path: root/doc/
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--- /dev/null
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+## ClojureScript
+CIDER works with ClojureScript, but you should keep in mind that not all
+the functionality available with Clojure exists for ClojureScript (at least
+not yet). To give you a concrete example - things like running tests and
+the debugger are currently Clojure-only features.
+ClojureScript support relies on the [piggieback][] nREPL middleware
+being present in your REPL session. There's one exception to this,
+though - [shadow-cljs][]. It has its own nREPL middleware and doesn't rely
+on piggieback at all.
+To setup piggieback add the following dependencies to your project
+(`project.clj` in Leiningen based project or `build.boot` in Boot
+;; use whatever are the most recent versions here
+[cider/piggieback "0.3.2"]
+[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
+as well as `piggieback` nREPL middleware:
+in `project.clj`:
+:repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [cider.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl]}
+or in `build.boot`:
+ repl {:middleware '[cider.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl]})
+There are many ClojureScript REPLs out there and it's often hard to wrap your
+head around them and the differences between them. You'd do well to read [this
+awesome article](
+before proceeding with the rest of the instructions listed here.
+Open a file in your project and issue <kbd>M-x</kbd>
+`cider-jack-in-clojurescript` <kbd>RET</kbd>. This will start up the nREPL
+server, and then create two REPL buffers for you, one in Clojure and one in
+ClojureScript. All usual CIDER commands will be automatically directed to the
+appropriate REPL, depending on whether you're visiting a `.clj` or a `.cljs`
+`cider-jack-in-clojurescript` will prompt you about the type of
+ClojureScript to start. Keep in mind that some of the REPLs will
+require some additional setup, before you can make use of them (e.g. you'll
+need to have Node.js installed to be able to start a node REPL).
+You can suppress the prompt the REPL to use by setting `cider-default-cljs-repl`.
+Here's an example that will make Nashorn the default:
+(setq cider-default-cljs-repl 'nashorn)
+All supported ClojureScript REPLs are stored in
+`cider-cljs-repl-types`. If you need to extend it, you should use
+`cider-register-cljs-repl-type` in your Emacs configuration.
+(cider-register-cljs-repl-type 'super-cljs "(do (...))" optional-requirements-function)
+You can also create a ClojureScript REPL with the command
+`cider-create-sibling-cljs-repl` in cases where you already have a
+Clojure REPL running.
+Continue reading for the additional setup needed for the various ClojureScript
+REPLs out there.
+### Browser-connected ClojureScript REPL
+Using Weasel, you can also have a browser-connected REPL.
+1. Add `[weasel "0.7.0"]` to your project's `:dependencies`.
+2. Issue <kbd>M-x</kbd> `cider-jack-in-clojurescript` <kbd>RET</kbd> and choose
+ the `Weasel` option when prompted about the ClojureScript REPL type you want
+ to use.
+3. Add this to your ClojureScript code:
+(ns my.cljs.core
+ (:require [weasel.repl :as repl]))
+(repl/connect "ws://localhost:9001")
+4. Open a file in your project and issue <kbd>M-x</kbd> `cider-jack-in-clojurescript`.
+Provided that a Piggieback-enabled ClojureScript environment is active in your
+REPL session, code loading and evaluation will work seamlessly regardless of the
+presence of the `cider-nrepl` middleware. If the middleware is present then most
+other features of CIDER will also be enabled (including code completion,
+documentation lookup, the namespace browser, and macroexpansion).
+### Browser-connected ClojureScript REPL in Boot project
+1. Add this to your dependencies in `build.boot`:
+[adzerk/boot-cljs "X.Y.Z" :scope "test"]
+[adzerk/boot-cljs-repl "X.Y.Z" :scope "test"]
+[pandeiro/boot-http "X.Y.Z" :scope "test"]
+[weasel "0.7.0" :scope "test"]
+[cider/piggieback "0.3.2" :scope "test"]
+and this at the end of `build.boot`:
+ '[adzerk.boot-cljs :refer [cljs]]
+ '[adzerk.boot-cljs-repl :refer [cljs-repl]]
+ '[pandeiro.boot-http :refer [serve]])
+(deftask dev []
+ (comp (serve)
+ (watch)
+ (cljs-repl) ; order is important!!
+ (cljs)))
+2. Issue <kbd>M-x</kbd> `customize-variable` <kbd>RET</kbd> `cider-boot-parameters`
+ and insert `dev`.
+3. Open a file in your project and issue <kbd>M-x</kbd> `cider-jack-in-clojurescript`.
+5. Connect to the running server with your browser. The address is printed on the terminal, but it's probably `http://localhost:3000`.
+For more information visit [boot-cljs-repl](
+### Using the Figwheel REPL (Leiningen-only)
+You can also use [Figwheel]( with CIDER.
+1. Set up Figwheel as normal, but make sure `:cljsbuild` and `:figwheel` settings are
+ in the root of your Leiningen project definition.
+2. Add these to your dev `:dependencies`:
+[cider/piggieback "0.3.2"]
+[figwheel-sidecar "0.5.16"] ; use here whatever the current version of figwheel is
+Keep in mind that figwheel 0.5.16 is the first to support piggieback
+0.3. If you're using an older figwheel you should stick to piggieback
+0.2.2 (which uses the old `com.cemerick/piggieback` package coordinates).
+3. Add this to your dev `:repl-options`:
+:nrepl-middleware [cider.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl]
+4. Start the REPL with `cider-jack-in-clojurescript` (<kbd>C-c M-J</kbd>)
+5. Open a browser to the Figwheel URL so that it can connect to your application.
+You now have two nREPL connections, one for Clojure and one for ClojureScript.
+CIDER will determine which to use based on the type of file you're editing.
+You should also check out
+[Figwheel's wiki](
+### Using shadow-cljs
+Provided you've configured your project correctly you can simply use
+`cider-jack-in-clojurescript` to use `shadow-cljs`.
+This will automatically start the shadow-cljs server and connect to it. You'll also
+be prompted for the build to use.
+Alternatively you can start the server manually with something like:
+npx shadow-cljs server
+And connect to it with `cider-connect`.
+## Working with `.cljc` files
+Ordinarily, CIDER dispatches code from `clj` files to Clojure REPLs and `cljs`
+files to ClojureScript REPLs. However, `cljc` files have two possible connection
+targets. By default, CIDER tries to evaluate `cljc` files in all matching
+connection buffers, both `clj` and `cljs` (if present).
+Simply put - if you're evaluating the code `(+ 2 2)` in a `cljc` file and you
+have an active Clojure and and active ClojureScript REPL, then the code is going
+to be evaluated 2 times - once for each of them. This behavior might be a bit
+confusing, but that's what we came up with, when ruminating what was the most
+logical thing to do out-of-the-box.
+This can be modified with <kbd>M-x</kbd> `cider-toggle-connection-buffer`
+<kbd>RET</kbd>. Toggling this once will choose one of the connections as the
+primary, and successive calls to <kbd>M-x</kbd> `cider-toggle-connection-buffer`
+<kbd>RET</kbd> will alternate which connection to use. To restore evaluation to
+both connections, invoke `cider-toggle-connection-buffer` with a prefix argument
+(<kbd>C-u M-x</kbd> `cider-toggle-connection-buffer` <kbd>RET</kbd>).
+If there is only a Clojure connection, no toggling will happen and a message
+will inform you that there are no other connections to switch to.