////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // copyright : (C) 2008 by Eran Ifrah // file name : breakpointsmgr.cpp // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A // _____ _ _ _ _ // / __ \ | | | | (_) | // | / \/ ___ __| | ___| | _| |_ ___ // | | / _ \ / _ |/ _ \ | | | __/ _ ) // | \__/\ (_) | (_| | __/ |___| | || __/ // \____/\___/ \__,_|\___\_____/_|\__\___| // // F i l e // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/numdlg.h" #include "wx/regex.h" #include "breakpointsmgr.h" #include "debuggermanager.h" #include "manager.h" #include "frame.h" #include "breakpointpropertiesdlg.h" #include "breakpointdlg.h" //--------------------------------------------------------- bool BreakptMgr::AddBreakpointByLineno(const wxString& file, const int lineno, const wxString& conditions/*=wxT("")*/, const bool is_temp/*=false*/) { BreakpointInfo bp; bp.Create(file, lineno, GetNextID()); bp.origin = BO_Editor; if (is_temp) { bp.bp_type = BP_type_tempbreak; bp.is_temp = true; } bp.conditions = conditions; return AddBreakpoint(bp); } bool BreakptMgr::AddBreakpoint(const BreakpointInfo &bp) { if(bp.file.IsEmpty() && bp.function_name.IsEmpty() && bp.memory_address.IsEmpty() == false) { // no function nor file? // do nothing then return true; } IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { // If the debugger is already running, tell it we want a new bp // If not, they'll all be added together when the debugger does start bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); dbgr->Break(bp); if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } } BreakpointInfo newBreakpoint(bp); SetBestBPType(newBreakpoint); bool alreadyExist(false); for(size_t i=0; iGetMainBook()->GetActiveEditor(); BreakpointInfo bp; bp.Create(editor ? editor->GetFileName().GetFullPath() : wxString(), editor ? editor->GetCurrentLine() : -1, GetNextID()); dlg.EnterBPData(bp); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) { return; } if (AddBreakpoint(dlg.b)) { IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if ((!dlg.b.is_enabled) && dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { SetBPEnabledState(dlg.b.debugger_id, dlg.b.is_enabled); } wxString msg; if (dlg.b.bp_type == BP_type_watchpt) { msg = _("Watchpoint successfully added"); } else { msg = _("Breakpoint successfully added"); } Frame::Get()->SetStatusMessage(msg, 0); } } void BreakptMgr::GetBreakpoints(std::vector &li) { li = m_bps; } // Get all known breakpoints for this line/file unsigned int BreakptMgr::GetBreakpoints(std::vector& li, const wxString &fileName, const int lineno) { li.clear(); wxFileName fn(fileName); fn.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_ALL & ~wxPATH_NORM_LONG); std::vector::iterator iter = m_bps.begin(); for (; iter != m_bps.end(); iter++) { BreakpointInfo b = *iter; if ( (b.lineno == lineno) && (b.file == fn.GetFullPath()) ) { li.push_back(b); } } return li.size(); } // Try to find a breakpoint on this line/file to match the data // Returns whether >0 was found, with matches stored in the vector bool BreakptMgr::GetMatchingBreakpoints(std::vector& li, const wxString &fileName, const int lineno, enum BreakpointType bp_type) { std::vector allonline; // Start by finding all on the line if ( ! GetBreakpoints(allonline, fileName, lineno) ) { return false; } li.clear(); std::vector::iterator iter = allonline.begin(); for (; iter != allonline.end(); ++iter) { // Now add the matching ones to li BreakpointInfo b = *iter; if (b.bp_type == bp_type) { li.push_back(b); } } return ! li.empty(); } wxString BreakptMgr::GetTooltip(const wxString& fileName, const int lineno) { if (fileName.IsEmpty() || lineno < 0) { return wxEmptyString; } std::vector li; GetBreakpoints(li, fileName, lineno); wxString tooltip; std::vector::iterator iter = li.begin(); for (; iter != li.end(); ++iter) { if (! tooltip.IsEmpty()) { tooltip << wxT("\n"); } if (iter->is_temp) { tooltip << _("Temporary "); } int id = (iter->debugger_id > 0 ? iter->debugger_id : iter->internal_id - FIRST_INTERNAL_ID); tooltip << wxString::Format(_("Breakpoint %d"), id); if (! iter->is_enabled) { tooltip << _(" (disabled)"); } if (iter->ignore_number > 0) { tooltip << wxString::Format(_(", ignore-count = %u"), iter->ignore_number); } if (! iter->conditions.IsEmpty()) { tooltip << wxString::Format(_(". Condition: %s"), iter->conditions.c_str()); } if (! iter->commandlist.IsEmpty()) { tooltip << wxString::Format(_(". Commands: %s"), iter->commandlist.c_str()); } } return tooltip; } // Delete all line-type breakpoint markers in all editors // Done before refreshing after a delete or edit, lest it was the last bp in a file void BreakptMgr::DeleteAllBreakpointMarkers() { std::set filenames = GetFilesWithBreakpointMarkers(); std::set::iterator filenames_iter = filenames.begin(); for (; filenames_iter != filenames.end(); ++filenames_iter) { LEditor* editor = Frame::Get()->GetMainBook()->FindEditor(*filenames_iter); if (editor) { editor->DelAllBreakpointMarkers(); } } } // Refresh all line-type breakpoint markers in all editors void BreakptMgr::RefreshBreakpointMarkers() { std::vector editors; Frame::Get()->GetMainBook()->GetAllEditors( editors ); for(size_t i=0; i bps; for(size_t i=0; iGetFileName() == b.file) && (b.lineno != -1)) { bps.insert(std::pair(b.lineno, b)); } } editor->DelAllBreakpointMarkers(); // the multimap now holds a table of // line numbers and breakpointsInfo, collect all line numbers's breakpoint info into vector // and place markers for(std::multimap::iterator i=bps.begin(); i != bps.end(); i++){ std::pair::iterator, std::multimap::iterator> range = bps.equal_range(i->first); std::vector v; int count=0; for(std::multimap::iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; it++){ v.push_back(it->second); ++count; } // Inc over the rest of the range, otherwise there'll be duplication when there's >1 bp on a line while (--count > 0) { ++i; } // Now work out which is the most significant (in marker terms) and tell the editor DoProvideBestBP_Type(editor, v); } } // Given a list of bps, tell the editor which is the most significant (in marker terms) void BreakptMgr::DoProvideBestBP_Type(LEditor* editor, const std::vector& li) { if ((editor == NULL) || (li.size() == 0)) { return; } // If there's an enabled bp of any sort, it beats all disabled ones // Otherwise, BP_type_break > BP_type_tempbreak > BP_type_cmdlistbreak > BP_type_condbreak > BP_type_ignoredbreak int values[BP_LAST_MARKED_ITEM+1]; // Allow for BP_type_none = 0 values[BP_type_break] = 100; values[BP_type_tempbreak] = 90; values[BP_type_cmdlistbreak] = 80; values[BP_type_condbreak] = 70; values[BP_type_ignoredbreak] = 60; values[BP_type_none] = 0; BreakpointType best = BP_type_none; int best_value = 0; bool is_disabled = false; std::vector::const_iterator iter = li.begin(); for (; iter != li.end(); ++iter) { BreakpointType bpt = iter->bp_type; if (bpt == BP_type_invalid) { continue; } int val = values[bpt]; if (!iter->is_enabled) { val /= 2; // Halving the value for disability means that abled always outranks disabled, without otherwise interfering with the order } if (val > best_value) { best = bpt; best_value = val; is_disabled = ! iter->is_enabled; // If the new item wins, store its data } } if (best > 0) { // ATTN: this wierd allocation is due to bug in optimization of g++ // which seems to crash (removing optimization fixes this problem, // but we prefer to stick with optimization level 2) std::vector *v = new std::vector(li); editor->SetBreakpointMarker(li.at(0).lineno, best, is_disabled, *v); delete v; } } // Invalidates each debugger_id void BreakptMgr::DebuggerStopped() { std::vector newList; for (size_t i=0; iIsRunning()) { if (id > FIRST_INTERNAL_ID) { // This shouldn't happen while the debugger is running (debugger_id should be valid) // But if it does, assume it was a bp that gdb couldn't create, and just remove from the bp list } else { bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); if (dbgr->RemoveBreak(id)) { // Strangely, -break-delete doesn't output any confirmation except for ^done. So do it here wxString msg = ((m_bps.at(index).bp_type == BP_type_watchpt) ? wxT("Watchpoint ") : wxT("Breakpoint ")); ManagerST::Get()->UpdateAddLine(msg + wxString::Format(_("%u deleted"), id)); } if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } } } // Delete all markers before removing bp from the vector. Otherwise if id was the last in a file... DeleteAllBreakpointMarkers(); m_bps.erase(m_bps.begin()+index); RefreshBreakpointMarkers(); return true; } int BreakptMgr::DelBreakpointByLineno(const wxString& file, const int lineno) { wxString msg(_("Select the breakpoint to be deleted")); int bid = GetDesiredBreakpointIfMultiple(file, lineno, msg); if (bid == wxID_CANCEL || bid == BP_type_none) { return bid; } return (DelBreakpoint(bid) == true ? true : -1); // Use -1 as an arbitrary failed-to-delete flag } void BreakptMgr::ApplyPendingBreakpoints() { if (!PendingBreakpointsExist()) { return; // Nothing to do } IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (!(dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning())) { return; // If the debugger isn't running, there's no point (and we shouldn't have reached here anyway) } bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); for (size_t i=m_pendingBreakpointsList.size(); i>0; --i) { BreakpointInfo bp = m_pendingBreakpointsList.at(i-1); // First check to see if the debugger already accepted this one // The answer should be no, as acceptance should have removed it from this list int index = FindBreakpointById(bp.internal_id, m_bps); if (index != wxNOT_FOUND) { // Hmm. See if there's a valid debugger_id. If so, the bp *was* accepted, and shouldn't be on the pending list if (m_bps.at(index).debugger_id != -1) { m_pendingBreakpointsList.erase(m_pendingBreakpointsList.begin()+i-1); } continue; // The bp hasn't been assessed yet; it's probably pointless to try to reapply it atm } // This bp didn't 'take' the first time; "..try, try again" :p dbgr->Break(bp); m_bps.push_back(bp); } if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } RefreshBreakpointMarkers(); } void BreakptMgr::DelAllBreakpoints() { IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); dbgr->RemoveAllBreaks(); if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } } // Delete all markers before clearing m_bps, otherwise we won't know which files they were in DeleteAllBreakpointMarkers(); m_bps.clear(); } // Toggle a breakpoint's enabled state bool BreakptMgr::ToggleEnabledStateByLineno(const wxString& file, const int lineno) { wxString msg(_("Select the breakpoint that you want to alter")); int bid = GetDesiredBreakpointIfMultiple(file, lineno, msg); if (bid == wxID_CANCEL || bid == BP_type_none) { return false; } int index = FindBreakpointById(bid, m_bps); // sanity if (index < 0 || index >= (int)m_bps.size()) { wxLogMessage(wxT("ToggleEnabledStateByLineno(): Insane index")); return false; } if (! SetBPEnabledState(bid, !m_bps.at(index).is_enabled)) { return false; } m_bps.at(index).is_enabled = ! m_bps.at(index).is_enabled; RefreshBreakpointMarkers(); return true; } // The debugger labels each breakpoint with an id and passes it here via Manager::UpdateBpAdded. // By storing it as BreakpointInfo::debugger_id, we can be certain that this bp refers to the gdb breakpoint void BreakptMgr::SetBreakpointDebuggerID(const int internal_id, const int debugger_id) { std::vector::iterator iter = m_bps.begin(); for (; iter != m_bps.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->internal_id == internal_id) { // We've found the match. However, if breakpoint creation had failed, confess, then delete if (debugger_id == -1) { wxString msg; if (iter->bp_type == BP_type_watchpt) { msg = _("Watchpoint creation unsuccessful"); } else { msg = _("Breakpoint creation unsuccessful"); } // add message to the debugger tab ManagerST::Get()->UpdateAddLine(msg); DeleteAllBreakpointMarkers(); // Must do this before the erase, otherwise the last-bp-in-file will be missed m_bps.erase(iter); // update the UI as well Frame::Get()->GetDebuggerPane()->GetBreakpointView()->Initialize(); RefreshBreakpointMarkers(); return; } // Otherwise