path: root/libbtrfsutil/python/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbtrfsutil/python/tests/')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/libbtrfsutil/python/tests/ b/libbtrfsutil/python/tests/
index 93396cba..99ec97bc 100644
--- a/libbtrfsutil/python/tests/
+++ b/libbtrfsutil/python/tests/
@@ -20,10 +20,18 @@ import errno
import os
import os.path
from pathlib import PurePath
+import subprocess
import traceback
import btrfsutil
-from tests import BtrfsTestCase, HAVE_PATH_LIKE
+from tests import (
+ BtrfsTestCase,
+ drop_privs,
+ regain_privs,
+ skipUnlessHaveNobody,
class TestSubvolume(BtrfsTestCase):
@@ -87,7 +95,7 @@ class TestSubvolume(BtrfsTestCase):
- def test_subvolume_info(self):
+ def _test_subvolume_info(self, subvol, snapshot):
for arg in self.path_or_fd(self.mountpoint):
with self.subTest(type=type(arg)):
info = btrfsutil.subvolume_info(arg)
@@ -100,7 +108,7 @@ class TestSubvolume(BtrfsTestCase):
self.assertEqual(info.parent_uuid, bytes(16))
self.assertEqual(info.received_uuid, bytes(16))
self.assertNotEqual(info.generation, 0)
- self.assertEqual(info.ctransid, 0)
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(info.ctransid, 0)
self.assertEqual(info.otransid, 0)
self.assertEqual(info.stransid, 0)
self.assertEqual(info.rtransid, 0)
@@ -109,9 +117,6 @@ class TestSubvolume(BtrfsTestCase):
self.assertEqual(info.stime, 0)
self.assertEqual(info.rtime, 0)
- subvol = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, 'subvol')
- btrfsutil.create_subvolume(subvol)
info = btrfsutil.subvolume_info(subvol)
self.assertEqual(, 256)
self.assertEqual(info.parent_id, 5)
@@ -132,19 +137,43 @@ class TestSubvolume(BtrfsTestCase):
self.assertEqual(info.rtime, 0)
subvol_uuid = info.uuid
- snapshot = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, 'snapshot')
- btrfsutil.create_snapshot(subvol, snapshot)
info = btrfsutil.subvolume_info(snapshot)
self.assertEqual(info.parent_uuid, subvol_uuid)
# TODO: test received_uuid, stransid, rtransid, stime, and rtime
+ def test_subvolume_info(self):
+ subvol = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, 'subvol')
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume(subvol)
+ snapshot = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, 'snapshot')
+ btrfsutil.create_snapshot(subvol, snapshot)
+ self._test_subvolume_info(subvol, snapshot)
for arg in self.path_or_fd(self.mountpoint):
with self.subTest(type=type(arg)):
with self.assertRaises(btrfsutil.BtrfsUtilError) as e:
btrfsutil.subvolume_info(arg, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.btrfsutilerror,
+ @skipUnlessHaveNobody
+ def test_subvolume_info_unprivileged(self):
+ subvol = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, 'subvol')
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume(subvol)
+ snapshot = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, 'snapshot')
+ btrfsutil.create_snapshot(subvol, snapshot)
+ with drop_privs():
+ try:
+ self._test_subvolume_info(subvol, snapshot)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOTTY:
+ self.skipTest('BTRFS_IOC_GET_SUBVOL_INFO is not available')
+ else:
+ raise
def test_read_only(self):
for arg in self.path_or_fd(self.mountpoint):
@@ -202,7 +231,7 @@ class TestSubvolume(BtrfsTestCase):
btrfsutil.create_subvolume(subvol + '6//')
self.assertTrue(btrfsutil.is_subvolume(subvol + '6'))
- transid = btrfsutil.create_subvolume(subvol + '7', async=True)
+ transid = btrfsutil.create_subvolume(subvol + '7', async_=True)
self.assertTrue(btrfsutil.is_subvolume(subvol + '7'))
self.assertGreater(transid, 0)
@@ -265,7 +294,7 @@ class TestSubvolume(BtrfsTestCase):
btrfsutil.create_snapshot(subvol, snapshot + '2', recursive=True)
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(snapshot + '2', 'nested/more_nested/nested_dir')))
- transid = btrfsutil.create_snapshot(subvol, snapshot + '3', recursive=True, async=True)
+ transid = btrfsutil.create_snapshot(subvol, snapshot + '3', recursive=True, async_=True)
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(snapshot + '3', 'nested/more_nested/nested_dir')))
self.assertGreater(transid, 0)
@@ -328,58 +357,136 @@ class TestSubvolume(BtrfsTestCase):
with self.subTest(type=type(arg)):
self.assertEqual(btrfsutil.deleted_subvolumes(arg), [256])
- def test_subvolume_iterator(self):
- pwd = os.getcwd()
- try:
- os.chdir(self.mountpoint)
- btrfsutil.create_subvolume('foo')
+ def _test_subvolume_iterator(self):
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('foo')
- path, subvol = next(btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', info=True))
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', info=True) as it:
+ path, subvol = next(it)
self.assertEqual(path, 'foo')
self.assertIsInstance(subvol, btrfsutil.SubvolumeInfo)
self.assertEqual(, 256)
self.assertEqual(subvol.parent_id, 5)
- btrfsutil.create_subvolume('foo/bar')
- btrfsutil.create_subvolume('foo/bar/baz')
- subvols = [
- ('foo', 256),
- ('foo/bar', 257),
- ('foo/bar/baz', 258),
- ]
- for arg in self.path_or_fd('.'):
- with self.subTest(type=type(arg)):
- self.assertEqual(list(btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator(arg)), subvols)
