#ifndef SERVER_CONTROL_H #define SERVER_CONTROL_H #include "Test.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "WinNamedPipeStream.h" #include "IOStreamGetLine.h" #include "BoxPortsAndFiles.h" static std::string sPipeName; static void SetNamedPipeName(const std::string& rPipeName) { sPipeName = rPipeName; } static bool SendCommands(const std::string& rCmd) { WinNamedPipeStream connection; try { connection.Connect(sPipeName); } catch(...) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to connect to daemon control socket"); return false; } // For receiving data IOStreamGetLine getLine(connection); // Wait for the configuration summary std::string configSummary; if(!getLine.GetLine(configSummary)) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to receive configuration summary from daemon"); return false; } // Was the connection rejected by the server? if(getLine.IsEOF()) { BOX_ERROR("Server rejected the connection"); return false; } // Decode it int autoBackup, updateStoreInterval, minimumFileAge, maxUploadWait; if(::sscanf(configSummary.c_str(), "bbackupd: %d %d %d %d", &autoBackup, &updateStoreInterval, &minimumFileAge, &maxUploadWait) != 4) { BOX_ERROR("Config summary didn't decode"); return false; } std::string cmds; bool expectResponse; if (rCmd != "") { cmds = rCmd; cmds += "\nquit\n"; expectResponse = true; } else { cmds = "quit\n"; expectResponse = false; } connection.Write(cmds.c_str(), cmds.size()); // Read the response std::string line; bool statusOk = !expectResponse; while (expectResponse && !getLine.IsEOF() && getLine.GetLine(line)) { // Is this an OK or error line? if (line == "ok") { statusOk = true; } else if (line == "error") { BOX_ERROR(rCmd); break; } else { BOX_WARNING("Unexpected response to command '" << rCmd << "': " << line) } } return statusOk; } inline bool HUPServer(int pid) { return SendCommands("reload"); } inline bool KillServerInternal(int pid) { HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, false, pid); if (hProcess == NULL) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to open process " << pid << ": " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())); return false; } if (!TerminateProcess(hProcess, 1)) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to terminate process " << pid << ": " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())); CloseHandle(hProcess); return false; } CloseHandle(hProcess); return true; } #else // !WIN32 inline bool HUPServer(int pid) { if(pid == 0) return false; return ::kill(pid, SIGHUP) == 0; } inline bool KillServerInternal(int pid) { if(pid == 0 || pid == -1) return false; bool killed = (::kill(pid, SIGTERM) == 0); TEST_THAT(killed); return killed; } #endif // WIN32 inline bool KillServer(int pid) { if (!KillServerInternal(pid)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (!ServerIsAlive(pid)) break; ::sleep(1); if (!ServerIsAlive(pid)) break; if (i == 0) { printf("waiting for server to die"); } printf("."); fflush(stdout); } if (!ServerIsAlive(pid)) { printf("done.\n"); } else { printf("failed!\n"); } fflush(stdout); return !ServerIsAlive(pid); } #endif // SERVER_CONTROL_H