path: root/lib/server/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/server/')
1 files changed, 993 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/server/ b/lib/server/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2a69c59c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+use strict;
+# Make protocol C++ classes from a protocol description file
+# built in type info (values are is basic type, C++ typename)
+# may get stuff added to it later if protocol uses extra types
+my %translate_type_info =
+ 'int64' => [1, 'int64_t'],
+ 'int32' => [1, 'int32_t'],
+ 'int16' => [1, 'int16_t'],
+ 'int8' => [1, 'int8_t'],
+ 'bool' => [1, 'bool'],
+ 'string' => [0, 'std::string']
+# built in instructions for logging various types
+# may be added to
+my %log_display_types =
+ 'int64' => ['0x%llx', 'VAR'],
+ 'int32' => ['0x%x', 'VAR'],
+ 'int16' => ['0x%x', 'VAR'],
+ 'int8' => ['0x%x', 'VAR'],
+ 'bool' => ['%s', '((VAR)?"true":"false")'],
+ 'string' => ['%s', 'VAR.c_str()']
+my ($type, $file) = @ARGV;
+if($type ne 'Server' && $type ne 'Client')
+ die "Neither Server or Client is specified on command line\n";
+open IN, $file or die "Can't open input file $file\n";
+print "Making $type protocol classes from $file...\n";
+my @extra_header_files;
+my $implement_syslog = 0;
+my $implement_filelog = 0;
+# read attributes
+my %attr;
+ # get and clean line
+ my $l = $_; $l =~ s/#.*\Z//; $l =~ s/\A\s+//; $l =~ s/\s+\Z//; next unless $l =~ m/\S/;
+ last if $l eq 'BEGIN_OBJECTS';
+ my ($k,$v) = split /\s+/,$l,2;
+ if($k eq 'ClientType')
+ {
+ add_type($v) if $type eq 'Client';
+ }
+ elsif($k eq 'ServerType')
+ {
+ add_type($v) if $type eq 'Server';
+ }
+ elsif($k eq 'ImplementLog')
+ {
+ my ($log_if_type,$log_type) = split /\s+/,$v;
+ if($type eq $log_if_type)
+ {
+ if($log_type eq 'syslog')
+ {
+ $implement_syslog = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($log_type eq 'file')
+ {
+ $implement_filelog = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: Unknown log type for implementation: $log_type\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($k eq 'LogTypeToText')
+ {
+ my ($log_if_type,$type_name,$printf_format,$arg_template) = split /\s+/,$v;
+ if($type eq $log_if_type)
+ {
+ $log_display_types{$type_name} = [$printf_format,$arg_template]
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $attr{$k} = $v;
+ }
+sub add_type
+ my ($protocol_name, $cpp_name, $header_file) = split /\s+/,$_[0];
+ $translate_type_info{$protocol_name} = [0, $cpp_name];
+ push @extra_header_files, $header_file;
+# check attributes
+for(qw/Name ServerContextClass IdentString/)
+ if(!exists $attr{$_})
+ {
+ die "Attribute $_ is required, but not specified\n";
+ }
+my $protocol_name = $attr{'Name'};
+my ($context_class, $context_class_inc) = split /\s+/,$attr{'ServerContextClass'};
+my $ident_string = $attr{'IdentString'};
+my $current_cmd = '';
+my %cmd_contents;
+my %cmd_attributes;
+my %cmd_constants;
+my %cmd_id;
+my @cmd_list;
+# read in the command definitions
+ # get and clean line
+ my $l = $_; $l =~ s/#.*\Z//; $l =~ s/\s+\Z//; next unless $l =~ m/\S/;
+ # definitions or new command thing?
