cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(BoxBackup_Windows) set(boxbackup_dir ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../..) set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_BASE .) set(install_dir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install) # Automate the process of downloading, building and "installing" dependencies on Windows, # as used by AppVeyor. # Version of zlib to download, build, and compile Box Backup against: set(ZLIB_VERSION 1.2.11) # Hash of zlib-${ZLIB_VERSION}.tar.gz, to be verified after download: set(ZLIB_HASH SHA256=c3e5e9fdd5004dcb542feda5ee4f0ff0744628baf8ed2dd5d66f8ca1197cb1a1) # Version of OpenSSL to download, build, and compile Box Backup against: set(OPENSSL_VERSION 1.0.2j) # Hash of openssl-${OPENSSL_VERSION}.tar.gz, to be verified after download: set(OPENSSL_HASH SHA256=e7aff292be21c259c6af26469c7a9b3ba26e9abaaffd325e3dccc9785256c431) # Version of PCRE to download, build, and compile Box Backup against: set(PCRE_VERSION 8.39) # Hash of pcre-${PCRE_VERSION}.tar.gz, to be verified after download: set(PCRE_HASH SHA256=ccdf7e788769838f8285b3ee672ed573358202305ee361cfec7a4a4fb005bbc7) # Version of Boost to download, unpack, and compile Box Backup against: set(BOOST_VERSION 1.62.0) # Hash of the Boost download file, to be verified after download: set(BOOST_HASH SHA1=5fd97433c3f859d8cbab1eaed4156d3068ae3648) include(ExternalProject) ExternalProject_Add(zlib URL "${ZLIB_VERSION}.tar.gz" URL_HASH ${ZLIB_HASH} DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS 1 CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${install_dir} ${SUB_CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS} # We need to build both versions, debug and release, because cmake requires both to be # present to generate its multi-configuration project files for Visual Studio/MSBuild. INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build --target install --config Debug COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build --target install --config Release STEP_TARGETS configure install ) if(WIN32) ExternalProject_Add(openssl DEPENDS zlib URL "${OPENSSL_VERSION}.tar.gz" URL_HASH ${OPENSSL_HASH} DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS 1 CONFIGURE_COMMAND perl Configure debug-VC-WIN32 no-asm --prefix=${install_dir} COMMAND cmd /c ms\\do_ms.bat # You would expect us to use nt.mak to compile a static library here, but uses the /MT[d] # CRT in that case, which is incompatible with our dynamic runtime, /MD[d]. It seems that the libs # built by ntdll.mak, which are compiled with /MD[d], are full libraries and not import libs, # so we can link statically against them and still get a dynamic runtime. BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1 BUILD_COMMAND nmake /s /f ms\\nt.mak INSTALL_COMMAND nmake /s /f ms\\nt.mak install ) elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") ExternalProject_Add(openssl DEPENDS zlib URL "${OPENSSL_VERSION}.tar.gz" URL_HASH ${OPENSSL_HASH} DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS 1 CONFIGURE_COMMAND perl Configure darwin64-x86_64-cc --prefix=${install_dir} BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1 ) else() ExternalProject_Add(openssl DEPENDS zlib URL "${OPENSSL_VERSION}.tar.gz" URL_HASH ${OPENSSL_HASH} DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS 1 CONFIGURE_COMMAND ./config --prefix=${install_dir} BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1 ) endif() ExternalProject_Add(pcre # Temporarily use SVN repo until the PCRE_STATIC issue in 8.40 is fixed: # SVN_REPOSITORY svn:// SVN_REVISION -r 1677 DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS 1 CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${install_dir} ${SUB_CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS} -DPCRE_SUPPORT_LIBREADLINE=OFF -DPCRE_SUPPORT_LIBBZ2=OFF # We need to build both versions, debug and release, because cmake requires both to be # present to generate its multi-configuration project files for Visual Studio/MSBuild. INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build --target install --config Debug COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build --target install --config Release ) string(REPLACE "." "_" BOOST_VERSION_UNDERSCORES ${BOOST_VERSION}) ExternalProject_Add(boost URL "${BOOST_VERSION}/boost_${BOOST_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.tar.bz2" URL_HASH ${BOOST_HASH} # DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS 1 # Disable automatic updating (untarring) as it's slow and not necessary UPDATE_DISCONNECTED 1 CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "No configure step needed" BUILD_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "No build step needed" INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "No install step needed" ) if(BOXBACKUP_VERSION) list(APPEND boxbackup_cmake_args "-DBOXBACKUP_VERSION=${BOXBACKUP_VERSION}") endif() string(REPLACE ";" " " boxbackup_cmake_args "${boxbackup_cmake_args}") ExternalProject_Add(boxbackup DEPENDS zlib openssl pcre boost SOURCE_DIR ${boxbackup_dir}/infrastructure/cmake CMAKE_ARGS -DZLIB_ROOT=${install_dir} -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=${install_dir} -DPCRE_ROOT=${install_dir} -DBOOST_ROOT=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Source/boost -DBOX_SUPPORT_READLINE=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${install_dir} -DAPPVEYOR_MODE=1 -DDEBUG=${DEBUG} ${boxbackup_cmake_args} ${SUB_CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS} INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "No install step needed" STEP_TARGETS configure build )