store the valid debugger_id iter->debugger_id = debugger_id; // Remove the bp from the 'pending' array int index = FindBreakpointById(internal_id, m_pendingBreakpointsList); if (index != wxNOT_FOUND) { m_pendingBreakpointsList.erase(m_pendingBreakpointsList.begin()+index); } // update the UI as well Frame::Get()->GetDebuggerPane()->GetBreakpointView()->Initialize(); return; } } wxLogMessage(wxT("SetBreakpointDebuggerID(): Failed to match internal_id to debugger_id")); } // Set a breakpoint's ignore count bool BreakptMgr::IgnoreByLineno(const wxString& file, const int lineno) { wxString msg(_("Select the breakpoint to have its ignore-count changed")); int bid = GetDesiredBreakpointIfMultiple(file, lineno, msg); if (bid == wxID_CANCEL || bid == BP_type_none) { return false; } int index = FindBreakpointById(bid, m_bps); // sanity if (index < 0 || index >= (int)m_bps.size()) { wxLogMessage(wxT("IgnoreByLineno(): Insane index")); return false; } BreakpointInfo bp = m_bps.at(index); if (bp.bp_type == BP_type_invalid) { return false; } long newvalue = wxGetNumberFromUser( _("Please enter the new ignore-count"), wxT(""), wxT("Set ignore-count"), bp.ignore_number, 0, 1000000); if ((newvalue == -1) || (newvalue == (long)bp.ignore_number)) { return false; } if (! SetBPIgnoreCount(bid, newvalue)) { return false; } m_bps.at(index).ignore_number = newvalue; // Explicitly set the best type, in case the user just reset a previously-ignored bp SetBestBPType(m_bps.at(index)); RefreshBreakpointMarkers(); return true; } void BreakptMgr::EditBreakpointByLineno(const wxString& file, const int lineno) { wxString msg(_("Select the breakpoint to edit")); int bid = GetDesiredBreakpointIfMultiple(file, lineno, msg); if (bid == wxID_CANCEL || bid == BP_type_none) { return; } int index = FindBreakpointById(bid, m_bps); if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) { return; } bool dummy; EditBreakpoint(index, dummy); } void BreakptMgr::EditBreakpoint(int index, bool &bpExist) { // sanity bpExist = true; if (index < 0 || index >= (int)m_bps.size()) { wxLogMessage(wxT("BreakptMgr::EditBreakpoint: Insane index")); bpExist = false; return; } BreakpointInfo bp = m_bps.at(index); BreakptPropertiesDlg dlg(NULL); wxString title; if (bp.bp_type == BP_type_watchpt) { title = _("Properties for watchpoint "); } else { title = _("Properties for breakpoint "); } int id = bp.debugger_id; if (id == -1) { id = bp.internal_id - FIRST_INTERNAL_ID; } title << id; dlg.SetTitle(title); dlg.EnterBPData(bp); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) { return ; } SetBestBPType(dlg.b); // The edited data's available. Use it to determine the best bp_type if (bp == dlg.b) { // Nothing was altered return ; } // We've got our altered dlg.b If the debugger's running, we can update it now // Otherwise, it'll be automatically inserted correctly when the debugger starts IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { if (CanThisBreakpointBeUpdated(dlg.b, bp)) { if (dlg.b.ignore_number != bp.ignore_number) { if (! SetBPIgnoreCount(dlg.b.debugger_id, dlg.b.ignore_number)) { return; // Harsh, but what else can one do? } } if (dlg.b.is_enabled != bp.is_enabled) { if (! SetBPEnabledState(dlg.b.debugger_id, dlg.b.is_enabled)) { return ; } } if (dlg.b.conditions != bp.conditions) { if (! SetBPConditon(dlg.b)) { return ; } } if (dlg.b.commandlist != bp.commandlist) { if (! SetBPCommands(dlg.b)) { return ; } } } else { // If it can't be updated (because gdb wouldn't be able to cope with the change), replace bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); dbgr->RemoveBreak(bp.debugger_id); dbgr->Break(dlg.b); // dbgr->Break(bp) doesn't set the ignore/disabled/etc states // but we can't do it now, as we don't yet know the debugger_id // However it will happen later, in SetBreakpointDebuggerID if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } } } // Replace the old data with the new, in m_bps m_bps.at(index) = dlg.b; DeleteAllBreakpointMarkers(); RefreshBreakpointMarkers(); } void