path: root/lib/server/WinNamedPipeStream.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/server/WinNamedPipeStream.cpp')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/lib/server/WinNamedPipeStream.cpp b/lib/server/WinNamedPipeStream.cpp
index fedb57d8..1179516e 100644
--- a/lib/server/WinNamedPipeStream.cpp
+++ b/lib/server/WinNamedPipeStream.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,55 @@ WinNamedPipeStream::WinNamedPipeStream()
+{ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: WinNamedPipeStream::WinNamedPipeStream(HANDLE)
+// Purpose: Constructor (with already-connected pipe handle)
+// Created: 2008/10/01
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WinNamedPipeStream::WinNamedPipeStream(HANDLE hNamedPipe)
+ : mSocketHandle(hNamedPipe),
+ mBytesInBuffer(0),
+ mReadClosed(false),
+ mWriteClosed(false),
+ mIsServer(true),
+ mIsConnected(true)
+ // create the Readable event
+ mReadableEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (mReadableEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to create the Readable event: " <<
+ GetErrorMessage(GetLastError()));
+ Close();
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal)
+ }
+ // initialise the OVERLAPPED structure
+ memset(&mReadOverlap, 0, sizeof(mReadOverlap));
+ mReadOverlap.hEvent = mReadableEvent;
+ // start the first overlapped read
+ if (!ReadFile(mSocketHandle, mReadBuffer, sizeof(mReadBuffer),
+ NULL, &mReadOverlap))
+ {
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ if (err != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to start overlapped read: " <<
+ GetErrorMessage(err));
+ Close();
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConnectionException,
+ Conn_SocketReadError)
+ }
+ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -80,33 +128,17 @@ WinNamedPipeStream::~WinNamedPipeStream()
// Created: 2005/12/07
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void WinNamedPipeStream::Accept(const std::string& rName)
+void WinNamedPipeStream::Accept()
- if (mSocketHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || mIsConnected)
+ if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, SocketAlreadyOpen)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, BadSocketHandle);
- std::string socket = sPipeNamePrefix + rName;
- mSocketHandle = CreateNamedPipeA(
- socket.c_str(), // pipe name
- PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | // read/write access
- FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // enabled overlapped I/O
- PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | // message type pipe
- PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | // message-read mode
- PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode
- 1, // max. instances
- 4096, // output buffer size
- 4096, // input buffer size
- NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT, // client time-out
- NULL); // default security attribute
- if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ if (mIsConnected)
- BOX_ERROR("Failed to CreateNamedPipeA(" << socket << "): " <<
- GetErrorMessage(GetLastError()));
- THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, SocketOpenError)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, SocketAlreadyOpen);
bool connected = ConnectNamedPipe(mSocketHandle, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL);
@@ -156,6 +188,7 @@ void WinNamedPipeStream::Accept(const std::string& rName)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -217,7 +250,7 @@ void WinNamedPipeStream::Connect(const std::string& rName)
int WinNamedPipeStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
// TODO no support for timeouts yet
- if (Timeout != IOStream::TimeOutInfinite)
+ if (!mIsServer && Timeout != IOStream::TimeOutInfinite)
THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, AssertFailed)
@@ -249,8 +282,29 @@ int WinNamedPipeStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
// overlapped I/O completed successfully?
// (wait if needed)
+ DWORD waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(
+ mReadOverlap.hEvent, Timeout);
- if (GetOverlappedResult(mSocketHandle,
+ if (waitResult == WAIT_ABANDONED)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Wait for command socket read "
+ "abandoned by system");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException,
+ BadSocketHandle);
+ }
+ else if (waitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ // wait timed out, nothing to read
+ NumBytesRead = 0;
+ }
+ else if (waitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to wait for command "
+ "socket read: unknown result " <<
+ waitResult);
+ }
+ // object is ready to read from
+ else if (GetOverlappedResult(mSocketHandle,
&mReadOverlap, &NumBytesRead, TRUE))
needAnotherRead = true;
@@ -267,7 +321,7 @@ int WinNamedPipeStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
- BOX_ERROR("Control client "
+ BOX_NOTICE("Control client "
@@ -342,29 +396,6 @@ int WinNamedPipeStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
- // If the read succeeded immediately, leave the event
- // signaled, so that we will be called again to process
- // the newly read data and start another overlapped read.
- if (needAnotherRead && !mReadClosed)
- {
- // leave signalled
- }
- else if (!needAnotherRead && mBytesInBuffer > 0)
- {
- // leave signalled
- }
- else
- {
- // nothing left to read, reset the event
- ResetEvent(mReadableEvent);
- // FIXME: a pending read could have signalled
- // the event (again) while we were busy reading.
- // that signal would be lost, and the reading
- // thread would block. Should be pretty obvious
- // if this happens in practice: control client
- // hangs.
- }
@@ -440,23 +471,21 @@ void WinNamedPipeStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
if (!Success)
- DWORD err = GetLastError();
- BOX_ERROR("Failed to write to control socket: " <<
- GetErrorMessage(err));
- Close();
// ERROR_NO_DATA is a strange name for
- // "The pipe is being closed". No exception wanted.
+ // "The pipe is being closed".
- if (err == ERROR_NO_DATA)
- {
- return;
- }
- else
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ if (err != ERROR_NO_DATA)
- THROW_EXCEPTION(ConnectionException,
- Conn_SocketWriteError)
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to write to control "
+ "socket: " << GetErrorMessage(err));
+ Close();
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConnectionException,
+ Conn_SocketWriteError)
NumBytesWrittenTotal += NumBytesWrittenThisTime;