path: root/qdbm/odeum.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qdbm/odeum.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2090 deletions
diff --git a/qdbm/odeum.c b/qdbm/odeum.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 15395224..00000000
--- a/qdbm/odeum.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2090 +0,0 @@
- * Implementation of Odeum
- * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Mikio Hirabayashi
- * This file is part of QDBM, Quick Database Manager.
- * QDBM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2.1 of the License or any later version. QDBM is distributed in the hope that it will be
- * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with QDBM; if
- * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
- * 02111-1307 USA.
- *************************************************************************************************/
-#define QDBM_INTERNAL 1
-#include "odeum.h"
-#include "myconf.h"
-#define OD_NAMEMAX 256 /* max size of a database name */
-#define OD_DIRMODE 00755 /* permission of a creating directory */
-#define OD_PATHBUFSIZ 1024 /* size of a path buffer */
-#define OD_NUMBUFSIZ 32 /* size of a buffer for a number */
-#define OD_MAPPBNUM 127 /* bucket size of a petit map handle */
-#define OD_DOCSNAME "docs" /* name of the database for documents */
-#define OD_INDEXNAME "index" /* name of the database for inverted index */
-#define OD_RDOCSNAME "rdocs" /* name of the database for reverse dictionary */
-#define OD_DOCSBNUM 2039 /* initial bucket number of document database */
-#define OD_DOCSDNUM 17 /* division number of document database */
-#define OD_DOCSALIGN -4 /* alignment of document database */
-#define OD_DOCSFBP 32 /* size of free block pool of document database */
-#define OD_INDEXBNUM 32749 /* initial bucket number of inverted index */
-#define OD_INDEXDNUM 7 /* division number of inverted index */
-#define OD_INDEXALIGN -2 /* alignment of inverted index */
-#define OD_INDEXFBP 32 /* size of free block pool of inverted index */
-#define OD_RDOCSLRM 81 /* records in a leaf node of reverse dictionary */
-#define OD_RDOCSNIM 192 /* records in a non-leaf node of reverse dictionary */
-#define OD_RDOCSLCN 128 /* number of leaf cache of reverse dictionary */
-#define OD_RDOCSNCN 32 /* number of non-leaf cache of reverse dictionary */
-#define OD_CACHEBNUM 262139 /* number of buckets for dirty buffers */
-#define OD_CACHESIZ 8388608 /* max bytes to use memory for dirty buffers */
-#define OD_CFLIVERAT 0.8 /* ratio of usable cache region */
-#define OD_CFBEGSIZ 2048 /* beginning size of flushing frequent words */
-#define OD_CFENDSIZ 64 /* lower limit of flushing frequent words */
-#define OD_CFRFRAT 0.2 /* ratio of flushing rare words a time */
-#define OD_OTCBBUFSIZ 1024 /* size of a buffer for call back functions */
-#define OD_OTPERWORDS 10000 /* frequency of call back in merging index */
-#define OD_OTPERDOCS 1000 /* frequency of call back in merging docs */
-#define OD_MDBRATIO 2.5 /* ratio of bucket number and document number */
-#define OD_MIBRATIO 1.5 /* ratio of bucket number and word number */
-#define OD_MIARATIO 0.75 /* ratio of alignment to the first words */
-#define OD_MIWUNIT 32 /* writing unit of merging inverted index */
-#define OD_DMAXEXPR "dmax" /* key of max number of the document ID */
-#define OD_DNUMEXPR "dnum" /* key of number of the documents */
-#define OD_URIEXPR "1" /* map key of URI */
-#define OD_ATTRSEXPR "2" /* map key of attributes */
-#define OD_NWORDSEXPR "3" /* map key of normal words */
-#define OD_AWORDSEXPR "4" /* map key of as-is words */
-#define OD_WTOPRATE 0.1 /* ratio of top words */
-#define OD_WTOPBONUS 5000 /* bonus points of top words */
-#define OD_KEYCRATIO 1.75 /* ratio of number to max of keyword candidates */
-#define OD_WOCCRPOINT 10000 /* points per occurence */
-#define OD_SPACECHARS "\t\n\v\f\r " /* space characters */
-#define OD_DELIMCHARS "!\"#$%&'()*/<=>?[\\]^`{|}~" /* delimiter characters */
-#define OD_GLUECHARS "+,-.:;@" /* glueing characters */
-#define OD_MAXWORDLEN 48 /* max length of a word */
-typedef struct { /* type of structure for word counting */
- const char *word; /* pointer to the word */
- int num; /* frequency of the word */
-enum { /* enumeration for events binded to each character */
- OD_EVWORD, /* word */
- OD_EVSPACE, /* space */
- OD_EVDELIM, /* delimiter */
- OD_EVGLUE /* glue */
-/* private global variables */
-int odindexbnum = OD_INDEXBNUM;
-int odindexdnum = OD_INDEXDNUM;
-int odcachebnum = OD_CACHEBNUM;
-int odcachesiz = OD_CACHESIZ;
-void (*odotcb)(const char *, ODEUM *, const char *) = NULL;
-/* private function prototypes */
-static ODEUM *odopendb(const char *name, int omode, int docsbnum, int indexbnum,
- const char *fname);
-static int odcacheflush(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname);
-static int odcacheflushfreq(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname, int min);
-static int odcacheflushrare(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname, double ratio);
-static int odsortindex(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname);
-static int odsortcompare(const void *a, const void *b);
-static int odpurgeindex(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname);
-static CBMAP *odpairsmap(const ODPAIR *pairs, int num);
-static int odwordcompare(const void *a, const void *b);
-static int odmatchoperator(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *tokens);
-static ODPAIR *odparsesubexpr(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *tokens, CBLIST *nwords, int *np,
- CBLIST *errors);
-static ODPAIR *odparseexpr(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *tokens, CBLIST *nwords, int *np,
- CBLIST *errors);
-static void odfixtokens(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *tokens);
-static void odcleannormalized(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *nwords);
- * public objects
- *************************************************************************************************/
-/* Get a database handle. */
-ODEUM *odopen(const char *name, int omode){
- assert(name);
- return odopendb(name, omode, OD_DOCSBNUM, odindexbnum, "odopen");
-/* Close a database handle. */
-int odclose(ODEUM *odeum){
- char numbuf[OD_NUMBUFSIZ];
- int err;
- assert(odeum);
- err = FALSE;
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odclose", odeum, "closing the connection");
- if(odeum->wmode){
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odclose", odeum, "writing meta information");
- sprintf(numbuf, "%d", odeum->dmax);
- if(!vlput(odeum->rdocsdb, OD_DMAXEXPR, sizeof(OD_DMAXEXPR), numbuf, -1, VL_DOVER)) err = TRUE;
- sprintf(numbuf, "%d", odeum->dnum);
- if(!vlput(odeum->rdocsdb, OD_DNUMEXPR, sizeof(OD_DNUMEXPR), numbuf, -1, VL_DOVER)) err = TRUE;
- if(!odcacheflushfreq(odeum, "odclose", OD_CFENDSIZ)) err = TRUE;
- if(!odcacheflushrare(odeum, "odclose", OD_CFRFRAT)) err = TRUE;
- if(!odcacheflush(odeum, "odclose")) err = TRUE;
- if(!odsortindex(odeum, "odclose")) err = TRUE;
- cbmapclose(odeum->cachemap);
- cbmapclose(odeum->sortmap);
- }
- if(!vlclose(odeum->rdocsdb)) err = TRUE;
- if(!crclose(odeum->indexdb)) err = TRUE;
- if(!crclose(odeum->docsdb)) err = TRUE;
- free(odeum->name);
- free(odeum);
- return err ? FALSE : TRUE;
-/* Store a document. */
-int odput(ODEUM *odeum, ODDOC *doc, int wmax, int over){
- char *tmp, *zbuf;
- const char *word, *ctmp;
- int i, docid, tsiz, wsiz, wnum, tmax, num, zsiz;
