// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File // Name: bbackupquery.cpp // Purpose: Backup query utility // Created: 2003/10/10 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "Box.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_READLINE_H #include #elif defined(HAVE_EDITLINE_READLINE_H) #include #elif defined(HAVE_READLINE_H) #include #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H #include #elif defined(HAVE_HISTORY_H) #include #endif #endif #include "MainHelper.h" #include "BoxPortsAndFiles.h" #include "BackupDaemonConfigVerify.h" #include "SocketStreamTLS.h" #include "Socket.h" #include "TLSContext.h" #include "SSLLib.h" #include "BackupStoreConstants.h" #include "BackupStoreException.h" #include "autogen_BackupProtocolClient.h" #include "BackupQueries.h" #include "FdGetLine.h" #include "BackupClientCryptoKeys.h" #include "BannerText.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MemLeakFindOn.h" void PrintUsageAndExit() { printf("Usage: bbackupquery [-q] [-w] " #ifdef WIN32 "[-u] " #endif "\n\t[-c config_file] [-l log_file] [commands]\n" "As many commands as you require.\n" "If commands are multiple words, remember to enclose the command in quotes.\n" "Remember to use quit command if you don't want to drop into interactive mode.\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int returnCode = 0; MAINHELPER_SETUP_MEMORY_LEAK_EXIT_REPORT("bbackupquery.memleaks", "bbackupquery") MAINHELPER_START #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA info; // Under Win32 we must initialise the Winsock library // before using it. if (WSAStartup(0x0101, &info) == SOCKET_ERROR) { // throw error? perhaps give it its own id in the future THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal) } #endif // Really don't want trace statements happening, even in debug mode #ifndef NDEBUG BoxDebugTraceOn = false; #endif FILE *logFile = 0; // Filename for configuration file? std::string configFilename; #ifdef WIN32 configFilename = BOX_GET_DEFAULT_BBACKUPD_CONFIG_FILE; #else configFilename = BOX_FILE_BBACKUPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG; #endif // Flags bool quiet = false; bool readWrite = false; Logging::SetProgramName("Box Backup (bbackupquery)"); #ifdef NDEBUG int masterLevel = Log::NOTICE; // need an int to do math with #else int masterLevel = Log::INFO; // need an int to do math with #endif #ifdef WIN32 const char* validOpts = "qvwuc:l:"; bool unicodeConsole = false; #else const char* validOpts = "qvwc:l:"; #endif // See if there's another entry on the command line int c; while((c = getopt(argc, (char * const *)argv, validOpts)) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'q': { // Quiet mode quiet = true; if(masterLevel == Log::NOTHING) { BOX_FATAL("Too many '-q': " "Cannot reduce logging " "level any more"); return 2; } masterLevel--; } break; case 'v': { if(masterLevel == Log::EVERYTHING) { BOX_FATAL("Too many '-v': " "Cannot increase logging " "level any more"); return 2; } masterLevel++; } break; case 'w': // Read/write mode readWrite = true; break; case 'c': // store argument configFilename = optarg; break; case 'l': // open log file logFile = ::fopen(optarg, "w"); if(logFile == 0) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to open log file '" << optarg << "': " << strerror(errno)); } break; #ifdef WIN32 case 'u': unicodeConsole = true; break; #endif case '?': default: PrintUsageAndExit(); } } // Adjust arguments argc -= optind; argv += optind; Logging::SetGlobalLevel((Log::Level)masterLevel); // Print banner? if(!quiet) { const char *banner = BANNER_TEXT("Backup Query Tool"); BOX_NOTICE(banner); } #ifdef WIN32 if (unicodeConsole) { if (!SetConsoleCP(CP_UTF8)) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to set input codepage: " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())); } if (!SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8)) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to set output codepage: " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())); } // enable input of Unicode characters if (_fileno(stdin) != -1 && _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_TEXT) == -1) { perror("Failed to set the console input to " "binary mode"); } } #endif // WIN32 // Read in the configuration file if(!quiet) BOX_INFO("Using configuration file " << configFilename); std::string errs; std::auto_ptr config( Configuration::LoadAndVerify (configFilename, &BackupDaemonConfigVerify, errs)); if(config.get() == 0 || !errs.empty()) { BOX_FATAL("Invalid configuration file: " << errs); return 1; } // Easier coding const Configuration &conf(*config); // Setup and connect // 1. TLS context SSLLib::Initialise(); // Read in the certificates creating a TLS context TLSContext tlsContext; std::string certFile(conf.GetKeyValue("CertificateFile")); std::string keyFile(conf.GetKeyValue("PrivateKeyFile")); std::string caFile(conf.GetKeyValue("TrustedCAsFile")); tlsContext.Initialise(false /* as client */, certFile.c_str(), keyFile.c_str(), caFile.c_str()); // Initialise keys BackupClientCryptoKeys_Setup(conf.GetKeyValue("KeysFile").c_str()); // 2. Connect to server if(!quiet) BOX_INFO("Connecting to store..."); SocketStreamTLS socket; socket.Open(tlsContext, Socket::TypeINET, conf.GetKeyValue("StoreHostname").c_str(), BOX_PORT_BBSTORED); // 3. Make a protocol, and handshake if(!quiet) BOX_INFO("Handshake with store..."); BackupProtocolClient connection(socket); connection.Handshake(); // logging? if(logFile != 0) { connection.SetLogToFile(logFile); } // 4. Log in to server if(!quiet) BOX_INFO("Login to store..."); // Check the version of the server { std::auto_ptr serverVersion(connection.QueryVersion(BACKUP_STORE_SERVER_VERSION)); if(serverVersion->GetVersion() != BACKUP_STORE_SERVER_VERSION) { THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, WrongServerVersion) } } // Login -- if this fails, the Protocol will exception connection.QueryLogin(conf.GetKeyValueInt("AccountNumber"), (readWrite)?0:(BackupProtocolClientLogin::Flags_ReadOnly)); // 5. Tell user. if(!quiet) printf("Login complete.\n\nType \"help\" for a list of commands.\n\n"); // Set up a context for our work BackupQueries context(connection, conf); // Start running commands... first from the command line { int c = 0; while(c < argc && !context.Stop()) { context.DoCommand(argv[c++], true); } } // Get commands from input #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE // Must initialise the locale before using editline's readline(), // otherwise cannot enter international characters. if (setlocale(LC_ALL, "") == NULL) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to initialise locale. International " "character support may not work."); } #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY using_history(); #endif char *last_cmd = 0; while(!context.Stop()) { char *command = readline("query > "); if(command == NULL) { // Ctrl-D pressed -- terminate now break; } context.DoCommand(command, false); if(last_cmd != 0 && ::strcmp(last_cmd, command) == 0) { free(command); } else { #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY add_history(command); #else free(last_cmd); #endif last_cmd = command; } } #ifndef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY free(last_cmd); last_cmd = 0; #endif #else // Version for platforms which don't have readline by default if(fileno(stdin) >= 0) { FdGetLine getLine(fileno(stdin)); while(!context.Stop()) { printf("query > "); fflush(stdout); std::string command(getLine.GetLine()); context.DoCommand(command.c_str(), false); } } #endif // Done... stop nicely if(!quiet) BOX_INFO("Logging off..."); connection.QueryFinished(); if(!quiet) BOX_INFO("Session finished."); // Return code returnCode = context.GetReturnCode(); // Close log file? if(logFile) { ::fclose(logFile); } // Let everything be cleaned up on exit. #ifdef WIN32 // Clean up our sockets // FIXME we should do this, but I get an abort() when I try // WSACleanup(); #endif MAINHELPER_END return returnCode; }