#!@PERL@ use strict; # should be running as root if($> != 0) { printf "\nWARNING: this should be run as root\n\n" } # check and get command line parameters if($#ARGV != 4 && $#ARGV != 2) { print <<__E; Setup raidfile config utility. Bad command line parameters. Usage: raidfile-config config-dir block-size dir0 [dir1 dir2] config-dir usually /etc/box block-size must be a power of two, and usually the block or fragment size of your filing system dir0, dir1, dir2 are the directories used as the root of the raid file system If only one directory is specified, then userland RAID is disabled. Specifying three directories enables it. __E exit(1); } my ($config_dir,$block_size,@dirs) = @ARGV; my $conf = $config_dir . '/raidfile.conf'; # check dirs are unique, and exist my %d; for(@dirs) { die "$_ is used twice" if exists $d{$_}; die "$_ is not a directory" unless -d $_; die "$_ should be an absolute path" unless m/\A\//; $d{$_} = 1; } # check block size is OK $block_size = int($block_size); die "Bad block size" if $block_size <= 0; my $c = 1; while(1) { last if $c == $block_size; die "Block size $block_size is not a power of two" if $c > $block_size; $c = $c * 2; } # check that it doesn't already exist if(-f $conf) { die "$conf already exists. Delete and try again" } # create directory if(!-d $config_dir) { print "Creating $config_dir...\n"; mkdir $config_dir,0755 or die "Can't create $config_dir"; } # adjust if userland RAID is disabled if($#dirs == 0) { $dirs[1] = $dirs[0]; $dirs[2] = $dirs[0]; print "WARNING: userland RAID is disabled.\n" } # write the file open CONFIG,">$conf" or die "Can't open $conf for writing"; print CONFIG <<__E; disc0 { SetNumber = 0 BlockSize = $block_size Dir0 = $dirs[0] Dir1 = $dirs[1] Dir2 = $dirs[2] } __E close CONFIG; print "Config file written.\n";