// Box Backup Win32 native port by Nick Knight // Need at least 0x0500 to use GetFileSizeEx on Cygwin/MinGW #define WINVER 0x0500 #include "Box.h" #ifdef WIN32 // #include "emu.h" #include #include // #include #include #include #include //our implimentation for a timer //based on a simple thread which sleeps for a //period of time static bool gFinishTimer; static CRITICAL_SECTION gLock; typedef struct { int countDown; int interval; } tTimer; std::list gTimerList; static void (__cdecl *gTimerFunc) (int) = NULL; int setitimer(int type , struct itimerval *timeout, int) { if ( SIGVTALRM == type || ITIMER_VIRTUAL == type ) { EnterCriticalSection(&gLock); // we only need seconds for the mo! if (timeout->it_value.tv_sec == 0 && timeout->it_value.tv_usec == 0) { gTimerList.clear(); } else { tTimer ourTimer; ourTimer.countDown = timeout->it_value.tv_sec; ourTimer.interval = timeout->it_interval.tv_sec; gTimerList.push_back(ourTimer); } LeaveCriticalSection(&gLock); } // indicate success return 0; } static unsigned int WINAPI RunTimer(LPVOID lpParameter) { gFinishTimer = false; while (!gFinishTimer) { std::list::iterator it; EnterCriticalSection(&gLock); for (it = gTimerList.begin(); it != gTimerList.end(); it++) { tTimer& rTimer(*it); rTimer.countDown --; if (rTimer.countDown == 0) { if (gTimerFunc != NULL) { gTimerFunc(0); } if (rTimer.interval) { rTimer.countDown = rTimer.interval; } else { // mark for deletion rTimer.countDown = -1; } } } for (it = gTimerList.begin(); it != gTimerList.end(); it++) { tTimer& rTimer(*it); if (rTimer.countDown == -1) { gTimerList.erase(it); //if we don't do this the search is on a corrupt list it = gTimerList.begin(); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&gLock); // we only need to have a 1 second resolution Sleep(1000); } return 0; } int SetTimerHandler(void (__cdecl *func ) (int)) { gTimerFunc = func; return 0; } void InitTimer(void) { InitializeCriticalSection(&gLock); // create our thread HANDLE ourThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, RunTimer, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL); SetThreadPriority(ourThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); ResumeThread(ourThread); } void FiniTimer(void) { gFinishTimer = true; EnterCriticalSection(&gLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&gLock); } //Our constants we need to keep track of //globals struct passwd gTempPasswd; bool EnableBackupRights( void ) { HANDLE hToken; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES token_priv; //open current process to adjust privileges if( !OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess( ), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hToken )) { printf( "Cannot open process token - err = %d\n", GetLastError( ) ); return false; } //let's build the token privilege struct - //first, look up the LUID for the backup privilege if( !LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, //this system SE_BACKUP_NAME, //the name of the privilege &( token_priv.Privileges[0].Luid )) ) //result { printf( "Cannot lookup backup privilege - err = %d\n", GetLastError( ) ); return false; } token_priv.PrivilegeCount = 1; token_priv.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; // now set the privilege // because we're going exit right after dumping the streams, there isn't // any need to save current state if( !AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, //our process token false, //we're not disabling everything &token_priv, //address of structure sizeof( token_priv ), //size of structure NULL, NULL )) //don't save current state { //this function is a little tricky - if we were adjusting //more than one privilege, it could return success but not //adjust them all - in the general case, you need to trap this printf( "Could not enable backup privileges - err = %d\n", GetLastError( ) ); return false; } else { return true; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: openfile // Purpose: replacement for any open calls - handles unicode filenames - supplied in utf8 // Created: 25th October 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLE openfile(const char *filename, int flags, int mode) { try{ wchar_t *buffer; std::string fileN(filename); std::string tmpStr("\\\\?