diff options
authorErik Assum <>2017-03-10 16:35:17 +0100
committerBozhidar Batsov <>2017-03-10 17:35:17 +0200
commit00b44fda412259c1d1e0f9e43d08fd00bedf0085 (patch)
parenteefdced69c88da26f36c57d95b84a1eef50928f4 (diff)
[Fix #1352] Add checkdoc to build (#1957)
This also fixes some issues checkdoc was currently reporting.
16 files changed, 84 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/cider-client.el b/cider-client.el
index 9cd2fed0..4bac121b 100644
--- a/cider-client.el
+++ b/cider-client.el
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ such a link cannot be established automatically."
(setq-local cider-connections (list conn)))))
(defun cider-toggle-buffer-connection ()
- "Toggles the current buffer's connection between Clojure and ClojureScript."
+ "Toggle the current buffer's connection between Clojure and ClojureScript."
(let ((other-conn (cider-other-connection)))
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ such a link cannot be established automatically."
(t "clj")))
(defun cider-toggle-request-dispatch ()
- "Toggles the value of `cider-request-dispatch' between static and dynamic.
+ "Toggle the value of `cider-request-dispatch' between static and dynamic.
Handy when you're using dynamic dispatch, but you want to quickly force all
evaluation commands to use a particular connection."
@@ -766,6 +766,7 @@ Return the REPL buffer given by `cider-current-connection'.")
(cider-session-for-connection (cider-current-connection)))
(defun cider-session-for-connection (connection)
+ "Create a CIDER session for CONNECTION."
(with-current-buffer connection
diff --git a/cider-debug.el b/cider-debug.el
index 6626f1c9..6b31bb8e 100644
--- a/cider-debug.el
+++ b/cider-debug.el
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ configure `cider-debug-prompt' instead."
:package-version '(cider . "0.9.1"))
(defcustom cider-debug-print-level 10
- "The print-level for values displayed by the debugger.
+ "The print level for values displayed by the debugger.
This variable must be set before starting the repl connection."
:type '(choice (const :tag "No limit" nil)
(integer :tag "Max depth" 10))
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ This variable must be set before starting the repl connection."
:package-version '(cider . "0.10.0"))
(defcustom cider-debug-print-length 10
- "The print-length for values displayed by the debugger.
+ "The print length for values displayed by the debugger.
This variable must be set before starting the repl connection."
:type '(choice (const :tag "No limit" nil)
(integer :tag "Max depth" 10))
@@ -710,7 +710,8 @@ TARGET is inside it. The returned list is suitable for use in
(goto-char starting-point)))))
(defun cider-debug-move-here (&optional force)
- "Skip any breakpoints up to point."
+ "Skip any breakpoints up to point.
+The boolean value of FORCE will be sent in the reply."
(interactive (list (cider--uppercase-command-p)))
(unless cider--debug-mode
(user-error "`cider-debug-move-here' only makes sense during a debug session"))
diff --git a/cider-doc.el b/cider-doc.el
index 0ee07f34..c367edfa 100644
--- a/cider-doc.el
+++ b/cider-doc.el
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Tables are marked to be ignored by line wrap."
(cider-docview-wrap-text buffer))))) ; ignores code, table blocks
(defun cider--abbreviate-file-protocol (file-with-protocol)
- "Abbreviate the file-path in `file:/path/to/file'."
+ "Abbreviate the file-path in `file:/path/to/file' of FILE-WITH-PROTOCOL."
(if (string-match "\\`file:\\(.*\\)" file-with-protocol)
(let ((file (match-string 1 file-with-protocol))
(proj-dir (clojure-project-dir)))
diff --git a/cider-eldoc.el b/cider-eldoc.el
index 5314ef26..b7012b46 100644
--- a/cider-eldoc.el
+++ b/cider-eldoc.el
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ mapping `cider-eldoc-ns-function' on it returns an empty list."
(t (format "%s" (car eldoc-class-names))))))
(defun cider-eldoc-format-thing (ns symbol thing type)
- "Format the eldoc subject defined by NS, SYMBOL and THING.
+ "Format the eldoc subject defined by NS, SYMBOL, THING and TYPE.
THING represents the thing at point which triggered eldoc. Normally NS and
SYMBOL are used (they are derived from THING), but when empty we fallback to
THING (e.g. for Java methods). Format it as a function, if FUNCTION-P
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ if the maximum number of sexps to skip is exceeded."
(defun cider-eldoc-thing-type (eldoc-info)
- "Return the type of the thing being displayed by eldoc.
+ "Return the type of the ELDOC-INFO being displayed by eldoc.
It can be a function or var now."
(pcase (lax-plist-get eldoc-info "type")
("function" 'fn)
diff --git a/cider-inspector.el b/cider-inspector.el
index 7c7c454c..747ec819 100644
--- a/cider-inspector.el
+++ b/cider-inspector.el
@@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ With a second prefix argument it prompts for an expression to eval and inspect."
(defvar cider-inspector-location-stack nil
"A stack used to save point locations in inspector buffers.
-These locations are used to emulate save-excursion between
+These locations are used to emulate `save-excursion' between
`cider-inspector-push' and `cider-inspector-pop' operations.")
(defvar cider-inspector-page-location-stack nil
"A stack used to save point locations in inspector buffers.
-These locations are used to emulate save-excursion between
+These locations are used to emulate `save-excursion' between
`cider-inspector-next-page' and `cider-inspector-prev-page' operations.")
(defvar cider-inspector-last-command nil
"Contains the value of the most recently used `cider-inspector-*' command.
-This is used as an alternative to the built-in `last-command'. Whenever we
-invoke any command through M-x and its variants, the value of `last-command'
-is not set to the command it invokes.")
+This is used as an alternative to the built-in `last-command'. Whenever we
+invoke any command through \\[execute-extended-command] and its variants,
+the value of `last-command' is not set to the command it invokes.")
;; Operations
@@ -148,17 +148,23 @@ current buffer's namespace."
(cider-inspector--render-value value)))
(defun cider-inspector-pop ()
+ "Pop the last value off the inspector stack and render it.
+See `cider-sync-request:inspect-pop' and `cider-inspector--render-value'."
(setq cider-inspector-last-command 'cider-inspector-pop)
(when-let (value (cider-sync-request:inspect-pop))
(cider-inspector--render-value value)))
(defun cider-inspector-push (idx)
+ "Inspect the value at IDX in the inspector stack and render it.
+See `cider-sync-request:insepect-push' and `cider-inspector--render-value'"
(push (point) cider-inspector-location-stack)
(when-let (value (cider-sync-request:inspect-push idx))
(cider-inspector--render-value value)))
(defun cider-inspector-refresh ()
+ "Re-render the currently inspected value.
+See `cider-sync-request:insepect-refresh' and `cider-inspector--render-value'"
(when-let (value (cider-sync-request:inspect-refresh))
(cider-inspector--render-value value)))
@@ -239,6 +245,7 @@ Set the page size in paginated view to PAGE-SIZE."
;; Render Inspector from Structured Values
(defun cider-inspector--render-value (value)
+ "Render VALUE."
(cider-make-popup-buffer cider-inspector-buffer 'cider-inspector-mode)
(cider-inspector-render cider-inspector-buffer value)
(cider-popup-buffer-display cider-inspector-buffer t)
@@ -259,6 +266,7 @@ Set the page size in paginated view to PAGE-SIZE."
(goto-char (pop cider-inspector-page-location-stack))))))
(defun cider-inspector-render (buffer str)
+ "Render STR in BUFFER."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
@@ -268,10 +276,12 @@ Set the page size in paginated view to PAGE-SIZE."
(goto-char (point-min))))
(defun cider-inspector-render* (elements)
+ "Render ELEMENTS."
(dolist (el elements)
(cider-inspector-render-el* el)))
(defun cider-inspector-render-el* (el)
+ "Render EL."
(cond ((symbolp el) (insert (symbol-name el)))
((stringp el) (insert (propertize el 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-keyword-face)))
((and (consp el) (eq (car el) :newline))
@@ -281,6 +291,7 @@ Set the page size in paginated view to PAGE-SIZE."
(t (message "Unrecognized inspector object: %s" el))))
(defun cider-inspector-render-value (value idx)
+ "Render VALUE at IDX."
(list 'cider-value-idx idx
'mouse-face 'highlight)
@@ -346,6 +357,7 @@ If ARG is negative, move forwards."
(cider-inspector-next-inspectable-object (- arg)))
(defun cider-inspector-property-at-point ()
+ "Return property at point."