- self.assertEqual(list(btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', top=0)), subvols)
- self.assertEqual(list(btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', post_order=True)),
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, it)
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('foo/bar')
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('foo/bar/baz')
+ subvols = [
+ ('foo', 256),
+ ('foo/bar', 257),
+ ('foo/bar/baz', 258),
+ ]
+ for arg in self.path_or_fd('.'):
+ with self.subTest(type=type(arg)), btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator(arg) as it:
+ self.assertEqual(list(it), subvols)
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', top=0) as it:
+ self.assertEqual(list(it), subvols)
+ if os.geteuid() == 0:
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('foo', top=5) as it:
+ self.assertEqual(list(it), subvols)
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', post_order=True) as it:
+ self.assertEqual(list(it),
[('foo/bar/baz', 258),
('foo/bar', 257),
('foo', 256)])
- subvols = [
- ('bar', 257),
- ('bar/baz', 258),
- ]
- self.assertEqual(list(btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', top=256)), subvols)
- self.assertEqual(list(btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('foo', top=0)), subvols)
- os.rename('foo/bar/baz', 'baz')
- self.assertEqual(sorted(btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.')),
- [('baz', 258),
- ('foo', 256),
- ('foo/bar', 257)])
- with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.') as it:
- self.assertGreaterEqual(it.fileno(), 0)
- it.close()
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- next(iter(it))
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- it.fileno()
- it.close()
+ subvols = [
+ ('bar', 257),
+ ('bar/baz', 258),
+ ]
+ if os.geteuid() == 0:
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', top=256) as it:
+ self.assertEqual(list(it), subvols)
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('foo') as it:
+ self.assertEqual(list(it), subvols)
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('foo', top=0) as it:
+ self.assertEqual(list(it), subvols)
+ os.rename('foo/bar/baz', 'baz')
+ os.mkdir('dir')
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('dir/qux')
+ os.mkdir('dir/qux/dir2')
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('dir/qux/dir2/quux')
+ subvols = [
+ ('baz', 258),
+ ('dir/qux', 259),
+ ('dir/qux/dir2/quux', 260),
+ ('foo', 256),
+ ('foo/bar', 257),
+ ]
+ # Test various corner cases of the unprivileged implementation
+ # where we can't access the subvolume.
+ if os.geteuid() != 0:
+ with regain_privs():
+ # We don't have permission to traverse the path.
+ os.mkdir('directory_perms', 0o700)
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('directory_perms/subvol')
+ # We don't have permission to resolve the subvolume path.
+ os.mkdir('subvol_perms', 0o755)
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('subvol_perms/subvol')
+ os.chmod('subvol_perms/subvol', 0o700)
+ # The path doesn't exist.
+ os.mkdir('enoent', 0o755)
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('enoent/subvol')
+ subprocess.check_call(['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'tmpfs', 'enoent'])
+ # The path exists but it's not a subvolume.
+ os.mkdir('notsubvol', 0o755)
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('notsubvol/subvol')
+ subprocess.check_call(['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'tmpfs', 'notsubvol'])
+ os.mkdir('notsubvol/subvol')
+ # The path exists and is a subvolume, but on a different
+ # filesystem.
+ os.mkdir('wrongfs', 0o755)
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('wrongfs/subvol')
+ other_mountpoint, _ = self.mount_btrfs()
+ subprocess.check_call(['mount', '--bind', '--',
+ other_mountpoint, 'wrongfs/subvol'])
+ # The path exists and is a subvolume on the same
+ # filesystem, but not the right one.
+ os.mkdir('wrongsubvol', 0o755)
+ btrfsutil.create_subvolume('wrongsubvol/subvol')
+ subprocess.check_call(['mount', '--bind', 'baz', 'wrongsubvol/subvol'])
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.') as it:
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(it), subvols)
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.', post_order=True) as it:
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(it), subvols)
+ with btrfsutil.SubvolumeIterator('.') as it:
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(it.fileno(), 0)
+ it.close()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ next(iter(it))
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ it.fileno()
+ it.close()
+ def test_subvolume_iterator(self):
+ pwd = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ os.chdir(self.mountpoint)
+ self._test_subvolume_iterator()
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(pwd)
+ @skipUnlessHaveNobody
+ def test_subvolume_iterator_unprivileged(self):
+ os.chown(self.mountpoint, NOBODY_UID, -1)
+ pwd = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ os.chdir(self.mountpoint)
+ with drop_privs():
+ self._test_subvolume_iterator()