+ if($l =~ m/\A\s+/)
+ {
+ die "No command defined yet" if $current_cmd eq '';
+ # definition of component
+ $l =~ s/\A\s+//;
+ my ($type,$name,$value) = split /\s+/,$l;
+ if($type eq 'CONSTANT')
+ {
+ push @{$cmd_constants{$current_cmd}},"$name = $value"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @{$cmd_contents{$current_cmd}},$type,$name;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # new command
+ my ($name,$id,@attributes) = split /\s+/,$l;
+ $cmd_attributes{$name} = [@attributes];
+ $cmd_id{$name} = int($id);
+ $current_cmd = $name;
+ push @cmd_list,$name;
+ }
+close IN;
+# open files
+my $h_filename = 'autogen_'.$protocol_name.'Protocol'.$type.'.h';
+open CPP,'>autogen_'.$protocol_name.'Protocol'.$type.'.cpp';
+open H,">$h_filename";
+print CPP <<__E;
+// Auto-generated file -- do not edit
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "$h_filename"
+#include "IOStream.h"
+ print H qq~#include <syslog.h>\n~;
+my $guardname = uc 'AUTOGEN_'.$protocol_name.'Protocol'.$type.'_H';
+print H <<__E;
+// Auto-generated file -- do not edit
+#ifndef $guardname
+#define $guardname
+#include "Protocol.h"
+#include "ProtocolObject.h"
+#include "ServerException.h"
+class IOStream;
+ print H qq~#include <stdio.h>\n~;
+# extra headers
+ print H qq~#include "$_"\n~
+print H "\n";
+if($type eq 'Server')
+ # need utils file for the server
+ print H '#include "Utils.h"',"\n\n"
+my $derive_objects_from = 'ProtocolObject';
+my $objects_extra_h = '';
+my $objects_extra_cpp = '';
+if($type eq 'Server')
+ # define the context
+ print H "class $context_class;\n\n";
+ print CPP "#include \"$context_class_inc\"\n\n";
+ # change class we derive the objects from
+ $derive_objects_from = $protocol_name.'ProtocolObject';
+ $objects_extra_h = <<__E;
+ virtual std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> DoCommand(${protocol_name}ProtocolServer &rProtocol, $context_class &rContext);
+ $objects_extra_cpp = <<__E;
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> ${derive_objects_from}::DoCommand(${protocol_name}ProtocolServer &rProtocol, $context_class &rContext)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConnectionException, Conn_Protocol_TriedToExecuteReplyCommand)
+print CPP qq~#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"\n~;
+if($type eq 'Client' && ($implement_syslog || $implement_filelog))
+ # change class we derive the objects from
+ $derive_objects_from = $protocol_name.'ProtocolObjectCl';
+ $objects_extra_h .= <<__E;
+ virtual void LogSysLog(const char *Action) const = 0;
+ $objects_extra_h .= <<__E;
+ virtual void LogFile(const char *Action, FILE *file) const = 0;
+if($derive_objects_from ne 'ProtocolObject')
+ # output a definition for the protocol object derviced class
+ print H <<__E;
+class ${protocol_name}ProtocolServer;
+class $derive_objects_from : public ProtocolObject
+ $derive_objects_from();
+ virtual ~$derive_objects_from();
+ $derive_objects_from(const $derive_objects_from &rToCopy);
+ # and some cpp definitions
+ print CPP <<__E;
+${derive_objects_from}::${derive_objects_from}(const $derive_objects_from &rToCopy)
+my $classname_base = $protocol_name.'Protocol'.$type;
+# output the classes
+for my $cmd (@cmd_list)
+ print H <<__E;
+class $classname_base$cmd : public $derive_objects_from
+ $classname_base$cmd();
+ $classname_base$cmd(const $classname_base$cmd &rToCopy);
+ ~$classname_base$cmd();
+ int GetType() const;
+ enum
+ {
+ TypeID = $cmd_id{$cmd}
+ };
+ # constants
+ if(exists $cmd_constants{$cmd})
+ {
+ print H "\tenum\n\t{\n\t\t";
+ print H join(",\n\t\t",@{$cmd_constants{$cmd}});
+ print H "\n\t};\n";
+ }
+ # flags
+ if(obj_is_type($cmd,'EndsConversation'))
+ {
+ print H "\tbool IsConversationEnd() const;\n";
+ }
+ if(obj_is_type($cmd,'IsError'))
+ {
+ print H "\tbool IsError(int &rTypeOut, int &rSubTypeOut) const;\n";
+ }
+ if($type eq 'Server' && obj_is_type($cmd, 'Command'))
+ {
+ print H "\tstd::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> DoCommand(${protocol_name}ProtocolServer &rProtocol, $context_class &rContext); // IMPLEMENT THIS\n"
+ }
+ # want to be able to read from streams?