(let* ((properties '(cider-value-idx cider-range-button
diff --git a/cider-interaction.el b/cider-interaction.el
index d57e35ef..0c2a29cc 100644
--- a/cider-interaction.el
+++ b/cider-interaction.el
@@ -516,6 +516,8 @@ form, with symbol at point replaced by __prefix__."
(defun cider-completion--parse-candidate-map (candidate-map)
+ "Get \"candidate\" from CANDIDATE-MAP.
+Put type and ns properties on the candidate"
(let ((candidate (nrepl-dict-get candidate-map "candidate"))
(type (nrepl-dict-get candidate-map "type"))
(ns (nrepl-dict-get candidate-map "ns")))
@@ -530,17 +532,20 @@ form, with symbol at point replaced by __prefix__."
(mapcar #'cider-completion--parse-candidate-map candidates)))
(defun cider-completion--get-candidate-type (symbol)
+ "Get candidate type for SYMBOL."
(let ((type (get-text-property 0 'type symbol)))
(or (cadr (assoc type cider-completion-annotations-alist))
(defun cider-completion--get-candidate-ns (symbol)
+ "Get candidate ns for SYMBOL."
(when (or (eq 'always cider-completion-annotations-include-ns)
(and (eq 'unqualified cider-completion-annotations-include-ns)
(not (cider-namespace-qualified-p symbol))))
(get-text-property 0 'ns symbol)))
(defun cider-default-annotate-completion-function (type ns)
+ "Get completion function based on TYPE and NS."
(concat (when ns (format " (%s)" ns))
(when type (format " <%s>" type))))
@@ -611,8 +616,8 @@ in the buffer."
;; Fuzzy completion for company-mode
-(defun cider-company-unfiltered-candidates (string table predicate point)
- "Return CIDER completion candidates as is, without filtering them by prefix."
+(defun cider-company-unfiltered-candidates (string &rest _)
+ "Return CIDER completion candidates for STRING as is, unfiltered."
(cider-complete string))
(add-to-list 'completion-styles-alist
@@ -1165,7 +1170,7 @@ If invoked with a PREFIX argument, switch to the REPL buffer."
(defun cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-repl (&optional prefix)
- "Evaluate the expression preceding point and insert its pretty-printed result in the REPL.
+ "Evaluate expr before point and insert its pretty-printed result in the REPL.
If invoked with a PREFIX argument, switch to the REPL buffer."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((conn-buffer (cider-current-connection)))
@@ -1327,7 +1332,7 @@ If invoked with a prefix ARG eval the expression after inserting it."
(cider-insert-in-repl (cider-last-sexp) arg))
(defun cider-insert-defun-in-repl (&optional arg)
- "Insert the top-level form at point in the REPL buffer.
+ "Insert the top level form at point in the REPL buffer.
If invoked with a prefix ARG eval the expression after inserting it."
(interactive "P")
(cider-insert-in-repl (cider-defun-at-point) arg))
@@ -1447,6 +1452,7 @@ Defaults to the current ns. With prefix arg QUERY, prompts for a ns."
(cider-interactive-eval-handler (current-buffer))))))
(defun cider-refresh--handle-response (response log-buffer)
+ "Refresh LOG-BUFFER with RESPONSE."
(nrepl-dbind-response response (out err reloading status error error-ns after before)
(cl-flet* ((log (message &optional face)
(cider-emit-into-popup-buffer log-buffer message face))
diff --git a/cider-macroexpansion.el b/cider-macroexpansion.el
index 473c6333..5b5249c6 100644
--- a/cider-macroexpansion.el
+++ b/cider-macroexpansion.el
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ If invoked with a PREFIX argument, use \\=`macroexpand\\=` instead of
(defun cider-macroexpand-all ()
- "Invoke \\=`clojure.walk/macroexpand-all\\=` on the expression preceding point."
+ "Invoke \\=`macroexpand-all\\=` on the expression preceding point."
(cider-macroexpand-expr "macroexpand-all" (cider-last-sexp)))
(defun cider-macroexpand-all-inplace ()
- "Perform inplace \\=`clojure.walk/macroexpand-all\\=` on the expression preceding point."
+ "Perform inplace \\=`macroexpand-all\\=` on the expression preceding point."
