// win32test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // //#include #include "Box.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "../../bin/bbackupd/BackupDaemon.h" #include "BoxPortsAndFiles.h" #include "emu.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { chdir("c:\\tmp"); openfile("test", O_CREAT, 0); struct stat ourfs; //test our opendir, readdir and closedir //functions DIR *ourDir = opendir("C:"); if ( ourDir != NULL ) { struct dirent *info; do { info = readdir(ourDir); if ( info ) printf("File/Dir name is : %s\r\n", info->d_name); }while ( info != NULL ); closedir(ourDir); } std::string diry("C:\\Projects\\boxbuild\\testfiles\\"); ourDir = opendir(diry.c_str()); if ( ourDir != NULL ) { struct dirent *info; do { info = readdir(ourDir); if ( info == NULL ) break; std::string file(diry + info->d_name); stat(file.c_str(), &ourfs); if ( info ) printf("File/Dir name is : %s\r\n", info->d_name); }while ( info != NULL ); closedir(ourDir); } stat("c:\\windows", &ourfs); stat("c:\\autoexec.bat", &ourfs); printf("Finished dir read"); #if 0 //remove - sleepycat include a version of getopt - mine never REALLY worked ! //test our getopt function std::string commline("-q -c fgfgfg -f -l hello"); int c; while((c = getopt(commline.size(), (char * const *)commline.c_str(), "qwc:l:")) != -1) { printf("switch = %c, param is %s\r\n", c, optarg); } #endif //end of getopt test //now test our statfs funct stat("c:\\cert.cer", &ourfs); char *timee; timee = ctime(&ourfs.st_mtime); if ( S_ISREG(ourfs.st_mode)) { printf("is a normal file"); } else { printf("is a directory?"); } lstat("c:\\windows", &ourfs); if ( S_ISDIR(ourfs.st_mode)) { printf("is a directory"); } else { printf("is a file?"); } //test the syslog functions openlog("Box Backup", 0,0); //the old ones are the best... syslog(LOG_ERR, "Hello World"); syslog(LOG_ERR, "Value of int is: %i", 6); closelog(); //first off get the path name for the default char buf[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)); std::string buffer(buf); std::string conf("-c " + buffer.substr(0,(buffer.find("win32test.exe"))) + "bbackupd.conf"); //std::string conf( "-c " + buffer.substr(0,(buffer.find("bbackupd.exe"))) + "bbackupd.conf"); return 0; } #endif // WIN32