\\"); //is the path relative or otherwise if ( fileN[1] != ':' ) { //we need to get the current directory char wd[PATH_MAX]; if(::getcwd(wd, PATH_MAX) == 0) { return NULL; } tmpStr += wd; if (tmpStr[tmpStr.length()] != '\\') { tmpStr += '\\'; } } tmpStr += filename; int strlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, // code page 0, // character-type options tmpStr.c_str(), // string to map (int)tmpStr.length(), // number of bytes in string NULL, // wide-character buffer 0 // size of buffer - work out how much space we need ); buffer = new wchar_t[strlen+1]; if ( buffer == NULL ) { return NULL; } strlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, // code page 0, // character-type options tmpStr.c_str(), // string to map (int)tmpStr.length(), // number of bytes in string buffer, // wide-character buffer strlen // size of buffer ); if ( strlen == 0 ) { delete [] buffer; return NULL; } buffer[strlen] = L'\0'; //flags could be O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_RDONLY DWORD createDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; DWORD shareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ; DWORD accessRights = FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY | FILE_READ_EA; if ( flags & O_WRONLY ) { createDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; shareMode |= FILE_SHARE_READ ;//| FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } if ( flags & O_CREAT ) { createDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS; shareMode |= FILE_SHARE_READ ;//| FILE_SHARE_WRITE; accessRights |= FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_WRITE_EA | FILE_ALL_ACCESS; } if ( flags & O_TRUNC ) { createDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS; } HANDLE hdir = CreateFileW(buffer, accessRights, shareMode, NULL, createDisposition, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if ( hdir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // DWORD err = GetLastError(); // syslog(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, "Couldn't open file %s, err %i\n", filename, err); delete [] buffer; return NULL; } delete [] buffer; return hdir; } catch(...) { printf("Caught openfile:%s\r\n", filename); } return NULL; } // MinGW provides a getopt implementation #ifndef __MINGW32__ //works with getopt char *optarg; //optind looks like an index into the string - how far we have moved along int optind = 1; char nextchar = -1; #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: ourfstat // Purpose: replacement for fstat supply a windows handle // Created: 25th October 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ourfstat(HANDLE hdir, struct stat * st) { ULARGE_INTEGER conv; if (hdir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error: invalid file handle in ourfstat()"); errno = EBADF; return -1; } BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi; if (!GetFileInformationByHandle(hdir, &fi)) { ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to read file information: " "error %d", GetLastError()); errno = EACCES; return -1; } // This next example is how we get our INODE (equivalent) information conv.HighPart = fi.nFileIndexHigh; conv.LowPart = fi.nFileIndexLow; st->st_ino = conv.QuadPart; // get the time information st->st_ctime = ConvertFileTimeToTime_t(&fi.ftCreationTime); st->st_atime = ConvertFileTimeToTime_t(&fi.ftLastAccessTime); st->st_mtime = ConvertFileTimeToTime_t(&fi.ftLastWriteTime); // size of the file LARGE_INTEGER st_size; if (!GetFileSizeEx(hdir, &st_size)) { ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get file size: error %d", GetLastError()); errno = EACCES; return -1; } conv.HighPart = st_size.HighPart; conv.LowPart = st_size.LowPart; st->st_size = conv.QuadPart; //the mode of the file st->st_mode = 0; //DWORD res = GetFileAttributes((LPCSTR)tmpStr.c_str()); if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES != fi.dwFileAttributes) { if (fi.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { st->st_mode |= S_IFDIR; } else { st->st_mode |= S_IFREG; } } else { ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get file attributes: " "error %d", GetLastError()); errno = EACCES; return -1; } return 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: OpenFileByNameUtf8 // Purpose: Converts filename to Unicode and returns // a handle to it. In case of error, sets errno, // logs the error and returns NULL. // Created: 10th December 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLE OpenFileByNameUtf8(const char* pName) { //some string thing - required by ms to indicate long/unicode filename std::string tmpStr("\\\\?