path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/test/bbackupd/testbbackupd.cpp b/test/bbackupd/testbbackupd.cpp
index 5d2c304c..1593e070 100644
--- a/test/bbackupd/testbbackupd.cpp
+++ b/test/bbackupd/testbbackupd.cpp
@@ -1113,8 +1113,306 @@ int test_bbackupd()
"\"compare -ac\" quit");
TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 1);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ printf("\n==== Check that filenames in UTF-8 "
+ "can be backed up\n");
+ // We have no guarantee that a random Unicode string can be
+ // represented in the user's character set, so we go the
+ // other way, taking three random characters from the
+ // character set and converting them to Unicode.
+ //
+ // We hope that these characters are valid in most
+ // character sets, but they probably are not in multibyte
+ // character sets such as Shift-JIS, GB2312, etc. This test
+ // will probably fail if your system locale is set to
+ // Chinese, Japanese, etc. where one of these character
+ // sets is used by default. You can check the character
+ // set for your system in Control Panel -> Regional
+ // Options -> General -> Language Settings -> Set Default
+ // (System Locale). Because bbackupquery converts from
+ // system locale to UTF-8 via the console code page
+ // (which you can check from the Command Prompt with "chcp")
+ // they must also be valid in your code page (850 for
+ // Western Europe).
+ //
+ // In ISO-8859-1 (Danish locale) they are three Danish
+ // accented characters, which are supported in code page
+ // 850. Depending on your locale, YYMV (your yak may vomit).
+ std::string foreignCharsNative("\x91\x9b\x86");
+ std::string foreignCharsUnicode;
+ TEST_THAT(ConvertConsoleToUtf8(foreignCharsNative.c_str(),
+ foreignCharsUnicode));
+ std::string basedir("testfiles/TestDir1");
+ std::string dirname("test" + foreignCharsUnicode + "testdir");
+ std::string dirpath(basedir + "/" + dirname);
+ TEST_THAT(mkdir(dirpath.c_str(), 0) == 0);
+ std::string filename("test" + foreignCharsUnicode + "testfile");
+ std::string filepath(dirpath + "/" + filename);
+ char cwdbuf[1024];
+ TEST_THAT(getcwd(cwdbuf, sizeof(cwdbuf)) == cwdbuf);
+ std::string cwd = cwdbuf;
+ // Test that our emulated chdir() works properly
+ // with relative and absolute paths
+ TEST_THAT(::chdir(dirpath.c_str()) == 0);
+ TEST_THAT(::chdir("../../..") == 0);
+ TEST_THAT(::chdir(cwd.c_str()) == 0);
+ // Check that it can be converted to the system encoding
+ // (which is what is needed on the command line)
+ std::string systemDirName;
+ TEST_THAT(ConvertEncoding(dirname.c_str(), CP_UTF8,
+ systemDirName, CP_ACP));
+ std::string systemFileName;
+ TEST_THAT(ConvertEncoding(filename.c_str(), CP_UTF8,
+ systemFileName, CP_ACP));
+ // Check that it can be converted to the console encoding
+ // (which is what we will see in the output)
+ std::string consoleDirName;
+ TEST_THAT(ConvertUtf8ToConsole(dirname.c_str(),
+ consoleDirName));
+ std::string consoleFileName;
+ TEST_THAT(ConvertUtf8ToConsole(filename.c_str(),
+ consoleFileName));
+ // test that bbackupd will let us lcd into the local
+ // directory using a relative path
+ std::string command = BBACKUPQUERY " -q "
+ "-c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "\"lcd testfiles/TestDir1/" + systemDirName + "\" "
+ "quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 0);
+ // and back out again
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -q "
+ "-c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "\"lcd testfiles/TestDir1/" + systemDirName + "\" "
+ "\"lcd ..\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 0);
+ // and using an absolute path
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -q "
+ "-c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "\"lcd " + cwd + "/testfiles/TestDir1/" +
+ systemDirName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 0);
+ // and back out again
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -q "
+ "-c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "\"lcd " + cwd + "/testfiles/TestDir1/" +
+ systemDirName + "\" "
+ "\"lcd ..\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 0);
+ {
+ FileStream fs(filepath.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR);
+ std::string data("hello world\n");
+ fs.Write(data.c_str(), data.size());
+ TEST_THAT(fs.GetPosition() == 12);
+ fs.Close();
+ }
+ wait_for_backup_operation();
+ // Compare to check that the file was uploaded
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(BBACKUPQUERY " -q "
+ "-c testfiles/bbackupd.conf \"compare -acQ\" quit");
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 1);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ // Check that we can find it in directory listing
+ {
+ SocketStreamTLS conn;
+ conn.Open(context, Socket::TypeINET, "localhost",
+ BackupProtocolClient protocol(conn);
+ protocol.QueryVersion(BACKUP_STORE_SERVER_VERSION);
+ protocol.QueryLogin(0x01234567, 0);
+ int64_t rootDirId = BackupProtocolClientListDirectory
+ ::RootDirectory;
+ std::auto_ptr<BackupProtocolClientSuccess> dirreply(
+ protocol.QueryListDirectory(
+ rootDirId, false, 0, false));
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> dirstream(
+ protocol.ReceiveStream());
+ BackupStoreDirectory dir;
+ dir.ReadFromStream(*dirstream, protocol.GetTimeout());