- double ival;
- ODPAIR pair;
- CBMAP *map;
- CBLIST *tlist;
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!odeum->wmode){
- dpecodeset(DP_EMODE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if((tmp = vlget(odeum->rdocsdb, doc->uri, -1, &tsiz)) != NULL){
- if(!over){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EKEEP, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(tsiz != sizeof(int) || !odoutbyid(odeum, *(int *)tmp)){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- free(tmp);
- }
- odeum->dmax++;
- odeum->dnum++;
- docid = odeum->dmax;
- map = cbmapopen();
- cbmapput(map, OD_URIEXPR, sizeof(OD_URIEXPR), doc->uri, -1, TRUE);
- tmp = cbmapdump(doc->attrs, &tsiz);
- cbmapput(map, OD_ATTRSEXPR, sizeof(OD_ATTRSEXPR), tmp, tsiz, TRUE);
- free(tmp);
- if(wmax < 0 || wmax > cblistnum(doc->nwords)) wmax = cblistnum(doc->nwords);
- tlist = cblistopen();
- for(i = 0; i < wmax; i++){
- ctmp = cblistval(doc->nwords, i, &wsiz);
- cblistpush(tlist, ctmp, wsiz);
- }
- tmp = cblistdump(tlist, &tsiz);
- cbmapput(map, OD_NWORDSEXPR, sizeof(OD_NWORDSEXPR), tmp, tsiz, TRUE);
- free(tmp);
- cblistclose(tlist);
- tlist = cblistopen();
- for(i = 0; i < wmax; i++){
- ctmp = cblistval(doc->awords, i, &wsiz);
- if(strcmp(ctmp, cblistval(doc->nwords, i, NULL))){
- cblistpush(tlist, ctmp, wsiz);
- } else {
- cblistpush(tlist, "\0", 1);
- }
- }
- tmp = cblistdump(tlist, &tsiz);
- cbmapput(map, OD_AWORDSEXPR, sizeof(OD_AWORDSEXPR), tmp, tsiz, TRUE);
- free(tmp);
- cblistclose(tlist);
- tmp = cbmapdump(map, &tsiz);
- cbmapclose(map);
- if(_qdbm_deflate){
- if(!(zbuf = _qdbm_deflate(tmp, tsiz, &zsiz, _QDBM_ZMRAW))){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EMISC, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- free(tmp);
- tmp = zbuf;
- tsiz = zsiz;
- }
- if(!crput(odeum->docsdb, (char *)&docid, sizeof(int), tmp, tsiz, CR_DKEEP)){
- free(tmp);
- if(dpecode == DP_EKEEP) dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- free(tmp);
- if(!vlput(odeum->rdocsdb, doc->uri, -1, (char *)&docid, sizeof(int), VL_DOVER)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- map = cbmapopen();
- wnum = cblistnum(doc->nwords);
- tmax = (int)(wnum * OD_WTOPRATE);
- for(i = 0; i < wnum; i++){
- word = cblistval(doc->nwords, i, &wsiz);
- if(wsiz < 1) continue;
- if((ctmp = cbmapget(map, word, wsiz, NULL)) != NULL){
- num = *(int *)ctmp + OD_WOCCRPOINT;
- } else {
- }
- cbmapput(map, word, wsiz, (char *)&num, sizeof(int), TRUE);
- }
- ival = odlogarithm(wnum);
- ival = (ival * ival * ival) / 8.0;
- if(ival < 8.0) ival = 8.0;
- cbmapiterinit(map);
- while((word = cbmapiternext(map, &wsiz)) != NULL){
- = docid;
- pair.score = (int)(*(int *)cbmapget(map, word, wsiz, NULL) / ival);
- cbmapputcat(odeum->cachemap, word, wsiz, (char *)&pair, sizeof(pair));
- cbmapmove(odeum->cachemap, word, wsiz, FALSE);
- odeum->cacheasiz += sizeof(pair);
- cbmapput(odeum->sortmap, word, wsiz, "", 0, FALSE);
- }
- cbmapclose(map);
- if(odeum->cacheasiz > odcachesiz){
- for(i = OD_CFBEGSIZ; odeum->cacheasiz > odcachesiz * OD_CFLIVERAT && i >= OD_CFENDSIZ;
- i /= 2){
- if(!odcacheflushfreq(odeum, "odput", i)) return FALSE;
- }
- while(odeum->cacheasiz > odcachesiz * OD_CFLIVERAT){
- if(!odcacheflushrare(odeum, "odput", OD_CFRFRAT)) return FALSE;
- }
- }
- doc->id = docid;
- odeum->ldid = docid;
- return TRUE;
-/* Delete a document by a URL. */
-int odout(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri){
- char *tmp;
- int tsiz, docid;
- assert(odeum && uri);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!odeum->wmode){
- dpecodeset(DP_EMODE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!(tmp = vlget(odeum->rdocsdb, uri, -1, &tsiz))){
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(tsiz != sizeof(int)){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- docid = *(int *)tmp;
- free(tmp);
- return odoutbyid(odeum, docid);
-/* Delete a document specified by an ID number. */
-int odoutbyid(ODEUM *odeum, int id){
- char *tmp, *zbuf;
- const char *uritmp;
- int tsiz, uritsiz, zsiz;
- CBMAP *map;
- assert(odeum && id > 0);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!odeum->wmode){
- dpecodeset(DP_EMODE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!(tmp = crget(odeum->docsdb, (char *)&id, sizeof(int), 0, -1, &tsiz))){
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(_qdbm_inflate){
- if(!(zbuf = _qdbm_inflate(tmp, tsiz, &zsiz, _QDBM_ZMRAW))){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- free(tmp);
- tmp = zbuf;
- tsiz = zsiz;
- }
- map = cbmapload(tmp, tsiz);
- free(tmp);
- uritmp = cbmapget(map, OD_URIEXPR, sizeof(OD_URIEXPR), &uritsiz);
- if(!uritmp || !vlout(odeum->rdocsdb, uritmp, uritsiz)){
- cbmapclose(map);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- cbmapclose(map);
- if(!crout(odeum->docsdb, (char *)&id, sizeof(int))){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- odeum->dnum--;
- return TRUE;
-/* Retrieve a document by a URI. */
-ODDOC *odget(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri){
- char *tmp;
- int tsiz, docid;
- assert(odeum && uri);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- if(!(tmp = vlget(odeum->rdocsdb, uri, -1, &tsiz))){
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- if(tsiz != sizeof(int)){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- docid = *(int *)tmp;
- free(tmp);
- return odgetbyid(odeum, docid);
-/* Retrieve a document by an ID number. */
-ODDOC *odgetbyid(ODEUM *odeum, int id){
- char *tmp, *zbuf;
- const char *uritmp, *attrstmp, *nwordstmp, *awordstmp, *asis, *normal;
- int i, tsiz, uritsiz, attrstsiz, nwordstsiz, awordstsiz, zsiz, asiz, nsiz;
- ODDOC *doc;
- CBMAP *map;
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- if(id < 1){
- dpecodeset(DP_ENOITEM, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- if(!(tmp = crget(odeum->docsdb, (char *)&id, sizeof(int), 0, -1, &tsiz))){
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- if(_qdbm_inflate){
- if(!(zbuf = _qdbm_inflate(tmp, tsiz, &zsiz, _QDBM_ZMRAW))){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- free(tmp);
- tmp = zbuf;
- tsiz = zsiz;
- }
- map = cbmapload(tmp, tsiz);
- free(tmp);
- uritmp = cbmapget(map, OD_URIEXPR, sizeof(OD_URIEXPR), &uritsiz);
- attrstmp = cbmapget(map, OD_ATTRSEXPR, sizeof(OD_ATTRSEXPR), &attrstsiz);
- nwordstmp = cbmapget(map, OD_NWORDSEXPR, sizeof(OD_NWORDSEXPR), &nwordstsiz);
- awordstmp = cbmapget(map, OD_AWORDSEXPR, sizeof(OD_AWORDSEXPR), &awordstsiz);
- if(!uritmp || !attrstmp || !nwordstmp || !awordstmp){
- cbmapclose(map);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- doc = cbmalloc(sizeof(ODDOC));
- doc->id = id;
- doc->uri = cbmemdup(uritmp, uritsiz);
- doc->attrs = cbmapload(attrstmp, attrstsiz);
- doc->nwords = cblistload(nwordstmp, nwordstsiz);
- doc->awords = cblistload(awordstmp, awordstsiz);
- cbmapclose(map);
- for(i = 0; i < cblistnum(doc->awords); i++){
- asis = cblistval(doc->awords, i, &asiz);
- if(asiz == 1 && asis[0] == '\0'){
- normal = cblistval(doc->nwords, i, &nsiz);
- cblistover(doc->awords, i, normal, nsiz);
- }
- }
- return doc;
-/* Retrieve the ID of the document specified by a URI. */
-int odgetidbyuri(ODEUM *odeum, const char *uri){
- char *tmp;
- int tsiz, docid;
- assert(odeum && uri);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- if(!(tmp = vlget(odeum->rdocsdb, uri, -1, &tsiz))){
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return -1;
- }
- if(tsiz != sizeof(int)){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return -1;
