Template: boxbackup-server/debconf Type: boolean Default: true Description: Do you want to handle the boxbackup server configuration with debconf? Debconf can create the configuration files for boxbackup server. If you prefer to do this by yourself you will need to use the scripts raidfile-config and bbstored-config provided by this package. . The server won't start if it isn't configured. . Whatever you choose here, you will need to read the README.Debian file in /usr/share/doc/boxbackup-server. Template: boxbackup-server/raidDirectories Type: string Description: Enter the location of the RAID directories You have to choose the location for the 3 RAID file directories. To enable RAID, it must be 3 directories path names separated by spaces and those path names should point to 3 partitions on 3 differents physical hard drives. For example: /raid/0.0 /raid/0.1 /raid/0.2 . If you don't want to enable RAID, just specify the path to one directory where the backups will be stored in (e.g. /usr/local/lib/boxbackup). . If they don't allready exist, these directories will be created for you. Template: boxbackup-server/incorrectDirectories Type: note Description: Please enter correct path names The path names to the directories must be absolute path names separated by spaces. . For example: /raid/0.0 /raid/0.1 /raid/0.2 Template: boxbackup-server/raidBlockSize Type: string Default: 4096 Description: Enter the block size for the userland RAID system BoxBackup uses userland RAID techniques. You have to choose the block size to use for the storage. For maximum efficiency, set it to the block size of the underlying filesystem (see tune2fs -l /dev/... to find your block size). Even if you don't plan to use RAID, you have to set that value. Template: boxbackup-server/generateCertificate Type: boolean Default: true Description: Do you want debconf to generate the server private key and x509 certificate request? The boxbackup server needs a RSA private key and the corresponding x509 certificate to perform client-server authentication and communication encryption. . Debconf can generate for you the private key and a x509 certificate sign request. You will need to sign the certificate with your root CA (see the boxbackup-utils package) and put this signed certificate and the root CA certificate in your configuration folder. . If you prefer to manage this by yourself, say No here. Template: boxbackup-server/generalInfo Type: note Description: Read /usr/share/doc/boxbackup-server/README.Debian to finish the configuration You should read the /usr/share/doc/boxbackup-server/README.Debian file to learn how to finish the configuration of boxbackup server. You will have to sign the server certificate. You can also add RAID file directories in the configuration file /etc/boxbackup/raidfile.conf. Template: boxbackup-server/incorrectBlocksize Type: note Description: Please enter a power of two number The block size must be a power of two number (e.g. 1024 or 4096).