+ my $read_from_streams = (obj_is_type($cmd,'Command') && $type eq 'Server') || (obj_is_type($cmd,'Reply') && $type eq 'Client');
+ my $write_to_streams = (obj_is_type($cmd,'Command') && $type eq 'Client') || (obj_is_type($cmd,'Reply') && $type eq 'Server');
+ if($read_from_streams)
+ {
+ print H "\tvoid SetPropertiesFromStreamData(Protocol &rProtocol);\n";
+ # write Get functions
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}}; $x+=2)
+ {
+ my ($ty,$nm) = (${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x], ${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x+1]);
+ print H "\t".translate_type_to_arg_type($ty)." Get$nm() {return m$nm;}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my $param_con_args = '';
+ if($write_to_streams)
+ {
+ # extra constructor?
+ if($#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}} >= 0)
+ {
+ my @a;
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}}; $x+=2)
+ {
+ my ($ty,$nm) = (${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x], ${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x+1]);
+ push @a,translate_type_to_arg_type($ty)." $nm";
+ }
+ $param_con_args = join(', ',@a);
+ print H "\t$classname_base$cmd(".$param_con_args.");\n";
+ }
+ print H "\tvoid WritePropertiesToStreamData(Protocol &rProtocol) const;\n";
+ # set functions
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}}; $x+=2)
+ {
+ my ($ty,$nm) = (${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x], ${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x+1]);
+ print H "\tvoid Set$nm(".translate_type_to_arg_type($ty)." $nm) {m$nm = $nm;}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if($implement_syslog)
+ {
+ print H "\tvirtual void LogSysLog(const char *Action) const;\n";
+ }
+ if($implement_filelog)
+ {
+ print H "\tvirtual void LogFile(const char *Action, FILE *file) const;\n";
+ }
+ # write member variables and setup for cpp file
+ my @def_constructor_list;
+ my @copy_constructor_list;
+ my @param_constructor_list;
+ print H "private:\n";
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}}; $x+=2)
+ {
+ my ($ty,$nm) = (${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x], ${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x+1]);
+ print H "\t".translate_type_to_member_type($ty)." m$nm;\n";
+ my ($basic,$typename) = translate_type($ty);
+ if($basic)
+ {
+ push @def_constructor_list, "m$nm(0)";
+ }
+ push @copy_constructor_list, "m$nm(rToCopy.m$nm)";
+ push @param_constructor_list, "m$nm($nm)";
+ }
+ # finish off
+ print H "};\n\n";
+ # now the cpp file...
+ my $def_con_vars = join(",\n\t ",@def_constructor_list);
+ $def_con_vars = "\n\t: ".$def_con_vars if $def_con_vars ne '';
+ my $copy_con_vars = join(",\n\t ",@copy_constructor_list);
+ $copy_con_vars = "\n\t: ".$copy_con_vars if $copy_con_vars ne '';
+ my $param_con_vars = join(",\n\t ",@param_constructor_list);
+ $param_con_vars = "\n\t: ".$param_con_vars if $param_con_vars ne '';
+ my $class = "$classname_base$cmd".'::';
+ print CPP <<__E;
+$class$classname_base$cmd(const $classname_base$cmd &rToCopy)$copy_con_vars
+int ${class}GetType() const
+ return $cmd_id{$cmd};
+ if($read_from_streams)
+ {
+ print CPP "void ${class}SetPropertiesFromStreamData(Protocol &rProtocol)\n{\n";
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}}; $x+=2)
+ {
+ my ($ty,$nm) = (${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x], ${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x+1]);
+ if($ty =~ m/\Avector/)
+ {
+ print CPP "\trProtocol.ReadVector(m$nm);\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print CPP "\trProtocol.Read(m$nm);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print CPP "}\n";
+ }
+ if($write_to_streams)
+ {
+ # implement extra constructor?