BreakptMgr::ReconcileBreakpoints(const std::vector& li) { std::vector updated_bps; std::vector::const_iterator li_iter = li.begin(); for (; li_iter != li.end(); ++li_iter) { int index = FindBreakpointById(li_iter->debugger_id, m_bps); if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) { if(IsDuplicate(*li_iter, updated_bps)) continue; // This will happen e.g. if a bp was auto-set on Main() // If so, its internal_id will be invalid BreakpointInfo bp = *li_iter; bp.internal_id = GetNextID(); updated_bps.push_back(bp); } else { // We've match the debugger_id from -break-list with a bp // Update the ignore-count, then store it in a new vector BreakpointInfo bp = m_bps.at(index); bp.ignore_number = li_iter->ignore_number; bp.what = li_iter->what; bp.at = li_iter->at; // Remove it from the m_bps list m_bps.erase(m_bps.begin()+index); SetBestBPType(bp); // as this might have just changed updated_bps.push_back(bp); } } // All the still-existing bps have been added to updated_bps // So throw away m_bps (which will contain stale bps) and replace with the new vector // First though, delete all markers. Otherwise, if the last in a file has been deleted... DeleteAllBreakpointMarkers(); // All the stale breakpoints should be assigned to the 'm_pendingBreakpointList' m_pendingBreakpointsList = m_bps; m_bps.clear(); SetBreakpoints(updated_bps); RefreshBreakpointMarkers(); // update the Breakpoints pane too Frame::Get()->GetDebuggerPane()->GetBreakpointView()->Initialize(); } // When a a breakpoint is hit, see if it's got a command-list that needs faking void BreakptMgr::BreakpointHit(int id) { int index = FindBreakpointById(id, m_bps); if ((index == wxNOT_FOUND) || (index >= FIRST_INTERNAL_ID)) { return; } BreakpointInfo bp = m_bps.at(index); if (bp.commandlist.IsEmpty()) { return; } IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { // A likely command, presumably at the end of the command-list, is 'continue' or 'cont' // Filter this out and do it separately, otherwise Manager::UpdateLostControl isn't called to blank the indicator static wxRegEx reContinue(wxT("(([[:space:]]|(^))((cont$)|(continue)))")); bool needsCont = false; wxString commands = bp.commandlist; if (reContinue.IsValid() && reContinue.Matches(commands)) { size_t start, len; if (reContinue.GetMatch(&start,&len)) { commands = commands.Left(start); needsCont = true; } } if (! commands.IsEmpty()) { // Just in case someone's _only_ command is 'continue' ! dbgr->ExecuteCmd(commands); } if (needsCont) { dbgr->Continue(); } } } /*------------------------------- Implementation -------------------------------*/ // Get a breakpoint on this line. If multiple bps, ask the user to select int BreakptMgr::GetDesiredBreakpointIfMultiple(const wxString &fileName, const int lineno, const wxString msg /*=wxT("")*/) { std::vector allonline; // Start by finding all on the line if ( ! GetBreakpoints(allonline, fileName, lineno) ) { return BP_type_none; } if (allonline.size() == 1) { BreakpointInfo bp = allonline[0]; return (bp.debugger_id == -1 ? bp.internal_id : bp.debugger_id ); } wxString message(msg); if (message.IsEmpty()) { message = _("Please select an item"); } wxDialog dlg(NULL, wxID_ANY, message,wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER ); wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); BreakpointsListctrl* list = new BreakpointsListctrl(&dlg); list->Initialise(allonline); sizer->Add( list, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 20 ); wxStdDialogButtonSizer* btnsizer = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer(); btnsizer->AddButton( new wxButton(&dlg, wxID_OK) ); btnsizer->AddButton( new wxButton(&dlg, wxID_CANCEL) ); btnsizer->Realize(); sizer->Add( btnsizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxBOTTOM, 25 ); dlg.SetSizer(sizer); sizer->Layout(); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) { return wxID_CANCEL; } int selection = list->GetSelection(); if (selection == wxNOT_FOUND) { return wxID_CANCEL; } BreakpointInfo bp = allonline[selection]; return (bp.debugger_id == -1 ? bp.internal_id : bp.debugger_id ); } // Construct set of files containing bps std::set BreakptMgr::GetFilesWithBreakpointMarkers() { // Make a set of all filenames containing a file-relevant variety of breakpoint std::set filenames; std::vector::iterator iter = m_bps.begin(); for (; iter != m_bps.end(); ++iter) { // If this bp is a lineno or function type, add its file to the set wxString fileName = iter->file; if ((!fileName.IsEmpty()) && (iter->memory_address.IsEmpty())) { filenames.insert(fileName); } } return filenames; } int BreakptMgr::FindBreakpointById(const int id, const std::vector& li) { std::vector::const_iterator iter = li.begin(); for (; iter != li.end(); ++iter) { BreakpointInfo b = *iter; // If we were passed an id > 10000, it must be internal int this_id = (id > FIRST_INTERNAL_ID ? b.internal_id : b.debugger_id); if (id == this_id) { return (int)(iter - li.begin()); } } return wxNOT_FOUND; } bool BreakptMgr::CanThisBreakpointBeUpdated(const BreakpointInfo &a, const BreakpointInfo &b) const { // Since, afaik, the only things that *can* be updated are: conditions/commands/ignores/enables, // return true if all but these are == (except for bp_type, which will have changed as a consequence of those) BreakpointInfo temp = a; temp.ignore_number = b.ignore_number; temp.is_enabled = b.is_enabled; temp.conditions = b.conditions; temp.commandlist = b.commandlist; temp.bp_type = b.bp_type; return (temp == b); } bool BreakptMgr::SetBPIgnoreCount(const int bid, const int ignorecount) { IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { // If the debugger is already running, tell it about the new ignore level // If not, it'll happen automatically when the debugger does start bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); bool result = dbgr->SetIgnoreLevel(bid, ignorecount); if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } return result; } return true; } bool BreakptMgr::SetBPCommands(const BreakpointInfo& bp) { IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { // If the debugger is already running, tell it about the commands // If not, it'll happen automatically when the debugger does start bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); bool result = dbgr->SetCommands(bp); if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } return result; } return false; } bool BreakptMgr::SetBPConditon(const BreakpointInfo& bp) { IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { // If the debugger is already running, tell it about the condition // If not, it'll happen automatically when the debugger does start bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); bool result = dbgr->SetCondition(bp); if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } return result; } return false; } bool BreakptMgr::SetBPEnabledState(const int bid, const bool enable) { IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning()) { // If the debugger is already running, tell it about the new ignore level // If not, it'll happen automatically when the debugger does start bool contIsNeeded = PauseDebuggerIfNeeded(); bool result = dbgr->SetEnabledState(bid, enable); if (contIsNeeded) { dbgr->Continue(); } return result; } return true; } void BreakptMgr::SetBestBPType(BreakpointInfo& bp) { if (bp.bp_type == BP_type_watchpt) { return; } if (bp.ignore_number > 0) { bp.bp_type = BP_type_ignoredbreak; return; } if (bp.IsConditional()) { bp.bp_type = BP_type_condbreak; return; } if (!bp.commandlist.IsEmpty()) { bp.bp_type = BP_type_cmdlistbreak; return; } if (bp.is_temp) { bp.bp_type = BP_type_tempbreak; return; } bp.bp_type = BP_type_break; // Default option } // If the debugger is running but can't interact, pause it and return true (to flag needs restart) bool BreakptMgr::PauseDebuggerIfNeeded() { IDebugger *dbgr = DebuggerMgr::Get().GetActiveDebugger(); if (dbgr && dbgr->IsRunning() && !ManagerST::Get()->DbgCanInteract()) { dbgr->Interrupt(); return true; } return false; } void BreakptMgr::DeleteAllBreakpointsByFileName(const wxString& fileName) { std::vector::iterator iter = m_bps.begin(); while (iter != m_bps.end()) { if ((fileName == iter->file) && (iter->lineno != -1)) { iter = m_bps.