- }
- docid = *(int *)tmp;
- free(tmp);
- return docid;
-/* Check whether the document specified by an ID number exists. */
-int odcheck(ODEUM *odeum, int id){
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(id < 1){
- dpecodeset(DP_ENOITEM, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- return crvsiz(odeum->docsdb, (char *)&id, sizeof(int)) != -1;
-/* Search the inverted index for documents including a word. */
-ODPAIR *odsearch(ODEUM *odeum, const char *word, int max, int *np){
- char *tmp;
- int tsiz;
- assert(odeum && word && np);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- if(odeum->wmode && cbmaprnum(odeum->sortmap) > 0 &&
- (!odcacheflush(odeum, "odsearch") || !odsortindex(odeum, "odsearch"))){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- max = max < 0 ? -1 : max * sizeof(ODPAIR);
- if(!(tmp = crget(odeum->indexdb, word, -1, 0, max, &tsiz))){
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- *np = 0;
- return cbmalloc(1);
- }
- *np = tsiz / sizeof(ODPAIR);
- return (ODPAIR *)tmp;
-/* Get the number of documents including a word. */
-int odsearchdnum(ODEUM *odeum, const char *word){
- int rv;
- assert(odeum && word);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- rv = crvsiz(odeum->indexdb, word, -1);
- return rv < 0 ? -1 : rv / sizeof(ODPAIR);
-/* Initialize the iterator of a database handle. */
-int oditerinit(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- return criterinit(odeum->docsdb);
-/* Get the next key of the iterator. */
-ODDOC *oditernext(ODEUM *odeum){
- char *tmp;
- int tsiz, docsid;
- ODDOC *doc;
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- doc = NULL;
- while(TRUE){
- if(!(tmp = criternext(odeum->docsdb, &tsiz))){
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- if(tsiz != sizeof(int)){
- free(tmp);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- docsid = *(int *)tmp;
- free(tmp);
- if((doc = odgetbyid(odeum, docsid)) != NULL) break;
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return doc;
-/* Synchronize updating contents with the files and the devices. */
-int odsync(ODEUM *odeum){
- char numbuf[OD_NUMBUFSIZ];
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!odeum->wmode){
- dpecodeset(DP_EMODE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odsync", odeum, "writing meta information");
- sprintf(numbuf, "%d", odeum->dmax);
- if(!vlput(odeum->rdocsdb, OD_DMAXEXPR, sizeof(OD_DMAXEXPR), numbuf, -1, VL_DOVER)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- sprintf(numbuf, "%d", odeum->dnum);
- if(!vlput(odeum->rdocsdb, OD_DNUMEXPR, sizeof(OD_DNUMEXPR), numbuf, -1, VL_DOVER)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!odcacheflush(odeum, "odsync")){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!odsortindex(odeum, "odsync")){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odsync", odeum, "synchronizing the document database");
- if(!crsync(odeum->docsdb)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odsync", odeum, "synchronizing the inverted index");
- if(!crsync(odeum->indexdb)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odsync", odeum, "synchronizing the reverse dictionary");
- if(!vlsync(odeum->rdocsdb)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* Optimize a database. */
-int odoptimize(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!odeum->wmode){
- dpecodeset(DP_EMODE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!odcacheflush(odeum, "odoptimize")){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odeum->ldid < 1 || odeum->ldid != odeum->dnum){
- if(!odpurgeindex(odeum, "odoptimize")){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if(odeum->ldid > 0){
- if(!odsortindex(odeum, "odoptimize")){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odoptimize", odeum, "optimizing the document database");
- if(!croptimize(odeum->docsdb, -1)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odoptimize", odeum, "optimizing the inverted index");
- if(!croptimize(odeum->indexdb, -1)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odoptimize", odeum, "optimizing the reverse dictionary");
- if(!vloptimize(odeum->rdocsdb)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* Get the name of a database. */
-char *odname(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- return cbmemdup(odeum->name, -1);
-/* Get the total size of database files. */
-double odfsiz(ODEUM *odeum){
- double fsiz, rv;
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- fsiz = 0;
- if((rv = crfsizd(odeum->docsdb)) < 0) return -1.0;
- fsiz += rv;
- if((rv = crfsizd(odeum->indexdb)) < 0) return -1.0;
- fsiz += rv;
- if((rv = vlfsiz(odeum->rdocsdb)) == -1) return -1.0;
- fsiz += rv;
- return fsiz;
-/* Get the total number of the elements of the bucket arrays for the inverted index. */
-int odbnum(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- return crbnum(odeum->indexdb);
-/* Get the total number of the used elements of the bucket arrays in the inverted index. */
-int odbusenum(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- return crbusenum(odeum->indexdb);
-/* Get the number of the documents stored in a database. */
-int oddnum(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- return odeum->dnum;
-/* Get the number of the words stored in a database. */
-int odwnum(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- if(odeum->fatal){
- dpecodeset(DP_EFATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- return crrnum(odeum->indexdb);
-/* Check whether a database handle is a writer or not. */
-int odwritable(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- return odeum->wmode;
-/* Check whether a database has a fatal error or not. */
-int odfatalerror(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- return odeum->fatal;
-/* Get the inode number of a database directory. */
-int odinode(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- return odeum->inode;
-/* Get the last modified time of a database. */
-time_t odmtime(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- return crmtime(odeum->indexdb);
-/* Merge plural database directories. */
-int odmerge(const char *name, const CBLIST *elemnames){
- ODEUM *odeum, **elems;
- CURIA *curia, *ecuria;
- VILLA *villa, *evilla;
- ODPAIR *pairs;
- char *word, *kbuf, *vbuf, *dbuf, otmsg[OD_OTCBBUFSIZ];
- char *wpunit[OD_MIWUNIT], *vpunit[OD_MIWUNIT];
- int i, j, k, num, dnum, wnum, dbnum, ibnum, tnum, wsunit[OD_MIWUNIT], vsunit[OD_MIWUNIT];
- int err, *bases, sum, max, wsiz, ksiz, vsiz, uend, unum, pnum, align, id, nid, dsiz;
- assert(name && elemnames);
- num = cblistnum(elemnames);
- elems = cbmalloc(num * sizeof(ODEUM *) + 1);
- dnum = 0;
- wnum = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
- if(!(elems[i] = odopen(cblistval(elemnames, i, NULL), OD_OREADER))){
- for(i -= 1; i >= 0; i--){
- odclose(elems[i]);
- }
- free(elems);
- return FALSE;
- }
- dnum += oddnum(elems[i]);
- wnum += odwnum(elems[i]);
- }
- dbnum = (int)(dnum * OD_MDBRATIO / OD_DOCSDNUM);
- ibnum = (int)(wnum * OD_MIBRATIO / odindexdnum);
- if(!(odeum = odopendb(name, OD_OWRITER | OD_OCREAT | OD_OTRUNC, dbnum, ibnum, "odmerge"))){
- for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
- odclose(elems[i]);
- }
- free(elems);
- return FALSE;
- }
- err = FALSE;
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odmerge", odeum, "calculating the base ID numbers");
- bases = cbmalloc(num * sizeof(int) + 1);
- sum = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
- ecuria = elems[i]->docsdb;
- max = 0;
- if(!criterinit(ecuria) && dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) err = TRUE;
- while((kbuf = criternext(ecuria, &ksiz)) != NULL){
- if(ksiz == sizeof(int)){
- if(*(int *)kbuf > max) max = *(int *)kbuf;
- }
- free(kbuf);
- }
- bases[i] = sum;
- sum += max;
- }
- curia = odeum->indexdb;
- for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
- if(odotcb){
- sprintf(otmsg, "merging the inverted index (%d/%d)", i + 1, num);
- odotcb("odmerge", odeum, otmsg);
- }
- ecuria = elems[i]->indexdb;
- tnum = 0;
- uend = FALSE;
- if(!criterinit(ecuria) && dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) err = TRUE;
- while(!uend){
- for(unum = 0; unum < OD_MIWUNIT; unum++){
- if(!(word = criternext(ecuria, &wsiz))){
- uend = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if(!(vbuf = crget(ecuria, word, wsiz, 0, -1, &vsiz))){
- err = TRUE;
- free(word);
- break;
- }
- wpunit[unum] = word;
- wsunit[unum] = wsiz;
- vpunit[unum] = vbuf;
- vsunit[unum] = vsiz;
- }
- for(j = 0; j < unum; j++){
- word = wpunit[j];
- wsiz = wsunit[j];
- vbuf = vpunit[j];
- vsiz = vsunit[j];
- pairs = (ODPAIR *)vbuf;
- pnum = vsiz / sizeof(ODPAIR);
- for(k = 0; k < pnum; k++){
- pairs[k].id += bases[i];
- }
- align = (int)(i < num - 1 ? vsiz * (num - i) * OD_MIARATIO : OD_INDEXALIGN);
- if(!crsetalign(curia, align)) err = TRUE;
- if(!crput(curia, word, wsiz, vbuf, vsiz, CR_DCAT)) err = TRUE;
- free(vbuf);
- free(word);
- if(odotcb && (tnum + 1) % OD_OTPERWORDS == 0){
- sprintf(otmsg, "... (%d/%d)", tnum + 1, crrnum(ecuria));
- odotcb("odmerge", odeum, otmsg);
- }
- tnum++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odmerge", odeum, "sorting the inverted index");
- tnum = 0;
- if(!criterinit(curia) && dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) err = TRUE;
- while((word = criternext(curia, &wsiz)) != NULL){
- if((vbuf = crget(curia, word, wsiz, 0, -1, &vsiz)) != NULL){
- if(vsiz > sizeof(ODPAIR)){
- pairs = (ODPAIR *)vbuf;
- pnum = vsiz / sizeof(ODPAIR);
- qsort(pairs, pnum, sizeof(ODPAIR), odsortcompare);
- if(!crput(curia, word, wsiz, vbuf, vsiz, CR_DOVER)) err = TRUE;
- }
- free(vbuf);
- }
- free(word);
- if(odotcb && (tnum + 1) % OD_OTPERWORDS == 0){
- sprintf(otmsg, "... (%d/%d)", tnum + 1, crrnum(curia));
- odotcb("odmerge", odeum, otmsg);
- }
- tnum++;
- }
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odmerge", odeum, "synchronizing the inverted index");
- if(!crsync(curia)) err = TRUE;
- dnum = 0;
- curia = odeum->docsdb;
- villa = odeum->rdocsdb;
- for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
- if(odotcb){
- sprintf(otmsg, "merging the document database (%d/%d)", i + 1, num);
- odotcb("odmerge", odeum, otmsg);
- }
- evilla = elems[i]->rdocsdb;
- ecuria = elems[i]->docsdb;
- tnum = 0;
- if(!vlcurfirst(evilla) && dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) err = TRUE;
- while(TRUE){
- if(!(kbuf = vlcurkey(evilla, &ksiz))) break;
- if((ksiz == sizeof(OD_DMAXEXPR) && !memcmp(kbuf, OD_DMAXEXPR, ksiz)) ||
- (ksiz == sizeof(OD_DNUMEXPR) && !memcmp(kbuf, OD_DNUMEXPR, ksiz))){
- free(kbuf);
- if(!vlcurnext(evilla)) break;
- continue;
- }
- if(!(vbuf = vlcurval(evilla, &vsiz))){
- free(kbuf);
- if(!vlcurnext(evilla)) break;
- continue;
- }
- if(vsiz != sizeof(int)){
- free(vbuf);
- free(kbuf);
- if(!vlcurnext(evilla)) break;
- continue;
- }
- id = *(int *)vbuf;
- nid = id + bases[i];
- if(vlput(villa, kbuf, ksiz, (char *)&nid, sizeof(int), VL_DKEEP)){
- if((dbuf = crget(ecuria, (char *)&id, sizeof(int), 0, -1, &dsiz)) != NULL){
- if(crput(curia, (char *)&nid, sizeof(int), dbuf, dsiz, CR_DKEEP)){
- dnum++;
- } else {
- err = TRUE;
- }
- free(dbuf);
- } else {
- err = TRUE;
- }
- } else if(dpecode != DP_EKEEP){
- err = TRUE;
- }
- free(vbuf);
- free(kbuf);
- odeum->dnum++;
- if(odotcb && (tnum + 1) % OD_OTPERDOCS == 0){
- sprintf(otmsg, "... (%d/%d)", tnum + 1, crrnum(ecuria));
- odotcb("odmerge", odeum, otmsg);
- }
- tnum++;
- if(!vlcurnext(evilla)) break;
- }
- }
- odeum->dnum = dnum;
- odeum->dmax = dnum;
- free(bases);
- if(odotcb) odotcb("odmerge", odeum, "synchronizing the document index");
- if(!crsync(curia)) err = TRUE;
- if(!odclose(odeum)) err = TRUE;
- for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
- if(!odclose(elems[i])) err = TRUE;
- }
- free(elems);
- return err ? FALSE : TRUE;
-/* Remove a database directory. */
-int odremove(const char *name){
- char docsname[OD_PATHBUFSIZ], indexname[OD_PATHBUFSIZ], rdocsname[OD_PATHBUFSIZ];
- char path[OD_PATHBUFSIZ];
- const char *file;
- struct stat sbuf;
- CBLIST *list;
- int i;
- assert(name);
- sprintf(docsname, "%s%c%s", name, MYPATHCHR, OD_DOCSNAME);
- sprintf(indexname, "%s%c%s", name, MYPATHCHR, OD_INDEXNAME);
- sprintf(rdocsname, "%s%c%s", name, MYPATHCHR, OD_RDOCSNAME);
- if(lstat(name, &sbuf) == -1){
- dpecodeset(DP_ESTAT, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(lstat(docsname, &sbuf) != -1 && !crremove(docsname)) return FALSE;
- if(lstat(indexname, &sbuf) != -1 && !crremove(indexname)) return FALSE;
- if(lstat(rdocsname, &sbuf) != -1 && !vlremove(rdocsname)) return FALSE;
- if((list = cbdirlist(name)) != NULL){
- for(i = 0; i < cblistnum(list); i++){
- file = cblistval(list, i, NULL);
- if(!strcmp(file, MYCDIRSTR) || !strcmp(file, MYPDIRSTR)) continue;
- sprintf(path, "%s%c%s", name, MYPATHCHR, file);
- if(lstat(path, &sbuf) == -1) continue;
- if(S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)){
- if(!crremove(path)) return FALSE;
- } else {
- if(!dpremove(path)) return FALSE;
- }
- }
- cblistclose(list);
- }
- if(rmdir(name) == -1){
- dpecodeset(DP_ERMDIR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* Get a document handle. */
-ODDOC *oddocopen(const char *uri){
- ODDOC *doc;
- assert(uri);
- doc = cbmalloc(sizeof(ODDOC));
- doc->id = -1;
- doc->uri = cbmemdup(uri, -1);
- doc->attrs = cbmapopenex(OD_MAPPBNUM);
- doc->nwords = cblistopen();
- doc->awords = cblistopen();
- return doc;
-/* Close a document handle. */
-void oddocclose(ODDOC *doc){
- assert(doc);
- cblistclose(doc->awords);
- cblistclose(doc->nwords);
- cbmapclose(doc->attrs);
- free(doc->uri);
- free(doc);
-/* Add an attribute to a document. */
-void oddocaddattr(ODDOC *doc, const char *name, const char *value){
- assert(doc && name && value);
- cbmapput(doc->attrs, name, -1, value, -1, TRUE);
-/* Add a word to a document. */
-void oddocaddword(ODDOC *doc, const char *normal, const char *asis){
- assert(doc && normal && asis);
- cblistpush(doc->nwords, normal, -1);
- cblistpush(doc->awords, asis, -1);
-/* Get the ID number of a document. */
-int oddocid(const ODDOC *doc){
- assert(doc);
- return doc->id;
-/* Get the URI of a document. */
-const char *oddocuri(const ODDOC *doc){
- assert(doc);
- return doc->uri;
-/* Get the value of an attribute of a document. */
-const char *oddocgetattr(const ODDOC *doc, const char *name){
- assert(doc && name);
- return cbmapget(doc->attrs, name, -1, NULL);
-/* Get the list handle contains words in normalized form of a document. */
-const CBLIST *oddocnwords(const ODDOC *doc){
- assert(doc);
- return doc->nwords;
-/* Get the list handle contains words in appearance form of a document. */
-const CBLIST *oddocawords(const ODDOC *doc){
- assert(doc);
- return doc->awords;
-/* Get the map handle contains keywords in normalized form and their scores. */
-CBMAP *oddocscores(const ODDOC *doc, int max, ODEUM *odeum){
- const CBLIST *nwords;