+ if($param_con_vars ne '')
+ {
+ print CPP "$class$classname_base$cmd($param_con_args)$param_con_vars\n{\n}\n";
+ }
+ print CPP "void ${class}WritePropertiesToStreamData(Protocol &rProtocol) const\n{\n";
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}}; $x+=2)
+ {
+ my ($ty,$nm) = (${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x], ${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x+1]);
+ if($ty =~ m/\Avector/)
+ {
+ print CPP "\trProtocol.WriteVector(m$nm);\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print CPP "\trProtocol.Write(m$nm);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print CPP "}\n";
+ }
+ if(obj_is_type($cmd,'EndsConversation'))
+ {
+ print CPP "bool ${class}IsConversationEnd() const\n{\n\treturn true;\n}\n";
+ }
+ if(obj_is_type($cmd,'IsError'))
+ {
+ # get parameters
+ my ($mem_type,$mem_subtype) = split /,/,obj_get_type_params($cmd,'IsError');
+ print CPP <<__E;
+bool ${class}IsError(int &rTypeOut, int &rSubTypeOut) const
+ rTypeOut = m$mem_type;
+ rSubTypeOut = m$mem_subtype;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if($implement_syslog)
+ {
+ my ($format,$args) = make_log_strings($cmd);
+ print CPP <<__E;
+void ${class}LogSysLog(const char *Action) const
+ ::syslog(LOG_INFO,"%s $format",Action$args);
+ }
+ if($implement_filelog)
+ {
+ my ($format,$args) = make_log_strings($cmd);
+ print CPP <<__E;
+void ${class}LogFile(const char *Action, FILE *File) const
+ ::fprintf(File,"%s $format\\n",Action$args);
+ ::fflush(File);
+ }
+# finally, the protocol object itself
+print H <<__E;
+class $classname_base : public Protocol
+ $classname_base(IOStream &rStream);
+ virtual ~$classname_base();
+ std::auto_ptr<$derive_objects_from> Receive();
+ void Send(const ${derive_objects_from} &rObject);
+ print H "\tvoid SetLogToSysLog(bool Log = false) {mLogToSysLog = Log;}\n";
+ print H "\tvoid SetLogToFile(FILE *File = 0) {mLogToFile = File;}\n";
+if($type eq 'Server')
+ # need to put in the conversation function
+ print H "\tvoid DoServer($context_class &rContext);\n\n";
+ # and the send vector thing
+ print H "\tvoid SendStreamAfterCommand(IOStream *pStream);\n\n";
+if($type eq 'Client')
+ # add plain object taking query functions
+ my $with_params;
+ for my $cmd (@cmd_list)
+ {
+ if(obj_is_type($cmd,'Command'))
+ {
+ my $has_stream = obj_is_type($cmd,'StreamWithCommand');
+ my $argextra = $has_stream?', IOStream &rStream':'';
+ my $queryextra = $has_stream?', rStream':'';
+ my $reply = obj_get_type_params($cmd,'Command');
+ print H "\tstd::auto_ptr<$classname_base$reply> Query(const $classname_base$cmd &rQuery$argextra);\n";
+ my @a;
+ my @na;
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}}; $x+=2)
+ {
+ my ($ty,$nm) = (${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x], ${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x+1]);
+ push @a,translate_type_to_arg_type($ty)." $nm";
+ push @na,"$nm";
+ }
+ my $ar = join(', ',@a);
+ my $nar = join(', ',@na);
+ $nar = "($nar)" if $nar ne '';
+ $with_params .= "\tinline std::auto_ptr<$classname_base$reply> Query$cmd($ar$argextra)\n\t{\n";
+ $with_params .= "\t\t$classname_base$cmd send$nar;\n";
+ $with_params .= "\t\treturn Query(send$queryextra);\n";
+ $with_params .= "\t}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # quick hack to correct bad argument lists for commands with zero paramters but with streams
+ $with_params =~ s/\(, /(/g;
+ print H "\n",$with_params,"\n";
+print H <<__E;
+ $classname_base(const $classname_base &rToCopy);
+if($type eq 'Server')
+ # need to put the streams to send vector
+ print H "\tstd::vector<IOStream*> mStreamsToSend;\n\tvoid DeleteStreamsToSend();\n";
+if($implement_filelog || $implement_syslog)
+ print H <<__E;
+ virtual void InformStreamReceiving(u_int32_t Size);
+ virtual void InformStreamSending(u_int32_t Size);
+ print H "private:\n\tbool mLogToSysLog;\n";
