// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File // Name: WinNamedPipeStream.cpp // Purpose: I/O stream interface for Win32 named pipes // Created: 2005/12/07 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "Box.h" #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "autogen_ConnectionException.h" #include "autogen_ServerException.h" #include "BoxTime.h" #include "CommonException.h" #include "Socket.h" #include "WinNamedPipeStream.h" #include "MemLeakFindOn.h" std::string WinNamedPipeStream::sPipeNamePrefix = "\\\\.\\pipe\\"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::WinNamedPipeStream() // Purpose: Constructor (create stream ready for Open() call) // Created: 2005/12/07 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WinNamedPipeStream::WinNamedPipeStream() : mSocketHandle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), mReadableEvent(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), mBytesInBuffer(0), mReadClosed(false), mWriteClosed(false), mIsServer(false), mIsConnected(false), mNeedAnotherRead(false) { } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::WinNamedPipeStream(HANDLE) // Purpose: Constructor (with already-connected pipe handle) // Created: 2008/10/01 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WinNamedPipeStream::WinNamedPipeStream(HANDLE hNamedPipe) : mSocketHandle(hNamedPipe), mReadableEvent(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), mBytesInBuffer(0), mReadClosed(false), mWriteClosed(false), mIsServer(true), mIsConnected(true), mNeedAnotherRead(false) { StartFirstRead(); } // Start the first overlapped read void WinNamedPipeStream::StartFirstRead() { // create the Readable event mReadableEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (mReadableEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to create the Readable event: " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())); Close(); THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, Internal) } StartOverlappedRead(); } void WinNamedPipeStream::StartOverlappedRead() { // We should only do this when the buffer is empty. We don't want // to start an overlapped read anywhere else than the start of the // buffer, because it could complete at any time and we don't want // to mess about with interrupting the read already in progress. ASSERT(mBytesInBuffer == 0); // Initialise the OVERLAPPED structure memset(&mReadOverlap, 0, sizeof(mReadOverlap)); mReadOverlap.hEvent = mReadableEvent; if (!ReadFile(mSocketHandle, mReadBuffer, sizeof(mReadBuffer), NULL, &mReadOverlap)) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // Don't reset yet, there might be data // in the buffer waiting to be read, // will check below. // ResetEvent(mReadableEvent); } else if (err == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) { BOX_INFO("Control client disconnected"); mReadClosed = true; } else if (err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE || err == ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED) { BOX_NOTICE("Control client disconnected"); mReadClosed = true; mIsConnected = false; } else { Close(); THROW_WIN_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to start overlapped " "read", err, ConnectionException, SocketReadError) } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::~WinNamedPipeStream() // Purpose: Destructor, closes stream if open // Created: 2005/12/07 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WinNamedPipeStream::~WinNamedPipeStream() { for(std::list::iterator i = mWritesInProgress.begin(); i != mWritesInProgress.end(); i++) { delete *i; } if (mSocketHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { try { Close(); } catch (std::exception &e) { BOX_ERROR("Caught exception while destroying " "named pipe, ignored: " << e.what()); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::Accept(const std::string& rName) // Purpose: Creates a new named pipe with the given name, // and wait for a connection on it // Created: 2005/12/07 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* void WinNamedPipeStream::Accept() { if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, BadSocketHandle); } if (mIsConnected) { THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, SocketAlreadyOpen); } bool connected = ConnectNamedPipe(mSocketHandle, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL); if (!connected) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to ConnectNamedPipe(" << socket << "): " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())); Close(); THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, SocketOpenError) } mBytesInBuffer = 0; mReadClosed = false; mWriteClosed = false; mIsServer = true; // must flush and disconnect before closing mIsConnected = true; StartFirstRead(); } */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::Connect(const std::string& rName) // Purpose: Opens