// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File // Name: BackupDaemonConfigVerify.cpp // Purpose: Configuration file definition for bbackupd // Created: 2003/10/10 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "Box.h" #include "BackupDaemonConfigVerify.h" #include "Daemon.h" #include "BoxPortsAndFiles.h" #include "MemLeakFindOn.h" static const ConfigurationVerifyKey backuplocationkeys[] = { {"ExcludeFile", 0, ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed, 0}, {"ExcludeFilesRegex", 0, ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed, 0}, {"ExcludeDir", 0, ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed, 0}, {"ExcludeDirsRegex", 0, ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed, 0}, {"AlwaysIncludeFile", 0, ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed, 0}, {"AlwaysIncludeFilesRegex", 0, ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed, 0}, {"AlwaysIncludeDir", 0, ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed, 0}, {"AlwaysIncludeDirsRegex", 0, ConfigTest_MultiValueAllowed, 0}, {"Path", 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0} }; static const ConfigurationVerify backuplocations[] = { { "*", 0, backuplocationkeys, ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0 } }; static const ConfigurationVerifyKey verifyserverkeys[] = { DAEMON_VERIFY_SERVER_KEYS }; static const ConfigurationVerify verifyserver[] = { { "Server", 0, verifyserverkeys, ConfigTest_Exists, 0 }, { "BackupLocations", backuplocations, 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0 } }; static const ConfigurationVerifyKey verifyrootkeys[] = { {"AccountNumber", 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, {"UpdateStoreInterval", 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, {"MinimumFileAge", 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, {"MaxUploadWait", 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, {"MaxFileTimeInFuture", "172800", ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, // file is uploaded if the file is this much in the future (2 days default) {"AutomaticBackup", "yes", ConfigTest_IsBool, 0}, {"SyncAllowScript", 0, 0, 0}, // optional script to run to see if the sync should be started now // return "now" if it's allowed, or a number of seconds if it's not {"MaximumDiffingTime", 0, ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, {"FileTrackingSizeThreshold", 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, {"DiffingUploadSizeThreshold", 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, {"StoreHostname", 0, ConfigTest_Exists, 0}, {"ExtendedLogging", "no", ConfigTest_IsBool, 0}, // extended log to syslog {"ExtendedLogFile", NULL, 0, 0}, // extended log to a file {"LogAllFileAccess", "no", ConfigTest_IsBool, 0}, {"CommandSocket", 0, 0, 0}, // not compulsory to have this {"KeepAliveTime", 0, ConfigTest_IsInt, 0}, // optional {"StoreObjectInfoFile", 0, 0, 0}, // optional {"NotifyScript", 0, 0, 0}, // optional script to run when backup needs attention, eg store full {"CertificateFile", 0, ConfigTest_Exists, 0}, {"PrivateKeyFile", 0, ConfigTest_Exists, 0}, {"TrustedCAsFile", 0, ConfigTest_Exists, 0}, {"KeysFile", 0, ConfigTest_Exists, 0}, {"DataDirectory", 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0} }; const ConfigurationVerify BackupDaemonConfigVerify = { "root", verifyserver, verifyrootkeys, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0 };