\\"); // is the path relative or otherwise std::string fileN(pName); if (fileN[1] != ':') { // we need to get the current directory char wd[PATH_MAX]; if(::getcwd(wd, PATH_MAX) == 0) { ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open '%s': path too long", pName); errno = ENAMETOOLONG; return NULL; } tmpStr += wd; if (tmpStr[tmpStr.length()] != '\\') { tmpStr += '\\'; } } tmpStr += fileN; int strlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, // code page 0, // character-type options tmpStr.c_str(), // string to map (int)tmpStr.length(), // number of bytes in string NULL, // wide-character buffer 0 // size of buffer - work out // how much space we need ); wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[strlen+1]; if (buffer == NULL) { ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open '%s': out of memory", pName); errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } strlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, // code page 0, // character-type options tmpStr.c_str(), // string to map (int)tmpStr.length(), // number of bytes in string buffer, // wide-character buffer strlen // size of buffer ); if (strlen == 0) { ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open '%s': could not convert " "file name to Unicode", pName); errno = EACCES; delete [] buffer; return NULL; } buffer[strlen] = L'\0'; HANDLE handle = CreateFileW(buffer, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY | FILE_READ_EA, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // if our open fails we should always be able to // open in this mode - to get the inode information // at least one process must have the file open - // in this case someone else does. handle = CreateFileW(buffer, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); } delete [] buffer; if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { errno = ENOENT; } else { ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open '%s': error %d", pName); errno = EACCES; } return NULL; } return handle; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: ourstat // Purpose: replacement for the lstat and stat functions, // works with unicode filenames supplied in utf8 format // Created: 25th October 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ourstat(const char * pName, struct stat * st) { // at the mo st->st_uid = 0; st->st_gid = 0; st->st_nlink = 1; HANDLE handle = OpenFileByNameUtf8(pName); if (handle == NULL) { // errno already set and error logged by OpenFileByNameUtf8() return -1; } int retVal = ourfstat(handle, st); if (retVal != 0) { // error logged, but without filename ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get file information " "for '%s'", pName); } // close the handle CloseHandle(handle); return retVal; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: statfs // Purpose: returns the mount point of where a file is located - // in this case the volume serial number // Created: 25th October 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int statfs(const char * pName, struct statfs * s) { HANDLE handle = OpenFileByNameUtf8(pName); if (handle == NULL) { // errno already set and error logged by OpenFileByNameUtf8() return -1; } BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi; if (!GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, &fi)) { ::syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get file information " "for '%s': error %d", pName, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(handle); errno = EACCES; return -1; } // convert volume serial number to a string _ui64toa(fi.dwVolumeSerialNumber, s->f_mntonname + 1, 16); // pseudo unix mount point s->f_mntonname[0] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_ASCHAR; CloseHandle(handle); // close the handle return 0; } // MinGW provides opendir(), etc. via // MSVC does not provide these, so emulation is needed #ifndef __MINGW32__ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: opendir // Purpose: replacement for unix function, uses win32 findfirst routines // Created: 25th October 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIR *opendir(const char *name) { try { DIR *dir = 0; std::string dirName(name); //append a '\' win32 findfirst is sensitive to this if ( dirName[dirName.size()] != '\\' || dirName[dirName.size()] != '/' ) { dirName += '\\'; } //what is the search string? - everything dirName += '*'; if(name && name[0]) { if ( ( dir = new DIR ) != 0 ) { //mbstowcs(dir->name, dirName.c_str(),100); //wcscpy((wchar_t*)dir->name, (const wchar_t*)dirName.c_str()); //mbstowcs(dir->name, dirName.c_str(), dirName.size()+1); //wchar_t *buffer; int strlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, // code page 0, // character-type options dirName.c_str(), // string to map (int)dirName.length(), // number of bytes in string NULL, // wide-character buffer 0 // size of buffer - work out how much space we need ); dir->name = new wchar_t[strlen+1]; if (dir->name == NULL) { delete dir; dir = 0; errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } strlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, // code page 0, // character-type options dirName.c_str(), // string to map (int)dirName.length(), // number of bytes in string dir->name, // wide-character buffer strlen // size of buffer ); if (strlen == 0) { delete