path: root/test/bbackupd
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Add intercept logging, seems to work around intermittent failures inChris Wilson2011-01-09
| | | | | | | | | | | | testbbackupd: {{{ Waiting for internal daemon to scan spacetest/d1: ............ done. Waiting for server to die (pid 6307): .............................. failed! ERROR: **** TEST FAILURE: Condition [killed_server] failed at testbbackupd.cpp:718 ERROR: **** TEST FAILURE: Condition [stop_internal_daemon(pid)] failed at testbbackupd.cpp:1153 }}}
* Log the path, name and size of files being restored at TRACE level forChris Wilson2011-01-08
| | | | | | | | | | users wanting more detailed restore output. Disable printing dots when logging at TRACE level is enabled. Warn rather than failing to restore when the file attributes could not be restored. (merges [2745], [2827]).
* Fix location of memleaks file to fix test/bbackupd again.Chris Wilson2010-10-18
* Allow restoring directories with a single argument, using the remote nameChris Wilson2010-09-22
| | | | | as the local destination name also.
* Log while sleeping in test/bbackupd.Chris Wilson2009-04-26
| | | | | Only show warning about diff test time taken if it's out of bounds.
* Improve debugging output from external check script.Chris Wilson2009-04-26
* Fixes for gcc 4.4.Martin Ebourne2009-04-23
* Fix speeling misteak.Chris Wilson2009-04-09
* Fix race conditions where backups happen too slowly and tests fail.Chris Wilson2009-04-09
* Show reasons for waiting during bbackupd and backupstorepatch tests,Chris Wilson2009-04-09
| | | | | | | | | | | to help with interpreting test output. When running at Trace level, where extra output from bbackupd etc. is common, log a single line at the start of waiting, instead of progress dots, to help with interpreting output. Show number of seconds waited for on Windows as well as Unixes.
* Fix tests (hopefully) on Win32 for struct stat ino_t change from 16 toChris Wilson2009-03-21
| | | | | 64 bits.
* Fix race condition where bbackupd would run just before test finished Chris Wilson2009-03-15
| | | | | | waiting for its 90 second error timeout on slow machines, e.g. FreeBSD VM, causing bbackupd test to fail.
* Move TEST_EQUAL macro into lib/common/Test.h, rename to TEST_EQUAL_LINE, Chris Wilson2009-01-03
| | | | | provide TEST_EQUAL that only takes two arguments for simplicity.
* Fix permissions on restored files after test, so that test buildChris Wilson2008-11-24
| | | | | system stops complaining that it can't delete them.
* Fix test for slight change to logging format.Chris Wilson2008-10-29
* Revert incorrectly committed file.Chris Wilson2008-10-29
* Use the same ostringstream formatting for protocol logging to fileChris Wilson2008-10-29
| | | | | | that we use for standard logging, to fix 64bit platform warnings reported by Matt Brown.
* Add missing extern "C" on intercept function definitions inChris Wilson2008-10-11
| | | | | | | testbbackupd. Fix assignment of string constants to non-const char pointers.
* Fix bbackupd/housekeeping deletion test for Unix again, and hopefullyChris Wilson2008-10-04
| | | | | make it work on Windows too. Improve comments about this test.
* Fix directory record conflicts caused by including the same directoryChris Wilson2008-10-03
| | | | | | | twice. Fix/reduce locked file timing conflict problems.
* Reinstate and fix the intercept tests for SSL keepalives.Chris Wilson2008-09-26
* Test for read errors being reported at more points during the tests.Chris Wilson2008-09-12
| | | | | Test that symlink to self does not cause restore to fail.
* Include signal.h if it exists.Chris Wilson2008-09-03
* Test that store-full error is not wrongly generated on aborted connections.Chris Wilson2008-08-10
* Link bbackupd test with objects from bin/bbstored.Chris Wilson2008-08-10
* Fix conflict with local variables called "line".Chris Wilson2008-08-06
* Windows compile and deletion/housekeeping test fix.Chris Wilson2008-08-03
* Fix compile error on Windows.Chris Wilson2008-05-28
* Add bbackupquery -W<level> option to set explicit warning level, Chris Wilson2008-05-28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Obsolete old (inconsistent) meaning of -q in bbackupquery. Replace -q with -Wwarning or -Werror in tests to reduce noise and fix tests. Test that reading a nonexistent directory on the server doesn't crash server or client. Test that bbackupd does continue backup run and delete files when storage limit is exceeded. Use logging guards to hide expected warnings in testbbackupd. Remove apparently pointless listing files on server at the end of testbbackupd.
* Add support to notifyscript to use a tag, useful for tests with Chris Wilson2008-05-28
| | | | | frequently-generated messages such as backup-start.
* Add new bbackupd config files for bbackupd test.Chris Wilson2008-05-28
* Undo mangling by tailorChris Wilson2008-04-04
* TailorizationChris Wilson2008-04-04
| | | | | | | | | | | Import of the upstream sources from Repository: http://localhost:8000/ Kind: hg Revision: 7807b7768163f1c2537756abe5416063989cebb1 Original author: Date: 2008-03-16 19:44:36+00:00
* Allow configuration of the server port that the client will connect to Chris Wilson2008-03-28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | (bbackupd and bbackupquery). Redesign ConfigurationVerify to use classes instead of structs. Use port 22011 instead of 2201 during tests, to reduce the chances of conflicting with a running bbstored or other process. Ignore autogen_* in svn:ignore everywhere instead of individual per-file ignores.
* Fix missing space before bbstored_args in test to make them work Chris Wilson2008-03-13
| | | | | properly.
* Fix multiple connections to server (not supported on Windows) in test Chris Wilson2008-03-01
| | | | | | | that redundant locations are deleted on time. Commonise some more login code to simplify tests.
* Disable another symlink test on Win32.Chris Wilson2008-03-01
* Delete bbstored PID file after killing the daemon on Windows, as the Chris Wilson2008-03-01
| | | | | daemon can't clean up after itself.
* Ignore terminal type error messages from bbackupquery, may happenChris Wilson2008-01-23
| | | | | in Debian buildds.
* Report line of test where failed to kill internal daemon during SSLChris Wilson2007-12-15
| | | | | keepalive tests.
* Move comment, add whitespace.Chris Wilson2007-12-13
* Fix keepalive test failure: Chris Wilson2007-12-06
| | | | | | | | | * zero memory buffer before use to keep consistent behaviour. * expect a diff even if the maximum diffing time expires * really check when we have a diff and when we don't
* Re-initialise the timers when aborting test run during SSL KeepAliveChris Wilson2007-12-02
| | | | | | tests, as main() will try to clean them up and we'll get an error message if they're not initialised.
* Compile fix for [1931]Chris Wilson2007-11-09
* Handle bbackupd_args without leading space.Chris Wilson2007-11-07
* Fix calling bbackupd with NO args in keepalive tests (fixes [1928])Chris Wilson2007-11-07
* Pass bbackupd_args to the internal daemon (spaces are NOT supported).Chris Wilson2007-11-06
| | | | | Stop early if a keepalive test fails, for debugging.
* This is C++ not ruby (oops)Chris Wilson2007-11-06
* Add some debugging for a keepalive timer test failure reported byChris Wilson2007-11-06
| | | | | Matt Brown <> on 2007-11-06.
* Use lstat() instead of stat() to check whether a file exists. Thanks toChris Wilson2007-11-05
| | | | | | | | Hans-Joachim Baader for reporting this problem. ( Add a test that symlinks are not followed during restore.