EXCEPTION Server 3 # for historic reasons, some codes are not used Internal 0 FailedToLoadConfiguration 1 DaemoniseFailed 2 AlreadyDaemonConstructed 3 BadSocketHandle 4 DupError 5 SocketAlreadyOpen 8 SocketOpenError 10 SocketPollError 11 SocketCloseError 13 SocketNameUNIXPathTooLong 14 SocketBindError 16 Check the ListenAddresses directive (bbstored) or CommandSocket (bbackupd) in your config file -- must refer to local IP addresses (or existing writable path) only SocketAcceptError 17 ServerStreamBadListenAddrs 18 ServerForkError 19 ServerWaitOnChildError 20 TooManySocketsInMultiListen 21 There is a limit on how many addresses you can listen on simulatiously. ServerStreamTooManyListenAddresses 22 TLSContextNotInitialised 23 TLSAllocationFailed 24 TLSLoadCertificatesFailed 25 TLSLoadPrivateKeyFailed 26 TLSLoadTrustedCAsFailed 27 TLSSetCiphersFailed 28 SSLLibraryInitialisationError 29 TLSNoSSLObject 31 TLSAlreadyHandshaked 35 TLSServerWeakCertificate 36 Our SSL certificate is too weak for the current SSL Security Level, see https://github.com/boxbackup/boxbackup/wiki/WeakSSLCertificates SocketSetNonBlockingFailed 40 Protocol_BadUsage 43 Protocol_UnsuitableStreamTypeForSending 51 CantWriteToProtocolUncertainStream 53 ProtocolUncertainStreamBadBlockHeader 54 SocketPairFailed 55 CouldNotChangePIDFileOwner 56 SSLRandomInitFailed 57 Read from /dev/*random device failed