(cider-macroexpand-expr-inplace "macroexpand-all"))
diff --git a/cider-mode.el b/cider-mode.el
index 04b564d2..af4b8723 100644
--- a/cider-mode.el
+++ b/cider-mode.el
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Configure `cider-cljs-*-repl' to change the ClojureScript REPL to use for your b
["Describe session" cider-describe-nrepl-session]
["Close session" cider-close-nrepl-session]
["Toggle message logging" nrepl-toggle-message-logging]))
- "Menu for CIDER mode")
+ "Menu for CIDER mode.")
(defconst cider-mode-eval-menu
'("CIDER Eval" :visible cider-connections
@@ -750,7 +750,8 @@ before point."
(cider--parse-and-apply-locals end locals-above))))))
(defun cider--docview-as-string (sym info)
- "Return a string of what would be displayed by `cider-docview-render'."
+ "Return a string of what would be displayed by `cider-docview-render'.
+SYM and INFO is passed to `cider-docview-render'"
(cider-docview-render (current-buffer) sym info)
(goto-char (point-max))
diff --git a/cider-repl-history.el b/cider-repl-history.el
index 3f6242ed..e72436cc 100644
--- a/cider-repl-history.el
+++ b/cider-repl-history.el
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ If `bury-and-delete-window', then bury the buffer, and (if there is
more than one window) delete the window.
If `delete-and-restore', then restore the window configuration to what it was
-before `cider-repl-history' was called, and kill the *cider-repl-history* buffer.
+before `cider-repl-history' was called, and kill the *cider-repl-history*
If `quit-window', then restore the window configuration to what
it was before `cider-repl-history' was called, and bury *cider-repl-history*.
@@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ case retun nil."
(cider-repl-history-insert-and-highlight str))))))))
(defun cider-repl-history-insert-and-quit ()
- "Insert the item into the REPL buffer, and close the *cider-repl-history* buffer.
+ "Insert the item into the REPL buffer, and close *cider-repl-history*.
The text is always inserted at the very bottom of the REPL buffer. If your
cursor is already at the bottom, it is advanced to the end of the inserted
@@ -401,7 +402,7 @@ text is still inserted at the end."
(cider-repl-history-do-insert (current-buffer) (point)))
(defun cider-repl-history-mouse-insert (e)
- "Insert the item at E into the REPL buffer, and close the *cider-repl-history*.
+ "Insert the item at E into the REPL buffer, and close *cider-repl-history*.
The text is always inserted at the very bottom of the REPL buffer. If your
cursor is already at the bottom, it is advanced to the end of the inserted
diff --git a/cider-repl.el b/cider-repl.el
index a63a7d08..0871d4ca 100644
--- a/cider-repl.el
+++ b/cider-repl.el
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ text property `cider-old-input'."
(if cider-repl-use-pretty-printing "enabled" "disabled")))
(defun cider--pretty-print-width ()
- "Returns the width to use for pretty-printing."
+ "Return the width to use for pretty-printing."
(or cider-repl-pretty-print-width
diff --git a/cider-stacktrace.el b/cider-stacktrace.el
index 6a244daa..5f80bbb0 100644
--- a/cider-stacktrace.el
+++ b/cider-stacktrace.el
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ cyclical data structures."
(add-to-list 'cider-ancillary-buffers cider-error-buffer)
(defcustom cider-stacktrace-suppressed-errors '()
- "A set of errors that won't make the stacktrace buffer 'pop-over' your active window.
+ "Errors that won't make the stacktrace buffer 'pop-over' your active window.
The error types are represented as strings."
:type 'list
:group 'cider-stacktrace
@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ hidden count."
(defun cider-stacktrace-some-suppressed-errors-p (error-types)
I.e, Return non-nil if the seq ERROR-TYPES shares any elements with
-`cider-stacktrace-suppressed-errors'. This means that even a 'well-behaved' (ie,
-promoted) error type will be 'guilty by association' if grouped with a
-suppressed error type."
+`cider-stacktrace-suppressed-errors'. This means that even a
+'well-behaved' (ie, promoted) error type will be 'guilty by association' if
+grouped with a suppressed error type."
(seq-intersection error-types cider-stacktrace-suppressed-errors))
(defun cider-stacktrace-suppress-error (error-type)
@@ -357,9 +357,9 @@ suppressed error type."
