The following developers contributed code to version 0.10: Nick Knight - ported Box Backup to Windows (properly, not using Cygwin) Gary Niemcewicz - added client/server (SSL) keepalives to keep the connection to the server alive during a long diff, and saving the daemon's state across restarts Martin Ebourne - ported to Solaris; wrote extended attribute support (xattr); converted to use autoconf for automatic compiler configuration. Chris Wilson - updated Nick's and Gary's work to fit in with the new trunk, fixed some issues pointed out by Ben and Martin, made it compile on Windows with the free MinGW compiler. Jonathan Morton - vastly improved the performance and efficiency of the file-diffing code, and obtained a free G5 PowerMac from IBM as his reward. ---- Many individuals have helped with the development of Box Backup by testing, reporting experiences, and making suggestions. In particular, thanks are due to Charles Lecklider - Helped with the finer details of Win32 programming Pascal Lalonde - Comprehensive and accurate bug reports, and constructive feedback Paul Arch - Cygwin client port Ben Lovett - Help with odd architectures, suggesting small changes Martin Ebourne - RPM specification for RedHat based Linux distributions - Patch to fix problems on 64 bit architectures - Patch to fix compilation after RedHat Fedora's latest changes Per Thomsen - Cygwin Windows service install scripts and build notes - Answering queries on the boxbackup mailing list Tim Fletcher David Harris Richard Eigenmann - Testing many attempts at clean compiles on various Linux distributions Eduardo Alvarenga - Valuable feedback and persuasion to include new features Joe Gillespie - Web site design JŽr™me Schell - Fixes to build+config problems on Linux John Pybus - Ideas and feature requests - Useful little patches to code Stefan Norlin - Help with testing and fixes on lots of different Solaris platforms