// distribution boxbackup-0.10 (svn version: 494) // // Copyright (c) 2003 - 2006 // Ben Summers and contributors. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 3. All use of this software and associated advertising materials must // display the following acknowledgment: // This product includes software developed by Ben Summers. // 4. The names of the Authors may not be used to endorse or promote // products derived from this software without specific prior written // permission. // // [Where legally impermissible the Authors do not disclaim liability for // direct physical injury or death caused solely by defects in the software // unless it is modified by a third party.] // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, // INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR // SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File // Name: testbasicserver.cpp // Purpose: Test basic server classes // Created: 2003/07/29 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "Box.h" #include #include #include #include #include "Test.h" #include "Daemon.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include "ServerStream.h" #include "SocketStream.h" #include "IOStreamGetLine.h" #include "ServerTLS.h" #include "CollectInBufferStream.h" #include "TestContext.h" #include "autogen_TestProtocolClient.h" #include "autogen_TestProtocolServer.h" #include "MemLeakFindOn.h" #define SERVER_LISTEN_PORT 2003 // in ms #define COMMS_READ_TIMEOUT 4 #define COMMS_SERVER_WAIT_BEFORE_REPLYING 40 class basicdaemon : public Daemon { public: basicdaemon() {}; ~basicdaemon() {} virtual void Run(); }; void basicdaemon::Run() { // Write a file to check it's done... const Configuration &c(GetConfiguration()); FILE *f = fopen(c.GetKeyValue("TestFile").c_str(), "w"); fclose(f); while(!StopRun()) { ::sleep(10); } } void testservers_pause_before_reply() { struct timespec t; t.tv_sec = 0; t.tv_nsec = COMMS_SERVER_WAIT_BEFORE_REPLYING * 1000 * 1000; // convert to ns ::nanosleep(&t, NULL); } #define LARGE_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE 19870 #define LARGE_DATA_SIZE (LARGE_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE*1000) void testservers_connection(SocketStream &rStream) { IOStreamGetLine getline(rStream); if(typeid(rStream) == typeid(SocketStreamTLS)) { // need to wait for some data before sending stuff, otherwise timeout test doesn't work std::string line; while(!getline.GetLine(line)) ; SocketStreamTLS &rtls = (SocketStreamTLS&)rStream; std::string line1("CONNECTED:"); line1 += rtls.GetPeerCommonName(); line1 += '\n'; testservers_pause_before_reply(); rStream.Write(line1.c_str(), line1.size()); } while(!getline.IsEOF()) { std::string line; while(!getline.GetLine(line)) ; if(line == "QUIT") { break; } if(line == "LARGEDATA") { { // Send lots of data char data[LARGE_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE]; for(unsigned int y = 0; y < sizeof(data); y++) { data[y] = y & 0xff; } for(int s = 0; s < (LARGE_DATA_SIZE / LARGE_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE); ++s) { rStream.Write(data, sizeof(data)); } } { // Receive lots of data char buf[1024]; int total = 0; int r = 0; while(total < LARGE_DATA_SIZE && (r = rStream.Read(buf, sizeof(buf))) != 0) { total += r; } TEST_THAT(total == LARGE_DATA_SIZE); } // next! continue; } std::string backwards; for(std::string::const_reverse_iterator i(line.end()); i != std::string::const_reverse_iterator(line.begin()); ++i) { backwards += (*i); } backwards += '\n'; testservers_pause_before_reply(); rStream.Write(backwards.c_str(), backwards.size()); } rStream.Shutdown(); rStream.Close(); } class testserver : public ServerStream { public: testserver() {} ~testserver() {} void