**Replace this placeholder text with a summary of the changes in your PR. The more detailed you are, the better.** ----------------- Before submitting the PR make sure the following things have been done (and denote this by checking the relevant checkboxes): - [ ] The commits are consistent with our [contribution guidelines][1] - [ ] You've added tests (if possible) to cover your change(s) - [ ] All tests are passing (`make test`) - [ ] The new code is not generating bytecode or `M-x checkdoc` warnings - [ ] You've updated the changelog (if adding/changing user-visible functionality) - [ ] You've updated the readme (if adding/changing user-visible functionality) - [ ] You've updated the refcard (if you made changes to the commands listed there) Thanks! *If you're just starting out to hack on CIDER you might find this [section of its manual][2] extremely useful.* [1]: https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md [2]: https://cider.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hacking_on_cider/