- CBMAP *map, *kwmap;
- const char *word, *ctmp;
- char numbuf[OD_NUMBUFSIZ];
- ODWORD *owords;
- int i, wsiz, wnum, hnum, mnum, nbsiz;
- double ival;
- assert(doc && max >= 0);
- map = cbmapopen();
- nwords = oddocnwords(doc);
- for(i = 0; i < cblistnum(nwords); i++){
- word = cblistval(nwords, i, &wsiz);
- if(wsiz < 1) continue;
- if((ctmp = cbmapget(map, word, wsiz, NULL)) != NULL){
- wnum = *(int *)ctmp + OD_WOCCRPOINT;
- } else {
- }
- cbmapput(map, word, wsiz, (char *)&wnum, sizeof(int), TRUE);
- }
- mnum = cbmaprnum(map);
- owords = cbmalloc(mnum * sizeof(ODWORD) + 1);
- cbmapiterinit(map);
- for(i = 0; (word = cbmapiternext(map, &wsiz)) != NULL; i++){
- owords[i].word = word;
- owords[i].num = *(int *)cbmapget(map, word, wsiz, NULL);
- }
- qsort(owords, mnum, sizeof(ODWORD), odwordcompare);
- if(odeum){
- if(mnum > max * OD_KEYCRATIO) mnum = (int)(max * OD_KEYCRATIO);
- for(i = 0; i < mnum; i++){
- if((hnum = odsearchdnum(odeum, owords[i].word)) < 0) hnum = 0;
- ival = odlogarithm(hnum);
- ival = (ival * ival * ival) / 8.0;
- if(ival < 8.0) ival = 8.0;
- owords[i].num = (int)(owords[i].num / ival);
- }
- qsort(owords, mnum, sizeof(ODWORD), odwordcompare);
- }
- if(mnum > max) mnum = max;
- kwmap = cbmapopenex(OD_MAPPBNUM);
- for(i = 0; i < mnum; i++){
- nbsiz = sprintf(numbuf, "%d", owords[i].num);
- cbmapput(kwmap, owords[i].word, -1, numbuf, nbsiz, TRUE);
- }
- free(owords);
- cbmapclose(map);
- return kwmap;
-/* Break a text into words in appearance form. */
-CBLIST *odbreaktext(const char *text){
- const char *word;
- CBLIST *elems, *words;
- int i, j, dif, wsiz, pv, delim;
- assert(text);
- words = cblistopen();
- elems = cbsplit(text, -1, OD_SPACECHARS);
- for(i = 0; i < cblistnum(elems); i++){
- word = cblistval(elems, i, &wsiz);
- delim = FALSE;
- j = 0;
- pv = 0;
- while(TRUE){
- dif = j - pv;
- if(j >= wsiz){
- if(dif > 0 && dif <= OD_MAXWORDLEN) cblistpush(words, word + pv, j - pv);
- break;
- }
- if(delim){
- if(!strchr(OD_DELIMCHARS, word[j])){
- if(dif > 0 && dif <= OD_MAXWORDLEN) cblistpush(words, word + pv, j - pv);
- pv = j;
- delim = FALSE;
- }
- } else {
- if(strchr(OD_DELIMCHARS, word[j])){
- if(dif > 0 && dif <= OD_MAXWORDLEN) cblistpush(words, word + pv, j - pv);
- pv = j;
- delim = TRUE;
- }
- }
- j++;
- }
- }
- cblistclose(elems);
- return words;
-/* Make the normalized form of a word. */
-char *odnormalizeword(const char *asis){
- char *nword;
- int i;
- assert(asis);
- for(i = 0; asis[i] != '\0'; i++){
- if(!strchr(OD_DELIMCHARS, asis[i])) break;
- }
- if(asis[i] == '\0') return cbmemdup("", 0);
- nword = cbmemdup(asis, -1);
- for(i = 0; nword[i] != '\0'; i++){
- if(nword[i] >= 'A' && nword[i] <= 'Z') nword[i] += 'a' - 'A';
- }
- while(i >= 0){
- if(strchr(OD_GLUECHARS, nword[i])){
- nword[i] = '\0';
- } else {
- break;
- }
- i--;
- }
- return nword;
-/* Get the common elements of two sets of documents. */
-ODPAIR *odpairsand(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np){
- CBMAP *map;
- ODPAIR *result;
- const char *tmp;
- int i, rnum;
- assert(apairs && anum >= 0 && bpairs && bnum >= 0);
- map = odpairsmap(bpairs, bnum);
- result = cbmalloc(sizeof(ODPAIR) * anum + 1);
- rnum = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < anum; i++){
- if(!(tmp = cbmapget(map, (char *)&(apairs[i].id), sizeof(int), NULL))) continue;
- result[rnum].id = apairs[i].id;
- result[rnum].score = apairs[i].score + *(int *)tmp;
- rnum++;
- }
- cbmapclose(map);
- qsort(result, rnum, sizeof(ODPAIR), odsortcompare);
- *np = rnum;
- return result;
-/* Get the sum of elements of two sets of documents. */
-ODPAIR *odpairsor(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np){
- CBMAP *map;
- ODPAIR *result;
- const char *tmp;
- int i, score, rnum;
- assert(apairs && anum >= 0 && bpairs && bnum >= 0);
- map = odpairsmap(bpairs, bnum);
- for(i = 0; i < anum; i++){
- score = 0;
- if((tmp = cbmapget(map, (char *)&(apairs[i].id), sizeof(int), NULL)) != NULL)
- score = *(int *)tmp;
- score += apairs[i].score;
- cbmapput(map, (char *)&(apairs[i].id), sizeof(int),
- (char *)&score, sizeof(int), TRUE);
- }
- rnum = cbmaprnum(map);
- result = cbmalloc(rnum * sizeof(ODPAIR) + 1);
- cbmapiterinit(map);
- for(i = 0; (tmp = cbmapiternext(map, NULL)) != NULL; i++){
- result[i].id = *(int *)tmp;
- result[i].score = *(int *)cbmapget(map, tmp, sizeof(int), NULL);
- }
- cbmapclose(map);
- qsort(result, rnum, sizeof(ODPAIR), odsortcompare);
- *np = rnum;
- return result;
-/* Get the difference set of documents. */
-ODPAIR *odpairsnotand(ODPAIR *apairs, int anum, ODPAIR *bpairs, int bnum, int *np){
- CBMAP *map;
- ODPAIR *result;
- const char *tmp;
- int i, rnum;
- assert(apairs && anum >= 0 && bpairs && bnum >= 0);
- map = odpairsmap(bpairs, bnum);
- result = cbmalloc(sizeof(ODPAIR) * anum + 1);
- rnum = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < anum; i++){
- if((tmp = cbmapget(map, (char *)&(apairs[i].id), sizeof(int), NULL)) != NULL) continue;
- result[rnum].id = apairs[i].id;
- result[rnum].score = apairs[i].score;
- rnum++;
- }
- cbmapclose(map);
- qsort(result, rnum, sizeof(ODPAIR), odsortcompare);
- *np = rnum;
- return result;
-/* Sort a set of documents in descending order of scores. */
-void odpairssort(ODPAIR *pairs, int pnum){
- assert(pairs && pnum >= 0);
- qsort(pairs, pnum, sizeof(ODPAIR), odsortcompare);
-/* Get the natural logarithm of a number. */
-double odlogarithm(double x){
- int i;
- if(x <= 1.0) return 0.0;
- x = x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x;
- for(i = 0; x > 1.0; i++){
- x /= 2.718281828459;
- }
- return (double)i / 10.0;
-/* Get the cosine of the angle of two vectors. */
-double odvectorcosine(const int *avec, const int *bvec, int vnum){
- double rv;
- assert(avec && bvec && vnum >= 0);
- rv = odvecinnerproduct(avec, bvec, vnum) /
- ((odvecabsolute(avec, vnum) * odvecabsolute(bvec, vnum)));
- return rv > 0.0 ? rv : 0.0;
-/* Set the global tuning parameters. */
-void odsettuning(int ibnum, int idnum, int cbnum, int csiz){
- if(ibnum > 0) odindexbnum = ibnum;
- if(idnum > 0) odindexdnum = idnum;
- if(cbnum > 0) odcachebnum = dpprimenum(cbnum);
- if(csiz > 0) odcachesiz = csiz;
-/* Break a text into words and store appearance forms and normalized form into lists. */
-void odanalyzetext(ODEUM *odeum, const char *text, CBLIST *awords, CBLIST *nwords){
- char aword[OD_MAXWORDLEN+1], *wp;
- int lev, wsiz;
- assert(odeum && text && awords);
- lev = OD_EVSPACE;
- wsiz = 0;
- for(; *text != '\0'; text++){
- switch(odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)text]){
- case OD_EVWORD:
- if(wsiz > 0 && lev == OD_EVDELIM){
- cblistpush(awords, aword, wsiz);
- if(nwords) cblistpush(nwords, "", 0);
- wsiz = 0;
- }
- if(wsiz <= OD_MAXWORDLEN){
- aword[wsiz++] = *text;
- }
- lev = OD_EVWORD;
- break;
- case OD_EVGLUE:
- if(wsiz > 0 && lev == OD_EVDELIM){
- cblistpush(awords, aword, wsiz);
- if(nwords) cblistpush(nwords, "", 0);
- wsiz = 0;
- }
- if(wsiz <= OD_MAXWORDLEN){
- aword[wsiz++] = *text;
- }
- lev = OD_EVGLUE;
- break;
- case OD_EVDELIM:
- if(wsiz > 0 && lev != OD_EVDELIM){
- cblistpush(awords, aword, wsiz);
- if(nwords){
- wp = aword;
- aword[wsiz] = '\0';
- while(*wp != '\0'){
- if(*wp >= 'A' && *wp <= 'Z') *wp += 'a' - 'A';
- wp++;
- }
- wp--;
- while(wp >= aword && odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)wp] == OD_EVGLUE){
- wsiz--;
- wp--;
- }
- cblistpush(nwords, aword, wsiz);
- }
- wsiz = 0;
- }
- if(wsiz <= OD_MAXWORDLEN){
- aword[wsiz++] = *text;
- }
- lev = OD_EVDELIM;
- break;