Connection(SocketStream &rStream); virtual const char *DaemonName() const { return "test-srv2"; } const ConfigurationVerify *GetConfigVerify() const; }; const ConfigurationVerify *testserver::GetConfigVerify() const { static ConfigurationVerifyKey verifyserverkeys[] = { SERVERSTREAM_VERIFY_SERVER_KEYS(0) // no default addresses }; static ConfigurationVerify verifyserver[] = { { "Server", 0, verifyserverkeys, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0 } }; static ConfigurationVerify verify = { "root", verifyserver, 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0 }; return &verify; } void testserver::Connection(SocketStream &rStream) { testservers_connection(rStream); } class testProtocolServer : public testserver { public: testProtocolServer() {} ~testProtocolServer() {} void Connection(SocketStream &rStream); virtual const char *DaemonName() const { return "test-srv4"; } }; void testProtocolServer::Connection(SocketStream &rStream) { TestProtocolServer server(rStream); TestContext context; server.DoServer(context); } class testTLSserver : public ServerTLS { public: testTLSserver() {} ~testTLSserver() {} void Connection(SocketStreamTLS &rStream); virtual const char *DaemonName() const { return "test-srv3"; } const ConfigurationVerify *GetConfigVerify() const; }; const ConfigurationVerify *testTLSserver::GetConfigVerify() const { static ConfigurationVerifyKey verifyserverkeys[] = { SERVERTLS_VERIFY_SERVER_KEYS(0) // no default listen addresses }; static ConfigurationVerify verifyserver[] = { { "Server", 0, verifyserverkeys, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0 } }; static ConfigurationVerify verify = { "root", verifyserver, 0, ConfigTest_Exists | ConfigTest_LastEntry, 0 }; return &verify; } void testTLSserver::Connection(SocketStreamTLS &rStream) { testservers_connection(rStream); } void Srv2TestConversations(const std::vector &conns) { const static char *tosend[] = { "test 1\n", "carrots\n", "pineapples\n", "booo!\n", 0 }; const static char *recieve[] = { "1 tset", "storrac", "selppaenip", "!ooob", 0 }; IOStreamGetLine **getline = new IOStreamGetLine*[conns.size()]; for(unsigned int c = 0; c < conns.size(); ++c) { getline[c] = new IOStreamGetLine(*conns[c]); bool hadTimeout = false; if(typeid(*conns[c]) == typeid(SocketStreamTLS)) { SocketStreamTLS *ptls = (SocketStreamTLS *)conns[c]; printf("Connected to '%s'\n", ptls->GetPeerCommonName().c_str()); // Send some data, any data, to get the first response. conns[c]->Write("Hello\n", 6); std::string line1; while(!getline[c]->GetLine(line1, false, COMMS_READ_TIMEOUT)) hadTimeout = true; TEST_THAT(line1 == "CONNECTED:CLIENT"); TEST_THAT(hadTimeout) } } for(int q = 0; tosend[q] != 0; ++q) { for(unsigned int c = 0; c < conns.size(); ++c) { //printf("%d: %s", c, tosend[q]); conns[c]->Write(tosend[q], strlen(tosend[q])); std::string rep; bool hadTimeout = false; while(!getline[c]->GetLine(rep, false, COMMS_READ_TIMEOUT)) hadTimeout = true; TEST_THAT(rep == recieve[q]); TEST_THAT(hadTimeout) } } for(unsigned int c = 0; c < conns.size(); ++c) { conns[c]->Write("LARGEDATA\n", 10); } for(unsigned int c = 0; c < conns.size(); ++c) { // Receive lots of data char buf[1024]; int total = 0; int r = 0; while(total < LARGE_DATA_SIZE && (r = conns[c]->Read(buf, sizeof(buf))) != 0) { total += r; } TEST_THAT(total == LARGE_DATA_SIZE); } for(unsigned int c = 0; c < conns.size(); ++c) { // Send lots of data char data[LARGE_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE]; for(unsigned int y = 0; y < sizeof(data); y++) { data[y] = y & 0xff; } for(int s = 0; s < (LARGE_DATA_SIZE / LARGE_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE); ++s) { conns[c]->Write(data, sizeof(data)); } } for(unsigned