// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File // Name: Test.cpp // Purpose: Useful stuff for tests // Created: 2008/04/05 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "Box.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "BoxTime.h" #include "Test.h" int num_tests_selected = 0; int num_failures = 0; int old_failure_count = 0; int first_fail_line; std::string original_working_dir; std::string first_fail_file; std::string current_test_name; std::list run_only_named_tests; std::map s_test_status; bool setUp(const char* function_name) { current_test_name = function_name; if (!run_only_named_tests.empty()) { bool run_this_test = false; for (std::list::iterator i = run_only_named_tests.begin(); i != run_only_named_tests.end(); i++) { if (*i == current_test_name) { run_this_test = true; break; } } if (!run_this_test) { // not in the list, so don't run it. return false; } } printf("\n\n== %s ==\n", function_name); num_tests_selected++; old_failure_count = num_failures; if (original_working_dir == "") { char buf[1024]; if (getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL) { BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("getcwd"); } original_working_dir = buf; } else { if (chdir(original_working_dir.c_str()) != 0) { BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("chdir"); } } TEST_THAT_THROWONFAIL(system( "rm -rf testfiles/TestDir* testfiles/0_0 testfiles/0_1 " "testfiles/0_2 testfiles/accounts.txt " // testfiles/test* .tgz! "testfiles/file* testfiles/notifyran testfiles/notifyran.* " "testfiles/notifyscript.tag* " "testfiles/restore* testfiles/bbackupd-data " "testfiles/syncallowscript.control " "testfiles/syncallowscript.notifyran.* " "testfiles/test2.downloaded" ) == 0); TEST_THAT_THROWONFAIL(mkdir("testfiles/0_0", 0755) == 0); TEST_THAT_THROWONFAIL(mkdir("testfiles/0_1", 0755) == 0); TEST_THAT_THROWONFAIL(mkdir("testfiles/0_2", 0755) == 0); TEST_THAT_THROWONFAIL(mkdir("testfiles/bbackupd-data", 0755) == 0); TEST_THAT_THROWONFAIL(system("touch testfiles/accounts.txt") == 0); return true; } bool tearDown() { if (num_failures == old_failure_count) { BOX_NOTICE(current_test_name << " passed"); s_test_status[current_test_name] = "passed"; return true; } else { BOX_NOTICE(current_test_name << " failed"); \ s_test_status[current_test_name] = "FAILED"; return false; } } bool fail() { num_failures++; return tearDown(); } int finish_test_suite() { printf("\n"); printf("Test results:\n"); typedef std::map::iterator s_test_status_iterator; for(s_test_status_iterator i = s_test_status.begin(); i != s_test_status.end(); i++) { BOX_NOTICE("test result: " << i->second << ": " << i->first); } TEST_LINE(num_tests_selected > 0, "No tests matched the patterns " "specified on the command line"); return (num_failures == 0 && num_tests_selected > 0) ? 0 : 1; } bool TestFileExists(const char *Filename) { EMU_STRUCT_STAT st; return EMU_STAT(Filename, &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0; } bool TestFileNotEmpty(const char *Filename) { EMU_STRUCT_STAT st; return EMU_STAT(Filename, &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0 && st.st_size > 0; } bool TestDirExists(const char *Filename) { EMU_STRUCT_STAT st; return EMU_STAT(Filename, &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR; } // -1 if doesn't exist int TestGetFileSize(const std::string& Filename) { EMU_STRUCT_STAT st; if(EMU_STAT(Filename.c_str(), &st) == 0) { return st.st_size; } return -1; } std::string ConvertPaths(const std::string& rOriginal) { #ifdef WIN32 // convert UNIX paths to native std::string converted; for (size_t i = 0; i < rOriginal.size(); i++) { if (rOriginal[i] == '/') { converted += '\\'; } else { converted += rOriginal[i]; } } return converted; #else // !WIN32 return rOriginal; #endif } int RunCommand(const std::string& rCommandLine) { return ::system(ConvertPaths(rCommandLine).c_str()); } #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif bool ServerIsAlive(int pid) { #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, false, pid); if (hProcess == NULL) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to open process " << pid << ": " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())); } return false; } DWORD exitCode; BOOL result = GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &exitCode); CloseHandle(hProcess); if (result == 0) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to get exit code for process " << pid << ": " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())) return false; } if (exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { return true; } return false; #else // !WIN32 if(pid == 0) return false; return ::kill(pid, 0) != -1; #endif // WIN32 } int ReadPidFile(const char *pidFile) { if(!TestFileNotEmpty(pidFile)) { TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Server didn't save PID file " "(perhaps one was already running?)"); return -1; } int pid = -1; FILE *f = fopen(pidFile, "r"); if(f == NULL || fscanf(f, "%d", &pid) != 1) { TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Couldn't read PID file"); return -1; } fclose(f); return pid; } int LaunchServer(const std::string& rCommandLine, const char *pidFile) { BOX_INFO("Starting server: " << rCommandLine); #ifdef WIN32 PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; STARTUPINFO startInfo; startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); startInfo.lpReserved = NULL; startInfo.lpDesktop = NULL; startInfo.lpTitle = NULL; startInfo.dwFlags = 0; startInfo.cbReserved2 = 0; startInfo.lpReserved2 = NULL; std::string cmd = ConvertPaths(rCommandLine); CHAR* tempCmd = strdup(cmd.c_str()); DWORD result = CreateProcess ( NULL, // lpApplicationName, naughty! tempCmd, // lpCommandLine NULL, // lpProcessAttributes NULL, // lpThreadAttributes false, // bInheritHandles 0, // dwCreationFlags NULL, // lpEnvironment NULL, // lpCurrentDirectory &startInfo, // lpStartupInfo &procInfo // lpProcessInformation ); free(tempCmd); TEST_THAT_OR(result != 0, BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR("Launch failed: " << rCommandLine); return -1; ); CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread); return WaitForServerStartup(pidFile, (int)procInfo.dwProcessId); #else // !WIN32 TEST_THAT_OR(RunCommand(rCommandLine) == 0, TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Failed to start server: " << rCommandLine); return -1; ) return WaitForServerStartup(pidFile, 0); #endif // WIN32 } int WaitForServerStartup(const char *pidFile, int pidIfKnown) { #ifdef WIN32 if (pidFile == NULL) { return pidIfKnown; } #else // on other platforms there is no other way to get // the PID, so a NULL pidFile doesn't make sense. ASSERT(pidFile != NULL); #endif // time for it to start up BOX_TRACE("Waiting for server to start"); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { if (TestFileNotEmpty(pidFile)) { break; } if (pidIfKnown && !ServerIsAlive(pidIfKnown)) { break; } ::sleep(1); } // on Win32 we can check whether the process is alive // without even checking the PID file if (pidIfKnown && !ServerIsAlive(pidIfKnown)) { TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Server died!"); return -1; } if (!TestFileNotEmpty(pidFile)) { TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Server didn't save PID file"); return -1; } BOX_TRACE("Server started"); // wait a second for the pid to be written to the file ::sleep(1); // read pid file int pid = ReadPidFile(pidFile); // On Win32 we can check whether the PID in the pidFile matches // the one returned by the system, which it always should. if (pidIfKnown && pid != pidIfKnown) { BOX_ERROR("Server wrote wrong pid to file (" << pidFile << "): expected " << pidIfKnown << " but found " << pid); TEST_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE("Server wrote wrong pid to file"); return -1; } return pid; } void TestRemoteProcessMemLeaksFunc(const char *filename, const char* file, int line) { #ifdef BOX_MEMORY_LEAK_TESTING // Does the file exist? if(!TestFileExists(filename)) { if (num_failures == 0) { first_fail_file = file; first_fail_line = line; } ++num_failures; printf("FAILURE: MemLeak report not available (file %s) " "at %s:%d\n", filename, file, line); } else { // Is it empty? if(TestGetFileSize(filename) > 0) { if (num_failures == 0) { first_fail_file = file; first_fail_line = line; } ++num_failures; printf("FAILURE: Memory leaks found in other process " "(file %s) at %s:%d\n==========\n", filename, file, line); FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); char linebuf[512]; while(::fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f) != 0) { printf("%s", linebuf); } fclose(f); printf("==========\n"); } // Delete it ::unlink(filename); } #endif } void force_sync() { TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf " "force-sync") == 0); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks"); } void wait_for_sync_start() { BOX_TRACE("Waiting for sync to start..."); TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf " "wait-for-sync") == 0); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks"); BOX_TRACE("Backup daemon reported that sync has started."); } void wait_for_sync_end() { BOX_TRACE("Waiting for sync to finish..."); TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf " "wait-for-end") == 0); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks"); BOX_TRACE("Backup daemon reported that sync has finished."); } void sync_and_wait() { BOX_TRACE("Starting a sync and waiting for it to finish..."); TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf " "sync-and-wait") == 0); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks"); BOX_TRACE("Backup daemon reported that sync has finished."); } void terminate_bbackupd(int pid) { TEST_THAT(::system(BBACKUPCTL " -q -c testfiles/bbackupd.conf " "terminate") == 0); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupctl.memleaks"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (!ServerIsAlive(pid)) break; fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } TEST_THAT(!ServerIsAlive(pid)); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("bbackupd.memleaks"); } // Wait a given number of seconds for something to complete void wait_for_operation(int seconds, const char* message) { BOX_INFO("Waiting " << seconds << " seconds for " << message); for(int l = 0; l < seconds; ++l) { sleep(1); } BOX_TRACE("Finished waiting for " << message); } void safe_sleep(int seconds) { ShortSleep(SecondsToBoxTime(seconds), true); } std::auto_ptr load_config_file(const std::string& config_file, const ConfigurationVerify& verify) { std::string errs; std::auto_ptr config( Configuration::LoadAndVerify(config_file, &verify, errs)); TEST_EQUAL_LINE(0, errs.size(), "Failed to load configuration file: " + config_file + ": " + errs); TEST_EQUAL_OR(0, errs.size(), config.reset()); return config; }