+ print H "private:\n\tFILE *mLogToFile;\n";
+print H <<__E;
+ virtual std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> MakeProtocolObject(int ObjType);
+ virtual const char *GetIdentString();
+my $construtor_extra = '';
+$construtor_extra .= ', mLogToSysLog(false)' if $implement_syslog;
+$construtor_extra .= ', mLogToFile(0)' if $implement_filelog;
+my $destructor_extra = ($type eq 'Server')?"\n\tDeleteStreamsToSend();":'';
+my $prefix = $classname_base.'::';
+print CPP <<__E;
+$prefix$classname_base(IOStream &rStream)
+ : Protocol(rStream)$construtor_extra
+const char *${prefix}GetIdentString()
+ return "$ident_string";
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> ${prefix}MakeProtocolObject(int ObjType)
+ switch(ObjType)
+ {
+# do objects within this
+for my $cmd (@cmd_list)
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ case $cmd_id{$cmd}:
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new $classname_base$cmd);
+ break;
+print CPP <<__E;
+ default:
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConnectionException, Conn_Protocol_UnknownCommandRecieved)
+ }
+# write receieve and send functions
+print CPP <<__E;
+std::auto_ptr<$derive_objects_from> ${prefix}Receive()
+ std::auto_ptr<${derive_objects_from}> preply((${derive_objects_from}*)(Protocol::Receive().release()));
+ if($implement_syslog)
+ {
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ if(mLogToSysLog)
+ {
+ preply->LogSysLog("Receive");
+ }
+ }
+ if($implement_filelog)
+ {
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ if(mLogToFile != 0)
+ {
+ preply->LogFile("Receive", mLogToFile);
+ }
+ }
+print CPP <<__E;
+ return preply;
+void ${prefix}Send(const ${derive_objects_from} &rObject)
+ if($implement_syslog)
+ {
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ if(mLogToSysLog)
+ {
+ rObject.LogSysLog("Send");
+ }
+ }
+ if($implement_filelog)
+ {
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ if(mLogToFile != 0)
+ {
+ rObject.LogFile("Send", mLogToFile);
+ }
+ }
+print CPP <<__E;
+ Protocol::Send(rObject);
+# write server function?
+if($type eq 'Server')
+ print CPP <<__E;
+void ${prefix}DoServer($context_class &rContext)
+ // Handshake with client
+ Handshake();
+ // Command processing loop
+ bool inProgress = true;
+ while(inProgress)
+ {
+ // Get an object from the conversation
+ std::auto_ptr<${derive_objects_from}> pobj(Receive());
+ if($implement_syslog)
+ {
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ if(mLogToSysLog)
+ {
+ pobj->LogSysLog("Receive");
+ }
+ }
+ if($implement_filelog)
+ {
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ if(mLogToFile != 0)
+ {
+ pobj->LogFile("Receive", mLogToFile);
+ }
+ }
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ // Run the command
+ std::auto_ptr<${derive_objects_from}> preply((${derive_objects_from}*)(pobj->DoCommand(*this, rContext).release()));
+ if($implement_syslog)
+ {
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ if(mLogToSysLog)
+ {
+ preply->LogSysLog("Send");
+ }
+ }
+ if($implement_filelog)
+ {
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ if(mLogToFile != 0)
+ {
+ preply->LogFile("Send", mLogToFile);
+ }
+ }
+ print CPP <<__E;
+ // Send the reply
+ Send(*(preply.get()));
+ // Send any streams
+ for(unsigned int s = 0; s < mStreamsToSend.size(); s++)
+ {
+ // Send the streams
+ SendStream(*mStreamsToSend[s]);
+ }
+ // Delete these streams
+ DeleteStreamsToSend();
+ // Does this end the conversation?
+ if(pobj->IsConversationEnd())
+ {
+ inProgress = false;
+ }
+ }
+void ${prefix}SendStreamAfterCommand(IOStream *pStream)
+ ASSERT(pStream != NULL);
+ mStreamsToSend.push_back(pStream);
+void ${prefix}DeleteStreamsToSend()
+ for(std::vector<IOStream*>::iterator i(mStreamsToSend.begin()); i != mStreamsToSend.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ delete (*i);
+ }
+ mStreamsToSend.clear();
+# write logging functions?