a connection to a listening named pipe // Created: 2005/12/07 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinNamedPipeStream::Connect(const std::string& rName) { if (mSocketHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || mIsConnected) { THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, SocketAlreadyOpen) } std::string socket = sPipeNamePrefix + rName; mSocketHandle = CreateFileA( socket.c_str(), // pipe name GENERIC_READ | // read and write access GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // no sharing NULL, // default security attributes OPEN_EXISTING, 0, // FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // dwFlagsAndAttributes NULL); // no template file if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to connect to backup daemon: " "it is busy with another connection"); } else { BOX_ERROR("Failed to connect to backup daemon: " << GetErrorMessage(err)); } THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, SocketOpenError) } mReadClosed = false; mWriteClosed = false; mIsServer = false; // just close the socket mIsConnected = true; StartFirstRead(); } // Returns true if the operation is complete (and you will need to start // another one), or false otherwise (you can wait again). bool WinNamedPipeStream::WaitForOverlappedOperation(OVERLAPPED& Overlapped, int Timeout, int64_t* pBytesTransferred) { if (Timeout == IOStream::TimeOutInfinite) { Timeout = INFINITE; } // overlapped I/O completed successfully? (wait if needed) DWORD waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(Overlapped.hEvent, Timeout); DWORD NumBytesTransferred = -1; if (waitResult == WAIT_FAILED) { THROW_WIN_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to wait for overlapped I/O", GetLastError(), ServerException, Internal); } if (waitResult == WAIT_ABANDONED) { THROW_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(ServerException, Internal, "Wait for overlapped I/O abandoned by system"); } if (waitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // wait timed out, nothing to read *pBytesTransferred = 0; return false; } if (waitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { THROW_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(ServerException, BadSocketHandle, "Failed to wait for overlapped I/O: unknown " "result code: " << waitResult); } // Overlapped operation completed successfully. Return the number // of bytes transferred. if (GetOverlappedResult(mSocketHandle, &Overlapped, &NumBytesTransferred, TRUE)) { *pBytesTransferred = NumBytesTransferred; return true; } // We are here because GetOverlappedResult() informed us that the // overlapped operation encountered an error, so what was it? DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) { Close(); return true; } // ERROR_NO_DATA is a strange name for // "The pipe is being closed". No exception wanted. if (err == ERROR_NO_DATA || err == ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED || err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { BOX_INFO(BOX_WIN_ERRNO_MESSAGE(err, "Named pipe peer disconnected")); Close(); return true; } THROW_WIN_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to wait for overlapped I/O " "to complete", err, ConnectionException, SocketReadError); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes) // Purpose: Reads data from stream. Maybe returns less than asked for. // Created: 2003/07/31 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int WinNamedPipeStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout) { if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !mIsConnected) { THROW_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(ServerException, BadSocketHandle, "Tried to read from closed pipe"); } if (mReadClosed) { THROW_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE(ConnectionException, SocketShutdownError, "Tried to read from closing pipe"); } // ensure safe to cast NBytes to unsigned if (NBytes < 0) { THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, AssertFailed); } int64_t NumBytesRead; // Satisfy from buffer if possible, to avoid blocking on read. if (mBytesInBuffer == 0) { if (mNeedAnotherRead) { // Start the next overlapped read StartOverlappedRead(); } mNeedAnotherRead = WaitForOverlappedOperation(mReadOverlap, Timeout, &NumBytesRead); } else { // Just return the existing data from the buffer // this time around. The caller should call again, // and then the buffer will be empty. NumBytesRead = 0; } int BytesToCopy = NumBytesRead + mBytesInBuffer; if (NBytes < BytesToCopy) { BytesToCopy = NBytes; } memcpy(pBuffer, mReadBuffer, BytesToCopy); size_t BytesRemaining = mBytesInBuffer + NumBytesRead - BytesToCopy; ASSERT(BytesToCopy + BytesRemaining <= sizeof(mReadBuffer)); memmove(mReadBuffer, mReadBuffer + BytesToCopy, BytesRemaining); mBytesInBuffer = BytesRemaining; return BytesToCopy; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::Write(void *pBuffer, int NBytes) // Purpose: Writes data, blocking until it's all done. // Created: 2003/07/31 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinNamedPipeStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout) { // Calculate the deadline at the beginning. Not valid if Timeout is // IOStream::TimeOutInfinite! ASSERT(Timeout != IOStream::TimeOutInfinite); box_time_t deadline = GetCurrentBoxTime() + MilliSecondsToBoxTime(Timeout); if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !mIsConnected) { THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, BadSocketHandle) } // Buffer in byte sized type. ASSERT(sizeof(char) == 1); WriteInProgress* new_write = new WriteInProgress( std::string((char *)pBuffer, NBytes)); // Start the WriteFile operation, and add to queue if pending. BOOL Success = WriteFile( mSocketHandle, // pipe handle new_write->mBuffer.c_str(), // message NBytes, // message length NULL, // bytes written this time &(new_write->mOverlap)); if (Success == TRUE) { // Unfortunately this does happen. We should still call // GetOverlappedResult() to get the number of bytes written, // so we can treat it just the same. // BOX_NOTICE("Write claimed success while overlapped?"); mWritesInProgress.push_back(new_write); } else { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { BOX_TRACE("WriteFile is pending, adding to queue"); mWritesInProgress.push_back(new_write); } else { // Not in progress any more, pop it Close(); THROW_WIN_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to start overlapped " "write", err, ConnectionException, SocketWriteError); } } // Wait for previous WriteFile operations to complete, one at a time, // until the deadline expires or the pipe becomes disconnected. for(box_time_t remaining = deadline - GetCurrentBoxTime(); remaining > 0 && !mWritesInProgress.empty() && mIsConnected; remaining = deadline - GetCurrentBoxTime()) { int new_timeout = BoxTimeToMilliSeconds(remaining); WriteInProgress* oldest_write = *(mWritesInProgress.begin()); int64_t bytes_written = 0; if(WaitForOverlappedOperation(oldest_write->mOverlap, new_timeout, &bytes_written)) { // This one is complete, pop it and start a new one delete oldest_write; mWritesInProgress.pop_front(); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::Close() // Purpose: Closes connection to remote socket // Created: 2003/07/31 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinNamedPipeStream::Close() { if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && mIsConnected) { BOX_ERROR("Named pipe: inconsistent connected state"); mIsConnected = false; } if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, BadSocketHandle) } if (!CancelIo(mSocketHandle)) { BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR("Failed to cancel outstanding I/O"); } if (mReadableEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to destroy Readable event: " "invalid handle"); } else if (!CloseHandle(mReadableEvent)) { BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR("Failed to destroy Readable event"); } mReadableEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (mIsConnected && !FlushFileBuffers(mSocketHandle)) { BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR("Failed to FlushFileBuffers"); } if (mIsServer && mIsConnected && !DisconnectNamedPipe(mSocketHandle)) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err != ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED) { BOX_LOG_WIN_ERROR("Failed to DisconnectNamedPipe"); } } if (!CloseHandle(mSocketHandle)) { THROW_WIN_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to CloseHandle", GetLastError(), ServerException, SocketCloseError); } mSocketHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; mIsConnected = false; mReadClosed = true; mWriteClosed = true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::StreamDataLeft() // Purpose: Still capable of reading data? // Created: 2003/08/02 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool WinNamedPipeStream::StreamDataLeft() { return !mReadClosed; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: WinNamedPipeStream::StreamClosed() // Purpose: Connection been closed? // Created: 2003/08/02 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool WinNamedPipeStream::StreamClosed() { return mWriteClosed; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: IOStream::WriteAllBuffered() // Purpose: Ensures that any data which has been buffered is written to the stream // Created: 2003/08/26 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WinNamedPipeStream::WriteAllBuffered() { if (mSocketHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !mIsConnected) { THROW_EXCEPTION(ServerException, BadSocketHandle) } if (!FlushFileBuffers(mSocketHandle)) { BOX_ERROR("Failed to FlushFileBuffers: " << GetErrorMessage(GetLastError())); } } #endif // WIN32