#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # This script links in the essential directories and processes various # files to allow the Box libraries to be used in projects outside the main # box library tree. # directories to link through my @linkdirs = qw/lib infrastructure/; # ---------------------------------------------------- my $libdir = $ARGV[0]; die "Provided library dir $libdir does not exist" unless -d $libdir; # Check and remove links from the directory, then add new symlinks for my $d (@linkdirs) { if(-e $d) { die "In project, $d is not a symbolic link" unless -l $d; print "Removing existing symlink $d\n"; unlink $d; } my $link_target = "$libdir/$d"; print "Add symlink $d -> $link_target\n"; die "Can't create symlink $d" unless symlink $link_target, $d; } # Copy and create a base modules file which includes all the libraries print "Create new modules_base.txt file\n"; open OUT,">modules_base.txt" or die "Can't open modules_base.txt file for writing"; print OUT <<__E; # # Automatically generated file, do not edit # # Source: $libdir/modules.txt # __E open IN,"$libdir/modules.txt" or die "Can't open $libdir/modules.txt for reading"; while() { if(m/\A(lib\/.+?)\s/) { print OUT } } close IN; close OUT;