(goto-char pos))))
(defun cider-stacktrace-cycle-cause (num &optional level)
- "Update element NUM of `cider-stacktrace-cause-visibility', optionally to LEVEL.
-If LEVEL is not specified, its current value is incremented. When it reaches 3,
-it wraps to 0."
+ "Update element NUM of `cider-stacktrace-cause-visibility'.
+If LEVEL is specified, it is useed, otherwise its current value is incremented.
+When it reaches 3, it wraps to 0."
(let ((level (or level (1+ (elt cider-stacktrace-cause-visibility num)))))
(aset cider-stacktrace-cause-visibility num (mod level 3))
diff --git a/cider-test.el b/cider-test.el
index b63048fc..6617ac2e 100644
--- a/cider-test.el
+++ b/cider-test.el
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
(defcustom cider-test-defining-forms '("deftest" "defspec")
"Forms that define individual tests.
-CIDER considers the top-level form around point to define a test if the
-form starts with one of these forms.
+CIDER considers the \"top-level\" form around point to define a test if
+the form starts with one of these forms.
Add to this list to have CIDER recognize additional test defining macros."
:type '(repeat string)
:group 'cider-test
diff --git a/cider-util.el b/cider-util.el
index 3b696542..056d6a8d 100644
--- a/cider-util.el
+++ b/cider-util.el
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ If BUFFER is provided act on that buffer instead."
;;; Thing at point
(defun cider-defun-at-point (&optional bounds)
- "Return the text of the top-level sexp at point.
+ "Return the text of the top level sexp at point.
If BOUNDS is non-nil, return a list of its starting and ending position
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ PROP is the name of a text property."
"A list of buffers for different major modes.")
(defun cider--make-buffer-for-mode (mode)
- "Return a temp buffer using major-mode MODE.
+ "Return a temp buffer using `major-mode' MODE.
This buffer is not designed to display anything to the user. For that, use
`cider-make-popup-buffer' instead."
(setq cider--mode-buffers (seq-filter (lambda (x) (buffer-live-p (cdr x)))
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ restore it properly when going back."
:package-version '(cider . "0.13.0"))
(defun cider--find-symbol-xref ()
- "Parse and return the first clojure symbol in current-buffer.
+ "Parse and return the first clojure symbol in current buffer.
Use `cider-doc-xref-regexp' for the search. Set match data and return a
string of the Clojure symbol. Return nil if there are no more matches in
the buffer."
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ the buffer."
;; Similar to
(defun cider--doc-make-xrefs ()
- "Parse and hyperlink documentation cross-references in current-buffer.
+ "Parse and hyperlink documentation cross-references in current buffer.
Find cross-reference information in a buffer and activate such cross
references for selection with `help-xref'. Cross-references are parsed
using `cider--find-symbol-xref'.
diff --git a/cider.el b/cider.el
index a4877a0c..4f7ce510 100644
--- a/cider.el
+++ b/cider.el
@@ -254,8 +254,9 @@ Sub-match 1 must be the project path.")
(_ (user-error "Unsupported project type `%s'" project-type))))
(defun cider-jack-in-resolve-command (project-type)
- "Determine the resolved file path to `cider-jack-in-command' if it can be
-found for the PROJECT-TYPE"
+ "Determine the resolved file path to `cider-jack-in-command'.
+Throws an error if PROJECT-TYPE is unknown. Known types are
+\"lein\", \"boot\", and \"gradle\"."
(pcase project-type
("lein" (cider--lein-resolve-command))
("boot" (cider--boot-resolve-command))
@@ -335,6 +336,7 @@ string is quoted for passing as argument to an inferior shell."
(when (not (seq-empty-p dependencies)) " ")))
(defun cider-boot-middleware-task (params middlewares)
+ "Create a command to add MIDDLEWARES with corresponding PARAMS."
(concat "cider.tasks/add-middleware "
(mapconcat (lambda (middleware)
(format "-m %s" (shell-quote-argument middleware)))
@@ -343,6 +345,11 @@ string is quoted for passing as argument to an inferior shell."
" " params))
(defun cider-boot-jack-in-dependencies (global-opts params dependencies plugins middlewares)
+ "Create boot jack-in dependencies.
+Does so by concatenating GLOBAL-OPTS, DEPENDENCIES,
+`cider-boot-middleware-task` before concatenating and DEPENDENCIES and PLUGINS
+ are passed on to `cider-boot-dependencies`."
