## Overview You can connect to multiple nREPL servers using M-x `cider-jack-in` (or `cider-connect`) multiple times. To close the current nREPL connection, use C-c C-q (`cider-quit`). You can close all connections with C-u C-c C-q. CIDER maintains a list of nREPL connections and a single 'default' connection. When you execute CIDER commands in a Clojure editing buffer such as to compile a namespace, these commands are executed against a specific connection. This is controlled by the variable `cider-request-dispatch` - when it's set to `'dynamic` (the default), CIDER will try to infer which connection to use from the current project and currently visited file; when `'static` dispatch is used all requests will always be routed to the default connection (this was the default behavior in CIDER before 0.10). You can display the current nREPL connection using C-c M-d and rotate the default connection using C-c M-r. Another option for setting the default connection is to execute the command M-x `cider-make-connection-default` in the appropriate REPL buffer. ## Connection browser You can obtain a list of all active connections using M-x `cider-connection-browser`. This buffer provides a few extra keybindings: Keyboard shortcut | Description --------------------------------|------------------------------- d | Make connection at point default. k | Close connection at point. g | Refresh connection browser. RET | Visit connection buffer. q | Close window. ## Switch to connection buffer The REPL buffers double as connection buffers. To switch to the relevant REPL buffer based on the Clojure namespace in the current Clojure buffer, use: C-c C-z. You can then use the same key combination to switch back to the Clojure buffer you came from. The single prefix C-u C-c C-z, will switch you to the relevant REPL buffer and set the namespace in that buffer based on namespace in the current Clojure buffer. ## Renaming connections To change the designation used for CIDER buffers use M-x `cider-change-buffers-designation`. This changes the CIDER REPL buffer, nREPL connection buffer and nREPL server buffer. For example using `cider-change-buffers-designation` with the string "foo" would change `*cider-repl localhost*` to `*cider-repl foo*`.