CIDER is the **C**lojure(Script) **I**nteractive **D**evelopment **E**nvironment that **R**ocks! CIDER extends Emacs with support for interactive programming in Clojure. The features are centered around `cider-mode`, an Emacs minor-mode that complements [clojure-mode][]. While `clojure-mode` supports editing Clojure source files, `cider-mode` adds support for interacting with a running Clojure process for compilation, debugging, definition and documentation lookup, running tests and so on. !!! Note CIDER was originally inspired by the powerful Common Lisp interactive development environment [SLIME][]. In the beginning we started by adapting SLIME's core functionality to Clojure, but over the course of time CIDER became pretty different from SLIME in many areas. Check out [this presentation]( if you'd like to know more about CIDER's early history. **Please consider [supporting financially its ongoing development](about/** ## Overview CIDER aims to provide an interactive development experience similar to the one you'd get when programming in Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp (with [SLIME][] or [Sly][]), Scheme (with [Geiser][]) and Smalltalk. Programmers are expected to program in a very dynamic and incremental manner, constantly re-evaluating existing Clojure definitions and adding new ones to their running applications. You never stop/start a Clojure application while using CIDER - you're constantly interacting with it and changing it. You can find more details about the typical CIDER workflow in the [Interactive Programming]( section. While we're a bit short on video tutorials, you can check out this [into to CIDER]( to get a feel about what do we mean by an "Interactive Development Environment". CIDER's built on top of [nREPL][], the Clojure networked REPL server. CIDER's basic architecture looks something like this:

Clojure code gets executed by an nREPL server. CIDER sends requests to the server and processes its responses. The server's functionality is augmented by additional [nREPL middleware][cider-nrepl], designed specifically to address the needs of an interactive development environment like CIDER. !!! Note Much of the nREPL middleware we originally developed for CIDER is editor-agnostic and is being used by other Clojure development environments as well (e.g. [vim-fireplace][] & [calva][]). CIDER packs plenty of features. Here are some of them (in no particular order): * [Powerful REPL]( * [Interactive code evaluation]( * Compilation notes (error and warning highlighting) * [Human-friendly stacktraces]( * [Smart code completion]( * Definition lookup * Documentation lookup * Resource lookup * Apropos * [Debugger]( * [Value inspector]( * [Function tracing]( * [Interactive macroexpansion]( * Enhanced Clojure font-locking and indentation * [Grimoire]( integration * [`clojure.test` integration]( * [Smart code reloading]( * [Pretty-printing of results]( * [Classpath browser]( * [Namespace browser]( * [REPL history browser]( * nREPL session management * [Scratchpad]( * [Minibuffer code evaluation]( * Integration with [company-mode][] * [Support for working with multiple REPLs]( ![CIDER Screenshot](images/cider-overview.png) [nREPL]: [SLIME]: [Sly]: [Geiser]: [company-mode]: [leiningen]: [boot]: [piggieback]: [vim-fireplace]: [calva]: [cider-nrepl]: [clojure-mode]: [which-key]: