ // not EOF any more
+ mEOF = false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::Close()
+// Purpose: Close the file (automatically done by destructor)
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RaidFileRead_Raid::Close()
+ if(mStripe1Handle != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(mStripe1Handle);
+ mStripe1Handle = -1;
+ }
+ if(mStripe2Handle != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(mStripe2Handle);
+ mStripe2Handle = -1;
+ }
+ if(mParityHandle != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(mParityHandle);
+ mParityHandle = -1;
+ }
+ mEOF = true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_NonRaid::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: Any data left?
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool RaidFileRead_Raid::StreamDataLeft()
+ return !mEOF;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead_Raid::GetFileSize()
+// Purpose: Returns file size.
+// Created: 2003/07/14
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RaidFileRead::pos_type RaidFileRead_Raid::GetFileSize() const
+ return mFileSize;
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::RaidFileRead(int, const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RaidFileRead::RaidFileRead(int SetNumber, const std::string &Filename)
+ : mSetNumber(SetNumber),
+ mFilename(Filename)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::~RaidFileRead()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::Open(int, const std::string &, int)
+// Purpose: Opens a RaidFile for reading.
+// Created: 2003/07/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> RaidFileRead::Open(int SetNumber, const std::string &Filename, int64_t *pRevisionID, int BufferSizeHint)
+ // See what's available...
+ // Get disc set
+ RaidFileController &rcontroller(RaidFileController::GetController());
+ RaidFileDiscSet rdiscSet(rcontroller.GetDiscSet(SetNumber));
+ if(READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED != rdiscSet.size() && 1 != rdiscSet.size()) // allow non-RAID configurations
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, WrongNumberOfDiscsInSet)
+ }
+ // See if the file exists
+ int startDisc = 0, existingFiles = 0;
+ RaidFileUtil::ExistType existance = RaidFileUtil::RaidFileExists(rdiscSet, Filename, &startDisc, &existingFiles, pRevisionID);
+ if(existance == RaidFileUtil::NoFile)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, RaidFileDoesntExist)
+ }
+ else if(existance == RaidFileUtil::NonRaid)
+ {
+ // Simple non-RAID file so far...
+ // Get the filename for the write file
+ std::string writeFilename(RaidFileUtil::MakeWriteFileName(rdiscSet, Filename));
+ // Attempt to open
+ int osFileHandle = ::open(writeFilename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if(osFileHandle == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, ErrorOpeningFileForRead)
+ }
+ // Return a read object for this file
+ try
+ {
+ return std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead>(new RaidFileRead_NonRaid(SetNumber, Filename, osFileHandle));
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ ::close(osFileHandle);
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(existance == RaidFileUtil::AsRaid
+ || ((existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe1Exists) && (existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe2Exists)))
+ {
+ if(existance != RaidFileUtil::AsRaid)
+ {
+ TRACE2("Opening %d %s in normal mode, but parity file doesn't exist\n", SetNumber, Filename.c_str());
+ ::syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCAL5, "Opening %d %s in normal mode, but parity file doesn't exist\n", SetNumber, Filename.c_str());
+ // TODO: Alert recovery daemon
+ }
+ // Open the two stripe files
+ std::string stripe1Filename(RaidFileUtil::MakeRaidComponentName(rdiscSet, Filename, (0 + startDisc) % READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED));
+ std::string stripe2Filename(RaidFileUtil::MakeRaidComponentName(rdiscSet, Filename, (1 + startDisc) % READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED));
+ int stripe1 = -1;
+ int stripe1errno = 0;
+ int stripe2 = -1;
+ int stripe2errno = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Open stripe1
+ stripe1 = ::open(stripe1Filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0555);
+ if(stripe1 == -1)
+ {
+ stripe1errno = errno;
+ }
+ // Open stripe2
+ stripe2 = ::open(stripe2Filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0555);
+ if(stripe2 == -1)
+ {
+ stripe2errno = errno;
+ }
+ if(stripe1errno != 0 || stripe2errno != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, ErrorOpeningFileForRead)
+ }
+ // stat stripe 1 to find ('half' of) length...