int c = 0; c < conns.size(); ++c) { conns[c]->Write("QUIT\n", 5); } for(unsigned int c = 0; c < conns.size(); ++c) { if ( getline[c] ) delete getline[c]; getline[c] = 0; } if ( getline ) delete [] getline; getline = 0; } void TestStreamReceive(TestProtocolClient &protocol, int value, bool uncertainstream) { std::auto_ptr reply(protocol.QueryGetStream(value, uncertainstream)); TEST_THAT(reply->GetStartingValue() == value); // Get a stream std::auto_ptr stream(protocol.ReceiveStream()); // check uncertainty TEST_THAT(uncertainstream == (stream->BytesLeftToRead() == IOStream::SizeOfStreamUnknown)); printf("stream is %s\n", uncertainstream?"uncertain size":"fixed size"); // Then check the contents int values[998]; int v = value; int count = 0; int bytesleft = 0; int bytessofar = 0; while(stream->StreamDataLeft()) { // Read some data int bytes = stream->Read(((char*)values) + bytesleft, sizeof(values) - bytesleft); bytessofar += bytes; bytes += bytesleft; int n = bytes / 4; //printf("read %d, n = %d, so far = %d\n", bytes, n, bytessofar); for(int t = 0; t < n; ++t) { if(values[t] != v) printf("%d, %d, %d\n", t, values[t], v); TEST_THAT(values[t] == v++); } count += n; bytesleft = bytes - (n*4); if(bytesleft) ::memmove(values, ((char*)values) + bytes - bytesleft, bytesleft); } TEST_THAT(bytesleft == 0); TEST_THAT(count == (24273*3)); // over 64 k of data, definately } int test(int argc, const char *argv[]) { // Server launching stuff if(argc >= 2) { if(strcmp(argv[1], "srv1") == 0) { // Run very basic daemon basicdaemon daemon; return daemon.Main("doesnotexist", argc - 1, argv + 1); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "srv2") == 0) { // Run daemon which accepts connections testserver daemon; return daemon.Main("doesnotexist", argc - 1, argv + 1); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "srv3") == 0) { testTLSserver daemon; return daemon.Main("doesnotexist", argc - 1, argv + 1); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "srv4") == 0) { testProtocolServer daemon; return daemon.Main("doesnotexist", argc - 1, argv + 1); } } //printf("SKIPPING TESTS------------------------\n"); //goto protocolserver; // Launch a basic server { int pid = LaunchServer("./test srv1 testfiles/srv1.conf", "testfiles/srv1.pid"); TEST_THAT(pid != -1 && pid != 0); if(pid > 0) { // Check that it's written the expected file TEST_THAT(TestFileExists("testfiles/srv1.test1")); TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); // Move the config file over TEST_THAT(::rename("testfiles/srv1b.conf", "testfiles/srv1.conf") != -1); // Get it to reread the config file TEST_THAT(HUPServer(pid)); ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); // Check that new file exists TEST_THAT(TestFileExists("testfiles/srv1.test2")); // Kill it off TEST_THAT(KillServer(pid)); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("generic-daemon.memleaks"); } } // Launch a test forking server { int pid = LaunchServer("./test srv2 testfiles/srv2.conf", "testfiles/srv2.pid"); TEST_THAT(pid != -1 && pid != 0); if(pid > 0) { // Will it restart? TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); TEST_THAT(HUPServer(pid)); ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); // Make some connections { SocketStream conn1; conn1.Open(Socket::TypeINET, "localhost", 2003); SocketStream conn2; conn2.Open(Socket::TypeUNIX, "testfiles/srv2.sock"); SocketStream conn3; conn3.Open(Socket::TypeINET, "localhost", 2003); // Quick check that reconnections fail TEST_CHECK_THROWS(conn1.Open(Socket::TypeUNIX, "testfiles/srv2.sock");, ServerException, SocketAlreadyOpen); // Stuff some data around std::vector conns; conns.push_back(&conn1); conns.push_back(&conn2); conns.push_back(&conn3); Srv2TestConversations(conns); // Implicit