#+TITLE: boxbackup testing notes #+DATE: <2017-06-17 Sat> #+AUTHOR: Reinhard Tartler #+EMAIL: siretart@debian.org * Installing vagrant These are my personal notes on how I've tested the boxbackup packages. Surely there are many other ways (and even better ones) how test the packages, but this is a way that works for me. Feel free to fix typos and makes suggestions. I'm using vagrant in KVM mode, which is included in debian/stretch. I've tested this on a relatively modern Intel I5 CPU with an debian amd64 installation. Other architectures and non-virtualized environments should work exactly the same. The basic testing idea is to install the CA signature server, the boxbackup server and the boxbackup client on the same machine, and backup to localhost for simplicity. Production installations will place them all on different host, but that would make testing unnecessarily hard. Let's first start with installing vagrant: #+BEGIN_SRC bash sudo apt install vagrant-libvirt virt-manager sudo adduser $(whoami) libvirt newgrp #+END_SRC Now we can get a new box, get it up and login: #+BEGIN_SRC bash vagrant init debian/stretch64 vagrant up vagrant ssh #+END_SRC You might get some password prompts, not sure how to avoid those. * Testing boxbackup First install the debian packages. This assumes that the Vagrant file is in the same directory that contains the =*.deb= packages to test. #+BEGIN_SRC bash sudo apt install /vagrant/boxbackup*0.12*.deb #+END_SRC First, we need to create a certificat authority. #+BEGIN_SRC bash cd /root bbstored-certs ca init #+END_SRC Setup the server: #+BEGIN_SRC bash mkdir /boxbackup/ dpkg-reconfigure -p low boxbackup-server #+END_SRC Output might look like this: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE Configuring boxbackup-server ---------------------------- The package configuration scripts can create the configuration files for the BoxBackup server. You should choose this option if you are not familiar with BoxBackup's configuration options. The configuration can be done manually with the 'raidfile-config' and 'bbstored-config' scripts. The server will not start if it is not configured. In all cases, reading the /usr/share/doc/boxbackup-server/README.Debian is recommended. Should BoxBackup be configured automatically? [yes/no] Should BoxBackup be configured automatically? [yes/no] yes yes Please choose the location for the three RAID file directories. To enable RAID, the directory names should be a space-separated list of three partitions, each on different physical hard drives (for example: '/raid/0.0 /raid/0.1 /raid/0.2'). If you don't want to enable RAID, just specify the path to one directory where the backups will be stored (for example, /usr/local/lib/boxbackup). These directories will be created if they do not exist. Location of the RAID directories: /boxbackup/0 /boxbackup/0 BoxBackup uses userland RAID techniques. Please choose the block size to use for the storage. For maximum efficiency, you should choose the block size of the underlying file system (which can be displayed for ext2 filesystems with the 'tune2fs -l' command). This value should be set even if you don't plan to use RAID. Block size for the userland RAID system: 4096 4096 The BoxBackup server needs an RSA private key and the corresponding X.509 certificate to perform client-server authentication and communication encryption. Both can be generated automatically. You will need to sign the certificate with your root CA (see the boxbackup-server package) and put this signed certificate and the root CA certificate in the configuration folder. Generate a server private key and X.509 certificate request? [yes/no] yes yes User bbstored already exists. Creating /boxbackup/0/backup directory... Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus ...................+++ ............+++ e is 65537 (0x010001) You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Locality Name (eg, city) []:Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:Email Address []: Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []:An optional company name []:perl: warning: Setting locale failed. Creating config file /etc/boxbackup/raidfile.conf with new version Creating config file /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf with new version #+END_EXAMPLE Now we need to sign the server certificate: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE cd /root bbstored-certs ca sign-server /etc/boxbackup/bbstored/boxbackup-server-cert-req.pem This certificate is for backup server localhost Signing the wrong certificate compromises the security of your backup system. Would you like to sign this certificate? (type 'yes' to confirm) yes yes Signature ok subject=CN = localhost Getting CA Private Key Certificate signed. Install the files ca/servers/localhost-cert.pem ca/roots/clientCA.pem on the server. #+END_EXAMPLE After this, we need to install them: #+BEGIN_SRC bash cp -v ca/roots/clientCA.pem /etc/boxbackup/bbstored/boxbackup-client-ca-cert.pem cp -v ca/servers/localhost-cert.pem /etc/boxbackup/bbstored/boxbackup-server-cert.pem #+END_SRC Create a new user: #+BEGIN_SRC bash bbstoreaccounts create 1 0 1G 2G #+END_SRC Now we can start the server: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE # systemctl restart boxbackup-server # systemctl status boxbackup-server ● boxbackup-server.service - Box Backup Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/boxbackup-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sat 2017-06-17 23:59:32 UTC; 2s ago Main PID: 2574 (bbstored) Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915) CGroup: /system.slice/boxbackup-server.service ├─2574 /usr/sbin/bbstored -F -c /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf └─2575 /usr/sbin/bbstored -F -c /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch systemd[1]: Started Box Backup Server. Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Box Backup Store Server v0.12~gitcf52058f-1, (c) Ben Summers and contributors 2003-2014 Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.12~gitcf52058f-1 Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.12~gitcf52058f-1 Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf Jun 17 23:59:32 stretch bbstored[2574]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf #+END_EXAMPLE Let's create setup the client: #+BEGIN_SRC bash # dpkg-reconfigure -plow boxbackup-client dpkg-reconfigure -plow boxbackup-client debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.) debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline Configuring boxbackup-client ---------------------------- The package configuration scripts can create the configuration files for the BoxBackup client. You should choose this option if you are not familiar with BoxBackup's configuration options. Please read the /usr/share/doc/boxbackup-client/README.Debian for details about the configuration of the BoxBackup client. Should the BoxBackup client be configured automatically? [yes/no] yes yes The BoxBackup client supports two modes of backup: In the 'lazy' mode, the backup daemon will regularly scan the file system searching for modified files. It will then upload the files older than a specified age to the backup server. In the 'snapshot' mode the backup will be explicitly run at regular intervals. A cron file (/etc/cron.d/boxbackup-client) is provided with the package and should be adapted to suit your needs. 