CamlIDL 1.11: ------------- * Fix regression in parsing of `[string]` attribute (#23). CamlIDL 1.10: ------------- * Add [bytes] attribute for char arrays and pointers, mapped to OCaml's bytes type. * Fix C type error with string parameters of unsigned char type. * Fix C type error with in parameters of const array type (#9). * Install HTML documentation in docs/ and serve it from (#20) * Always use modern, caml_-prefixed names for FFI functions (#21, #22). CamlIDL 1.09: ------------- * Revert a problematic change of default configuration (cpp -traditional instead of cpp) CamlIDL 1.08: ------------- * Update to OCaml 4.09 and up * Support more IDL features: import lists, fixed-width integer types (int8, int32, etc), MIDL-stlye nonencapsulated unions (pull request #13, Philipp Gesang) * Generate C code that respects CAML_NAME_SPACE * The runtime library referenced a IID_IUnknown symbol that could not be resolved under Unix (pull request #15, Github user ygrek) CamlIDL 1.07: ------------- * Update to OCaml 4.06 and up (issues #6 and #11). * Auto-link the C runtime library from com.cma and com.cmxa (issue #8). * Re-license the compiler under the LGPL v2.1 (instead of the QPL 1.0). CamlIDL 1.06: ------------- * Update to OCaml 4.03. * Avoid name clash on Array module. CamlIDL 1.05: ------------- * Update to the new representation of objects introduced in OCaml 3.08. * Fixed compiler failure with bigarrays of "const" elements. * Fixed bug in conversion from C's signed char to Caml's char type. * Function declarations support the [mlname] attribute (to set the Caml name of the function) and the [blocking] attribute (for long-running C functions). * Fixed cpp preprocessing problem on MacOS X 10.2 and later. * Fixed bug in conversion from a struct of floats to a Caml record of floats. * Fixed incorrect initialization of DLL generated for a COM component. CamlIDL 1.04: ------------- * Fixed silly bug in abstract typedefs, introduced in 1.03. * Strings, arrays and bigarrays are now non-NULL if "unique" is not specified, even if the pointer default is "unique". * "out" parameters dependent on "out" parameters are now removed from the Caml view of a function. * Removed spurious warning on the "mlname" attribute. CamlIDL 1.03: ------------- * Revised handling of integer constants, which can now be of Caml boxed int types (int32, int64, nativeint). * Dependent fields can now reference all variables that are in lexical scope, e.g. struct { int n; struct { [size_is(x)] int * n; } s; } * The C file generated from x.idl is now named x_stubs.c rather than x.c to avoid a name clash on file x.o when compiling to native code. * Added [finalize(fn)], [compare(fn)] and [hash(fn)] on abstract typedefs to associate user-provided finalization, comparison or hashing functions to typedefs. * Fixed some oddities with the "const" qualifier. CamlIDL 1.02: ------------- * Added support for the "long long", "hyper int" and "__int64" types (64-bit C integers) * Added support for "const" modifier on pointer types * Support for [unique] attribute on big arrays, turned into option types in the Caml interface * Generated C code should now compile cleanly with a C++ compiler * Print source location for most warnings * Error location was sometimes way off; this is now fixed * Fixed incorrect code generated for the types HRESULT_int and HRESULT_bool * Fixed refcount management bug causing early deallocation of interfaces implemented in Caml. CamlIDL 1.01: ------------- * Added support for Caml boxed int types (int32, int64, nativeint) and for big arrays (module Bigarray) * Fixed bug in allocation of working space for out parameters of array types. * Disambiguation of record labels that belong to several struct types. * Support for [unique] attribute on strings and arrays, turned into option types in the Caml interface. * Fixed bug with anonymous enum types (forgot to define the corresponding translation table). * Fixed bug with dependent parameters depending on out parameters (these must not be omitted in the Caml function declaration). * "in,out" parameters of type string or big array are now presented as an "in,out" parameter of the Caml function and modified in place, rather than presented as a parameter and a result. * Added minimal support for COM dispatch interfaces. * Fixed lack of initialization of ignored pointers for structs with only one significant field. * Relicensed under the QPL (for the compiler) and the LGPL (for everything else). CamlIDL 1.00: ------------- First public release.