close } // HUP again TEST_THAT(HUPServer(pid)); ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); // Kill it TEST_THAT(KillServer(pid)); ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(!ServerIsAlive(pid)); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("test-srv2.memleaks"); } } // Launch a test SSL server { int pid = LaunchServer("./test srv3 testfiles/srv3.conf", "testfiles/srv3.pid"); TEST_THAT(pid != -1 && pid != 0); if(pid > 0) { // Will it restart? TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); TEST_THAT(HUPServer(pid)); ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); // Make some connections { // SSL library SSLLib::Initialise(); // Context first TLSContext context; context.Initialise(false /* client */, "testfiles/clientCerts.pem", "testfiles/clientPrivKey.pem", "testfiles/clientTrustedCAs.pem"); SocketStreamTLS conn1; conn1.Open(context, Socket::TypeINET, "localhost", 2003); SocketStreamTLS conn2; conn2.Open(context, Socket::TypeUNIX, "testfiles/srv3.sock"); SocketStreamTLS conn3; conn3.Open(context, Socket::TypeINET, "localhost", 2003); // Quick check that reconnections fail TEST_CHECK_THROWS(conn1.Open(context, Socket::TypeUNIX, "testfiles/srv3.sock");, ServerException, SocketAlreadyOpen); // Stuff some data around std::vector conns; conns.push_back(&conn1); conns.push_back(&conn2); conns.push_back(&conn3); Srv2TestConversations(conns); // Implicit close } // HUP again TEST_THAT(HUPServer(pid)); ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); // Kill it TEST_THAT(KillServer(pid)); ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(!ServerIsAlive(pid)); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("test-srv3.memleaks"); } } //protocolserver: // Launch a test protocol handling server { int pid = LaunchServer("./test srv4 testfiles/srv4.conf", "testfiles/srv4.pid"); TEST_THAT(pid != -1 && pid != 0); if(pid > 0) { ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(ServerIsAlive(pid)); // Open a connection to it SocketStream conn; conn.Open(Socket::TypeUNIX, "testfiles/srv4.sock"); // Create a protocol TestProtocolClient protocol(conn); // Simple query { std::auto_ptr reply(protocol.QuerySimple(41)); TEST_THAT(reply->GetValuePlusOne() == 42); } { std::auto_ptr reply(protocol.QuerySimple(809)); TEST_THAT(reply->GetValuePlusOne() == 810); } // Streams, twice, both uncertain and certain sizes TestStreamReceive(protocol, 374, false); TestStreamReceive(protocol, 23983, true); TestStreamReceive(protocol, 12098, false); TestStreamReceive(protocol, 4342, true); // Try to send a stream { CollectInBufferStream s; char buf[1663]; s.Write(buf, sizeof(buf)); s.SetForReading(); std::auto_ptr reply(protocol.QuerySendStream(0x73654353298ffLL, s)); TEST_THAT(reply->GetStartingValue() == sizeof(buf)); } // Lots of simple queries for(int q = 0; q < 514; q++) { std::auto_ptr reply(protocol.QuerySimple(q)); TEST_THAT(reply->GetValuePlusOne() == (q+1)); } // Send a list of strings to it { std::vector strings; strings.push_back(std::string("test1")); strings.push_back(std::string("test2")); strings.push_back(std::string("test3")); std::auto_ptr reply(protocol.QueryLists(strings)); TEST_THAT(reply->GetNumberOfStrings() == 3); } // And another { std::auto_ptr reply(protocol.QueryHello(41,87,11,std::string("pingu"))); TEST_THAT(reply->GetNumber32() == 12); TEST_THAT(reply->GetNumber16() == 89); TEST_THAT(reply->GetNumber8() == 22); TEST_THAT(reply->GetText() == "Hello world!"); } // Quit query to finish protocol.QueryQuit(); // Kill it TEST_THAT(KillServer(pid)); ::sleep(1); TEST_THAT(!ServerIsAlive(pid)); TestRemoteProcessMemLeaks("test-srv4.memleaks"); } } return 0; }