1. lazy 2. snapshot Run mode for the BoxBackup client: 2 2 The administrator of the BoxBackup server should have assigned this client a hexadecimal account number. If no account number has been assigned yet, leave this field blank and configure it later by running 'dpkg-reconfigure boxbackup-client' as root. Account number for this node on the backup server: 1 1 Please enter the fully qualified domain name of the BoxBackup server which your client will use. The client will connect to the server on TCP port 2201. Fully qualified domain name of the backup server: localhost localhost Please give a space-separated list of directories to be backed up onto the remote server. Those directories should not contain mounted file systems at any level in their subdirectories. List of directories to backup: /etc /home /etc /home The BoxBackup client sends alert notifications when a problem occurs during the backup. Please enter either a local user name (for example 'root') or an email address (for example 'admin@example.org'). Recipient for alert notifications: root root The BoxBackup client needs an RSA private key and the corresponding X.509 certificate to authenticate itself with the server. Both can be generated automatically. You will need to send the certificate request to the BoxBackup server administrator who will sign it and send it back to you along with the server's Certification Authority certificate. These files should be copied into BoxBackup's configuration directory. The file names to use are given in the /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf file. Generate the client private key and X.509 certificate request? [yes/no] yes yes #+END_SRC Which we can now sign: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE # bbstored-certs ca sign /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd/boxbackup-client-cert-req.pem This certificate is for backup account 1 Ensure this matches the account number you are expecting. The filename is ./bbackupd/boxbackup-client-cert-req.pem which should include this account number, and additionally, you should check that you received it from the right person. Signing the wrong certificate compromises the security of your backup system. Would you like to sign this certificate? (type 'yes' to confirm) yes yes Signature ok subject=CN = BACKUP-1 Getting CA Private Key Certificate signed. Send the files ca/clients/1-cert.pem ca/roots/serverCA.pem to the client. #+END_EXAMPLE Now we can install the files: #+BEGIN_SRC bash cp -v ca/clients/1-cert.pem /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd/boxbackup-client-cert.pem cp -v ca/roots/serverCA.pem /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd/boxbackup-server-ca-cert.pem #+END_SRC Let's restart the client: #+BEGIN_SRC bash root@stretch:/root# systemctl restart boxbackup-client root@stretch:/root# systemctl status boxbackup-client ● boxbackup-client.service - Box Backup Client Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/boxbackup-client.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sun 2017-06-18 00:01:20 UTC; 3s ago Main PID: 2793 (bbackupd) Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915) CGroup: /system.slice/boxbackup-client.service └─2793 /usr/sbin/bbackupd -F -c /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch systemd[1]: Started Box Backup Client. Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Box Backup Client v0.12~gitcf52058f-1, (c) Ben Summers and contributors 2003-2014 Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.12~gitcf52058f-1 Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.12~gitcf52058f-1 Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Store object info file is not enabled. Will download directory listings from store. Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Store object info file is not enabled. Will download directory listings from store. Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Beginning scan of local files Jun 18 00:01:20 stretch bbackupd[2793]: NOTICE: Beginning scan of local files #+END_SRC And now let's do a backup. This may take a while... #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE bbackupctl sync-and-wait NOTICE: Using configuration file /etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf INFO: Daemon configuration summary: AutomaticBackup = false UpdateStoreInterval = 0 seconds MinimumFileAge = 0 seconds MaxUploadWait = 0 seconds INFO: Sync started... INFO: Sync finished. #+END_EXAMPLE Let's check the size of the backup store, and the number of files in backup: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE root@stretch:/tmp# bbackupquery 'list -r' exit | wc -l 1184 root@stretch:/tmp# du -sh /boxbackup 5.1M /boxbackup root@stretch:/tmp# #+END_EXAMPLE For automated installation, here are my boxbackup settings: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE root@stretch:/tmp# debconf-get-selections | grep boxbackup debconf-get-selections | grep boxbackup boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/MaxUploadWait string 86400 boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/notifyMail string root boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/accountNumber string 1 boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/UpdateStoreInterval string 3600 boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/MinimumFileAge string 21600 boxbackup-server boxbackup-server/generateCertificate boolean true boxbackup-server boxbackup-server/raidBlockSize string 4096 boxbackup-server boxbackup-server/debconf boolean true boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/backupMode select snapshot boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/backupServer string localhost boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/backupDirs string /etc /home boxbackup-server boxbackup-server/raidDirectories string /boxbackup/0 boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/generateCertificate boolean true boxbackup-client boxbackup-client/debconf boolean true #+END_EXAMPLE