+ struct stat st;
+ if(::fstat(stripe1, &st) != 0)
+ {
+ stripe1errno = errno;
+ }
+ pos_type length = st.st_size;
+ // stat stripe2 to find (other 'half' of) length...
+ if(::fstat(stripe2, &st) != 0)
+ {
+ stripe2errno = errno;
+ }
+ length += st.st_size;
+ // Handle errors
+ if(stripe1errno != 0 || stripe2errno != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Make a nice object to represent this file
+ return std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead>(new RaidFileRead_Raid(SetNumber, Filename, stripe1, stripe2, -1, length, rdiscSet.GetBlockSize(), false /* actually we don't know */));
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Close open files
+ if(stripe1 != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(stripe1);
+ stripe1 = -1;
+ }
+ if(stripe2 != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(stripe2);
+ stripe2 = -1;
+ }
+ // Now... maybe we can try again with one less file?
+ bool oktotryagain = true;
+ if(stripe1errno == EIO)
+ {
+ TRACE2("I/O error on opening %d %s stripe 1, trying recovery mode\n", SetNumber, Filename.c_str());
+ ::syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCAL5, "I/O error on opening %d %s stripe 1, trying recovery mode\n", SetNumber, Filename.c_str());
+ RaidFileRead_Raid::MoveDamagedFileAlertDaemon(SetNumber, Filename, true /* is stripe 1 */);
+ existingFiles = existingFiles & ~RaidFileUtil::Stripe1Exists;
+ existance = (existance == RaidFileUtil::AsRaidWithMissingReadable)
+ ?RaidFileUtil::AsRaidWithMissingNotRecoverable
+ :RaidFileUtil::AsRaidWithMissingReadable;
+ }
+ else if(stripe1errno != 0)
+ {
+ oktotryagain = false;
+ }
+ if(stripe2errno == EIO)
+ {
+ TRACE2("I/O error on opening %d %s stripe 2, trying recovery mode\n", SetNumber, Filename.c_str());
+ ::syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCAL5, "I/O error on opening %d %s stripe 2, trying recovery mode\n", SetNumber, Filename.c_str());
+ RaidFileRead_Raid::MoveDamagedFileAlertDaemon(SetNumber, Filename, false /* is stripe 2 */);
+ existingFiles = existingFiles & ~RaidFileUtil::Stripe2Exists;
+ existance = (existance == RaidFileUtil::AsRaidWithMissingReadable)
+ ?RaidFileUtil::AsRaidWithMissingNotRecoverable
+ :RaidFileUtil::AsRaidWithMissingReadable;
+ }
+ else if(stripe2errno != 0)
+ {
+ oktotryagain = false;
+ }
+ if(!oktotryagain)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(existance == RaidFileUtil::AsRaidWithMissingReadable)
+ {
+ TRACE3("Attempting to open RAID file %d %s in recovery mode (stripe %d present)\n", SetNumber, Filename.c_str(), (existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe1Exists)?1:2);
+ ::syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCAL5, "Attempting to open RAID file %d %s in recovery mode (stripe %d present)\n", SetNumber, Filename.c_str(), (existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe1Exists)?1:2);
+ // Generate the filenames of all the lovely files
+ std::string stripe1Filename(RaidFileUtil::MakeRaidComponentName(rdiscSet, Filename, (0 + startDisc) % READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED));
+ std::string stripe2Filename(RaidFileUtil::MakeRaidComponentName(rdiscSet, Filename, (1 + startDisc) % READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED));
+ std::string parityFilename(RaidFileUtil::MakeRaidComponentName(rdiscSet, Filename, (2 + startDisc) % READ_NUMBER_DISCS_REQUIRED));
+ int stripe1 = -1;
+ int stripe2 = -1;
+ int parity = -1;
+ try
+ {
+ // Open stripe1?
+ if(existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe1Exists)
+ {
+ stripe1 = ::open(stripe1Filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0555);
+ if(stripe1 == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ // Open stripe2?
