@echo off echo quick and dirty to get up and running by generating the required files echo using Cygwin and Perl copy .\infrastructure\BoxPlatform.pm.in .\infrastructure\BoxPlatform.pm cd .\bin\bbackupquery\ & perl ./../../bin/bbackupquery/makedocumentation.pl cd ..\..\ cd .\lib\backupclient & perl ./../../lib/common/makeexception.pl BackupStoreException.txt perl ./../../lib/server/makeprotocol.pl Client ./../../bin/bbstored/backupprotocol.txt cd ..\..\ cd .\lib\compress & perl ./../../lib/common/makeexception.pl CompressException.txt cd ..\..\ cd .\lib\common & perl ./../../lib/common/makeexception.pl CommonException.txt & perl ./../../lib/common/makeexception.pl ConversionException.txt cd ..\..\ cd .\lib\crypto & perl ./../../lib/common/makeexception.pl CipherException.txt cd ..\..\ echo server parts - which appears as though some of the clients rely on cd .\lib\server & perl ./../../lib/common/makeexception.pl ServerException.txt & perl ./../../lib/common/makeexception.pl ConnectionException.txt cd ..\..\ perl -i.orig -pe 's/@PERL@/perl/' ./test/bbackupd/testfiles/bbackupd.conf