- default:
- if(wsiz > 0){
- cblistpush(awords, aword, wsiz);
- if(nwords){
- if(lev == OD_EVDELIM){
- cblistpush(nwords, "", 0);
- } else {
- wp = aword;
- aword[wsiz] = '\0';
- while(*wp != '\0'){
- if(*wp >= 'A' && *wp <= 'Z') *wp += 'a' - 'A';
- wp++;
- }
- wp--;
- while(wp >= aword && odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)wp] == OD_EVGLUE){
- wsiz--;
- wp--;
- }
- cblistpush(nwords, aword, wsiz);
- }
- }
- wsiz = 0;
- }
- lev = OD_EVSPACE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(wsiz > 0){
- cblistpush(awords, aword, wsiz);
- if(nwords){
- if(lev == OD_EVDELIM){
- cblistpush(nwords, "", 0);
- } else {
- wp = aword;
- aword[wsiz] = '\0';
- while(*wp != '\0'){
- if(*wp >= 'A' && *wp <= 'Z') *wp += 'a' - 'A';
- wp++;
- }
- wp--;
- while(wp >= aword && odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)wp] == OD_EVGLUE){
- wsiz--;
- wp--;
- }
- cblistpush(nwords, aword, wsiz);
- }
- }
- wsiz = 0;
- }
-/* Set the classes of characters used by `odanalyzetext'. */
-void odsetcharclass(ODEUM *odeum, const char *spacechars, const char *delimchars,
- const char *gluechars){
- assert(odeum && spacechars && delimchars && gluechars);
- memset(odeum->statechars, OD_EVWORD, sizeof(odeum->statechars));
- for(; *spacechars != '\0'; spacechars++){
- odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)spacechars] = OD_EVSPACE;
- }
- for(; *delimchars != '\0'; delimchars++){
- odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)delimchars] = OD_EVDELIM;
- }
- for(; *gluechars != '\0'; gluechars++){
- odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)gluechars] = OD_EVGLUE;
- }
-/* Query a database using a small boolean query language. */
-ODPAIR *odquery(ODEUM *odeum, const char *query, int *np, CBLIST *errors){
- CBLIST *tokens = cblistopen();
- CBLIST *nwords = cblistopen();
- ODPAIR *results = NULL;
- assert(odeum && query && np);
- odanalyzetext(odeum, query, tokens, nwords);
- odcleannormalized(odeum, nwords);
- odfixtokens(odeum, tokens);
- results = odparseexpr(odeum, tokens, nwords, np, errors);
- cblistclose(tokens);
- cblistclose(nwords);
- return results;
- * features for experts
- *************************************************************************************************/
-/* Get the internal database handle for documents. */
-CURIA *odidbdocs(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- return odeum->docsdb;
-/* Get the internal database handle for the inverted index. */
-CURIA *odidbindex(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- return odeum->indexdb;
-/* Get the internal database handle for the reverse dictionary. */
-VILLA *odidbrdocs(ODEUM *odeum){
- assert(odeum);
- return odeum->rdocsdb;
-/* Set the call back function called in merging. */
-void odsetotcb(void (*otcb)(const char *, ODEUM *, const char *)){
- odotcb = otcb;
-/* Get the positive one of square roots of a number. */
-double odsquareroot(double x){
- double c, rv;
- if(x <= 0.0) return 0.0;
- c = x > 1.0 ? x : 1;
- do {
- rv = c;
- c = (x / c + c) * 0.5;
- } while(c < rv);
- return rv;
-/* Get the absolute of a vector. */
-double odvecabsolute(const int *vec, int vnum){
- double rv;
- int i;
- assert(vec && vnum >= 0);
- rv = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < vnum; i++){
- rv += (double)vec[i] * (double)vec[i];
- }
- return odsquareroot(rv);
-/* Get the inner product of two vectors. */
-double odvecinnerproduct(const int *avec, const int *bvec, int vnum){
- double rv;
- int i;
- assert(avec && bvec && vnum >= 0);
- rv = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < vnum; i++){
- rv += (double)avec[i] * (double)bvec[i];
- }
- return rv;
- * private objects
- *************************************************************************************************/
-/* Get a database handle.
- `name' specifies the name of a database directory.
- `omode' specifies the connection mode.
- `docsbnum` specifies the number of buckets of the document database.
- `indexbnum` specifies the number of buckets of the index database.
- `fname' specifies the name of caller function.
- The return value is the database handle or `NULL' if it is not successful. */
-static ODEUM *odopendb(const char *name, int omode, int docsbnum, int indexbnum,
- const char *fname){
- int cromode, vlomode, inode, dmax, dnum;
- char docsname[OD_PATHBUFSIZ], indexname[OD_PATHBUFSIZ], rdocsname[OD_PATHBUFSIZ], *tmp;
- struct stat sbuf;
- CURIA *docsdb, *indexdb;
- VILLA *rdocsdb;
- CBMAP *cachemap;
- CBMAP *sortmap;
- ODEUM *odeum;
- assert(name);
- if(strlen(name) > OD_NAMEMAX){
- dpecodeset(DP_EMISC, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- cromode = CR_OREADER;
- vlomode = VL_OREADER;
- if(omode & OD_OWRITER){
- cromode = CR_OWRITER;
- if(omode & OD_OCREAT){
- cromode |= CR_OCREAT;
- vlomode |= VL_OCREAT;
- }
- if(omode & OD_OTRUNC){
- cromode |= CR_OTRUNC;
- vlomode |= VL_OTRUNC;
- }
- }
- if(omode & OD_ONOLCK){
- cromode |= CR_ONOLCK;
- vlomode |= VL_ONOLCK;
- }
- if(omode & OD_OLCKNB){
- cromode |= CR_OLCKNB;
- vlomode |= VL_OLCKNB;
- }
- sprintf(docsname, "%s%c%s", name, MYPATHCHR, OD_DOCSNAME);
- sprintf(indexname, "%s%c%s", name, MYPATHCHR, OD_INDEXNAME);
- sprintf(rdocsname, "%s%c%s", name, MYPATHCHR, OD_RDOCSNAME);
- docsdb = NULL;
- indexdb = NULL;
- rdocsdb = NULL;
- if((omode & OD_OWRITER) && (omode & OD_OCREAT)){
- if(mkdir(name, OD_DIRMODE) == -1 && errno != EEXIST){
- dpecodeset(DP_EMKDIR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if(lstat(name, &sbuf) == -1){
- dpecodeset(DP_ESTAT, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- inode = sbuf.st_ino;
- if(!(docsdb = cropen(docsname, cromode, docsbnum, OD_DOCSDNUM))) return NULL;
- if(!(indexdb = cropen(indexname, cromode, indexbnum, odindexdnum))){
- crclose(docsdb);
- return NULL;
- }
- if(omode & OD_OWRITER){
- if(!crsetalign(docsdb, OD_DOCSALIGN) || !crsetfbpsiz(docsdb, OD_DOCSFBP) ||
- !crsetalign(indexdb, OD_INDEXALIGN) || !crsetfbpsiz(indexdb, OD_INDEXFBP)){
- crclose(indexdb);
- crclose(docsdb);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if(!(rdocsdb = vlopen(rdocsname, vlomode, VL_CMPLEX))){
- crclose(indexdb);
- crclose(docsdb);
- return NULL;
- }
- if(omode & OD_OWRITER){
- cachemap = cbmapopenex(odcachebnum);
- sortmap = cbmapopenex(odcachebnum);
- } else {
- cachemap = NULL;
- sortmap = NULL;
- }
- if(vlrnum(rdocsdb) > 0){
- dmax = -1;
- dnum = -1;
- if((tmp = vlget(rdocsdb, OD_DMAXEXPR, sizeof(OD_DMAXEXPR), NULL)) != NULL){
- dmax = atoi(tmp);
- free(tmp);
- }
- if((tmp = vlget(rdocsdb, OD_DNUMEXPR, sizeof(OD_DNUMEXPR), NULL)) != NULL){
- dnum = atoi(tmp);
- free(tmp);
- }
- if(dmax < 0 || dnum < 0){
- if(sortmap) cbmapclose(sortmap);
- if(cachemap) cbmapclose(cachemap);
- vlclose(rdocsdb);
- crclose(indexdb);
- crclose(docsdb);
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return NULL;
- }
- } else {
- dmax = 0;
- dnum = 0;
- }
- odeum = cbmalloc(sizeof(ODEUM));
- odeum->name = cbmemdup(name, -1);
- odeum->wmode = omode & OD_OWRITER;
- odeum->fatal = FALSE;
- odeum->inode = inode;
- odeum->docsdb = docsdb;
- odeum->indexdb = indexdb;
- odeum->rdocsdb = rdocsdb;
- odeum->cachemap = cachemap;
- odeum->cacheasiz = 0;
- odeum->sortmap = sortmap;
- odeum->dmax = dmax;
- odeum->dnum = dnum;
- odeum->ldid = -1;
- if(odotcb) odotcb(fname, odeum, "the connection was established");
- return odeum;
-/* Flush the cache for dirty buffer of words.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `fname' specifies the name of caller function.