+ if(existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe2Exists)
+ {
+ stripe2 = ::open(stripe2Filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0555);
+ if(stripe2 == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ // Open parity
+ parity = ::open(parityFilename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0555);
+ if(parity == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Find the length. This is slightly complex.
+ unsigned int blockSize = rdiscSet.GetBlockSize();
+ pos_type length = 0;
+ // The easy one... if the parity file is of an integral block size + sizeof(FileSizeType)
+ // then it's stored at the end of the parity file
+ struct stat st;
+ if(::fstat(parity, &st) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ pos_type paritySize = st.st_size;
+ FileSizeType parityLastData = 0;
+ bool parityIntegralPlusOffT = ((paritySize % blockSize) == sizeof(FileSizeType));
+ if(paritySize >= static_cast<pos_type>(sizeof(parityLastData)) && (parityIntegralPlusOffT || stripe1 != -1))
+ {
+ // Seek to near the end
+ ASSERT(sizeof(FileSizeType) == 8); // compiler bug (I think) prevents from using 0 - sizeof(FileSizeType)...
+ if(::lseek(parity, -8 /*(0 - sizeof(FileSizeType))*/, SEEK_END) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Read it in
+ if(::read(parity, &parityLastData, sizeof(parityLastData)) != sizeof(parityLastData))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Set back to beginning of file
+ if(::lseek(parity, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ bool lastBlockHasSize = false;
+ if(parityIntegralPlusOffT)
+ {
+ // Wonderful! Have the value
+ length = ntoh64(parityLastData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Have to resort to more devious means.
+ if(existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe1Exists)
+ {
+ // Procedure for stripe 1 existence...
+ // Get size of stripe1.
+ // If this is not an integral block size, then size can use this
+ // to work out the size of the file.
+ // Otherwise, read in the end of the last block, and use a bit of XORing
+ // to get the size from the FileSizeType value at end of the file.
+ if(::fstat(stripe1, &st) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ pos_type stripe1Size = st.st_size;
+ // Is size integral?
+ if((stripe1Size % ((pos_type)blockSize)) != 0)
+ {
+ // No, so know the size.
+ length = stripe1Size + ((stripe1Size / blockSize) * blockSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Must read the last bit of data from the block and XOR.
+ FileSizeType stripe1LastData = 0; // initialise to zero, as we may not read everything from it
+ // Work out how many bytes to read
+ int btr = 0; // bytes to read off end
+ unsigned int lbs = stripe1Size % blockSize;
+ if(lbs == 0 && stripe1Size > 0)
+ {
+ // integral size, need the entire bit
+ btr = sizeof(FileSizeType);
+ }
+ else if(lbs > (blockSize - sizeof(FileSizeType)))
+ {
+ btr = lbs - (blockSize - sizeof(FileSizeType));
+ }
+ // Seek to near the end
+ if(btr > 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT(sizeof(FileSizeType) == 8); // compiler bug (I think) prevents from using 0 - sizeof(FileSizeType)...
+ ASSERT(btr <= (int)sizeof(FileSizeType));
+ if(::lseek(stripe1, 0 - btr, SEEK_END) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Read it in
+ if(::read(stripe1, &stripe1LastData, btr) != btr)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ // Set back to beginning of file
+ if(::lseek(stripe1, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ // Lovely!
+ length = stripe1LastData ^ parityLastData;
+ // Convert to host byte order
+ length = ntoh64(length);
+ ASSERT(length <= (paritySize + stripe1Size));
+ // Mark is as having this to aid code later
+ lastBlockHasSize = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT(existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe2Exists);
+ }
+ if(existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe2Exists)
+ {
+ // Get size of stripe2 file
+ if(::fstat(stripe2, &st) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ pos_type stripe2Size = st.st_size;
+ // Is it an integral size?
+ if(stripe2Size % blockSize != 0)
+ {
+ // No. Working out the size is easy.
+ length = stripe2Size + (((stripe2Size / blockSize)+1) * blockSize);
+ // Got last block size in there?
+ if((stripe2Size % blockSize) <= static_cast<pos_type>((blockSize - sizeof(pos_type))))
+ {
+ // Yes...