+if($implement_filelog || $implement_syslog)
+ my ($fR,$fS);
+ if($implement_syslog)
+ {
+ $fR .= qq~\tif(mLogToSysLog) { ::syslog(LOG_INFO, (Size==Protocol::ProtocolStream_SizeUncertain)?"Receiving stream, size uncertain":"Receiving stream, size %d", Size); }\n~;
+ $fS .= qq~\tif(mLogToSysLog) { ::syslog(LOG_INFO, (Size==Protocol::ProtocolStream_SizeUncertain)?"Sending stream, size uncertain":"Sending stream, size %d", Size); }\n~;
+ }
+ if($implement_filelog)
+ {
+ $fR .= qq~\tif(mLogToFile) { ::fprintf(mLogToFile, (Size==Protocol::ProtocolStream_SizeUncertain)?"Receiving stream, size uncertain":"Receiving stream, size %d\\n", Size); ::fflush(mLogToFile); }\n~;
+ $fS .= qq~\tif(mLogToFile) { ::fprintf(mLogToFile, (Size==Protocol::ProtocolStream_SizeUncertain)?"Sending stream, size uncertain":"Sending stream, size %d\\n", Size); ::fflush(mLogToFile); }\n~;
+ }
+ print CPP <<__E;
+void ${prefix}InformStreamReceiving(u_int32_t Size)
+void ${prefix}InformStreamSending(u_int32_t Size)
+# write client Query functions?
+if($type eq 'Client')
+ for my $cmd (@cmd_list)
+ {
+ if(obj_is_type($cmd,'Command'))
+ {
+ my $reply = obj_get_type_params($cmd,'Command');
+ my $reply_id = $cmd_id{$reply};
+ my $has_stream = obj_is_type($cmd,'StreamWithCommand');
+ my $argextra = $has_stream?', IOStream &rStream':'';
+ my $send_stream_extra = '';
+ if($has_stream)
+ {
+ $send_stream_extra = <<__E;
+ // Send stream after the command
+ SendStream(rStream);
+ }
+ print CPP <<__E;
+std::auto_ptr<$classname_base$reply> ${classname_base}::Query(const $classname_base$cmd &rQuery$argextra)
+ // Send query
+ Send(rQuery);
+ $send_stream_extra
+ // Wait for the reply
+ std::auto_ptr<${derive_objects_from}> preply(Receive().release());
+ if(preply->GetType() == $reply_id)
+ {
+ // Correct response
+ return std::auto_ptr<$classname_base$reply>(($classname_base$reply*)preply.release());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set protocol error
+ int type, subType;
+ if(preply->IsError(type, subType))
+ {
+ SetError(type, subType);
+ TRACE2("Protocol: Error received %d/%d\\n", type, subType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetError(Protocol::UnknownError, Protocol::UnknownError);
+ }
+ // Throw an exception
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(ConnectionException, Conn_Protocol_UnexpectedReply)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+print H <<__E;
+#endif // $guardname
+# close files
+close H;
+close CPP;
+sub obj_is_type
+ my ($c,$ty) = @_;
+ for(@{$cmd_attributes{$c}})
+ {
+ return 1 if $_ =~ m/\A$ty/;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub obj_get_type_params
+ my ($c,$ty) = @_;
+ for(@{$cmd_attributes{$c}})
+ {
+ return $1 if $_ =~ m/\A$ty\((.+?)\)\Z/;
+ }
+ die "Can't find attribute $ty\n"
+# returns (is basic type, typename)
+sub translate_type
+ my $ty = $_[0];
+ if($ty =~ m/\Avector\<(.+?)\>\Z/)
+ {
+ my $v_type = $1;
+ my (undef,$v_ty) = translate_type($v_type);
+ return (0, 'std::vector<'.$v_ty.'>')
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!exists $translate_type_info{$ty})
+ {
+ die "Don't know about type name $ty\n";
+ }
+ return @{$translate_type_info{$ty}}
+ }
+sub translate_type_to_arg_type
+ my ($basic,$typename) = translate_type(@_);
+ return $basic?$typename:'const '.$typename.'&'
+sub translate_type_to_member_type
+ my ($basic,$typename) = translate_type(@_);
+ return $typename
+sub make_log_strings
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ my @str;
+ my @arg;
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $#{$cmd_contents{$cmd}}; $x+=2)
+ {
+ my ($ty,$nm) = (${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x], ${$cmd_contents{$cmd}}[$x+1]);
+ if(exists $log_display_types{$ty})
+ {
+ # need to translate it
+ my ($format,$arg) = @{$log_display_types{$ty}};
+ push @str,$format;
+ $arg =~ s/VAR/m$nm/g;
+ push @arg,$arg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # is opaque
+ push @str,'OPAQUE';
+ }
+ }
+ return ($cmd.'('.join(',',@str).')', join(',','',@arg));