CIDER provides intelligent code completion for both source buffers (powered by `cider-mode`) and REPL buffers. !!! Note Internally CIDER leverages [compliment]( for Clojure and [cljs-tooling]( for ClojureScript. Improvements to the two libraries automatically translate to improvements in CIDER. ## Standard completion Out-of-the box CIDER uses the standard Emacs tooling for code completion. When you press TAB or M-TAB you'll get completion candidates in a dedicated buffer. ![Code Completion](images/code_completion.png) ## Auto-completion While the standard Emacs tooling works just fine, we suggest that CIDER users consider using [`company-mode`]( instead. Company mode can be used for auto-completion for both source code and REPL buffers. To install `company-mode`: M-x `package-install` RET `company` RET After installation, you can turn on `company-mode` globally: ```el (global-company-mode) ``` or through mode-specific hooks: ```el (add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook #'company-mode) (add-hook 'cider-mode-hook #'company-mode) ``` When `company-mode` is enabled, it will receive completion information from `cider-complete-at-point` and requires no additional setup or plugins. If you'd prefer to trigger completions manually you can add this to your config: ```el (setq company-idle-delay nil) ; never start completions automatically (global-set-key (kbd "M-TAB") #'company-complete) ; use M-TAB, a.k.a. C-M-i, as manual trigger ``` To make TAB complete, without losing the ability to manually indent, you can add this to your config: ```el (global-set-key (kbd "TAB") #'company-indent-or-complete-common) ``` ### Fuzzy candidate matching By default `company-mode` will provide completion candidates with the assumption that whatever you've typed so far is a prefix of what you're really trying to type. For example, if you type `map-` then you'll only get completion candidates that have `map-` as the beginning of their names. Sometimes, you don't know the exact prefix for the item you want to type. In this case, you can get CIDER-specific "fuzzy completion" by adding: ```el (add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook #'cider-company-enable-fuzzy-completion) (add-hook 'cider-mode-hook #'cider-company-enable-fuzzy-completion) ``` Now, `company-mode` will accept certain fuzziness when matching candidates against the prefix. For example, typing `mp` will show you `map-indexed` as one of the possible completion candidates and `cji` will complete to ``. Different completion examples are shown [here]( ### Completion annotations Completion candidates will be annotated by default with an abbreviation corresponding to their type, and (contextually) their namespace. The function used to format the annotation can be configured by `cider-annotate-completion-function.` The abbreviations used are configured by `cider-completion-annotations-alist` and the context in which their namespace is included is configured by `cider-completion-annotations-include-ns.` ![Completion Annotations](images/completion-annotations.png) !!! Tip Completion annotations can be disabled by setting `cider-annotate-completion-candidates` to `nil`. ### Updating stale classes and methods cache Sometimes, the completion fails to recognize new classes that came with dependencies that were loaded dynamically after the REPL has started (e.g. via Boot). Executing `M-x cider-completion-flush-caches` (or going through the menu `CIDER Interaction->Misc->Flush completion cache`) forces the completion backend to re-read all classes it can find on the classpath.