- If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false. */
-static int odcacheflush(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname){
- const char *kbuf, *vbuf;
- char otmsg[OD_OTCBBUFSIZ];
- int i, rnum, ksiz, vsiz;
- assert(odeum);
- if((rnum = cbmaprnum(odeum->cachemap)) < 1) return TRUE;
- if(odotcb) odotcb(fname, odeum, "flushing caches");
- cbmapiterinit(odeum->cachemap);
- for(i = 0; (kbuf = cbmapiternext(odeum->cachemap, &ksiz)) != NULL; i++){
- vbuf = cbmapget(odeum->cachemap, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz);
- if(!crput(odeum->indexdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz, CR_DCAT)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odotcb && (i + 1) % OD_OTPERWORDS == 0){
- sprintf(otmsg, "... (%d/%d)", i + 1, rnum);
- odotcb(fname, odeum, otmsg);
- }
- }
- cbmapclose(odeum->cachemap);
- odeum->cachemap = cbmapopenex(odcachebnum);
- odeum->cacheasiz = 0;
- return TRUE;
-/* Flush all frequent words in the cache for dirty buffer of words.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `fname' specifies the name of caller function.
- `min' specifies the minimum size of frequent words.
- If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false. */
-static int odcacheflushfreq(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname, int min){
- const char *kbuf, *vbuf;
- char otmsg[OD_OTCBBUFSIZ];
- int rnum, ksiz, vsiz;
- assert(odeum);
- if((rnum = cbmaprnum(odeum->cachemap)) < 1) return TRUE;
- if(odotcb){
- sprintf(otmsg, "flushing frequent words: min=%d asiz=%d rnum=%d)",
- min, odeum->cacheasiz, rnum);
- odotcb(fname, odeum, otmsg);
- }
- cbmapiterinit(odeum->cachemap);
- while((kbuf = cbmapiternext(odeum->cachemap, &ksiz)) != NULL){
- vbuf = cbmapget(odeum->cachemap, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz);
- if(vsiz >= sizeof(ODPAIR) * min){
- if(!crput(odeum->indexdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz, CR_DCAT)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- cbmapout(odeum->cachemap, kbuf, ksiz);
- odeum->cacheasiz -= vsiz;
- }
- }
- if(odotcb){
- sprintf(otmsg, "... (done): min=%d asiz=%d rnum=%d)",
- min, odeum->cacheasiz, cbmaprnum(odeum->cachemap));
- odotcb(fname, odeum, otmsg);
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* Flush the half of rare words in the cache for dirty buffer of words.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `fname' specifies the name of caller function.
- `ratio' specifies the ratio of rare words.
- If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false. */
-static int odcacheflushrare(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname, double ratio){
- const char *kbuf, *vbuf;
- char otmsg[OD_OTCBBUFSIZ];
- int i, rnum, limit, ksiz, vsiz;
- assert(odeum);
- if((rnum = cbmaprnum(odeum->cachemap)) < 1) return TRUE;
- if(odotcb){
- sprintf(otmsg, "flushing rare words: ratio=%.2f asiz=%d rnum=%d)",
- ratio, odeum->cacheasiz, rnum);
- odotcb(fname, odeum, otmsg);
- }
- cbmapiterinit(odeum->cachemap);
- limit = (int)(rnum * ratio);
- for(i = 0; i < limit && (kbuf = cbmapiternext(odeum->cachemap, &ksiz)) != NULL; i++){
- vbuf = cbmapget(odeum->cachemap, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz);
- if(!crput(odeum->indexdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz, CR_DCAT)){
- odeum->fatal = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- cbmapout(odeum->cachemap, kbuf, ksiz);
- odeum->cacheasiz -= vsiz;
- }
- if(odotcb){
- sprintf(otmsg, "... (done): ratio=%.2f asiz=%d rnum=%d)",
- ratio, odeum->cacheasiz, cbmaprnum(odeum->cachemap));
- odotcb(fname, odeum, otmsg);
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* Sort the records of inverted index.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `fname' specifies the name of caller function.
- If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false. */
-static int odsortindex(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname){
- const char *word;
- char *tmp, otmsg[OD_OTCBBUFSIZ];
- int i, rnum, wsiz, tsiz;
- ODPAIR *pairs;
- assert(odeum);
- if((rnum = cbmaprnum(odeum->sortmap)) < 1) return TRUE;
- if(odotcb) odotcb(fname, odeum, "sorting the inverted index");
- cbmapiterinit(odeum->sortmap);
- for(i = 0; (word = cbmapiternext(odeum->sortmap, &wsiz)) != NULL; i++){
- if((tmp = crget(odeum->indexdb, word, wsiz, 0, -1, &tsiz)) != NULL){
- if(tsiz > sizeof(ODPAIR)){
- pairs = (ODPAIR *)tmp;
- qsort(pairs, tsiz / sizeof(ODPAIR), sizeof(ODPAIR), odsortcompare);
- if(!crput(odeum->indexdb, word, wsiz, tmp, tsiz, CR_DOVER)){
- free(tmp);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- free(tmp);
- } else if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM){
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(odotcb && (i + 1) % OD_OTPERWORDS == 0){
- sprintf(otmsg, "... (%d/%d)", i + 1, rnum);
- odotcb(fname, odeum, otmsg);
- }
- }
- cbmapclose(odeum->sortmap);
- odeum->sortmap = cbmapopenex(odcachebnum);
- return TRUE;
-/* Compare two pairs of structures of a search result.
- `a' specifies the pointer to the region of one pair.
- `b' specifies the pointer to the region of the other pair.
- The return value is positive if the former is big, negative if the latter is big, 0 if both
- are equivalent. */
-static int odsortcompare(const void *a, const void *b){
- ODPAIR *ap, *bp;
- int rv;
- assert(a && b);
- ap = (ODPAIR *)a;
- bp = (ODPAIR *)b;
- rv = bp->score - ap->score;
- if(rv != 0) return rv;
- return ap->id - bp->id;
-/* Purge the elements of the deleted documents from the inverted index.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `fname' specifies the name of caller function.