+ lastBlockHasSize = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Yes. So we need to compare with the parity file to get a clue...
+ pos_type stripe2Blocks = stripe2Size / blockSize;
+ pos_type parityBlocks = paritySize / blockSize;
+ if(stripe2Blocks == parityBlocks)
+ {
+ // Same size, so stripe1 must be the same size
+ length = (stripe2Blocks * 2) * blockSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Different size, so stripe1 must be one block bigger
+ ASSERT(stripe2Blocks < parityBlocks);
+ length = ((stripe2Blocks * 2)+1) * blockSize;
+ }
+ // Then... add in the extra bit of the parity length
+ unsigned int lastBlockSize = paritySize % blockSize;
+ length += lastBlockSize;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT(existingFiles & RaidFileUtil::Stripe1Exists);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a lovely object to return
+ return std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead>(new RaidFileRead_Raid(SetNumber, Filename, stripe1, stripe2, parity, length, blockSize, lastBlockHasSize));
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Close open files
+ if(stripe1 != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(stripe1);
+ stripe1 = -1;
+ }
+ if(stripe2 != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(stripe2);
+ stripe2 = -1;
+ }
+ if(parity != -1)
+ {
+ ::close(parity);
+ parity = -1;
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, FileIsDamagedNotRecoverable)
+ // Avoid compiler warning -- it'll never get here...
+ return std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead>();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::DirectoryExists(int, const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Returns true if the directory exists. Throws exception if it's partially in existence.
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool RaidFileRead::DirectoryExists(int SetNumber, const std::string &rDirName)
+ // Get disc set
+ RaidFileController &rcontroller(RaidFileController::GetController());
+ RaidFileDiscSet rdiscSet(rcontroller.GetDiscSet(SetNumber));
+ return DirectoryExists(rdiscSet, rDirName);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::DirectoryExists(const RaidFileDiscSet &, const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Returns true if the directory exists. Throws exception if it's partially in existence.
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool RaidFileRead::DirectoryExists(const RaidFileDiscSet &rSet, const std::string &rDirName)
+ // For each directory, test to see if it exists
+ unsigned int nexist = 0;
+ for(unsigned int l = 0; l < rSet.size(); ++l)
+ {
+ // build name
+ std::string dn(rSet[l] + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR + rDirName);
+ // check for existence
+ struct stat st;
+ if(::stat(dn.c_str(), &st) == 0)
+ {
+ // Directory?
+ if(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
+ {
+ // yes
+ nexist++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No. It's a file. Bad!
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, UnexpectedFileInDirPlace)
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Was it a non-exist error?
+ if(errno != ENOENT)
+ {
+ // No. Bad things.
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Were all of them found?
+ if(nexist == 0)
+ {
+ // None.
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(nexist == rSet.size())
+ {
+ // All
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Some exist. We don't like this -- it shows something bad happened before
+ // TODO: notify recovery daemon
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, DirectoryIncomplete)
+ return false; // avoid compiler warning
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::FileExists(int, const std::string &, int64_t *)
+// Purpose: Does a Raid file exist? Optionally return a revision number, which is
+// unique to this saving of the file. (revision number may change
+// after transformation to RAID -- so only use for cache control,
+// not detecting changes to content).
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool RaidFileRead::FileExists(int SetNumber, const std::string &rFilename, int64_t *pRevisionID)
+ // Get disc set
+ RaidFileController &rcontroller(RaidFileController::GetController());
+ RaidFileDiscSet rdiscSet(rcontroller.GetDiscSet(SetNumber));
+ return RaidFileUtil::RaidFileExists(rdiscSet, rFilename, 0, 0, pRevisionID) != RaidFileUtil::NoFile;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: ReadDirectoryContents(int, const std::string &, int, std::vector<std::string> &)
+// Purpose: Read directory contents, returning whether or not all entries are likely to be readable or not
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool RaidFileRead::ReadDirectoryContents(int SetNumber, const std::string &rDirName, int DirReadType, std::vector<std::string> &rOutput)
+ // Remove anything in the vector to begin with.