+ int64_t baseDirId = SearchDir(dir, "Test1");
+ TEST_THAT(baseDirId != 0);
+ dirreply = protocol.QueryListDirectory(baseDirId,
+ false, 0, false);
+ dirstream = protocol.ReceiveStream();
+ dir.ReadFromStream(*dirstream, protocol.GetTimeout());
+ int64_t testDirId = SearchDir(dir, dirname.c_str());
+ TEST_THAT(testDirId != 0);
+ dirreply = protocol.QueryListDirectory(testDirId,
+ false, 0, false);
+ dirstream = protocol.ReceiveStream();
+ dir.ReadFromStream(*dirstream, protocol.GetTimeout());
- printf("Delete file and update another, create symlink.\n");
+ TEST_THAT(SearchDir(dir, filename.c_str()) != 0);
+ // Log out
+ protocol.QueryFinished();
+ }
+ // Check that bbackupquery shows the dir in console encoding
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -q "
+ "-c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "-q \"list Test1\" quit";
+ pid_t bbackupquery_pid;
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> queryout;
+ queryout = LocalProcessStream(command.c_str(),
+ bbackupquery_pid);
+ TEST_THAT(queryout.get() != NULL);
+ TEST_THAT(bbackupquery_pid != -1);
+ IOStreamGetLine reader(*queryout);
+ std::string line;
+ bool found = false;
+ while (!reader.IsEOF())
+ {
+ TEST_THAT(reader.GetLine(line));
+ if (line.find(consoleDirName) != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ TEST_THAT(!(queryout->StreamDataLeft()));
+ TEST_THAT(reader.IsEOF());
+ TEST_THAT(found);
+ queryout->Close();
+ // Check that bbackupquery can list the dir when given
+ // on the command line in system encoding, and shows
+ // the file in console encoding
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "-q \"list Test1/" + systemDirName + "\" quit";
+ queryout = LocalProcessStream(command.c_str(),
+ bbackupquery_pid);
+ TEST_THAT(queryout.get() != NULL);
+ TEST_THAT(bbackupquery_pid != -1);
+ IOStreamGetLine reader2(*queryout);
+ found = false;
+ while (!reader2.IsEOF())
+ {
+ TEST_THAT(reader2.GetLine(line));
+ if (line.find(consoleFileName) != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ TEST_THAT(!(queryout->StreamDataLeft()));
+ TEST_THAT(reader2.IsEOF());
+ TEST_THAT(found);
+ queryout->Close();
+ // Check that bbackupquery can compare the dir when given
+ // on the command line in system encoding.
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "-q \"compare -cEQ Test1/" + systemDirName +
+ " testfiles/TestDir1/" + systemDirName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 1);
+ // Check that bbackupquery can restore the dir when given
+ // on the command line in system encoding.
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "-q \"restore Test1/" + systemDirName +
+ " testfiles/restore-" + systemDirName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 0);
+ // Compare to make sure it was restored properly.
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "-q \"compare -cEQ Test1/" + systemDirName +
+ " testfiles/restore-" + systemDirName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 1);
+ std::string fileToUnlink = "testfiles/restore-" +
+ dirname + "/" + filename;
+ TEST_THAT(::unlink(fileToUnlink.c_str()) == 0);
+ // Check that bbackupquery can get the file when given
+ // on the command line in system encoding.
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "-q \"get Test1/" + systemDirName + "/" +
+ systemFileName + " " + "testfiles/restore-" +
+ systemDirName + "/" + systemFileName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 0);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ // And after changing directory to a relative path
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf -q "
+ "\"lcd testfiles\" "
+ "\"cd Test1/" + systemDirName + "\" " +
+ "\"get " + systemFileName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 0);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("testfiles/bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ // cannot overwrite a file that exists, so delete it
+ std::string tmp = "testfiles/" + filename;
+ TEST_THAT(::unlink(tmp.c_str()) == 0);
+ // And after changing directory to an absolute path
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf -q "
+ "\"lcd " + cwd + "/testfiles\" "
+ "\"cd Test1/" + systemDirName + "\" " +
+ "\"get " + systemFileName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 0);
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("testfiles/bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ // Compare to make sure it was restored properly.
+ // The Get command does not restore attributes, so
+ // we must compare without them (-A) to succeed.
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "-q \"compare -cAEQ Test1/" + systemDirName +
+ " testfiles/restore-" + systemDirName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 1);
+ // Compare without attributes. This should fail.
+ command = BBACKUPQUERY " -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf "
+ "-q \"compare -cEQ Test1/" + systemDirName +
+ " testfiles/restore-" + systemDirName + "\" quit";
+ compareReturnValue = ::system(command.c_str());
+ TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupquery.memleaks");
+ TEST_RETURN(compareReturnValue, 2);
+#endif // WIN32
// Delete a file
TEST_THAT(::unlink("testfiles/TestDir1/x1/dsfdsfs98.fd") == 0);