- If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false. */
-static int odpurgeindex(ODEUM *odeum, const char *fname){
- ODPAIR *pairs;
- char *kbuf, *vbuf, otmsg[OD_OTCBBUFSIZ];
- int i, rnum, tnum, ksiz, vsiz, pnum, wi;
- assert(odeum);
- if((rnum = crrnum(odeum->indexdb)) < 1) return TRUE;
- if(odotcb) odotcb(fname, odeum, "purging dispensable regions");
- if(!criterinit(odeum->indexdb)) return FALSE;
- tnum = 0;
- while(TRUE){
- if(!(kbuf = criternext(odeum->indexdb, &ksiz))){
- if(dpecode != DP_ENOITEM) return FALSE;
- break;
- }
- if(!(vbuf = crget(odeum->indexdb, kbuf, ksiz, 0, -1, &vsiz))){
- dpecodeset(DP_EBROKEN, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- free(kbuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- pairs = (ODPAIR *)vbuf;
- pnum = vsiz / sizeof(ODPAIR);
- wi = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < pnum; i++){
- if(crvsiz(odeum->docsdb, (char *)&(pairs[i].id), sizeof(int)) != -1){
- pairs[wi++] = pairs[i];
- }
- }
- if(wi > 0){
- if(!crput(odeum->indexdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, wi * sizeof(ODPAIR), CR_DOVER)){
- free(vbuf);
- free(kbuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- } else {
- if(!crout(odeum->indexdb, kbuf, ksiz)){
- free(vbuf);
- free(kbuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- free(vbuf);
- free(kbuf);
- if(odotcb && (tnum + 1) % OD_OTPERWORDS == 0){
- sprintf(otmsg, "... (%d/%d)", tnum + 1, rnum);
- odotcb(fname, odeum, otmsg);
- }
- tnum++;
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* Create a map of a document array.
- `pairs' specifies the pointer to a document array.
- `num' specifies the number of elements of the array.
- The return value is a map of the document array. */
-static CBMAP *odpairsmap(const ODPAIR *pairs, int num){
- CBMAP *map;
- int i;
- assert(pairs && num >= 0);
- map = cbmapopen();
- for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
- cbmapput(map, (char *)&(pairs[i].id), sizeof(int),
- (char *)&(pairs[i].score), sizeof(int), TRUE);
- }
- return map;
-/* compare two pairs of structures of words in a document.
- `a' specifies the pointer to the region of one word.
- `b' specifies the pointer to the region of the other word.
- The return value is positive if the former is big, negative if the latter is big, 0 if both
- are equivalent. */
-static int odwordcompare(const void *a, const void *b){
- ODWORD *ap, *bp;
- int rv;
- assert(a && b);
- ap = (ODWORD *)a;
- bp = (ODWORD *)b;
- if((rv = bp->num - ap->num) != 0) return rv;
- if((rv = strlen(bp->word) - strlen(ap->word)) != 0) return rv;
- return strcmp(ap->word, bp->word);
-/* Match an operator without taking it off the token list.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `tokens' specifies a list handle of tokens.
- The return value is whether the next token is an operator. */
-static int odmatchoperator(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *tokens){
- const char *tk = NULL;
- int tk_len = 0;
- tk = cblistval(tokens, 0, &tk_len);
- if(tk && (tk[0] == '&' || tk[0] == '|' || tk[0] == '!')) return 1;
- return 0;
-/* Implements the subexpr part of the grammar.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `tokens' specifies a list handle of tokens.
- `nwords' specifies a list handle of normalized words.
- `np' specifies the pointer to a variable to which the number of the elements of the return
- value is assigned.
- `errors' specifies a list handle into which error messages are stored.
- The return value is the pointer to an array of document IDs. */
-static ODPAIR *odparsesubexpr(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *tokens, CBLIST *nwords, int *np,
- CBLIST *errors){
- char *tk = NULL;
- int tk_len = 0;
- char *nword = NULL; /* used to do the actual search, should match with tokens */
- ODPAIR *result = NULL;
- int result_num = 0;
- int i;
- double ival;
- if((tk = cblistshift(tokens, &tk_len)) != NULL){
- assert(tk != NULL);
- if(tk[0] == '('){
- free(tk);
- /* recurse into expr */
- result = odparseexpr(odeum, tokens, nwords, &result_num, errors);
- /* match right token RPAREN */
- tk = cblistshift(tokens, &tk_len);
- /* print an error if either we didn't get anything or we didn't get a ) */
- if(tk == NULL){
- if(errors) cblistpush(errors, "Expression ended without closing ')'", -1);
- } else if(tk[0] != ')'){
- if(errors) cblistpush(errors, "Un-balanced parenthesis.", -1);
- }
- } else if(odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)tk] == 0){
- /* Perform odsearch with the next norm word that isn't an operator. */
- nword = cblistshift(nwords, NULL);
- assert(nword != NULL);
- if((result = odsearch(odeum, nword, -1, &result_num)) != NULL){
- /* TF-IDF tuning */
- ival = odlogarithm(result_num);
- ival = (ival * ival) / 4.0;
- if(ival < 4.0) ival = 4.0;
- for(i = 0; i < result_num; i++){
- result[i].score = (int)(result[i].score / ival);
- }
- }
- free(nword);
- } else {
- if(errors) cblistpush(errors, "Invalid sub-expression. Expected '(' or WORD.", -1);
- result = cbmalloc(1);
- result_num = 0;
- }
- /* done with the token */
- free(tk);
- }
- *np = result_num;
- return result;
-/* Implements the actual recursive decent parser for the mini query language.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `tokens' specifies a list handle of tokens.
- `nwords' specifies a list handle of normalized words.
- `np' specifies the pointer to a variable to which the number of the elements of the return
- value is assigned.
- `errors' specifies a list handle into which error messages are stored.
- The return value is the pointer to an array of document IDs.
- It simply parses an initial subexpr, and then loops over as many (operator subexpr)
- sequences as it can find. The odmatchoperator function handles injecting a default &
- between consecutive words. */
-static ODPAIR *odparseexpr(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *tokens, CBLIST *nwords, int *np,
- CBLIST *errors){
- ODPAIR *left = NULL;
- ODPAIR *right = NULL;
- ODPAIR *temp = NULL;
- int left_num = 0;
- int right_num = 0;
- int temp_num = 0;
- char *op = NULL;
- int op_len = 0;
- if(!(left = odparsesubexpr(odeum, tokens, nwords, &left_num, errors))) return NULL;
- /* expr ::= subexpr ( op subexpr )* */
- while(odmatchoperator(odeum, tokens)){
- op = cblistshift(tokens, &op_len);
- if(!(right = odparsesubexpr(odeum, tokens, nwords, &right_num, errors))){
- free(op);
- free(left);
- return NULL;
- }
- switch(op[0]){
- case '&':
- temp = odpairsand(left, left_num, right, right_num, &temp_num);
- break;
- case '|':
- temp = odpairsor(left, left_num, right, right_num, &temp_num);
- break;
- case '!':
- temp = odpairsnotand(left, left_num, right, right_num, &temp_num);
- break;
- default:
- if(errors) cblistpush(errors, "Invalid operator. Expected '&', '|', or '!'.", -1);
- break;
- }
- if(temp){
- /* an operator was done so we must swap it with the left */
- free(left); left = NULL;
- left = temp;
- left_num = temp_num;
- }
- free(op);
- if(right) free(right);
- }
- *np = left_num;
- return left;
-/* Processes the tokens in order to break them up further.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `tokens' specifies a list handle of tokens. */
-static void odfixtokens(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *tokens){
- const char *tk = NULL;
- int tk_len = 0;
- int i = 0;
- int lastword = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < cblistnum(tokens); i++){
- tk = cblistval(tokens, i, &tk_len);
- assert(tk);
- if(tk[0] == '&' || tk[0] == '|' || tk[0] == '!' || tk[0] == '(' || tk[0] == ')'){
- lastword = 0;
- if(tk_len > 1){
- /* need to break it up for the next loop around */
- tk = cblistremove(tokens, i, &tk_len);
- cblistinsert(tokens, i, tk, 1);
- cblistinsert(tokens, i+1, tk+1, tk_len-1);
- free((char *)tk);
- }
- } else if(odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)tk] == 0){
- /* if the last one was a word and this is a word then we need a default & between them */
- if(lastword){
- cblistinsert(tokens, i, "&", 1);
- i++;
- }
- lastword = 1;
- }
- }
-/* Cleans out the parts of the normalized word list that are not considered words.
- `odeum' specifies a database handle.
- `tokens' specifies a list handle of tokens. */
-static void odcleannormalized(ODEUM *odeum, CBLIST *nwords){
- char *tk = NULL;
- int tk_len = 0;
- int i = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < cblistnum(nwords); i++){
- tk = (char *)cblistval(nwords, i, &tk_len);
- if(tk_len == 0 || (!odeum->statechars[*(unsigned char *)tk] == 0)){
- /* not a word so delete it */
- tk = cblistremove(nwords, i, &tk_len);
- free(tk);
- i--;
- }
- }
-/* END OF FILE */