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } } void BreakptMgr::SetBreakpoints(const std::vector& bps) { // append the breakpoint list m_bps.insert(m_bps.end(), bps.begin(), bps.end()); } void BreakptMgr::SaveSession(SessionEntry& session) { session.SetBreakpoints(m_bps); } void BreakptMgr::LoadSession(const SessionEntry& session) { const std::vector& breakpoints = session.GetBreakpoints(); for (std::vector::const_iterator itr = breakpoints.begin(); itr != breakpoints.end(); ++itr) { BreakpointInfo bp = *itr; bp.internal_id = GetNextID(); bp.origin = BO_Editor; AddBreakpoint(bp); } RefreshBreakpointMarkers(); } void BreakptMgr::DragBreakpoint(LEditor* editor, int line, wxBitmap bitmap) { // See if there's a bp marker under the cursor. If so, let the user drag it std::vector lineBPs; if (GetBreakpoints(lineBPs, editor->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), line+1) == 0) { return; } m_dragImage = new myDragImage(editor, bitmap, lineBPs); m_dragImage->StartDrag(); } void BreakptMgr::DropBreakpoint(std::vector& BPs, int newline) { // We've received back the vector of bps that we passed to DragBreakpoint() // We need to remove one from m_bps, and from the debugger if running, // then add it back with the lineno altered to newline wxString msg(_("Select the breakpoint that you want to move")); int bid = GetDesiredBreakpointIfMultiple(BPs[0].file, BPs[0].lineno, msg); if (bid == wxID_CANCEL || bid == BP_type_none) { return; } int index = FindBreakpointById(bid, m_bps); BreakpointInfo bp = *(m_bps.begin()+index); bp.lineno = newline+1; // AddBreakpoint() doesn't do the disabled state: it can't, and there's no good way round this // So if the dragged bp was disabled, we need to enable it here, otherwise it retains its disabled icon bp.is_enabled = true; if (DelBreakpoint(bid)) { AddBreakpoint(bp); Frame::Get()->GetDebuggerPane()->GetBreakpointView()->Initialize(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- myDragImage::myDragImage(LEditor* ed, wxBitmap btmp, std::vector& BPs) : wxDragImage(btmp, wxCURSOR_POINT_LEFT), editor(ed), bitmap(btmp), lineBPs(BPs) { // In theory, we could pass a blank cursor to wxDragImage::BeginDrag // In practice, that doesn't seem to work, so do it here, and undo it in OnEndDrag() oldcursor = editor->SetCursor(wxCursor(wxCURSOR_BLANK)); } bool myDragImage::StartDrag() { BeginDrag( wxPoint(0, 0),editor, false ); wxPoint pt = editor->ScreenToClient(wxGetMousePosition()); // Store the initial x position, as we know it must be in the bp margin m_startx = pt.x; Move(pt); Show(); return false; } void myDragImage::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event) { Move(event.GetPosition()); event.Skip(); } void myDragImage::OnEndDrag(wxMouseEvent& event) { Hide(); EndDrag(); editor->SetCursor(oldcursor); editor->Disconnect(wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler(myDragImage::OnMotion), NULL, this); editor->Disconnect(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler(myDragImage::OnEndDrag), NULL, this); // If the cursor is within spitting distance of the bp margin, assume it's a genuine drop wxPoint pt = event.GetPosition(); if ((pt.x < 0) || ((pt.x - m_startx) > 10)) { return; } // Find the desired new line, and check it's different from the previous long pos = editor->PositionFromPoint(pt); int newline = editor->LineFromPosition(pos); if ((newline+1) != lineBPs[0].lineno) { ManagerST::Get()->GetBreakpointsMgr()->DropBreakpoint(lineBPs, newline); } } void BreakptMgr::RefreshBreakpointsForEditor(LEditor* editor) { DoRefreshFileBreakpoints( editor ); } bool BreakptMgr::IsDuplicate(const BreakpointInfo& bp, const std::vector& bpList) { wxString bpFile = bp.file; if(bpFile.IsEmpty() == false) { wxFileName bpFileName(bp.file); bpFileName.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_ALL & ~wxPATH_NORM_LONG); bpFile = bpFileName.GetFullPath(); } for(size_t i=0; i