dir->name; delete dir; dir = 0; errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } dir->name[strlen] = L'\0'; dir->fd = _wfindfirst( (const wchar_t*)dir->name, &dir->info); if (dir->fd != -1) { dir->result.d_name = 0; } else // go back { delete [] dir->name; delete dir; dir = 0; } } else // backwards again { delete dir; dir = 0; errno = ENOMEM; } } else { errno = EINVAL; } return dir; } catch(...) { printf("Caught opendir"); } return NULL; } //this kinda makes it not thread friendly! //but I don't think it needs to be. char tempbuff[MAX_PATH]; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: readdir // Purpose: as function above // Created: 25th October 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dp) { try { struct dirent *den = NULL; if (dp && dp->fd != -1) { if (!dp->result.d_name || _wfindnext(dp->fd, &dp->info) != -1) { den = &dp->result; std::wstring input(dp->info.name); memset(tempbuff, 0, sizeof(tempbuff)); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, dp->info.name, -1, &tempbuff[0], sizeof (tempbuff), NULL, NULL); //den->d_name = (char *)dp->info.name; den->d_name = &tempbuff[0]; } } else { errno = EBADF; } return den; } catch (...) { printf("Caught readdir"); } return NULL; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: closedir // Purpose: as function above // Created: 25th October 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int closedir(DIR *dp) { try { int finres = -1; if (dp) { if(dp->fd != -1) { finres = _findclose(dp->fd); } delete [] dp->name; delete dp; } if (finres == -1) // errors go to EBADF { errno = EBADF; } return finres; } catch (...) { printf("Caught closedir"); } return -1; } #endif // !__MINGW32__ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // Name: poll // Purpose: a weak implimentation (just enough for box) // of the unix poll for winsock2 // Created: 25th October 2004 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int poll (struct pollfd *ufds, unsigned long nfds, int timeout) { try { fd_set readfd; fd_set writefd; readfd.fd_count = 0; writefd.fd_count = 0; struct pollfd *ufdsTmp = ufds; timeval timOut; timeval *tmpptr; if (timeout == INFTIM) tmpptr = NULL; else tmpptr = &timOut; timOut.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; timOut.tv_usec = timeout * 1000; if (ufds->events & POLLIN) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { readfd.fd_array[i] = ufdsTmp->fd; readfd.fd_count++; } } if (ufds->events & POLLOUT) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { writefd.fd_array[i]=ufdsTmp->fd; writefd.fd_count++; } } int noffds = select(0, &readfd, &writefd, 0, tmpptr); if (noffds == SOCKET_ERROR) { // int errval = WSAGetLastError(); ufdsTmp = ufds; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { ufdsTmp->revents = POLLERR; ufdsTmp++; } return (-1); } return noffds; } catch (...) { printf("Caught poll"); } return -1; } HANDLE gSyslogH = 0; void syslog(int loglevel, const char *frmt, ...) { DWORD errinfo; char* buffer; std::string sixfour(frmt); switch (loglevel) { case LOG_INFO: errinfo = EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; break; case LOG_ERR: errinfo = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE; break; case LOG_WARNING: errinfo = EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE; break; default: errinfo = EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE; break; } //taken from MSDN try { int sixfourpos; while ( ( sixfourpos = sixfour.find("%ll")) != -1 ) { //maintain portability - change the 64 bit formater... std::string temp = sixfour.substr(0,sixfourpos); temp += "%I64"; temp += sixfour.substr(sixfourpos+3, sixfour.length()); sixfour = temp; } //printf("parsed string is:%s\r\n", sixfour.c_str()); va_list args; va_start(args, frmt); #ifdef __MINGW32__ // no _vscprintf, use a fixed size buffer buffer = new char[1024]; int len = 1023; #else int len = _vscprintf( sixfour.c_str(), args ); ASSERT(len > 0) len = len + 1; char* buffer = new char[len]; #endif ASSERT(buffer) memset(buffer, 0, len); int len2 = vsnprintf(buffer, len, sixfour.c_str(), args); ASSERT(len2 <= len); va_end(args); } catch (...) { printf("Caught syslog: %s", sixfour.c_str()); return; } try { if (!ReportEvent(gSyslogH, // event log handle errinfo, // event type 0, // category zero MSG_ERR_EXIST, // event identifier - // we will call them all the same NULL, // no user security identifier 1, // one substitution string 0, // no data (LPCSTR*)&buffer, // pointer to string array NULL)) // pointer to data { DWORD err = GetLastError(); printf("Unable to send message to Event Log " "(error %i):\r\n", err); } printf("%s\r\n", buffer); if (buffer) delete [] buffer; } catch (...) { printf("Caught syslog ReportEvent"); } } #endif // WIN32