## ClojureScript limitations Currently, the following features are not supported for ClojureScript development: * Grimoire lookup * Reloading * Running tests * Tracing * Debugging (check out [this ticket](https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/1416) dedicated to porting the debugger to ClojureScript) * Enlighten There is currently no support for both Clojure and ClojureScript evaluation in the same nREPL session. If Piggieback is active, code evaluation and all features will assume ClojureScript. ### Var Metadata Currently var metadata about the location of the var's definition within the ClojureScript source code (file, line & column) is set only when evaluating the entire source buffer (C-c C-k). All other interactive code evaluation commands (e.g. C-c C-e) don't set this metadata and you won't be able to use commands like `find-var` on such vars. This is a limitation of nREPL and Piggieback, that's beyond CIDER. You can find some discussions on the subject [here](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/NREPL-59) and [here](https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/830). ## Microsoft Windows ### Line separators On Microsoft Windows the JVM default line separator string is `\r\n` which can appear in Emacs as `^M` characters at the end of lines printed out by the JVM. One option is to set the `buffer-display-table` to not show these characters as detailed [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10098925/m-character-showing-in-clojure-slime-repl/11787550#11787550) (changing `slime-repl-mode-hook` to `cider-repl-mode-hook`). Alternatively, setting the system property `line.separator` to `\n` at JVM startup will stop the carriage return from being printed and will fix output in all cider buffers. To do so add `"-Dline.separator=\"\n\""` to `:jvm-opts` in `~/.lein/profiles.clj`. ### Definition lookup in jar files In order for source lookup commands to work with `.jar` files you'll need to install either [7zip](http://www.7-zip.org/) or `pkunzip` and add its installation folder to Emacs's `exec-path`. Here's an example: ```el (add-to-list 'exec-path "C:/Program Files/7-Zip") ``` ## powershell.el The powershell inferior shell mode truncates CIDER's REPL output when loaded. As a workaround remove ```el (require 'powershell) ``` from your Emacs config. ## ClojureCLR Support CIDER currently doesn't support ClojureCLR. The reasons for this are the following: * nREPL itself runs only on the JVM (because it leverages Java APIs internally). There's an [nREPL port for ClojureCLR](https://github.com/clojure/clr.tools.nrepl), but it's not actively maintained and it doesn't behave like the Clojure nREPL. * `cider-nrepl` uses a lot of Java code internally itself. Those issues are not insurmountable, but are beyond the scope of our current roadmap. If someone would like to tackle them, we'd be happy to provide assistance. ## Injecting dependencies and Leiningen pedantic: abort mode Because injection currently creates an override of `tools.nrepl` dependency that Leingingen also pulls in starting up the REPL will fail if `:pedantic? :abort` is set. Either remove the `:pedantic? :abort` setting or switch off injecting the dependencies with setting `cider-inject-dependencies-at-jack-in` to `nil` and provide the dependencies by editing your `~/.lein/profiles.clj` as described in the [standalone REPL](installation.md#setting-up-a-standalone-repl) section.