+ rOutput.clear();
+ // Controller and set
+ RaidFileController &rcontroller(RaidFileController::GetController());
+ RaidFileDiscSet rdiscSet(rcontroller.GetDiscSet(SetNumber));
+ // Collect the directory listings
+ std::map<std::string, unsigned int> counts;
+ unsigned int numDiscs = rdiscSet.size();
+ for(unsigned int l = 0; l < numDiscs; ++l)
+ {
+ // build name
+ std::string dn(rdiscSet[l] + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR + rDirName);
+ // read the contents...
+ DIR *dirHandle = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ dirHandle = ::opendir(dn.c_str());
+ if(dirHandle == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ struct dirent *en = 0;
+ while((en = ::readdir(dirHandle)) != 0)
+ {
+ LinuxWorkaround_FinishDirentStruct(en, dn.c_str());
+ if(en->d_name[0] == '.' &&
+ (en->d_name[1] == '\0' || (en->d_name[1] == '.' && en->d_name[2] == '\0')))
+ {
+ // ignore, it's . or ..
+ continue;
+ }
+ // stat the file to find out what type it is
+/* struct stat st;
+ std::string fullName(dn + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR + en->d_name);
+ if(::stat(fullName.c_str(), &st) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }*/
+ // Entry...
+ std::string name;
+ unsigned int countToAdd = 1;
+ if(DirReadType == DirReadType_FilesOnly && en->d_type == DT_REG) // (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0)
+ {
+ // File. Complex, need to check the extension
+ int dot = -1;
+ int p = 0;
+ while(en->d_name[p] != '\0')
+ {
+ if(en->d_name[p] == '.')
+ {
+ // store location of dot
+ dot = p;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ // p is length of string
+ if(dot != -1 && ((p - dot) == 3 || (p - dot) == 4)
+ && en->d_name[dot+1] == 'r' && en->d_name[dot+2] == 'f'
+ && (en->d_name[dot+3] == 'w' || en->d_name[dot+3] == '\0'))
+ {
+ // so has right extension
+ name.assign(en->d_name, dot); /* get name up to last . */
+ // Was it a write file (which counts as everything)
+ if(en->d_name[dot+3] == 'w')
+ {
+ countToAdd = numDiscs;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(DirReadType == DirReadType_DirsOnly && en->d_type == DT_DIR) // (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
+ {
+ // Directory, and we want directories
+ name = en->d_name;
+ }
+ // Eligable for entry?
+ if(!name.empty())
+ {
+ // add to map...
+ std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::iterator i = counts.find(name);
+ if(i != counts.end())
+ {
+ // add to count
+ i->second += countToAdd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // insert into map
+ counts[name] = countToAdd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(::closedir(dirHandle) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, OSError)
+ }
+ dirHandle = 0;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ if(dirHandle != 0)
+ {
+ ::closedir(dirHandle);
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now go through the map, adding in entries
+ bool everythingReadable = true;
+ for(std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator i = counts.begin(); i != counts.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->second < (numDiscs - 1))
+ {
+ // Too few discs to be confident of reading everything
+ everythingReadable = false;
+ }
+ // Add name to vector
+ rOutput.push_back(i->first);
+ }
+ return everythingReadable;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::Write(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Not support, throws exception
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void RaidFileRead::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(RaidFileException, UnsupportedReadWriteOrClose)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: Never any data to write
+// Created: 2003/08/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool RaidFileRead::StreamClosed()
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::BytesLeftToRead()
+// Purpose: Can tell how many bytes there are to go
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type RaidFileRead::BytesLeftToRead()
+ return GetFileSize() - GetPosition();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: RaidFileRead::GetDiscUsageInBlocks()
+// Purpose: Return how many blocks are used.
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IOStream::pos_type RaidFileRead::GetDiscUsageInBlocks()
+ RaidFileController &rcontroller(RaidFileController::GetController());
+ RaidFileDiscSet rdiscSet(rcontroller.GetDiscSet(mSetNumber));
+ return RaidFileUtil::DiscUsageInBlocks(GetFileSize(), rdiscSet);