(concat global-opts
(when (not (seq-empty-p global-opts)) " ")
"-i \"(require 'cider.tasks)\" " ;; Note the white space at the end here
@@ -363,6 +370,9 @@ string is quoted for passing as argument to an inferior shell."
(shell-quote-argument (format "[%s %S%s]" (car list) (cadr list) (cider--lein-artifact-exclusions exclusions))))
(defun cider-lein-jack-in-dependencies (global-opts params dependencies dependencies-exclusions lein-plugins)
+ "Create lein jack-in dependencies.
+removed, LEIN-PLUGINS, and finally PARAMS."
(when (not (seq-empty-p global-opts)) " ")
@@ -399,7 +409,7 @@ See also `cider-jack-in-auto-inject-clojure'."
(defun cider-inject-jack-in-dependencies (global-opts params project-type)
- "Return PARAMS with injected REPL dependencies.
+ "Return GLOBAL-OPTS and PARAMS with injected REPL dependencies.
These are set in `cider-jack-in-dependencies', `cider-jack-in-lein-plugins' and
`cider-jack-in-nrepl-middlewares' are injected from the CLI according to
the used PROJECT-TYPE. Eliminates the need for hacking profiles.clj or the
@@ -474,8 +484,7 @@ it should start a ClojureScript REPL."
:group 'cider)
(defun cider-cljs-repl-form (project-type)
- "Return a Clojure form that returns a ClojureScript REPL environment
-based on PROJECT-TYPE."
+ "Return a Clojure form returning a ClojureScript REPL environment based on PROJECT-TYPE."
(pcase project-type
("lein" cider-cljs-lein-repl)
("boot" cider-cljs-boot-repl)
@@ -781,7 +790,7 @@ choose."
;; TODO: Implement a check for `cider-lein-command' over tramp
(defun cider--lein-resolve-command ()
- "Find `cider-lein-command' on `exec-path' if possible, or return `nil'.
+ "Find `cider-lein-command' on `exec-path' if possible, or return nil.
In case `default-directory' is non-local we assume the command is available."
(when-let ((command (or (and (file-remote-p default-directory) cider-lein-command)
@@ -791,7 +800,7 @@ In case `default-directory' is non-local we assume the command is available."
;; TODO: Implement a check for `cider-boot-command' over tramp
(defun cider--boot-resolve-command ()
- "Find `cider-boot-command' on `exec-path' if possible, or return `nil'.
+ "Find `cider-boot-command' on `exec-path' if possible, or return nil.
In case `default-directory' is non-local we assume the command is available."
(when-let ((command (or (and (file-remote-p default-directory) cider-boot-command)
@@ -801,7 +810,7 @@ In case `default-directory' is non-local we assume the command is available."
;; TODO: Implement a check for `cider-gradle-command' over tramp
(defun cider--gradle-resolve-command ()
- "Find `cider-gradle-command' on `exec-path' if possible, or return `nil'.
+ "Find `cider-gradle-command' on `exec-path' if possible, or return nil.
In case `default-directory' is non-local we assume the command is available."
(when-let ((command (or (and (file-remote-p default-directory) cider-gradle-command)
diff --git a/nrepl-dict.el b/nrepl-dict.el
index 913d9007..6e1ba370 100644
--- a/nrepl-dict.el
+++ b/nrepl-dict.el
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
;;; Commentary:
-;; Provides functions to interact with and create `nrepl-dict's. These are
+;; Provides functions to interact with and create `nrepl-dict's. These are
;; simply plists with an extra element at the head.
;;; Code:
diff --git a/test/cider-checks.el b/test/cider-checks.el
index 81744ac0..610c1d32 100644
--- a/test/cider-checks.el
+++ b/test/cider-checks.el
@@ -10,10 +10,13 @@
(require 'package)
(require 'check-declare)
+(setq checkdoc-package-keywords-flag nil)
+(setq checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag nil)
+(setq checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag nil)
(let ((files (directory-files default-directory t
"\\`[^.].*\\.el\\'" t)))
- ;; We need to fix checkdoc warnings before we can use this.
- ;; (dolist (file files)
- ;; (checkdoc-file file))
+ (dolist (file files)
+ (checkdoc-file file))
(when (apply #'check-declare-files files)
(kill-emacs 1)))