*Use the template below when reporting bugs. Please, make sure that you're running the latest stable CIDER and that the problem you're reporting hasn't been reported (and potentially fixed) already.* *When requesting new features or improvements to existing features you can discard the template completely. Just make sure to make a good case for your request.* **Remove all of the placeholder text in your final report!** ## Expected behavior ## Actual behavior ## Steps to reproduce the problem *This is extremely important! Providing us with a reliable way to reproduce a problem will expedite its solution.* ## Environment & Version information ### CIDER version information *Include here the version string displayed when CIDER's REPL is launched. Here's an example:* ``` ;; CIDER 0.12.0snapshot (package: 20160331.421), nREPL 0.2.12 ;; Clojure 1.8.0, Java 1.8.0_31 ``` ### Lein/Boot version *E.g. Lein 2.6.1* (skip this when you didn't start the nREPL server using Lein or Boot) ### Emacs version *E.g. 24.5* (use M-x emacs-version to check it if unsure) ### Operating system *E.g. Fedora 23, OS X 10.11 "El Capitan", Windows 10, etc*